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Well done Kan Win. Happy birthday to His Majesty from all of us at ThaiVisa. LONG LIVE THE KING

What I like about HM is that you can wish him a happy birthday, long life, and express your appreciation of him out of conviction, rather than duty because unlike many leaders elsewhere, he earns every bit of respect he recieves. I hope he's with us for many more.



tukyleith and his family wish His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej a very happy birthday, we wish to say that His Majesties birthday is a very special day for us as well as it is for His Majesty Himself. We wish His Majesty many more birthdays to come. With love and deep respect for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Long Live The King.


After his speech tonight, he jumped in his little Honda car and drove off himself, with the Prince sitting next to him.... :D

Happy Father's Day :o


Excellent post, Kan Win. It's no wonder His Majesty is revered and respected among Thais and those of us who are in love with Thailand.

Since day one, whatever house my wife & I have owned or rented have always had pictures of the King & Queen adorning walls and coffee tables with books of Royal Family resting atop.

Happy Birthday King Bhumibol and best wishes for many more to come. :o

บุญมี & บุญมา


Happy Birthday to His Majesty!!! He is a great King and we're all lucky to have Him. I wish those in power would have the same mindset...Thailand would be a much better place if its leaders were like His Majesty. I admire His knowledge and caring attitude for His people. :o


Happy Birthday and very best wishes to His Majesty.

Thank you for being a wonderful King :o

Regards Terry and Pisamai

Happy Birthday to His Majesty!!! He is a great King and we're all lucky to have Him. I wish those in power would have the same mindset...Thailand would be a much better place if its leaders were like His Majesty. I admire His knowledge and caring attitude for His people. :D

Nicely said :o

Well done Kan Win. Happy birthday to His Majesty from all of us at ThaiVisa. LONG LIVE THE KING

What I like about HM is that you can wish him a happy birthday, long life, and express your appreciation of him out of conviction, rather than duty because unlike many leaders elsewhere, he earns every bit of respect he recieves. I hope he's with us for many more.



Can't really add to that - perfect. :o

Son patcha lurn!


Would like to join you all in wishing the King a happy birthday.

One question though, why is he so popular? (I have never heard anything pro or anti the King but the universal respect he seems to command is unprecidented amongst other leaders and to be honest awe inspiring).

Would like to join you all in wishing the King a happy birthday.

One question though, why is he so popular? (I have never heard anything pro or anti the King but the universal respect he seems to command is unprecidented amongst other leaders and to be honest awe inspiring).

He seems to have a genuine concern for the welfare of his people, and if you look at his past speeches you'll see that he quite often will say things to the people in power that many ordinary people are thinking, but are afraid to say. I think his being a voice for the everyday thai makes people feel safe, because no matter what the government does, the King is always there to ensure nothing gets too far out of control. Thats pretty much how all constitutional monarchies are supposed to work. This one however has a pretty exceptional Monarch.


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