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Extras Wanted


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'fixes everything' or gets the work permits ?? As I have seen the old timeshare style touts coming round pitching extra work as locals.. Even known a couple of mates who have done it a few times.. Some did it for that HBO tsunami one too..

Not once did anyone get a work permit.. After all its the worker who gets the worst punishment..

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i know loads of people who have done extras work in thailand with no work permit. never heard of anyone being busted for it.

There's always a 1st time for everything.

Please have a close look at the advert. The poor English and grammar should be a tip off that this is a local company making the cattle call. I doubt there will any attention to life and safety standards as required under EU/US filming regulations. Before I am dismissed as an ole granny, please consider whether the technical crew will include the same quality electricians, set workers etc. as found at a regulated work site. Film sites are dangerous. There is swinging heavy equipment, lots of powerful electrical devices that if not grounded or set up etc. can fry a person, motor vehicles etc. Being an extra, sitting around all day in an unsupervised setting isn't worth it.

This looks like a crappola film destined for DVD. Not worth the risks of work code violation or safety.

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i know loads of people who have done extras work in thailand with no work permit. never heard of anyone being busted for it.

There's always a 1st time for everything.

Please have a close look at the advert. The poor English and grammar should be a tip off that this is a local company making the cattle call. I doubt there will any attention to life and safety standards as required under EU/US filming regulations. Before I am dismissed as an ole granny, please consider whether the technical crew will include the same quality electricians, set workers etc. as found at a regulated work site. Film sites are dangerous. There is swinging heavy equipment, lots of powerful electrical devices that if not grounded or set up etc. can fry a person, motor vehicles etc. Being an extra, sitting around all day in an unsupervised setting isn't worth it.

This looks like a crappola film destined for DVD. Not worth the risks of work code violation or safety.

....sounds quite like a union OSHA (Our Savior Has Arrived) rep to me.... :o

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I worked on the movie "Good Morning Vietnam" which starred Robin Williams, it paid 900 baht a day cash in hand. A movie called "Saigon Nights" was filmed the same time and some people worked on both getting 1800 baht as the latter was done mostly at nights. I think it was in about 1986.

After that another movie was done in Phuket but I cannot remember its name it was so lame. It starred Michael J Fox and Shaun Penn. If I remember it was called something like "Casualties of War". The going rate for extras was 100 USD a day or 2600 baht but the Thai government took 1700 of it as a "special payment" for allowing farangs to work without a work permit. I never bothered after "Good morning Vietnam" after standing around in an army uniform in 40 degree heat allday in Bangkok.

On the set of "Good Morning Vietnam" there was always Thai cops in the meal line and the casting lady told me the company would never ever shoot a film in Thailand again as everywhere they went cops turned up wanting some "special payment". The same company had made "The Killing Fields" "Tin Men" and "Rainman" but they swore they would never set foot in Thailand again because of all the bribes they had to pay. :D

A friend from the movies ended up getting the role as Michael J Fox's stand-in that got him 3 months work. The last time I saw him he was at a bar in Bangla with George Lucas's son so he must have got an in into the company somewhere. As usual corruption probably stuffed up other movies being made here.

They also made a film in Phuket called the "Bangkok Hilton" with Nicole Kidman. They were filming oneday at the market in Phuket town near the local bus stops. That was when she had red hair and freckles. :D They were doing that on the cheap with one small camera and one mic.

I also saw a porno movie that was made in one of the houses on the top of the hill overlooking Surin Beach. I'd know that beach anywhere.......... :o

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....sounds quite like a union OSHA (Our Savior Has Arrived) rep to me.... :o

Naw I just remember all the cool pictures we had in one course. Those burns you get when those high powered lights pop or touch you really bbq the flesh. There was also a gaffer that had his melon splattered by a falling boom. You don't get medical benefits when injured in Thailand if you are a lowly extra.

I also was in a porno movie that was made in one of the houses on the top of the hill overlooking Surin Beach.....

Finally this forum is getting interesting !

Maybe he was just a fluffer? :D

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