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Bringing A Handgun Into Thailand From Usa


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Its only a matter of time:

Thai Visa 2025.

My friend wants to import his personal cruise missile system from the US to Thailand etc ..... :D

Why wait so long ? :D

Tell your friend to take a trip up (down/over) to Bang Kwan and ask for a Mr Bout. He should be able to help acquire and deliver such systems. If your friend brings some cigarettes and new underwear, he may get a good discount to ! :D

(Yes, this was meant to be a humourous, tongue-in-cheek response. I realize that your "friend" isn't seriously considering bringing in such a system. Besides, shoulder held, portable rocket systems would be cheaper, easier and more adaptable to using while driving a moto ! (Which Mr Bout could no doubt supply as well.) :o

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If someone is breaking into your house, all you have to do is rack the slide :o  and the burglar will most like go away.

To return again at some later point, better prepared.

Guns do not prevent robberies, they only ensure that it is going to get nasty ..... and as for having a gun in the house when there are children around being Ok if you teach them how to behave responsibly, utter rubbish.

Speaking of utter rubbish...

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is a non-gun society either is new here or never read the newspapers or seen the local news. Illegal guns are much, much easier to obtain here than in most of the US. If I got cut off driving in US, I would be quicker to approach the other driver outside my car than here. I think to do this here presents a much greater chance of getting your head blown off than in the US. And how can anyone logically compare someone having a shotgun in their home to defend their family with a country stockpiling anthrax or nerve gas. This is the most ridiculous argument I have seen yet. Most WMD are not "dissuasive." In fact many WMD such as biological agents and various forms of poison gas are illegal and the people who control them do not even admit of their existence, so how is that "dissuasive?" They are only used to indiscriminately kill a large number of people. And as for the police being so highly trained with these weapons, one has only to watch thye news footage of a recent public disturbance in this country to see this is also not neccessarily the case.

Many of the now dead, mostly elderly farang who habitually fall off balconies in Pattaya would no doubt be alive now if they had been armed, and protected themselves instead of relying on the state to take care of them. I am not criticizing the Thai police here, as no police force in the world can be everywhere. At some point you have to take care of yourself.

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Taking the law into your own hands is ridiculous. Either move or get a couple of Rotweilers and a good alarm system. Just think if you accidentaly or even intentionally killed someone or critically injured them? A lot of anger there Bassmaster, learn to relax more.

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Taking the law into your own hands is ridiculous. Either move or get a couple of Rotweilers and a good alarm system. Just think if you accidentaly or even intentionally killed someone or critically injured them? A lot of anger there Bassmaster, learn to relax more.

And this is the very reason why i got rid of my car, wouldn't want to accidently hurt a thief.

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He has a family and 4 kids.

4 more reasons not to have a gun in the house.

4 more reasons TOO have a gun in the house. Be responsible enough to teach them about the gun and let them know its not a toy. Over all its your responsibility as the man of the house to protect your family. A gun in the house is a good thing if your responsible enough to manage it.

are you nuts,tell your friend to go back to rednecksville.

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Taking the law into your own hands is ridiculous. Either move or get a couple of Rotweilers and a good alarm system. Just think if you accidentaly or even intentionally killed someone or critically injured them? A lot of anger there Bassmaster, learn to relax more.

And this is the very reason why i got rid of my car, wouldn't want to accidently hurt a thief.

Totally agree there, That's why I sold my motorcycle, wouldn't want to accidentally hurt a thief. :o

Edited by Swanky
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Anyone who thinks Thailand is a non-gun society either is new here or never read the newspapers or seen the local news. Illegal guns are much, much easier to obtain here than in most of the US. If I got cut off driving in US, I would be quicker to approach the other driver outside my car than here.

How many instances of road rage related handgun violence can you document for us in Thailand?

So many Rambos .... so few thinkers!

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my friend who lives in thailand had many attempted break-in in the middle of the night. he spoke to a police officer and was quoted a price to purchase a handgun, the handgun, a glock he was selling was about three or four times the retail price in the USA. he has a family in thailand and four kids and was concerned. he asked me to check on line for him to see if anyone knows the procedure, or if it is even possible. thank you for any information and i will forward it to him.

I haven't read all the replies - but here is my response - and I am an ex-pat who has a firearms permitt - so comments that foreigners can't legally own/pocess a gun are not true - period/end of of subject. Foreigners can own/poccess firearms, but read on - it ain't that striaght forward - it's so unusual that its understandable folk think its not possible.

What is true to say is that you have to have a pressing/genuine need before your application will be approved - as it is the case with any application (including Thai citizens). I will share with you 2 examples of ex-pats who I know personally and who have permitts to own and carry: one is a gemstone dealer who has been robbed and assulted twice, the 2nd is an ex-pat who is involved in "law enforcement". Both are long term Thai residents.

It should be noted that both applied for and got their permitts many many years ago - around 10years back. I mention that becuase over the last few years almost no handgun licenses (to ex-pats or even Thai's) have been issued in the Greater Bangkok Metropolitan area - and the chances are that not withstanding the demonstrated threat facing both the above, the chances are if applying now, my guess is that only the guy involved in law-enforcement would have his application approved.

Off the top of my head out of the 1000 odd applications less than half a dozen hand gun licenses were approved last year. This excludes newly appointed police officers.

There are a few issues here:

- the issuance of a firearms permitt is the responsibility & desicion of the local senior police officer - it is not a central government desicion.

- a much more restrictive policy is used in built up areas - compared to rural areas.

- long guns (rifles), shotguns (smooth bore) and handguns are all treated slightly differently, as is a permitt to carry a handgun - meaning to carry a handgun around on your person in a built up area, which does not automatically come with the license to own the gun: they are oddly, 2 seperate permitts.

I have a shotgun and rifle license and have had since the '90's. Were I to apply now today, chances are my aplication would be declined.

In short while the law does not explicitly forbid an ex-pat/foreigner from holding a firearm permitt, the conditions under which one is issued are dependant on location (where you live), reason/need, the senior copper who has to say yes or no, but not least of all is the prevailing atittude and anti-gun lobby in Thailand - the result of which is that government would formally like to move towards a gun free society.

If thats not the legislation yet, you can be certain its coming within a few years.

So, while attempted breakin is no joke, police in Bkk must get a dozen breakin reports each day, and I do not think they arew going to see it as sufficient reason to justify the issuance of a hand gun permitt. I think the answer is going to be an almost dead cert no.

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To continue with this whole bizarre discussion, protecting yourself is not "taking the law into your own hands." It happens to be legal most everywhere to defend yourself.If I did maim or destroy someone breaking into my house, it would not be an accident. As far as getting the two rottweilers, there was a recent case in Thailand where some genius farang had 2 rottweilers for protection who killed his 2 year old child, so how smart is this idea? Also,as I said before, I do not own a gun here and I am not worried about burglars. Other people seem to be as they live in different areas. I have not personally done a survey about road rage in Thailand, but I know of cases where people here have shot other people over truly trivial matters. Everyone knows this, I thought. And what is wrong with Rambo? And why do wimps always bring up his name whenever they are upset?

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To continue with this whole bizarre discussion, protecting yourself is not "taking the law into your own hands." It happens to be legal most everywhere to defend yourself.If I did maim or destroy someone breaking into my house, it would not be an accident. As far as getting the two rottweilers, there was a recent case in Thailand where some genius farang had 2 rottweilers for protection who killed his 2 year old child, so how smart is this idea? Also,as I said before, I do not own a gun here and I am not worried about burglars. Other people seem to be as they live in different areas. I have not personally done a survey about road rage in Thailand, but I know of cases where people here have shot other people over truly trivial matters. Everyone knows this, I thought. And what is wrong with Rambo? And why do wimps always bring up his name whenever they are upset?

LOL ...

Thanks I always wanted to be a 'wimp'.

So, no known cases of firearm attacks due to roadrage but you'd have fewer issues in the US with it? Strange that! your logic escapes me!

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Taking the law into your own hands is ridiculous. Either move or get a couple of Rotweilers and a good alarm system. Just think if you accidentaly or even intentionally killed someone or critically injured them? A lot of anger there Bassmaster, learn to relax more.

Im voting for this woman

"The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles.

The old lady spent a week hunting those men down and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be:

'Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.'

Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell-mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up.

The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters. 'Both men are still in pretty bad shape, but I think they're just happy to be alive after what they've been through.'

The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row. 'When I saw the look on my Debbie's face that night in the hospital, I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself 'cause I figured The Law would go easy on them' recalled the retired library worker. 'And I wasn't scared of them either, because I've got me a gun and I've been shooting all my life. And I wasn't dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one'.

So, using a police artist's sketch of the suspects and Debbie's description of the 'sickos', tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place 'til she spotted the ill fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel.

'I knew it was them the minute I saw 'em, but I took a picture of 'em anyway and took it back to Debbie and she said, sure as hel_l, it was them' the oldster recalled.

'So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door and the minute the big one opened the door, I shot 'im right square between the legs, right where it would really hurt 'em most, you know.

Then I went in and shot the other one as he backed up pleading to me to spare him. Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in'.

Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. 'What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison', Det. Delp said, 'especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor'."

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Guns are designed for one purpose and one purpose only, TO KILL.

In peacetime other than those who are in the armed services such a police and military, there is no legit reason why anyone should carry arms.

There are many ways of securing property and for those who believe they maybe subject to deadly attacks and having access to deadly weapons is the only solution, is extreme paranoia, the philosophy of the ignorant.

Target shooting??

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Different countries have different views on what is considered "appropriate" when it comes to self defense. In Canada, you are allowed to use force appropriate to the situation (apparently, if someone attacks you with a large butchers knife, you could use something similar or smaller to defend yourself, but Lord help you if you use something bigger. Even if someone attacks you with a knife, and you are in fear for your life, if you shoot him, you'll likely be the one being charged by the police.).

So if I am assaulted with a large salami with a mustard dressing would it be ok to retaliate with and equally large salami but with a garlic butter dressing? :o

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Taking the law into your own hands is ridiculous. Either move or get a couple of Rotweilers and a good alarm system. Just think if you accidentaly or even intentionally killed someone or critically injured them? A lot of anger there Bassmaster, learn to relax more.

Im voting for this woman

"The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles. The old lady spent a week hunting those men down and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be: 'Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.'

Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell-mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up.

The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters. 'Both men are still in pretty bad shape, but I think they're just happy to be alive after what they've been through.'

The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row. 'When I saw the look on my Debbie's face that night in the hospital, I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself 'cause I figured The Law would go easy on them' recalled the retired library worker. 'And I wasn't scared of them either, because I've got me a gun and I've been shooting all my life. And I wasn't dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one'.

So, using a police artist's sketch of the suspects and Debbie's description of the 'sickos', tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place 'til she spotted the ill fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel.

'I knew it was them the minute I saw 'em, but I took a picture of 'em anyway and took it back to Debbie and she said, sure as hel_l, it was them' the oldster recalled.

'So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door and the minute the big one opened the door, I shot 'im right square between the legs, right where it would really hurt 'em most, you know.

Then I went in and shot the other one as he backed up pleading to me to spare him. Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in'.

Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. 'What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison', Det. Delp said, 'especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor'."

Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

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"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

If there weren`t any guns around the kids, they wouldn`t plan something like this..............

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Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???...hence a very good reason for not taking the law into your own hands, you cant be judge, jury and executioner...... the only reason the police dont what to do with her is because of her age, if she was a lot younger...she would be up on charges and possible jail time, I dont read anywhere that the pair have even been convicted in a court of law, so what happend to the great legal maxim prevelant in the US...innocent until proven guilty.

I agree with you rapists, pedo's etc should be shot, let them be convicted by a crimial court and then shoot the b*stards.

H*ll why dont we just get rid of all the police, judges, courts and lawyers and let everyone have a go at each other....you would be happy with this until someone comes along with a bigger gun than you and you would be screaming for justice....

Edited by Soutpeel
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... As for the "logic" about contries having WMD for burglars, that just doesn't make any sense at all. I said only I will protect my home if someone breaks in. What does this have to do with weapons of mass destruction? ...

It's a pity that you don't see the logic in this. Iraq (for instance) and most countries in the world are denied the right to have WMD to defend themselves (= their home) against aggressors (= burglars or other criminals).

Surely you are not suggesting that countries like Iraq should have WMD's? :o

Why not, US supplied Saddam with chemcal weapons all throughout his war with Iran.

I"d say that's why Mr. Hussein was executed, to shut him up.

USA: biggest bully in the world " ...We can have nukes , anthrax whatever but nobody else can.."

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Yes , this woman has the right idea about rapists. Blow their balls off !!!

"Criminalize guns, and only criminals will have them."

Look at US , gun laws multplying exponentially, and so is gun violence . If kids planning school shootings knew that a teacher or 2 might have a gun. they might reconsider .

And what would have happened if she blew the balls off the wrong guys ???...hence a very good reason for not taking the law into your own hands, you cant be judge, jury and executioner...... the only reason the police dont what to do with her is because of her age, if she was a lot younger...she would be up on charges and possible jail time, I dont read anywhere that the pair have even been convicted in a court of law, so what happend to the great legal maxim prevelant in the US...innocent until proven guilty.

I agree with you rapists, pedo's etc should be shot, let them be convicted by a crimial court and then shoot the b*stards.

H*ll why dont we just get rid of all the police, judges, courts and lawyers and let everyone have a go at each other....you would be happy with this until someone comes along with a bigger gun than you and you would be screaming for justice....

No, I would never depend on a Justice system to provide ..Justice .

Convicted serial rapists are neutered with drugs somewhere , is it UK ?...Surgical castration might be more satisfying for a victim.

I think this woman did a good job , in this case . She's right , the rapists would have said the young woman wasn't wearing a bra or smiled back when they said hello in a friendly way and they would have gotten off ( pun) scott free.

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... As for the "logic" about contries having WMD for burglars, that just doesn't make any sense at all. I said only I will protect my home if someone breaks in. What does this have to do with weapons of mass destruction? ...

It's a pity that you don't see the logic in this. Iraq (for instance) and most countries in the world are denied the right to have WMD to defend themselves (= their home) against aggressors (= burglars or other criminals).

Surely you are not suggesting that countries like Iraq should have WMD's? :o

Why not, US supplied Saddam with chemcal weapons all throughout his war with Iran.

I"d say that's why Mr. Hussein was executed, to shut him up.

USA: biggest bully in the world " ...We can have nukes , anthrax whatever but nobody else can.."

Very well said.....but hope you know now you are going to be branded as Anti-American and a communist now, by our colonial cousins.. :D

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No, I would never depend on a Justice system to provide ..Justice .

Convicted serial rapists are neutered with drugs somewhere , is it UK ?...Surgical castration might be more satisfying for a victim.

I think this woman did a good job , in this case . She's right , the rapists would have said the young woman wasn't wearing a bra or smiled back when they said hello in a friendly way and they would have gotten off ( pun) scott free.

In this instance she shot the right people, but once the precedence is set with things like this, its only a matter of time before innocent people are getting their balls blown off, killed or maimed

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... As for the "logic" about contries having WMD for burglars, that just doesn't make any sense at all. I said only I will protect my home if someone breaks in. What does this have to do with weapons of mass destruction? ...

It's a pity that you don't see the logic in this. Iraq (for instance) and most countries in the world are denied the right to have WMD to defend themselves (= their home) against aggressors (= burglars or other criminals).

Surely you are not suggesting that countries like Iraq should have WMD's? :o

Why not, US supplied Saddam with chemcal weapons all throughout his war with Iran.

I"d say that's why Mr. Hussein was executed, to shut him up.

USA: biggest bully in the world " ...We can have nukes , anthrax whatever but nobody else can.."

Very well said.....but hope you know now you are going to be branded as Anti-American and a communist now, by our colonial cousins.. :D

I'm American and I left 3 years ago as I couldn't stand American hypocrisy anymore.

Refuse to pay another dime into Haliburton profit margin.

Looks like I got out while the gett'n was good, too!

America's Karma is coming home to roost.

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So if I am assaulted with a large salami with a mustard dressing would it be ok to retaliate with and equally large salami but with a garlic butter dressing? :o

Sadly enough, In Canada if you whacked an intruder with a salami covered in garlic dressing, and it turns out the intruder had an allergy to garlic, he would have a good chance of successfully suing you (as you (the victim), should have been able to reasonably assume that some people may have garlic allergies, and therefore your use of it was a deliberate attempt to inflict unreasonable injuries upon the intruder (criminal).

The way the courts (and lawyers) have been swinging, it gives the impression that the rights of the criminal(s) outweigh the rights of the victims (and innocent civilians).

Meanwhile, as for the OP, if you really feel the need to have a handgun in Thailand, it would probably be considerably less hassle to acquire one here, rather than try to (legally) import one. I've been trying to figure out what to do with mine. It's a pain in the butt to try and sell them. Probably as much or more of a pain to get the paperwork to ship them out of the country. Even more of a pain to bring them into Thailand (assuming I would even be allowed to).

Then what would I do with them ? From what I've seen, there isn't much hunting here, and the shooting ranges I've seen aren't exactly "competition" quality (and really useless for long-range shooting). (Hmmmm, almost sounds like a business opportunity there).

Guess I'd have to find an army shooting range in the area somewhere. Not sure if the BiB would grant you a permit to possess firearms for competitive shooting purposes.

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No, I would never depend on a Justice system to provide ..Justice .

Convicted serial rapists are neutered with drugs somewhere , is it UK ?...Surgical castration might be more satisfying for a victim.

I think this woman did a good job , in this case . She's right , the rapists would have said the young woman wasn't wearing a bra or smiled back when they said hello in a friendly way and they would have gotten off ( pun) scott free.

In this instance she shot the right people, but once the precedence is set with things like this, its only a matter of time before innocent people are getting their balls blown off, killed or maimed

This is already happening everyday because criminals can be confident law abiding people aren't allowed to defend themselves.

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... As for the "logic" about contries having WMD for burglars, that just doesn't make any sense at all. I said only I will protect my home if someone breaks in. What does this have to do with weapons of mass destruction? ...

It's a pity that you don't see the logic in this. Iraq (for instance) and most countries in the world are denied the right to have WMD to defend themselves (= their home) against aggressors (= burglars or other criminals).

Surely you are not suggesting that countries like Iraq should have WMD's? :o

Why not, US supplied Saddam with chemcal weapons all throughout his war with Iran.

I"d say that's why Mr. Hussein was executed, to shut him up.

USA: biggest bully in the world " ...We can have nukes , anthrax whatever but nobody else can.."

Your "we can have nukes but nobody else can" arguement has some degree of merit and logic. But where, pray tell, is there any evidence that the US supplied Saddam with chemical weapons?  

And you obviously have very little idea of the dynamics of Iraqi power.  The US did not want Saddam executed, at least not then.  The US government specifically asked the Iraqis not to execute him until he was put on trial for all the more henious crimes for which he had been accused. The US wanted more show trials, (and probably hoped for more evidence on just when the WMD's were there) but the Iraqi government had its own agenda, namely revenge and an assertion of power.

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