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Where I am at, how does one shut up a rooster from cawing all day long. It is driving me nuts. Sometimes I will be sweeping up my driveway and then look up and the SOB is standing there looking at me in my own yard. I run to get a stick and this SOB then leaps and flys over the wall safely in its own domain. As I went to the back part of my house I look to my left, and noticed something strange on the pile of leaves there like it was some telescope. I walk to the spot and LOL, another rooster vamooshes out of hiding and high tails it for the wall and then I go after it but to no avail. Both cawing as they make their border run.

I just like to pop them once that can plug up their throats for good.

Any ideas???


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The only thing I have found to quieten a noisy rooster is a stewpot.

Out neighbor had 5 different roosters on 5 different parts of their property. One rooster would hear another crow and they would start up a round-robin of crowing.

New year. New batch of chickens. One rooster. He starts crowing a good hour before sunrise. As if this isn't bad enough he crows whenever I hammer, drop a board, start a car, a cow moos, a truck goes by on the road....

I've had a vet friend suggest a surgical procedure (called de-voicing) but I'm too cheap for that.

A friend had a rooster and he didn't like it crowing so he cut the tongue off and the rooster immediately stopped crowing, unsurprisingly. But I don't know if you want to do that, but it works.

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Where I am at, how does one shut up a rooster from cawing all day long.  It is driving me nuts.    Sometimes I will be sweeping up my driveway and then look up and the SOB is standing there looking at me in my own yard.  I run to get a stick and this SOB then leaps and flys over the wall safely in its own domain.  As I went to the back part of my house I look to my left, and noticed something strange on the pile of leaves there like it was some telescope.  I walk to the spot and LOL, another rooster vamooshes out of hiding and high tails it for the wall and then I go after it but to no avail.  Both cawing as they make their border run.

I just like to pop them once that can plug up their throats for good. 

Any ideas???


I have no idea where the heck you would get this in thailand, but the scent of a predator will keep them away. In Canada I would use fox urine (trappers' trick to cover human scent on traps), but since I've never seen it at Tesco, I suggest getting, or borrowing a tomcat.


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a guy in england had the same problem with 2 dobermans. One day when the owner was out he drugged them and had their voice boxes removed. He was sued as they were guard dogs. Apparently they would still yap like crazy, just with no sound. I love to picture that.

Thai's like the sound of chickens as it reminds them of their farm upcountry. Another way to get rid is to pay a couple of guys to come steal them for food. This really works. After all you can have a human bubped off for 5000 baht...

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I just like to pop them once that can plug up their throats for good. 

Any ideas???

Get used to it. You can't change nature and you aren't going to be able to muzzle them.

It's like the noise of a bus or elevated train in the city. It's a fact of life.

And I would be careful about doing something violent to something that could be an important posession to one or more of your neighbors.

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Spee is right, you get used to it. I don't even hear the darn things anymore.

That said, my husband bought a slingshot to keep the neighbor's chickens off our property. It usually doesn't kill them. We also have a little dog that chases them right off the property. They stopped coming back after a while.

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No, I don't hear the roosters anymore either. But now the neighbors have gotten one of those little dogs - and the ###### thing yips and whines every morning before 6 a.m. :o

I don't mean to be so contrary, but it is absolutely true - and a coincidence :D

I give up - aarrrgh.

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I was going to suggest you offer them a nice free feed of grain, mixed with cement powder. Then I came to my senses.

Your noisy roosters may be prized cock fighters that have cost your neighbour an arm and a leg and win him considerable money. The repercussions when your neighbour finds his prize possessions dead may be a lot higher than you think.

Learn to live with them; it won’t be long before you don’t notice their noise.


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Carlos, the rooster is becoming quite loud. He crows in the morning and evening, and anytime inbetween when he fancies. He had the bad habit of "very aggressive courting" with the two girls, and their squawking sounded like they were being tortured. I chased him down with the water spray bottle every time he did it, and it has now stopped. Perhaps the same technique could be employed with sex-pats in Thailand!

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The post about the predator is on the right track but actually a predator may not stop the rooster crowing but may limit his wandering away from what he considers safe territory.

The well known fact is that a dominant rooster will attack any other roosters crowing in his territory fending off unwanted suiters to his flock of hennys.

Therefore what you need to do is to be nearby when the rooster crows and, with all the gusto you can muster, out-crow the bleeder. After a couple of days of this the rooster will realise who's boss and give in quietly.

Trust me it works!

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Well these are cock fighting roosters here. When I moved in around October this dude had only two of them. Now I have 7 of them to deal with. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraggggggghhhhhhh. Yesterday he looked at me with a smile showing all 7 of them and also a gold necklace. He must have just won all these suckers recently.

Sigh, also I am in the city, and not in the country side. That makes the situation worse.

Now what am I going to do with 7 of them???????

Daveyo :D:o

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Spee is right, you get used to it. I don't even hear the darn things anymore.

That said, my husband bought a slingshot to keep the neighbor's chickens off our property. It usually doesn't kill them. We also have a little dog that chases them right off the property. They stopped coming back after a while.

Now if only you could get rid of the dog :o

I have to agree with the op , they are tiresome to listen to . I just yell at them and tell it to shut up....does'nt work very well . For something that cant really fly , they sure get around

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:o Don't worry, if he won them all in a cock fight, then eventually he will either lose them all or they will be pecked to death. Either way, I do feel sorry for you man, 7 roosters, yeesh. I think I would lose my mind.

Well these are cock fighting roosters here.  When I moved in around October this dude had only two of them.  Now I have 7 of them to deal with.  Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraggggggghhhhhhh.  Yesterday he looked at me with a smile showing all 7 of them and also a gold necklace.  He must have just won all these suckers recently.

Sigh, also I am in the city, and not in the country side.  That makes the situation worse.

Now what am I going to do with 7 of them???????

Daveyo :D  :D

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I can get used to living next to a noisy school with nasty pop music all morning, or the traffic. But chickens are quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH quiet and then SCREECH, quiet then SCREECH

and if this post annoys you, the chickens are worse

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couldn't explain it better, pandit.

as mentioned earlier in another thread (loong time ago...and NO, me personally, I am NOT AT ALL getting used to rooster noise...) WHY don't you offer your neighbour a lil' bit of money and tell him to remove those pain-in-the-arse-useless-chicken-<deleted>...?

just a suggestion of course.

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Simple solution....

A bb-gun and the cover of darkness. Sounds like fun to me.

I have roosters and geese running around my house. And the other day, I happened upon a rooster humping a goose in my driveway. The goose was all submissive-like, while the rooster was thrusting and grooming it's hair with it's beak (this really happened). Now I think the roosters and geese are funny and good entertainment.

But, sometimes I can't refrain from throwing unopened coke cans at the cocks when they serenade me under my window at 5 a.m.

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