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Obama Victory Party In Chiang Mai


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If he wins...will he be shot????...read last week some guys were arrested that planned to kill him......Black president of the U.S.....They had segregation only 40 years ago....best have the party quick if he wins or it may be a wake :o

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There will be a party whether he wins or not. If he wins, it'll be a victory party.

Dear Fellow Democrat:

As a member of Chiang Mai Democrats Abroad, you are invited to celebrate Barack Obama and Joe Biden's campaign for leadership of our country and to a town meeting to discuss issues important to those of us living abroad.

Where: UN Irish Pub (old Chiang Mai City, 24/1 Ratvithi Rd)

When: November 5th starting at 7 pm until 9 pm (after 9 PM there will be a band playing music)

What: free snacks, door prize, and some political hard talk about issues we need to raise as dems Abroad, e.g. health coverage and taxes.

This will be a short meeting followed by a lot of good cheer and fellowship.

Please RSVP so we can plan on amount of snacks and seats to :

[email protected]

You will meet a lot of good folks and it will be fun and we pray a celebration of the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States.

P.S. please bring along a fellow democrat and urge your friends to join DemsAbroad at : www.democratsabroad.com

Dr. Peter J. Foley

Chair, Dems Abroad Thailand Chiang Mai Chapter

[email protected]

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Would like to attend if there is one..

Anything planned? Or if not, what places would be likely candidates? Irish Pub?

I was not aware he had won? My understanding that voting is next Tuesday.



Hi Crow Boy...... have you lost the plot? You did it: http://www.cnnbcvideo.com/index.html?nid=_...3132157-4P0owux :o

It is the best thing for the whole world, including you Americans (overseas) if he, Obama, is selected.

Nothing personal against McCain or the person he is or what he did, I respect him for that.

But ....I do not understand these sick people from the party he represents, this is the year 2008 you know.

By the way he came 8 years to late.

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If he wins...will he be shot????...read last week some guys were arrested that planned to kill him......Black president of the U.S.....They had segregation only 40 years ago....best have the party quick if he wins or it may be a wake :o

A couple of white-trash skinhead clowns were arrested. I don't think it was a serious conspiracy but it made a great story.

Like JFK and ML King, the bullet that gets Obama won't ever be traced. He has a chance of living if he plays the game and allows business to carry on dictating policy: foreign wars to steal commodities such as oil, gas and opium (Afghanistan) and allows monopoly privileges for the elite's companies (Halliburton, Carlyle Group etc.). If he starts taliking about an Iraq withdrawl, I'd say a couple more weeks of life at the most.

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Maybe some of you US guys can help me here ? How come in a coutry so big with billions of people you can only come up with 2 parties ? Jeez even in the UK we can rustle up 4 or 5. You get the choice of a senile old geriatric or a dodgy black guy ? Also there are evidently around 6 people running for the presidency yet I have NEVER seen or heard any mention of these guys on ANY of the American networks. WHY ? How come they havent been on TV ? Why have they never been at any of the debates ? It certainly doesnt seem very democratic coming from the land of the free ????????? And my money is on the geriatric comng through at the finishing line.

Edited by H2oDunc
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Maybe some of you US guys can help me here ? How come in a coutry so big with billions of people you can only come up with 2 parties ? Jeez even in the UK we can rustle up 4 or 5. You get the choice of a senile old geriatric or a dodgy black guy ? Also there are evidently around 6 people running for the presidency yet I have NEVER seen or heard any mention of these guys on ANY of the American networks. WHY ? How come they havent been on TV ? Why have they never been at any of the debates ? It certainly doesnt seem very democratic coming from the land of the free ????????? And my money is on the geriatric comng through at the finishing line.

First, there should not be a 2, 4 or 5 party system. As soon as you have opposing sides you can be certain you will not get the right solution to a problem.

If one side comes up with the ideal answer to a problem, the other side will certainly counter and what the public ends up with is a diluted compromise instead of what would have made sense and been the best resolution.

As far as the election goes, it is shocking how two completely unqualified candidates end up as the choice to lead what is still the most powerful country in the world.

McCain has been an erratic, undisciplined underachiever most of his life barely making it out of the US naval academy. He has shown at times to be hotheaded and many fellow POW veterans do no even support him. I also don't think being captured and sent to a POW camp makes anyone a war hero, which is his greatest claim to fame.

On the other hand Barack Obama comes in with even less credentials and a dubious childhood and upbringing. He has somehow been able to shrug off associations with a number of known radicals, not the least being his mentor Jeremiah Wright. You don't attend a racist church for 20 years and then claim you didn't know how radical the pastor was. This relationship alone should have disqualified him.

Since the mass media and others seem to want Obama put in office, it is likely he will win come next Tuesday. As the saying goes "be careful of what you wish for, lest it come true." You may find out too late your black messiah is nothing more than the dark knight in disguise.

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Maybe some of you US guys can help me here ? How come in a coutry so big with billions of people you can only come up with 2 parties ? Jeez even in the UK we can rustle up 4 or 5. You get the choice of a senile old geriatric or a dodgy black guy ? Also there are evidently around 6 people running for the presidency yet I have NEVER seen or heard any mention of these guys on ANY of the American networks. WHY ? How come they havent been on TV ? Why have they never been at any of the debates ? It certainly doesnt seem very democratic coming from the land of the free ????????? And my money is on the geriatric comng through at the finishing line.

As far as the election goes, it is shocking how two completely unqualified candidates end up as the choice to lead what is still the most powerful country in the world.

What are the qualifications required for the job?

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I am not American but really hope that Obama wins. It would be good for America and the world. I have a nasty suspicion though that grandfather and Joanne six pack will win.

You view (pro Obama) is shared by the vast majority of the entire world including our friends and enemies. He will definitely win. He is like a (mildly) left wing Reagan, a badly needed fresh wind of positivity for our currently down in the dumpster country.

Global electoral map:

Obama 9,115

McCain 203


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The OP's question about when/where the party/wake will be held has been answered. Any reason for this thread to stay open and attract yet more of the same non-CM-related political to-ing and fro-ing that has been done to death elsewhere?

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The OP's question about when/where the party/wake will be held has been answered. Any reason for this thread to stay open and attract yet more of the same non-CM-related political to-ing and fro-ing that has been done to death elsewhere?

If people want to discuss it, why not?

The information is IN the thread, near the top, its not going to get lost nor are people going to be distracted from finding it. No one is forcing you to continue to read the thread.

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Maybe some of you US guys can help me here ? How come in a coutry so big with billions of people you can only come up with 2 parties ? Jeez even in the UK we can rustle up 4 or 5. You get the choice of a senile old geriatric or a dodgy black guy ? Also there are evidently around 6 people running for the presidency yet I have NEVER seen or heard any mention of these guys on ANY of the American networks. WHY ? How come they havent been on TV ? Why have they never been at any of the debates ? It certainly doesnt seem very democratic coming from the land of the free ????????? And my money is on the geriatric comng through at the finishing line.

There are more than 2 political parties. It's just that the Republican and Democrat Parties are far and away the most popular. Each of the 50 States has it's own laws as to how many signatures are needed to get one's party on the ballot. (This is to prevent the ballot from being 20 pages long.) I am currently back in the States now and voted early last Friday. You are allowed to do this in most States if you show up at the Election Office with your voters registration card and an acceptable ID within the prescribed number of days before the election which changes from State to State. The early ballots are kept but not counted until election day. Where I live (Seattle, in Washington State) there were the following 8 choices for President/Vice President:

1.) Barack Obama / Joe Biden

Democratic Party Nominees

2.) John McCain / Sarah Palin

Republican Party Nominees

3.) Ralph Nader / Matt Gonzalez

Independent Candidates

4.) Gloria La Riva / Eugene Puryear

Socialism & Liberation Party Nominees

5.) James E. Harris / Alyson Kennedy

Socialist Workers Party Nominees

6.) Bob Barr / Wayne A. Root

Libertarian Party Nominees

7.) Chuck Baldwin / Darrell L. Castle

Constitution Party Nominees

8.) Cynthia McKinney / Rosa Clemente

Green Party Nominees

Most other States have a similar amount of choices.

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Yes, actually the votes for Nader were so significant in 2000 that they took votes away from Al Gore and helped erect G W Bush. This time both Nader and Barr are expected to get enough votes to make a difference, especially Barr in Florida who may help Obama take Florida (sweet irony). There is no legal or constitutional restrictions to people from parties other than dems and reps being successful candidates. George Washington wasn't a democrat or a republican.

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George Washington wasn't a democrat or a republican.

Nor were nine of the next fourteen presidents after him. One of the nine was a Federalist, another four were Whigs and four more were not Democrats or Republicans, but only because they were both, being members of the Democratic-Republican party.

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Yes, actually the votes for Nader were so significant in 2000 that they took votes away from Al Gore and helped elect G W Bush. This time both Nader and Barr are expected to get enough votes to make a difference, especially Barr in Florida who may help Obama take Florida (sweet irony). There is no legal or constitutional restrictions to people from parties other than dems and reps being successful candidates. George Washington wasn't a democrat or a republican.

However there hasn't been a 3rd party candidate who had a legitmate chance of winning since Teddy Roosevelt ran as the candidate of the Bull Moose Party and George Wallace was the last one that did well enough to even get any electorial votes.

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However there hasn't been a 3rd party candidate who had a legitmate chance since Teddy Roosevelt ran as the candidate of the Bull Moose Party.

Yes, the idea of the two party system is now hard wired in America. You never know though. Right now the republican party is in a severe downturn. There is an opportunity for a third party of the middle with a leader like Mayor Bloomberg now to challenge them if they don't get their act together soon enough. The US is a middle right country and that is not likely to change anytime soon, even with a President Obama.

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The OP's question about when/where the party/wake will be held has been answered. Any reason for this thread to stay open and attract yet more of the same non-CM-related political to-ing and fro-ing that has been done to death elsewhere?

If people want to discuss it, why not?

The information is IN the thread, near the top, its not going to get lost nor are people going to be distracted from finding it. No one is forcing you to continue to read the thread.

OK - want to join me in the Motoring sub-forum to discuss PAD politics? Same logic - and at least it's Thai-related. :o

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However there hasn't been a 3rd party candidate who had a legitmate chance since Teddy Roosevelt ran as the candidate of the Bull Moose Party.

Yes, the idea of the two party system is now hard wired in America. You never know though. Right now the republican party is in a severe downturn. There is an opportunity for a third party of the middle with a leader like Mayor Bloomberg now to challenge them if they don't get their act together soon enough. The US is a middle right country and that is not likely to change anytime soon, even with a President Obama.

That's somewhat analogous to what brought on the Bull Moose Party too. Roosevelt failed to get the Republican nomination, ran independently, and wound up beating the Republican but getting whipped by the democrat. Had he won, the Republican party probably would have split in two back then. I could see a split in the Republicans coming up over the next few years as the current leaders in the party have drifted so far from conservative principles that Bill Clinton is starting to look like Bill Buckley in retrospect. Aside from the likes of a Bloomberg, if a younger, more charismatic version of Ron Paul popped out of the woodwork I'd imagine it could really shake up the party.

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Yes, actually the votes for Nader were so significant in 2000 that they took votes away from Al Gore and helped erect G W Bush. This time both Nader and Barr are expected to get enough votes to make a difference, especially Barr in Florida who may help Obama take Florida (sweet irony). There is no legal or constitutional restrictions to people from parties other than dems and reps being successful candidates. George Washington wasn't a democrat or a republican.

There may not be a constitutional restriction against it, but there are certainly a lot of structural problems that keep 3rd party or independent candidates from getting the exposure that they deserve.

Ron Paul was excluded from his own party's debates, the interparty presidential candidate debates were all obama vs mccain affairs. Ron Paul at some points garnered over 30% of the poll votes, this is even with FOX commentators trying to paint him as a loon.

Ill be honest and say that I have been lazy and disinterested, I hadn't even seen the 3rd party press conference untill earlier today. But, on watching it I would say that they all seem much more wholesome candidates that what is presented to the public via popular media outlets.

I say that with the utmost respect to Obama, I am very very happy for him but at the same time, it has to be said that he will most likely represent 'more of the same' relative to these other candidates. Perhaps we can't really use the things he has said *against him* because obviously he needs to present himself as an attractive option to as wide a swath of voters as possible.. But isn't that precisely the problem? The lack of specialization leads to broad, shallow evasively worded political commitments. I hope that there is considerably more radicalism hidden in there, and that he has the courage and opportunity to effect the paradigm shift that I personally feel is absolutely necessary. Amazing achievement and best of luck to Obama.

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