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13 Coins - My Fav Western Restaurant =)


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Someone has probably posted this by now . . . but anyway, want to share my favorite 'western' restaurant in BKK.

Its called 13 Coins, or 13 เหรียญ. Its a chain restaurant, with one like a 5 minute walk from my gfs place so I go fairly often.

You can get tons of different types of really good western food. A lot of the stuff isn't exactly made the way its supposed to, but still tastes really really yummy for a western tongue.

I especially like the steak dinners - ranging between 150 and 300 baht, depending. Yeap, $4 for a steak dinner!

They also have live music, but usually the singers aren't that great and usually only sing Thai music. Still ok music though, especially for the price. :o

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Someone has probably posted this by now . . . but anyway, want to share my favorite 'western' restaurant in BKK.

Its called 13 Coins, or 13 เหรียญ. Its a chain restaurant, with one like a 5 minute walk from my gfs place so I go fairly often.

You can get tons of different types of really good western food. A lot of the stuff isn't exactly made the way its supposed to, but still tastes really really yummy for a western tongue.

I especially like the steak dinners - ranging between 150 and 300 baht, depending. Yeap, $4 for a steak dinner!

They also have live music, but usually the singers aren't that great and usually only sing Thai music. Still ok music though, especially for the price. :o

That's interseting, I went to the 13 Coins in Bang Na with a group of Singaporeans and Thais and I had no idea that they served western food nor that it was a chain. But we did have a better than avererage meal of Thai and pseudo-Chinese food there and the price & environment was reasonable. Cost us 2300 Baht for food for 7 people including beer for about 5 people.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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I love 13 coins. Especially the ones that are open 24 hours, it's great getting a some steak or pasta and a few beers at 3am. They're Thai food is also excellent, and really cheap. Their seafood som tam is amazing and is only 150 baht. The fried soft shell crab is really nice as well.

The only thing I don't recommend is their mexican. :o

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Someone has probably posted this by now . . . but anyway, want to share my favorite 'western' restaurant in BKK.

Its called 13 Coins, or 13 เหรียญ. Its a chain restaurant, with one like a 5 minute walk from my gfs place so I go fairly often.

You can get tons of different types of really good western food. A lot of the stuff isn't exactly made the way its supposed to, but still tastes really really yummy for a western tongue.

I especially like the steak dinners - ranging between 150 and 300 baht, depending. Yeap, $4 for a steak dinner!

They also have live music, but usually the singers aren't that great and usually only sing Thai music. Still ok music though, especially for the price. :o

That's interseting, I went to the 13 Coins in Bang Na with a group of Singaporeans and Thais and I had no idea that they served western food nor that it was a chain. But we did have a better than avererage meal of Thai and pseudo-Chinese food there and the price & environment was reasonable. Cost us 2300 Baht for food for 7 people including beer for about 5 people.

Where is it in Bang Na?

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Someone has probably posted this by now . . . but anyway, want to share my favorite 'western' restaurant in BKK.

Its called 13 Coins, or 13 เหรียญ. Its a chain restaurant, with one like a 5 minute walk from my gfs place so I go fairly often.

You can get tons of different types of really good western food. A lot of the stuff isn't exactly made the way its supposed to, but still tastes really really yummy for a western tongue.

I especially like the steak dinners - ranging between 150 and 300 baht, depending. Yeap, $4 for a steak dinner!

They also have live music, but usually the singers aren't that great and usually only sing Thai music. Still ok music though, especially for the price. :o

That's interesting, I went to the 13 Coins in Bang Na with a group of Singaporeans and Thais and I had no idea that they served western food nor that it was a chain. But we did have a better than avererage meal of Thai and pseudo-Chinese food there and the price & environment was reasonable. Cost us 2300 Baht for food for 7 people including beer for about 5 people.

Where is it in Bang Na?

I'm not familiar enough with the area to answer. I only know that it was Bang Na because I looked up my receipt when I saw this post and saw that it said "Bang Na".

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I remember trying the 13 Coins in Chiang mai in around 1991. I ordered spaggetti and they brought me plain, boiled spaggetti noodles. When I asked them for spaggetti sauce, they brought me a bottle of cold, Thai style catsup and they were serious.

I never bothered with 13 Coins again. :o

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Someone has probably posted this by now . . . but anyway, want to share my favorite 'western' restaurant in BKK.

Its called 13 Coins, or 13 เหรียญ. Its a chain restaurant, with one like a 5 minute walk from my gfs place so I go fairly often.

You can get tons of different types of really good western food. A lot of the stuff isn't exactly made the way its supposed to, but still tastes really really yummy for a western tongue.

I especially like the steak dinners - ranging between 150 and 300 baht, depending. Yeap, $4 for a steak dinner!

They also have live music, but usually the singers aren't that great and usually only sing Thai music. Still ok music though, especially for the price. :o

sounds great, but whjere is it?

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I eat at 13 Coins pretty often. Once you get used to the menu, it is a really good value. The steaks and things like that in particular.

Beware of the pizzas, Mexican food and similar though as it is mostly the Thai-style sugared-up version.

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Back then in CM they probably don't know what spaggetti should look like. To me, everything is good at 13 coins :D

I remember trying the 13 Coins in Chiang mai in around 1991. I ordered spaggetti and they brought me plain, boiled spaggetti noodles. When I asked them for spaggetti sauce, they brought me a bottle of cold, Thai style catsup and they were serious.

I never bothered with 13 Coins again. :o

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So I just went to 13 Coins again tonight for dinner.

My gf got what they called a 'Taco Salad' . . . I was unable to locate either a taco or a salad . . . it was this bowl shaped crispy thing with cucumbers, oysters, and salad dressing . . . I guess that explains what you guys meant about the 'Mexican' food . . .

I of course got the yummy steaks again :o

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Been to the 13 cs on bang na trat a couple of times over the years with wifees family because for some reason or others Thais seem like wot do ye call it..... Ka-ra-o-kay or summit... :D

Usually go after eating somewhere and of course once they get there what do they do...start eating again...???


Forget what the cost were but if you go and rent the private singing places after summit like 10-00pm they are half price and while they are all howling like banshees the waiter will bring the food and booze to the room/kara place.

For some reason or other I seem to remember someone ordered the fish and chips amongst other things which were pretty good and the Big Heinees were not too peng either.... and also they seem to stay open pretty late ...at least 2/3-00am anyway. :o

Aint my first choice for a night out but... horses etc...

Located near BITEC and not far from the big Chinese restaurant.... :D

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I went a couple of times to the 13 Coins in the Ari area, and I'm not a big fan I'm afraid. Dingy, damp smell in the place and some pretty grim western food. It's in serious need of a face-lift. Perhaps the other branches are OK - but the one in Ari is best avoided. There's much better western food in the area.

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Interesting. Many posters say eat everything except the mexican, pizzas etc but steaks are ok. Take away the pizzas, burgers, mexican etc, and I guess the steak and thai food is good.

OP, perhaps you need to broaden your dining horizons a bit if you think 13 coins is the best western restaurant in the city?

Sounds to me to be the 'western' equivalent to a suki / bbq shop in a mall.

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OP, perhaps you need to broaden your dining horizons a bit if you think 13 coins is the best western restaurant in the city?

Sounds to me to be the 'western' equivalent to a suki / bbq shop in a mall.

Whats your recommended place? (don't rule out a restaurant by what it 'sounds' like :o )

I'm pretty new to the area, so still finding new places to eat at.

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OP, perhaps you need to broaden your dining horizons a bit if you think 13 coins is the best western restaurant in the city?

Sounds to me to be the 'western' equivalent to a suki / bbq shop in a mall.

Whats your recommended place? (don't rule out a restaurant by what it 'sounds' like :o )

I'm pretty new to the area, so still finding new places to eat at.

Bangkok is blessed with hundreds of good international fare options from world-class dining to basic street food.

Example, yesterday I was in the plates / glasses / chinese cookery zone of JJ Market and stumbled across what has got to be the best bbq pork I have had in Thailand. Unlike the bbq pork found in typical places that can be a bit chewy, this one melted in your mouth. Even someone with false teeth could eat this, it was that tender! It had a semi-sweet bbq seasoning that is addictive.

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How does it compare to S and P? I eat from S and P pretty often and really like their currys, but the sounds of things 13 coins is pretty similar? correct?

Not really similar, at least the one in Ari isn't. Emphasis is on steak, kebabs, barbecue, fish and chips, that kind of thing. All pretty cheap. Sounds like a good concept on paper - the problem is the restaurant itself is an unpleasant place to eat in: dark, damp, worn and depressing. Completely the opposite of a bright and clean S&P. The food is bad also, so I guess that's one trait it shares with S&P :o

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Did they invest in some painting ? Any 13 coins I have visited looks like my building basement, painted 20 years ago for the last and only time...

Aha! It MUST be the same outfit that was referred to in Chiang Mai all those years ago by Ullysses (see this thread, some years back!).

I went there three times. It was off the Canal Rd just north of the Huay Kaew Rd junction. Large car park, punctuated by very old Fiats and a Morris in differing stages of dilapidation.

The restaurant was very much the same, ie old, dilapidated and certainly not clean.

The food was a Thai version of "we KNOW this is correct western" (especially the spag bog!), constructive criticisms were not accepted and it's no shock that the place disappeared from the north long ago.

I await more positive, recent, reviews.

I'm patient..........

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