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Phuket Brewery Open Now

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Went there yesterday to meet a friend:

-Very friendly staff

-Beer:Gave back my "Weizen Bier" :o ....."yes Sir we know the beer is not good because the brewing process is not fineshed yet"

-Food: expensive(french fries 100.-Baht), Thaifood also expensive.

Will give it a try in a couple of days again, it's just a soft opening now.




Have been driving past a few times, what i can see all the posters is in Thai, non in English, or is it me? I thought they wanted to get some Farang customers,


Gerd, how bad is the traffic noise and exhaust fumes inside the front of the bar/restaurant ? Seems a poor location to me to build this sort of setting right on the busiest dual highway on the island. Pity they could not have set is way back a bit from the road frontage .

-Beer:Gave back my "Weizen Bier" :o ....."yes Sir we know the beer is not good because the brewing process is not finished yet"

Unbelievable ..... only in Thailand

HA! That's freakin great, the Brew Pub that brews lousy beer.

What's our over-under on how long this place lasts? I'll set the line at 15 months.


Well, I can understand that the beer doesn't taste good if it is still 'brewing'. Who is the Master Brewer? Thai or Farang? What is their 'pedigree' and what types of beer are they brewing?



Thanks for the update Gerd, I look forward to a further review.

But I have a few questions.

Is there and Air-con section to the brewery? Is the parking in front the only parking they have, or is there some in back?

Did they say when the beer would be finished?


Have been driving past a few times, what i can see all the posters is in Thai, non in English, or is it me? I thought they wanted to get some Farang customers,

If they really want to attract Farang customers, so far they have been extremely subtle about it. The concept also seems to be a little bit out of whack; what does a boat have to do with a brewery? But as Thais are not as discerning as foreigners, they might just go there anyway.

Well, I can understand that the beer doesn't taste good if it is still 'brewing'. Who is the Master Brewer? Thai or Farang? What is their 'pedigree' and what types of beer are they brewing?


Simon, I've asked the same question:"Where is your brewmaster from"........

Guess the answer............it's a Thai.


Thanks for the update Gerd, I look forward to a further review.

But I have a few questions.

Is there and Air-con section to the brewery? Is the parking in front the only parking they have, or is there some in back?

Did they say when the beer would be finished?

Yes, a huge aircon section inside.Parking space is a lot behind the building.

They did not tell me when their brew is finished........but will try it again.

But as I said in my first posting:Friendly staff!

They gave me 3 different small glasses for tasting before giving my new order, I took a lager beer, quite ok.


Well, I can understand that the beer doesn't taste good if it is still 'brewing'. Who is the Master Brewer? Thai or Farang? What is their 'pedigree' and what types of beer are they brewing?


Simon, I've asked the same question:"Where is your brewmaster from"........

Guess the answer............it's a Thai.


Don't take me wrong!

Nothing against a Thai brewmaster!!! But a foreigner will never be able to cook a real Thai dish and a Thai cannot brew beer, just my opinion, sorry.


But a foreigner will never be able to cook a real Thai dish and a Thai cannot brew beer

As a large majority of the nationals of this country would agree with the first half of your sentence, logically the second half seems just as correct.

Still, keep us updated.


i was very, very dissapointed!

no concept, beer not good at all!!, no service ( was waiting long long time for beer, food and bill), it might, might work out for thais but no chance to keep farang there and i think it is just too big at also!

im used to german brewerys and beergarden, so i know a little about good tasting beer etc. ....

i will give it another shot in few weeks/months.....

but for a project, seize like this, the management should try really harder....!!! not enough to selling few carabao tickets!!

(lets see what happens in few weeks..)

i was very, very dissapointed!

no concept, beer not good at all!!, no service ( was waiting long long time for beer, food and bill), it might, might work out for thais but no chance to keep farang there and i think it is just too big at also!

im used to german brewerys and beergarden, so i know a little about good tasting beer etc. ....

i will give it another shot in few weeks/months.....

but for a project, seize like this, the management should try really harder....!!! not enough to selling few carabao tickets!!

(lets see what happens in few weeks..)

Yes, you are correct.

When I was there only 6 or 7 tables occupied, but it took more than 15 minutes to get the beer, check bill even longer.

But let's give them another chance and see what happens in the future.


I agree with LIK about location, but drinking in an ex-Crematorium is what keeps me away.

Im not scared of ghost but my GF is...I cant see a big market for the locals.

I am intrigued about the possibility of drinking in a crematorium...How do you know there was once a crematorium at the site? They are usually at temples but I don't remember one being there in the 7 years I have lived here...more info if you have it please...


There is serious BKK money behind the project, they will get it right(ish) eventually.

Expect several months of teething problems and then European brewing experts to arrive once the squabbles between the investors have been sorted out :o


I popped by with an Austrian friend of mine. There were a total of three customers including us. I counted 30 staff milling about doing nothing in particular. They wouldn't let us have a look around and shuffled us to a road side table where we struggled to talk for all the noise. We decided on some beer but not food.

I ordered the number 1, my friend ordered the number 3. 15 minutes later I got mine and the Thai guy explained that 3 was "off". He then ordered a number 1 and waited another 15 minutes for that to arrive. The beer was very unremarkable, almost totally devoid of any taste. I could quit easily have been drinking hoppy Klong water. My friend had previously enquired there about work and informs me that it is totally Thai staffed (Management and staff) EXCEPT for the German Brewmaster <shrug>.

I agree that the place appears to be mainly set up for Thias. All the signs are in Thai and it has that feel of a a large twinkle light land already.

I don't think I will be going back. If 30 staff can't serve 3 customers I hate to think what it's going to be like at its 2000 capacity!



I know we are in Thailand, but with so many tourists on the Island there should be at least some English signs, for now i will give it a miss.


...staff) EXCEPT for the German Brewmaster


So is the Brewmaster German or Thai? (Just interested to know why a German Brewmaster is apparently brewing a cr*p beer...)



Don't take me wrong!

Nothing against a Thai brewmaster!!! But a foreigner will never be able to cook a real Thai dish and a Thai cannot brew beer, just my opinion, sorry.


So your race dictates your cooking ability, eh? Err . . . an Australian wrote what is popularly accepted to be the best book on Thai cooking.

Sorry, but that kind of mindset went out the door long ago.


We want good beer, we want good beer!

So when is their "Grand opening" I couldn't read the month driving by (i read Thai realllllllly slowly) but i did notice a big 21

Think the beer will be 'on' by then?

I think I'll give it a go in Dec.

Don't take me wrong!

Nothing against a Thai brewmaster!!! But a foreigner will never be able to cook a real Thai dish and a Thai cannot brew beer, just my opinion, sorry.


So your race dictates your cooking ability, eh? Err . . . an Australian wrote what is popularly accepted to be the best book on Thai cooking.

Sorry, but that kind of mindset went out the door long ago.

Not if you are living in the same Thailand as me, where it is forbidden as a foreigner to work as a cook for Thai food (you might however work as a chef for foreign dishes as I understand). So it is a mindset actively taught to us, their guests, by the inhabitants of this lovely country. The Australian you mention would be deported pretty much on the spot if he tried his knowledge here.

But this is actually pretty much beside the point, remarks as those from Gerd are generally made here very much tongue in cheek, as we have all needed to adapt to the sometimes very backwards thinking as it transpires in the local laws.

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