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Does Thailand Need A Michael Moore To Tell The Truth?

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Why do so many US citizens think that other countries need other US citizens to come and sort out their countries problems?

WOW, that was quite the jump in logic there doncha think? Doing the speed reading of the posts again are we? You're well on your way to be a twin of the oh-so enlightening poster sometimes known as "RakJungTorlae" or how ever it is spelled.

As far as thailand needing some one to expose the truth. Few people can handle the truth when it isn't wrapped in tidy lies, to make it more palatable. Then again several enterprising news people have attempted to uncover scandals in the past, only to meet an untimely end and have their murders listed as unsolved.

The truth? You can't handle the truth. ..

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since only a very few people seem to have actually read the OP's question :o

you must be new here . :D

Investigative Journalists get killed here as in many other countries.

this is why the pooyai Dinosaurs are rushing to attempt to control the intenet and thus showing their lack of knowledge of the medium.

more and more anonymous blogs and anonymous videos are the only safe way to poke the hornets nest


No country needs a blowhard exaggerating or perhaps an over active imagination waste of air like this sensation seeker has proved to be.


I don’t care much about him

And don't even bother to watch his anti- American films. They'll only pollute your mind, coz most of his stuff is very slanted and there is usually a film after by someone else pointing out all the discrepancies. His films falls under the category of entertainment and not factual. So take them with a grain of salt, and render your opinion on the entertainment value alone. JUST ME think here.

I bet you didn't know that Michael Moore adores and admires dictators like Fidel in Cuba - this’s what I’ve heard. Good / bad …don’t know here, coz I like neither guys.

No I don't think he will do well or be famous in thailand - about his what again?----anti thai thingy?

Narr he will probably got wacked on his naked butt by some thai right after just his first speech!----

He then will soon learn that we don't take our freedom of speech that likely and literately here in thailand!----unlike in AMERIKA!

I don’t care much about him

And don't even bother to watch his anti- American films. They'll only pollute your mind, coz most of his stuff is very slanted and there is usually a film after by someone else pointing out all the discrepancies. His films falls under the category of entertainment and not factual. So take them with a grain of salt, and render your opinion on the entertainment value alone. JUST ME think here.

I bet you didn't know that Michael Moore adores and admires dictators like Fidel in Cuba - this’s what I’ve heard. Good / bad …don’t know here, coz I like neither guys.

No I don't think he will do well or be famous in thailand - about his what again?----anti thai thingy?

Narr he will probably got wacked on his naked butt by some thai right after just his first speech!----

He then will soon learn that we don't take our freedom of speech that likely and literately here in thailand!----unlike in AMERIKA!

Please re-read the OP, that is not the question he asked :o

I don't care much about him

And don't even bother to watch his anti- American films. They'll only pollute your mind, coz most of his stuff is very slanted and there is usually a film after by someone else pointing out all the discrepancies. His films falls under the category of entertainment and not factual. So take them with a grain of salt, and render your opinion on the entertainment value alone. JUST ME think here.

I bet you didn't know that Michael Moore adores and admires dictators like Fidel in Cuba - this's what I've heard. Good / bad …don't know here, coz I like neither guys.

No I don't think he will do well or be famous in thailand - about his what again?----anti thai thingy?

Narr he will probably got wacked on his naked butt by some thai right after just his first speech!----

He then will soon learn that we don't take our freedom of speech that likely and literately here in thailand!----unlike in AMERIKA!

Please re-read the OP, that is not the question he asked :D

Oh you again, sis

I just went off the OP's headline coz it's easier/faster :D

okok will goback and reread it again :o

sigh sigh


Sadly you oh-so discerning T/V readers; this thread has abso-tively posi-lutely NOTHING to do with Michael Moore, and EVERYTHING to do with the premise of IF thailand should have someone who will expose the truth behind the facade. (I know I used big words, try to keep up if you can)

The mind truly wobbles at the lack of reading comprehension skills exhibited by the T/V participants in this particular thread.

This was especially enlightening;

I just went off the OP's headline coz it's easier/faster :o

Truly amazing, but this being thailand, I am not shocked by much of anything foreigners do or say here anymore.

Sadly you oh-so discerning T/V readers; this thread has abso-tively posi-lutely NOTHING to do with Michael Moore, and EVERYTHING to do with the premise of IF thailand should have someone who will expose the truth behind the facade. (I know I used big words, try to keep up if you can)

The mind truly wobbles at the lack of reading comprehension skills exhibited by the T/V participants in this particular thread.

This was especially enlightening;

I just went off the OP's headline coz it's easier/faster :o

Truly amazing, but this being thailand, I am not shocked by much of anything foreigners do or say here anymore.

Who R U calling a foreigner here?......speaking for yourself, perhaps? :D

Sadly you oh-so discerning T/V readers; this thread has abso-tively posi-lutely NOTHING to do with Michael Moore, and EVERYTHING to do with the premise of IF thailand should have someone who will expose the truth behind the facade. (I know I used big words, try to keep up if you can)

The mind truly wobbles at the lack of reading comprehension skills exhibited by the T/V participants in this particular thread.

The problem is that pretty much everyone realizes that Michael Moore does not worry a lot about the truth - he is a clown and does not make a big secret of it - so how can they respond to the question asked in the title of the thread without being deleted? It is not the T/V participants who have a problem with reading comprehension skills. Someone needs to change the premise of the thread. :o

...Then it struck me that maybe we need a Michael Moore to do real justice here.

Can you imagine? I said I couldn't..He'd be in jail before he left his hotel on the first day's shoot on some trumpted up charge..

Michael Moore tell the truth? :o He carefully selects facts which support his views, ignoring everything else relevant and truthful.

I agree with tg2, he be in a Thai jail so fast he wouldn't get a chance to shave. But actually I also agree with another poster, every country needs a Michael Moore to expose crap and shake the trees now and then, but I don't know about "doing real justice".

Lets try to return this to the topic at hand, which isn't Michael Moore or what we think of him but rather is there anyone doing any expose type reporting in this country now, or could there possibly be and if so, does Thailand need that kind of reporting and would it help.


(Oh, and RJT, just as an FYI, supersize me was not by Michael Moore :o )

Michael Moore, whilst being a bit biased, does at least present some interesting/shocking details (Stupid White Men/Dude, Where's My Country are intersting reading, (not seen Sicko yet) but I liked that movie ..something to do with temperature 911, but I will not post the name as my spelling tonight appears to have gone to the dogs!

But, as far as Thailand goes, there is a lady who writes for the Bangkok Post, Sanitsuda Ekachai, she has some VERY interesting articles, well worth a read.


I'll go one step further & say that every country needs Michael Moore types. I say "types" because he is not the only person to think like he does. Many people think like him but are afraid to "speak out".

To those that think that Thailand does not need someone to expose the truth, what would you rather have? A Thailand that is changing in some way or a Thailand that is NOT changing? And don't even think about saying stuff like, "We are guests in this country." We are not "guests"...we are human & as such, we share the same values as any other person.

Change requires thought & thought sometimes has to be provoked. This is not unlike Martin Luther King who said that, "I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law."

Martin Luther King Jr. US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 - 1968).

As for Thailand now, many of my younger "friends" disagree with & denounce the current way of "things" in Thailand. Mainly, they seem to be upset about freedom of expression...for example, if you are over 18 years of age, why must you wear uniforms to college? Another example, if you are over 18 years of age, why must you be treated like children?

These examples are not from my mouth...they are from the mouths of Thai youth.

Thai youth generally want to question things like corruption, politicians & the reasoning behind why they can't say/do certain things when such things are harmless. Let me qualify "harmless" - saying something is no threat whatsoever to anyone since the receiver of such information is totally free to make up their own mind. What the receiver does with this information is "up to them".

If the "authorities" are truly concerned about the "up to them/us" attitude, they will do things like introduce summary laws about "speaking out against ANY authority" & media control. All of this is about mind control (dictatorship). People like Michael Moore help to open up ones mind & see other possibilities. He is not a "god" nor unique in any way. He is simply someone with the ability to "speak out" against the wishes of authority. Many others wish to do so but are afraid or lazy.

On a different note, somebody once conducted an experiment at a university in the U.S.A. People were paid money to take part in this experiment. It is currently known as the Milgram Experiment.

"The Milgram experiment was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. Milgram first described his research in 1963 in an article published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology and later discussed his findings in greater depth in his 1974 book, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View."

Please note the below websites.




So, who here blindly follows "the rules" because it is easier? I don't...the same as Michael Moore.

The world we live in, whatever part it is we live in, is never as it is has been portrayed to us in our education, our upbringing or any of the media we are subjected to.

People live with this, are comfortable with this and get upset when the perceptions they have are challenged - See the comments above on Michael Moore. I doubt very much the derogatory comments and abuse he receives bother him one bit. He's in good company when it comes to being subjected to abuse for passing critical commentary on society.

Does Thailand need a Michael Moore?

There are numerous critics of Thai society and politics, some Thai, some not. They exist and they risk far worse treatment than does MM.

The question is not so much does Thailand need a Michael Moore? Rather is Thailand ready for a Michael Moore?

Thailand clearly is not.

I doubt very much ThaiVisa is either.

Yes , personal attacks regarding Mr Moore's weight are commonplace and show the juvenile mentality of his detractors- and the fact their arguments are weak .

Likewise being a woman who enjoys lettting her frustrations out living in a sexist, openly hostile to independent females- country, via writing in a public forum ( as opposed to acting out violent fantasies) brings out the sopho-moronic comments too.

Michael Moore is a true hero, he won't shut up and shit slingers hate him for it . They've got nothing better to do.

Micheal More, IMHO, is motivated by the once mighty dollar and not necessarily the truth.


MM style of reporting requires thought on the part of the viewer... the viewer has to sit back, and ponder during and after the broad cast.

So this being the case, dispite the fact that Thailand could use a breath of intellect... a MM style journalist would not attract many viewers.

Now give the journalist a bow, and a monkey for a side kick, and the audiences will gather.


I think a better question is: Does the WORLD Need Michael Moore?

Unfortunately, MM only tells half-truths -- those that suit his cheap sensationalist needs. I generally don't disagree with the stance he takes on issues, I just have a problem with the fact that he trims and shapes information to fit the plans for his documentaries. If he was a true journalist trying to make a difference in the world, he would have tackled the real issues around 9/11 rather than simply trying to make Bush and his cronies look like idiots and incompetent fools. After the movie Sicko came out, Moore was attacked by many people for the inaccuracy of what he reported, and it became evident once again that Moore lazily or conveniently missed a lot of pertinent information while sensationalizing the rest. He's really nothing more than any other Hollywood a**hole who's trying to stuff his pockets full of money.


Thailand has Sondhi. He is also VERY economical with the facts. Why would we need another Sondhi?


Micheal Moore is basically the liberals Rush Limbaugh. They are both jokes with one sided stances. But some of what they say rings true.

I think a better question is: Does the WORLD Need Michael Moore?

Unfortunately, MM only tells half-truths -- those that suit his cheap sensationalist needs. I generally don't disagree with the stance he takes on issues, I just have a problem with the fact that he trims and shapes information to fit the plans for his documentaries. If he was a true journalist trying to make a difference in the world, he would have tackled the real issues around 9/11 rather than simply trying to make Bush and his cronies look like idiots and incompetent fools. After the movie Sicko came out, Moore was attacked by many people for the inaccuracy of what he reported, and it became evident once again that Moore lazily or conveniently missed a lot of pertinent information while sensationalizing the rest. He's really nothing more than any other Hollywood a**hole who's trying to stuff his pockets full of money.


I think that TV.com needs a Michael Moore to drill it into some posters just what the topic of a thread is. :o

Come to think of it there are plenty of Michael Moore wannabees in the news clipping section.

Some fat dude who talks about crap in documentary's I think.

You think? Highly unlikley with the crap you have put on here! :D

Do you feel better now?

Lets try to return this to the topic at hand, which isn't Michael Moore or what we think of him but rather is there anyone doing any expose type reporting in this country now, or could there possibly be and if so, does Thailand need that kind of reporting and would it help.


(Oh, and RJT, just as an FYI, supersize me was not by Michael Moore :D )

Opps :D:o


As what I just read up about M/M is he just likes to try and Bring conspiracy’s to life? Why would Thailand need him? Everything is in your face here already. And we have enough wonna be’s on Here too.

However, might I suggest that the next time you have a moderation question that PMing the mod in question is the appropriate response.

I have done this well too many times on one particular topic and have yet to receive a PM back with a reply....... Hmmmmmm so be it for PMing a mod!

Back on topic, I think that every country needs a MM as well as perhaps a Ralph Nader. Maybe it won't make governments and infastructures change but it does have a tendency to open and educate those that know every little about their own country's situations or perhaps other countries of the world. Education is not a bad thing as I like to learn new things all the time. But films are like books, don't believe everything in them.

I am happy to delete every single off topic comment in this thread. But of course, at that point, there would only be two responses :D

However, might I suggest that the next time you have a moderation question that PMing the mod in question is the appropriate response.

As for this topic, I am still awaiting an on-topic discussion, if it doesn't occur its going to get moved :o

The discussion as to whether Michael Moore is generally a valid journalist is a natural and legitimate direction for this thread to take. If we ask the question about the need for MM in Thailand, shouldn't we see how people feel about the actual value of his documentaries in the first place?


Michael Moore is a true hero, he won't shut up and shit slingers hate him for it . They've got nothing better to do.

Micheal More, IMHO, is motivated by the once mighty dollar and not necessarily the truth.

How true!

Then I allow myself to conclude: "No, Thailand doesn't need a MM!"

Has all the critical voices already!


Several posters have alluded to the fact that a Michael Moore-type reporter in Thailand would be bumped off or jailed.  These types of reporters do get murdered regularly in Russia, and I was there for the consequences when one such reporter was murdered in Iraq, but I am not as versed in Thai recent history.

Have there been investigative reporters murdered or jailed in Thailand?  I honestly don't know and look to others with more knowledge on the subject.


No, but I do recall an investigative news tv station being bought off, all reporters fired, and being converted to yet another mindless game show channel for investigating Thaksin.

I do believe Thaksin lost that court case in the end, and was ordered to offer the journalists their jobs back, but of course, since the station no longer provided investigative news reports, it was pretty pointless.


Moore does not pretend he is an objective journalist. He is a political advocate and his vehicle is documentary style entertainment. If you had the biggest box office documentary film in history you would be wealthy too but I reject the idea that Mr. Moore is motivated only by money. There is nothing wrong with being motivated by money in a capitalist system, yes? Moore confronts authority figures and mocks them and then exposes these humiliations to the public. Not exactly the Thai way.

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