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Foreigner Death Jumps From Airplane With Rucksack


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RDN, it would be impossible to force a passenger out of an airplane that way!

Airplanes have to bank in a turn to avoid sideslipping (pretty much like a speedboat, and totally unlike a car which always stays horizontal) so the resulting force on the passenger will always be towards his seat and never to the door...

On aerobatic airplanes it would be possible to create forces big enough to make somebody fall out (involving negative g-forces, making the occupants float around in the plane if not belted tight to their seats) but on the light sportplanes used over here it would rather make the plane come apart then get the passenger to fall out !!

Also, fear and survival instinct can make a person immensely strong, you would have to be very strong make the passenger let go of his grip on the airplane! I very much doubt a 50 year old pilot, busy keeping a plane in the air, would be able to do this...

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..... the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea....

Or, alternatively, the pilot was showing his Italian customer the sights and tilted the plane a little too much. The Italian leant against the door, which had a faulty catch, and the door burst open causing the unfortunate passenger to fall out. The Thai pilot thought to himself "How the f*** am I going to get away with this? Oh, I know, I'll say that ......"

Just an alternative scenario given the known facts.....

The only hole I see in your theory RDN is that pilot didn't run away from the scene. Or was the Italian the pilot? :o

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Best Guess,

The guy had a bag full of money or something valuable. The pilot found out before the plane trip. He never got on the plane..pilot killed him and got rid of the body.

The pilot then damaged the door to look like it was forced open.

The pilot then flew around, landed and came up with this story.

Got a better explanation?


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There was actually a mormon fellow arrested in Utah for the DB cooper case. HE had bragged about the how he could rob a plane in a similar fasion...  shortly after spouting off, this DB cooper robber occured. The Utah fellow was military trained and a crap load of money was found in his closet.

  There was some evidence that showed that he was DB cooper, but he denied it.... 

  Saw a special about it, wish I could tell you more but it is all a little fuzzy...

"Richard McCoy Jr.

One of the 1972 hijackings was by a man named Richard McCoy Jr., a Vietnam veteran a helicopter pilot and an avid skydiver who got away with $500,000 but was captured, escaped, and was killed in a subsequent gunfight.

On April 7, 1972, four months after D.B. Cooper's hijacking McCoy boarded United Flight 855 during a stopover in Denver. It was a Boeing 727 with aft stairs, the same as used in the previous hijacking, which McCoy used to escape after giving the crew the same type of instructions as D.B. Cooper.

Police then started to investigate McCoy after a tip. He was a married former Mormon Sunday school teacher with two young children who was studying law enforcement at Brigham Young University. He was also a Vietnam veteran, a former Green Beret helicopter pilot, and an avid skydiver.

Following a fingerprint and handwriting match, McCoy was arrested two days after the hijacking. Inside his house FBI agents found a jumpsuit and a duffel bag filled with cash totalling $499,970. McCoy claimed innocence but was convicted and recieved a 45-year sentence.

Once incarcerated, using his access to the prison's dental office, McCoy fashioned a fake gun out of dental paste. He and a crew of convicts escaped in August 1974 by stealing a garbage truck and crashing it though the prison's gates. It took three months for the FBI to locate McCoy in Virginia. McCoy shot at the FBI agents and agent Nicholas O'Hara fired back with a shotgun, killing him.

D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy was published in 1991 and was co-authored by an ex-FBI agent named Russell Calame. The book made the case that Cooper and McCoy were really the same person, citing similar methods of hijacking and a tie left by Cooper similar to those worn by Brigham Young students. The author said that McCoy "never admitted nor denied he was Cooper." And when McCoy was directly asked whether he was Cooper he replied "I don't want to talk to you about it." The agent who killed McCoy is quoted as saying "When I shot Richard McCoy, I shot D.B. Cooper at the same time." The widow of Richard McCoy, Karen Burns McCoy, sued and won a settlement from both the book's co-authors and publisher."


wikipedia on cooper

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..... the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea....

Or, alternatively, the pilot was showing his Italian customer the sights and tilted the plane a little too much. The Italian leant against the door, which had a faulty catch, and the door burst open causing the unfortunate passenger to fall out. The Thai pilot thought to himself "How the f*** am I going to get away with this? Oh, I know, I'll say that ......"

Just an alternative scenario given the known facts.....

The Italian could have been dead or unconscious before he was fed to the sharks! :D

Any plastic bags found floating in the sea lately? :o


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Best Guess,

The guy had a bag full of money or something valuable.  The pilot found out before the plane trip.  He never got on the plane..pilot killed him and got rid of the body. 

The pilot then damaged the door to look like it was forced open.

The pilot then flew around, landed and came up with this story.

Got a better explanation?


I know the pilot as he's the owner of the airfield and the airplanes. he's not a murderer. by the way maybe you should explain how you kill some one , open the door , push him out whilest still flying a small airplane ? Or maybe hy a farang with a rucksack of cash would need a plane to go sightseeing?

i just think the guy was suicidal.

Khun uthai never pushed anyone out of a plane before ? he has this place already for ten years and just did renovations to it. seems strange why he should jeapordize his biz with a story like that

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Westerner jumps from Thai plane

PATTAYA: -- The body of an unidentified Western man has been found in the Gulf of Thailand after he apparently jumped - luggage in hand - from a small plane he had chartered in the kingdom.

The body of a white man was found in the sea off the coast of Pattaya beach resort southeast of Bangkok, two days after he kicked open the door of the plane and jumped out, police Lieutenant Colonel Chanapat Navalak said.

"It looked like he committed suicide but we are not ignoring the other possible cuases of his death so we were investigating," Lt Col Chanapat said.

Police questioned the plane's pilot, who told them he believed the man was in his forties and spoke with an Italian accent.

Nawaporn Sawetawong, the managing director of the Fun Flying Thai Air Services Company which rented out the plane, told police the man did not give any identification when he chartered the two-seat, single-engine aircraft on Saturday afternoon, the Nation newspaper reported.

The plane was flying at about 210m elevation more than a kilometre off the Pattaya coast when the man kicked the door open, grabbed his bag, and leapt out without a trace, the English-language daily said.

It said police did not rule out the possibility that the man attempted to fake his own death by jumping into the sea with scuba gear or a life-preserver. It was not clear if the man's luggage had been found.


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I would ask that people who wish to skydive in future would go through the correct channels.

Learn with my company, or another, and perhaps use a parachute instead of a rucksack!!!

Oh!! where's the excitement in that! it would be like having sex with a BG WITH a condom!

I read that the world record for falling out of a plane and surviving was a russian air hostess on a aeroflot flight i think. the door fell off and 29000 feet, she got sucked out and fell into some snow covered tree and lived to tell the tail!

Romainian stewardess from 39,000ft. Landed on the steep side of a snow covered ravine, bounced, and rolled. 9months in hospital, but a full recovery.

I know, I know....too much time on my hands :o


Not exactly Romanian, rather neighbouring Serbia (Then Yugoslavia).


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..... the Italian man kicked open the hatch and jumped into the sea....

Or, alternatively, the pilot was showing his Italian customer the sights and tilted the plane a little too much. The Italian leant against the door, which had a faulty catch, and the door burst open causing the unfortunate passenger to fall out. The Thai pilot thought to himself "How the f*** am I going to get away with this? Oh, I know, I'll say that ......"

Just an alternative scenario given the known facts.....

Good point RDN. Who knows the Truth?

Maybe the Italian was humping the pilots wife? :D

who knows.......maybe playing james bondo :D

or someone could have given him a push? :o

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Or, maybe..... it was a stunt for "Fear Factor" or one of those TV shows, and it went badly wrong, and the film crew - in another plane - did a runner (a flyer?), leaving the Thai pilot to explain what happened...... :o

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Hmmmm, judging from the speed of that plane, and the height, I am not surprised that the jump killed him. Depends on how he landed in the water. Had he landed feet first (assuming he knew something from swimming school known as diving) he could have survived that hit. So I would estimate the speed he was going when he hit that water was around 240 knots. Plane speed and human free fall. The time he jumped out and the time he hit that water took about maybe 8 seconds tops and his impact was at an angle.

As of DB Cooper, he was never found, and the case is officially closed. Reason, none of the money that was "marked" never showed up anywhere, meaning the serial numbers, and his body or duds were never located. The authorities after carefull examination of the area of where he supposingly jumped the odds of survival was 1 in a million. They concluded he most likely did die on that jump somewhere in that mountain range. RIP. If that money was found now, it is practically no good and definitely decayed so badly it is not worth looking for it now.

By the way since that time and that incident, aviation completely changed. Meaning no more freedom, and from that point on they started this security in aviation, which will now remain with us always because of too many idiots out there today. Basically a new chapter of Aviation began.

As of this hiccup from jumping, it seems this is the country to do suicides. Why I wonder?????? Or maybe he did really see the mermaid in the water and decided to catch it on the fly :o:D


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:o  What the f!&K? hmmm maybe he thought he had a parachute instead of a rucksack?

Well he was Italian.... maybe the contents of the rucksack was something not, shall we say, quite legal... and he sadly missjudged the height and speed ... :D:D:D

Actually as far as I heard he had actually survived the fall. Very very lucky from 1000ft.

He would have almost certainly had to have landed feet first... but from my perspective as a professional skydiver the mind boggles as to his motive and mind set!!

He was actually a charter passenger and not the pilot. I just wanted to clear that up as the report is a little ambiguous in it's detail. I know the pilot personally and it was a terrifying experience for him. The man gave no warning and suddenly kicked the door off the plane and lept out.

It was a small light aircraft and keeping control of the craft throughout the incident and immediately afterwards took some fortitude.

The 'gentleman' concerned had in fact been asking to charter the plane for a week or so, so that he could use it to go to a local island on a photography trip.

Bearing in mind that we are trying to reestablish some credibility for foreigners in the Pattaya area as we are opening a new Drop Zone down there this is not the sort of behaviour that we would like to see from foreigners!

I would ask that people who wish to skydive in future would go through the correct channels.

Learn with my company, or another, and perhaps use a parachute instead of a rucksack!!!

wonderful timing to be opening a skydiving business called the "drop zone"... hahahaha

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There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

That was DB Cooper flying from Seattle. Hijacked the plane to Portland - demanded millions and the plane took off again headed east. It was a DC 9 with the rear door. Over eastern Washington 'ol D.B. dons his parachute and jumps.

The authorities did find some of the $$$ but not the majority of it and they never found D.B. :D

I remember this case and have read several articles on his chances of surviving the jump. Consensus was it was not survivable. I don't think any of the money ever turned up in circulation. If anyone knows more, I would like to hear it.

This Italian guy is going to give the Thais the wrong impression of farangs. Pretty soon they are going to think we are all a bit off mentally. Oh wait, they already do! :o

based upon this and other reports of the various going ons with foreigners, it seems like it's a fairly accurate assessment... :D

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Best Guess,

The guy had a bag full of money or something valuable.  The pilot found out before the plane trip.  He never got on the plane..pilot killed him and got rid of the body. 

The pilot then damaged the door to look like it was forced open.

The pilot then flew around, landed and came up with this story.

Got a better explanation?


the rucksack contained the severed head of his thai girlfriend... and he actually did jump as means of commiting suicide because of the overwhelming remorse he felt for having murdered her.

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Italian Leukaemia Sufferer Jumped from Plane

BANGKOK: -- A Westerner who died when he jumped out of a plane over the Gulf of Thailand was an Italian pilot who apparently committed suicide to avoid suffering the final stages of leukaemia, police said today.

The body of Andrea Petersek, 45, was found Monday about three miles off the coast of Pattaya, a well-known resort town. Two days earlier he mysteriously kicked out the door of a rented two-seater plane and plunged to his death.

Petersek’s Thai wife, Pranom Pinsiri, 24, told police he said he wanted to commit suicide because a doctor in Italy told him there was almost no chance he would recover from leukaemia, said police Lt. Col. Sathien Laokim-ung.

Petersek previously worked for the Italian airline Alitalia, and was reportedly sacked because of his illness, Sathien said.

Authorities have not found the man’s passport, which his wife said he took with him when he disappeared on December 4. Thai immigration officials are checking their records to try to confirm Petersek’s identity.

The pilot of the plane, which the man rented for a flight on Saturday, told police when they were aloft, the man kicked out the door of the single-engine aircraft and jumped into the sea carrying a bag.

The action caused the pilot to momentarily lose control of the plane, but he managed to land safely even with the door missing.

Pattaya is 44 miles south-east of Bangkok. The town is popular with Western tourists, many of whom are attracted by its nightlife and commercial sex industry.

--Scotsman.com 2004-12-07

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Italian Leukaemia Sufferer Jumped from Plane

BANGKOK: -- A Westerner who died when he jumped out of a plane over the Gulf of Thailand was an Italian pilot who apparently committed suicide to avoid suffering the final stages of leukaemia, police said today.

The body of Andrea Petersek, 45, was found Monday about three miles off the coast of Pattaya, a well-known resort town. Two days earlier he mysteriously kicked out the door of a rented two-seater plane and plunged to his death.

Petersek’s Thai wife, Pranom Pinsiri, 24, told police he said he wanted to commit suicide because a doctor in Italy told him there was almost no chance he would recover from leukaemia, said police Lt. Col. Sathien Laokim-ung.

Petersek previously worked for the Italian airline Alitalia, and was reportedly sacked because of his illness, Sathien said.

Authorities have not found the man’s passport, which his wife said he took with him when he disappeared on December 4. Thai immigration officials are checking their records to try to confirm Petersek’s identity.

The pilot of the plane, which the man rented for a flight on Saturday, told police when they were aloft, the man kicked out the door of the single-engine aircraft and jumped into the sea carrying a bag.

The action caused the pilot to momentarily lose control of the plane, but he managed to land safely even with the door missing.

Pattaya is 44 miles south-east of Bangkok. The town is popular with Western tourists, many of whom are attracted by its nightlife and commercial sex industry. 

--Scotsman.com 2004-12-07

I'm sorry but if that is true he is a ******* selfish coward :o

If the leukaemia was true then sorry but what a selfish act, the poor guy in the plane has to live with that.

My twin brother did'nt have a choice when he died from it, but although we were only young at the time he never gave up.

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Having a terminal illness definitely can crack a persons sanity, especially knowing the pain and the amount of drugs would be required to be given just to stay awhile longer.

I can understand this person to some extent, knowing that the end result would be one horrible way to die. So he did the next best thing, and at least he died airborne being a member of the elite air crew member that some of us are till we retire.

RIP buddy.


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Pattaya is 44 miles south-east of Bangkok. The town is popular with Western tourists, many of whom are attracted by its nightlife and commercial sex industry. 

--Scotsman.com 2004-12-07

Somebody moved Pattaya then? :D

well i guess the word is out.....tat......only want rich tourists now :o

so we going to turn pattaya into a spa resort for sufferers of pain, heatlh insurance will pay for this handsomely.....just try to figure out tat's new strategy :D

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The news here in Italy say that the man, a 45yo ex-pilot, had been contacted by his hospital back in Italy to be informed that his leukemia had turned terminal and he should come back home immediately for treatment.

His 24yo Thai girlfriend of 7 months allegedly said "he was destroyed by these news and wanted to die" (well, thanks for your help...).

Apparently he had unsuccesfully been trying to rent an airplane with no pilot and finally managed to rent that, manned, one.

And since I am at it:

Well he was Italian.... maybe the contents of the rucksack was something not, shall we say, quite legal... and he sadly missjudged the height and speed ...

Dear smartass Brit, what nationality are *all* of the mugs recently in the news for having smuggled "something not, shall we say, quite legal" in LOS?.....

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And since I am at it:
Well he was Italian.... maybe the contents of the rucksack was something not, shall we say, quite legal... and he sadly missjudged the height and speed ...

Dear smartass Brit, what nationality are *all* of the mugs recently in the news for having smuggled "something not, shall we say, quite legal" in LOS?.....

touche' on that legitimate point.....

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Italian Leukaemia Sufferer Jumped from Plane

BANGKOK: -- A Westerner who died when he jumped out of a plane over the Gulf of Thailand was an Italian pilot who apparently committed suicide to avoid suffering the final stages of leukaemia, police said today.

The body of Andrea Petersek, 45, was found Monday about three miles off the coast of Pattaya, a well-known resort town. Two days earlier he mysteriously kicked out the door of a rented two-seater plane and plunged to his death.

Petersek’s Thai wife, Pranom Pinsiri, 24, told police he said he wanted to commit suicide because a doctor in Italy told him there was almost no chance he would recover from leukaemia, said police Lt. Col. Sathien Laokim-ung.

Petersek previously worked for the Italian airline Alitalia, and was reportedly sacked because of his illness, Sathien said.

Authorities have not found the man’s passport, which his wife said he took with him when he disappeared on December 4. Thai immigration officials are checking their records to try to confirm Petersek’s identity.

The pilot of the plane, which the man rented for a flight on Saturday, told police when they were aloft, the man kicked out the door of the single-engine aircraft and jumped into the sea carrying a bag.

The action caused the pilot to momentarily lose control of the plane, but he managed to land safely even with the door missing.

Pattaya is 44 miles south-east of Bangkok. The town is popular with Western tourists, many of whom are attracted by its nightlife and commercial sex industry. 

--Scotsman.com 2004-12-07

Selfish bastard!

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