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Government House Damages Estimated At Bt100 Million


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Government House damages estimated at Bt100 million

The cost of damage to the Government House and lost items is estimated to reach Bt100 million, Government Spokesman Nattawut Saikua said Wednesday.

He said he received reports from officials who went to retrieve documents and personal belongings in the Office of the Permanent Secretary found many items were missing including computer notebooks, cash from merit making ceremony, cash belonging to state officials, walky-talky, mobile phones, royal decorations, and handy drivers.

Absoltute disgrace, couldn't the leaders have taken an area to store everything and lock it away? There must have been some extremely important and maybe sensitive documents and material in there. The leaders must have known that and should have had an immediate plan to keep everything safe from the start. Laptops could contain anything, this is a matter of national security. Forget the material things and the cash for a minute (which is bad enough), and think about exactly what secrets could be hidden behind those walls.

Also can anyone enlighten me asto what on earth a "handy driver" is???

By the way this is just one office they are talking about...........

Edited by womble
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Cost of Government House Sit-In

By Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

Published on November 20, 2008

The cost of damage to the Government House and lost items is estimated to reach Bt100 million, Government Spokesman Nattawut Saikua said yesterday.

He said he received reports from officials who went to retrieve documents and personal belongings in the Office of the Permanent Secretary found many items were missing including computer notebooks, cash from merit making ceremony, cash belonging to state officials, walky-talky, mobile-phones, royal decorations, and handy drivers.

The Special Branch Police lost 22 items including M16 guns or AR, bullets, ammunitions, cartridge holder, magazines.

The damage from the landscape around the Government House is estimated at Bt25 million including 12,400 square metres of lawn, garden...

More here: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2008/11/20...cs_30088884.php

Can't find this is the "News" forum.

I wonder why?

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Don't believe even half what you read sheeple, especially when it is from the mouth of Nattawut Saikua, one of Toxin's trusted lieutenants and verbal dogsbody. Use a little bit of lateral thinking and ask yourself why he might be making up some blatantly exaggerrated figures like this at this time, just when the stakes are being raised several notches in the game of do or dare being played on the streets of Bangkok.

And to suggest that the protestors took M16s or other weapons or "royal decorations" is just blatantly as incendiary as the evil stuff that comes out of that nutter Gen Kattiya's mouth, with the only intention being to create greater division, mistrust and eventually conditions for terrible violence to be unleashed on innocent people. Read your history books of 1973, 76 and myriad other bloody events in Thai history if you can't read the writing on the wall now.

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Don't believe even half what you read sheeple, especially when it is from the mouth of Nattawut Saikua, one of Toxin's trusted lieutenants and verbal dogsbody. Use a little bit of lateral thinking and ask yourself why he might be making up some blatantly exaggerrated figures like this at this time, just when the stakes are being raised several notches in the game of do or dare being played on the streets of Bangkok.

And to suggest that the protestors took M16s or other weapons or "royal decorations" is just blatantly as incendiary as the evil stuff that comes out of that nutter Gen Kattiya's mouth, with the only intention being to create greater division, mistrust and eventually conditions for terrible violence to be unleashed on innocent people. Read your history books of 1973, 76 and myriad other bloody events in Thai history if you can't read the writing on the wall now.

Half! Don't even belive one percent of what you write when you use the inflamatory, incendiary tone you used in this.

Are you suggesting the Government House is intact? How much damage would you estimate?

Now, legalities. Is this not a criminal act, or is it a an acceptable criminal act? Could you or your fellow PADSHEEPISTAS go to any parliament, government house or congress in the world, do this type of damage and expect to escape scott free? My recogning is that a group this large invading the white house in this fashion could have expected much much harsher treatment, casualties and prison sentances. They (PAD) have been handled with kids gloves because the Courts were packed with their cronies during the coup.

The gist of this piece is that much damage has been done. That is FACT, not propaganda. The propaganda is in arguing how much or how little or in what exactly has been stolen. The FACT is that damage and a lot of it has occured.

If there is a problem with the amounts, perhaps Sondhi and his Pad followers can employ the contractors and restore it to its original state. Save arguing on costs if they just do the work and pay for it themselves doesn't it? Or am I being too simplistic?

Edited by grandpops
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Good to see the PAD damage control squad rushing to put out this fire!

Been a busy few days for them, what with their beloved squeeky-clean Democrat Governor of Bangkok having been indicted for corruption - Golly, what is the world coming to?

Common sense would make anyone realise that a h*ll of a lot of damage has been done to GH and its grounds, I personally would be suprised if the interior hasn't been looted to some extent. The explosion of self-rightousness by Plachon, makes me think that that this news item has maybe touched on a raw nerve.

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Don't believe even half what you read sheeple, especially when it is from the mouth of Nattawut Saikua, one of Toxin's trusted lieutenants and verbal dogsbody. Use a little bit of lateral thinking and ask yourself why he might be making up some blatantly exaggerrated figures like this at this time, just when the stakes are being raised several notches in the game of do or dare being played on the streets of Bangkok.

And to suggest that the protestors took M16s or other weapons or "royal decorations" is just blatantly as incendiary as the evil stuff that comes out of that nutter Gen Kattiya's mouth, with the only intention being to create greater division, mistrust and eventually conditions for terrible violence to be unleashed on innocent people. Read your history books of 1973, 76 and myriad other bloody events in Thai history if you can't read the writing on the wall now.

Thumbs up! :o

Very well observed!

How about an genuinely independent appraisal?

Edited by Samuian
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Don't believe even half what you read sheeple, especially when it is from the mouth of Nattawut Saikua, one of Toxin's trusted lieutenants and verbal dogsbody.

Half! Don't even belive one percent of what you write when you use the inflamatory, incendiary tone you used in this.

You mean like you just used here?

They could also point out to Mr Raving Tampax, that a PARTY is something he can form and an ELECTION is something he can CONTEST.

or more like what you used later?

Could you or your fellow PADSHEEPISTAS go to any parliament, government

such tiresome hypocrisy... bash things about vociferously yourselves, but when anyone else uses colorful words... take on the role of Miss Propriety and pontificate on Proper Properness like Miss Manners....

give us a break... :o

Edited by sriracha john
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Don't believe even half what you read sheeple, especially when it is from the mouth of Nattawut Saikua, one of Toxin's trusted lieutenants and verbal dogsbody.

Half! Don't even belive one percent of what you write when you use the inflamatory, incendiary tone you used in this.

You mean like you just used here?

They could also point out to Mr Raving Tampax, that a PARTY is something he can form and an ELECTION is something he can CONTEST.

or more like what you used later?

Could you or your fellow PADSHEEPISTAS go to any parliament, government

such tiresome hypocrisy... bash things about vociferously yourselves, but when anyone else uses colorful words... take on the role of Miss Propriety and pontificate on Proper Properness like Miss Manners....

give us a break... :o

Sorry it was wasted on you and that I have to explain. I was using that language to show him how offensive and childish it is! So for once we are in total agreement. You show a similar distaste for Plachons post as I did. So lets start raising the bar a bit and leave the Toxin's, The Padistas, The Thaksinists out of it eh!

I am worried on this thread that there is a total silence and refusal to post OT. A Government Building lies in tatters and Parliament is under threat of similar treatment.

Can anybody here defend the damage that has occured? Anybody want to put a figure on it? Anybody have a better suggestion than mine that The PAD clean up and rectify damages thus saving any arguing over amounts?

We have the usual smears and sneers as expected, but what about defending this level of damage.

PS Jack Spratt... I wasn't being simplistic enough.... obviously.

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Good to see the PAD damage control squad rushing to put out this fire!

Been a busy few days for them, what with their beloved squeeky-clean Democrat Governor of Bangkok having been indicted for corruption - Golly, what is the world coming to?

Common sense would make anyone realise that a h*ll of a lot of damage has been done to GH and its grounds, I personally would be suprised if the interior hasn't been looted to some extent. The explosion of self-rightousness by Plachon, makes me think that that this news item has maybe touched on a raw nerve.

You can add to the damage at GH, the cost of policing this "demo" and the cost to the country of the police having to act to save them doing the same to Parliament for starters.

110 pages about a mild police response to an armed mob moving on another Government Building. Not much outrage so far for these types of wanton criminal acts.

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Such hyperbole, Tatters you say.

They need to plant a new lawn and paint a bit.

Some door knobs and a few doors maybe.

ALL the pictures I have seen of the actual buildings show

that they are looking in respectable shape.

Certainly this 100 million baht figure is even greater hyperbole,

and meant to be grossly divisve and gives some crony a nice pay day later.

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Also can anyone enlighten me as to what on earth a "handy driver" is???

I'll answer this for you... a USB "flash memory" device. Also referred to as a Thumb drive, handy drive, flash drive, etc etc.

Similarly to a laptop, these could contain lots of sensitive info.

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That a building and its lawns are besmudged - I have no doubt.

What concerns me much more is Thailand getting unnecessarily tarnished - by so-called leaders who have barely a smidgen of wisdom, and a dearth of sense of responsibility. And those are the 'leaders' who are active. There is a whole other gaggle of ego-inflated men in leadership positions in Bangkok - who do as little as possible. Their most stellar member: Mr. Sit-On-His-Hands PM-Designate Somchai.

Edited by brahmburgers
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Don't believe even half what you read sheeple, especially when it is from the mouth of Nattawut Saikua, one of Toxin's trusted lieutenants and verbal dogsbody.

Half! Don't even belive one percent of what you write when you use the inflamatory, incendiary tone you used in this.

You mean like you just used here?

They could also point out to Mr Raving Tampax, that a PARTY is something he can form and an ELECTION is something he can CONTEST.

or more like what you used later?

Could you or your fellow PADSHEEPISTAS go to any parliament, government

such tiresome hypocrisy... bash things about vociferously yourselves, but when anyone else uses colorful words... take on the role of Miss Propriety and pontificate on Proper Properness like Miss Manners....

give us a break... :o

Sorry it was wasted on you and that I have to explain. I was using that language to show him how offensive and childish it is! So for once we are in total agreement. You show a similar distaste for Plachons post as I did. So lets start raising the bar a bit and leave the Toxin's, The Padistas, The Thaksinists out of it eh!

Actually, I don't have any distaste for plachon's post. It's no more than minor barbing to me which is why I described it as colorful and did not use your "distasteful, inflamatory [sic], incendiary". So sorry, I don't this qualifies as being in "total disagreement"....

I also don't have a problem with your use of words like raving tampax or Padsheepistas. I'm not so delicate that such mild language causes disconcerting churning of my bowels or blushing or swooning.

My objection is raised when the barbing leaves those public figures or groups (which is not against the forum rules) and is directed at forum members individually (which is).

Before worrying about raising the some sort of bar of prim and proper behavior in regards to non-members, we should first focus on the cessation of personal flaming of people that are members. If the forum can ever get past that, that would be a huge raising of ANY bar.

The other issue of the aforementioned hypocrisy is present. If you were only using it make some sort of point to show others how bad it is... you've certainly made that point numerous, numerous times without ever previously saying it was done to make a point. You're also not alone in this regard.

Edited by sriracha john
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Actually, I don't have any distaste for plachon's post. It's no more than minor barbing to me which is why I described it as colorful and did not use your "distasteful, inflamatory [sic], incendiary". So sorry, I don't this qualifies as being in "total disagreement"....

Shouldn't you THINK, before your pot calls the kettle black?

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The damage from the landscape around the Government House is estimated at Bt25 million including 12,400 square metres of lawn, garden...

I was there.....No tree harmed.

Most flowers harmed, but other planted.

Grass heavily damaged and covered with sand.

buildings not harmed not even sprayed something on it.

Costs to repair everything with an official company (beside that PAD and Chamlongs group told they can repair everything), estimate 50.000 Baht.

(removing the sand. Put 1 truckload new land, seed grass, put a few new flowers).

Lets take the most expensive company and use the best things you can get and it might be possible to spend a max. of 200.000 Baht.

But no way to spend 25 million.

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The damage from the landscape around the Government House is estimated at Bt25 million including 12,400 square metres of lawn, garden...

I was there.....No tree harmed.

Most flowers harmed, but other planted.

Grass heavily damaged and covered with sand.

buildings not harmed not even sprayed something on it.

Costs to repair everything with an official company (beside that PAD and Chamlongs group told they can repair everything), estimate 50.000 Baht.

(removing the sand. Put 1 truckload new land, seed grass, put a few new flowers).

Lets take the most expensive company and use the best things you can get and it might be possible to spend a max. of 200.000 Baht.

But no way to spend 25 million.

:D ..are you a gardener ?

post-13995-1227344477_thumb.jpg post-13995-1227344499_thumb.jpg

1 truckload new land ...... :o ..that's like a drop in the ocean.

If it's so cheap to repair the grounds why don't you offer to repair everything, together with your family perhaps ? Sondhi will be pleased and he might give you a few hands to help you :D


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The damage from the landscape around the Government House is estimated at Bt25 million including 12,400 square metres of lawn, garden...

I was there.....No tree harmed.

Most flowers harmed, but other planted.

Grass heavily damaged and covered with sand.

buildings not harmed not even sprayed something on it.

Costs to repair everything with an official company (beside that PAD and Chamlongs group told they can repair everything), estimate 50.000 Baht.

(removing the sand. Put 1 truckload new land, seed grass, put a few new flowers).

Lets take the most expensive company and use the best things you can get and it might be possible to spend a max. of 200.000 Baht.

But no way to spend 25 million.

:D ..are you a gardener ?

post-13995-1227344477_thumb.jpg post-13995-1227344499_thumb.jpg

1 truckload new land ...... :o ..that's like a drop in the ocean.

If it's so cheap to repair the grounds why don't you offer to repair everything, together with your family perhaps ? Sondhi will be pleased and he might give you a few hands to help you :D


PAD told that they'll repair everything.....

Grass + land does not cost much....

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A Government Building lies in tatters

Have you actually seen this with your own eyes, or are you just going on speculation? Just asking because to say that a building is lying in tatters seems extreme. I've not been there myself to comment, but would be interested to see some solid evidence to back these claims, like pictures. Any out there?

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A Government Building lies in tatters

Have you actually seen this with your own eyes, or are you just going on speculation? Just asking because to say that a building is lying in tatters seems extreme. I've not been there myself to comment, but would be interested to see some solid evidence to back these claims, like pictures. Any out there?

It is already some time ago that I was there and all the buildings were locked, outside they did not had one scratch. Everything was super clean. the top of the canons have been wrapped in plastic so no one can put any trash inside them.

The grass in front of the stage was destroyed and the mud was than removed and instead sand was put there. But that was just a one bigger grass area. The nicer places were not harmed at all. On many places they put some "spider web like" plastic bands between the trees so people don't walk there instead of on the concrete.

(That "spider web like" bands are looking more friendly and funny than a "no trespassing allowed" and still everyone get the message)

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^^ So lying in tatters would not accurately describe the building i take it?

Specially Chamlong and his group are very carefully on everything and clean everything all the time. Using (of course not 100 percent, but as much as possible) Banana leafs instead of plastic (some women are folding them in an unbelievable speed). Using closed plastic cups with water and collect them and clean them to use it as cup for some fruit juice. Of course it is not 100 % (if today 1000 people come and tomorrow 5000, you must give plastic dishes for 4000).

But in compare with something comparable in size (exhibition, concert, etc), on normal days they produce minus 95-99 percent of waste.

A lot of people (including my staff) are infected by that "use little" "environment friendly" Chamlong things.

I saw one place where the flowers were harmed (don't know what happened there) and someone planted onion or garlic (I think) and some other herbs which will be used for cooking.

Sure someone can tell that is harming the beauty of the place....I like it.

Taking it out and putting some other flowers in, will need 10 min for 5 people and cost 100 Baht for the flowers.

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^^ So lying in tatters would not accurately describe the building i take it?

Specially Chamlong and his group are very carefully on everything and clean everything all the time. Using (of course not 100 percent, but as much as possible) Banana leafs instead of plastic (some women are folding them in an unbelievable speed). Using closed plastic cups with water and collect them and clean them to use it as cup for some fruit juice. Of course it is not 100 % (if today 1000 people come and tomorrow 5000, you must give plastic dishes for 4000).

But in compare with something comparable in size (exhibition, concert, etc), on normal days they produce minus 95-99 percent of waste.

A lot of people (including my staff) are infected by that "use little" "environment friendly" Chamlong things.

I saw one place where the flowers were harmed (don't know what happened there) and someone planted onion or garlic (I think) and some other herbs which will be used for cooking.

Sure someone can tell that is harming the beauty of the place....I like it.

Taking it out and putting some other flowers in, will need 10 min for 5 people and cost 100 Baht for the flowers.

Isn't 100 million baht an truly precise figure?

No clue on HOW he divined this number.

If we are foolish enough to believe some number pulled out of thin air,

by a PPP MP, to use as a cudgle agains enemies, then we nee credulity lessons.

This also coming from the side of the masters of GRAFT production.

I'd say 500k baht and it would look great outside.

If the budget were NOT including kickbacks of 150-4000%

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^^ So lying in tatters would not accurately describe the building i take it?

Specially Chamlong and his group are very carefully on everything and clean everything all the time. Using (of course not 100 percent, but as much as possible) Banana leafs instead of plastic (some women are folding them in an unbelievable speed). Using closed plastic cups with water and collect them and clean them to use it as cup for some fruit juice. Of course it is not 100 % (if today 1000 people come and tomorrow 5000, you must give plastic dishes for 4000).

But in compare with something comparable in size (exhibition, concert, etc), on normal days they produce minus 95-99 percent of waste.

A lot of people (including my staff) are infected by that "use little" "environment friendly" Chamlong things.

I saw one place where the flowers were harmed (don't know what happened there) and someone planted onion or garlic (I think) and some other herbs which will be used for cooking.

Sure someone can tell that is harming the beauty of the place....I like it.

Taking it out and putting some other flowers in, will need 10 min for 5 people and cost 100 Baht for the flowers.

Isn't 100 million baht an truly precise figure?

No clue on HOW he divined this number.

If we are foolish enough to believe some number pulled out of thin air,

by a PPP MP, to use as a cudgle agains enemies, then we nee credulity lessons.

This also coming from the side of the masters of GRAFT production.

I'd say 500k baht and it would look great outside.

If the budget were NOT including kickbacks of 150-4000%

yes that's the point! pay 200.000 and have 24.800.000 kickbacks (a bit less as the company wants something as well....say 20 Million kickbacks.

I am doing a lot business....but reading the Thaksin mafia things, I feel naive and innocent....

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Good to see the PAD damage control squad rushing to put out this fire!

Been a busy few days for them, what with their beloved squeeky-clean Democrat Governor of Bangkok having been indicted for corruption - Golly, what is the world coming to?

Common sense would make anyone realise that a h*ll of a lot of damage has been done to GH and its grounds, I personally would be suprised if the interior hasn't been looted to some extent. The explosion of self-rightousness by Plachon, makes me think that that this news item has maybe touched on a raw nerve.

Ummmmmm what does the PAD have to do with the Democrat Gov. of Bangkok (who showed great governance style in stepping aside until his name can be cleared --- strange that the same has not happened with other political parties)

Yes I assume that damage has been done to the grounds, so what? A truly minor issue if the damage really is a grand total of what it costs to run the PAD show. I assume that those bills will be paid!

Landscaping is cheap and I am certain it will be done. Missing items? Oh please, let's see what is actually missing when this is all over.

grandpop's Thaksinista hyperbole is just silly ... You can see the building on TV or in person any time you want to. It certainly is not in tatters!

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