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Where Can I Buy A Dog ?

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Looking to buy a dog, but not sure where to begin. I dont care if its a soi dog or one from an actual breeder. I know of the Soi dog foundation, but have emailed the man, and have been told that most of the dogs are already 2 or 3 years old, set in thier ways already i think. A bigger dog would be nice as well (Gold lab, German Shepard) as my Gf wants one for when i return to work every month. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.



Lots of magazines listing breeders out there ... and there is a petshop in the basement of BigC. Soi dog foundation is really worth a visit regardless of actually finding a dog there. They very often have dogs at the night market (weekends only? I can't remember) just down from the mall.

Looking to buy a dog, but not sure where to begin. I dont care if its a soi dog or one from an actual breeder. I know of the Soi dog foundation, but have emailed the man, and have been told that most of the dogs are already 2 or 3 years old, set in thier ways already i think. A bigger dog would be nice as well (Gold lab, German Shepard) as my Gf wants one for when i return to work every month. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


I've had a soi dog for the past two years, told by the vet was two years old when I got him, couldn't wish for a nicer, sweeter tempered dog. I believe, having been through a rough time, they're more aware of having been given a second chance at a good life with an owner that cares about them.

Just take a trip up to the dog shelter and take a look at all the wonderful dogs there, either abandoned as pups, or left out on the street by farang who didn't think far enough ahead that they might have to relocate. You won't regret it. Please don't buy a dog from these 'in it for the money' breeders here. There are many wonderful dogs there, just in need of a second chance. You won't regret it.


If someone wants a purebred or wants to just raise a larger breed from puppyhood then they should go for it. However there are often litters of young dogs at the Soi dog place and it is not a bad ride, though the place is a bit depressing.

If someone wants a purebred or wants to just raise a larger breed from puppyhood then they should go for it. However there are often litters of young dogs at the Soi dog place and it is not a bad ride, though the place is a bit depressing.

Well, first off, 'purebred'. For's and Against's, apart from some perceived vanity 'Anyone?'

Place is a bit depressing. Why's that then?

Go and take a look for yourself at the dogs needing a home. Not too far. And your post suggested you might not be the status obsessed prat some of the farang here seem to be. Nah, I wanna rotweiller/doberman/pitbull (funny how no one ever asks where they might be able to lay their hands on a cocker spaniel or a shitszu), why's that then? :o


Actually, I own chihuahuas since the condos are small in BKK and i fly with one of them often. I HAVE been out there and it's depressing because it is dirty and loud and not pleasant at all (compared to the BKK place that I go weekly)

The OP doesn't say anything about Rotties, Dobies, or Pitts .... he does mention 2 breeds that are highly trainable and good around people/kids. (Not that those other breeds are not ... but there are issues with them)

People make their own decisions ... unless of course you want to be the one to choose what is right for them! I am not a status obsessed anything ... but I am not a condescending prat when it comes to making a personal about the animals someone wants to invest love, time, energy and money into either :o

Actually, I own chihuahuas since the condos are small in BKK and i fly with one of them often. I HAVE been out there and it's depressing because it is dirty and loud and not pleasant at all (compared to the BKK place that I go weekly)

The OP doesn't say anything about Rotties, Dobies, or Pitts .... he does mention 2 breeds that are highly trainable and good around people/kids. (Not that those other breeds are not ... but there are issues with them)

People make their own decisions ... unless of course you want to be the one to choose what is right for them! I am not a status obsessed anything ... but I am not a condescending prat when it comes to making a personal about the animals someone wants to invest love, time, energy and money into either :o

I have to agree I think chihuahuas possibly a bit thin (no pun intended) on the ground in the dog shelters here. What with the Thai obsession with anything small and er, cuddly.

Yes, It's Dirty, and Loud, and Not Pleasant At All - a very good reason to give a home to one of the lovely dogs you will find there, Big Dogs too! My dog's a large Thai/Retriever mix, and anyone will tell you that 'mixes', or mongrels as they are referred to in the West, are the most loyal and intelligent dogs there are. They also lack the defaults of 'purebred' inbreeding, neurosis. Particularly those produced amongst the unregulated breeders here in Thailand.

People make their own decisions. But I think that if someone has taken the trouble to post on an internet forum, stating that they don't mind if the dog is from a breeder or that it's a soi dog, they should at least be disavowed of the fact that a 'purebred', ie from a commercial breeder, is the only way to go.

Again. Please do take a trip up to the Dog Shelter. How much of your time would that take? I'm no evangelist. I just think the kneejerk 'it must be a purebred from a breeder, rather more depressing than a half hour spent exploring options for your choice of a pet dog in the shelter. Keep your options open. You won't be disappointed.

Looking to buy a dog, but not sure where to begin. I dont care if its a soi dog or one from an actual breeder. I know of the Soi dog foundation, but have emailed the man, and have been told that most of the dogs are already 2 or 3 years old, set in thier ways already i think. A bigger dog would be nice as well (Gold lab, German Shepard) as my Gf wants one for when i return to work every month. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Please make the time to visit soi dog,they do get puppys sometimes so if you really need a young dog its just going to be a short wait, PM me if you want a personel introduction and help.

I have both a cocker spaniel and a soi dog and the later is by far the better dog no hang ups and gentle like you cant imagine lets the cats sit on it and i got as a puppy.


It's "dirty & noisy" at soi dog because they try to take in as many as possible, rather than leave them to the pain and suffering otherwise.

A dog is man's best friend with good reason, so choose wisely :o


Thanks for the input. I am defintly going to check out the soi dog place, I have nothing against soi dogs, I have grown up only owning muts, reliable as they come. When i mentioned the golden lab and german shepard, I meant I would like to have a bit of that breed in the soi dog possibly, as they are 2 great types of dogs, will most likely be picking up 2 dogs, as the gf wants a small little rat type dog to put in the basket of her honda wave... :o . Looking forward to checking out the soi dog foundation though, and best of all its free! only a donation. Cheers.


Thanks alot misterman! Thats actually what I am looking for, owners who have had to move back home or whatever and left thier dog, as it will already have a bit of basic training as in wont shit on my lazyboy. cheers.



You must me ahmerrykan! I would never say NOT to get a Soi Dog, but I would never get a Soi Dog.

I know a lady with some Beagles, Rottweilers, and another with English Bulldogs.

PAWS is where I would go if I were you. Soi Dog is nasty and heartbreaking. IMHO, it is mismanaged.

But, by all means, Dog Ownership is very rewarding, no matter what the breed.

Just make sure it is a healthy one, or you will be paying for more than you asked for.



You must me ahmerrykan! I would never say NOT to get a Soi Dog, but I would never get a Soi Dog.

I know a lady with some Beagles, Rottweilers, and another with English Bulldogs.

PAWS is where I would go if I were you. Soi Dog is nasty and heartbreaking. IMHO, it is mismanaged.

But, by all means, Dog Ownership is very rewarding, no matter what the breed.

Just make sure it is a healthy one, or you will be paying for more than you asked for.


And whilst this lady you know is banging out litters for baht, the Soi Dog gets nastier and even more heartbreaking as no one considers relieving it of some of it's inmates? Think about it. Christ. :o


No I am not american....And what is wrong with a soi dog? A dog is a dog, one dug humps another, and puppies come out. The soi dog foundation, has healthy dogs with all thier shots and medical history. Of all the people I know with dogs in phuket, very few are purebreed. I know what you mean though, the man at the foundation told me it may be risky getting a soi dog puppy, as it may have an illness in his future due to his parents poor health. But still many healthy ones. A dogs a dog to me. they are all loyal if treated properly.

No I am not american....And what is wrong with a soi dog? A dog is a dog, one dug humps another, and puppies come out. The soi dog foundation, has healthy dogs with all thier shots and medical history. Of all the people I know with dogs in phuket, very few are purebreed. I know what you mean though, the man at the foundation told me it may be risky getting a soi dog puppy, as it may have an illness in his future due to his parents poor health. But still many healthy ones. A dogs a dog to me. they are all loyal if treated properly.

Not the same as the congenital illnesses brought on by inbreeding (which only show up when the dog is at least a year old by the way), rampant amongst 'pedigree' dog breeders then? Temperament wise also. Particularly here where there is no regulatory body at all concerning the health of 'factory pups'.

I can see your heart's in the right place. Stop the prevarication and get yourself off to Soi Dogs and take a look for yourself.

You already know a dog from a shelter will make a pet you won't regret. Just go get one :o

Looking to buy a dog, but not sure where to begin. I dont care if its a soi dog or one from an actual breeder. I know of the Soi dog foundation, but have emailed the man, and have been told that most of the dogs are already 2 or 3 years old, set in thier ways already i think. A bigger dog would be nice as well (Gold lab, German Shepard) as my Gf wants one for when i return to work every month. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


I came across your post and thought you might be interested in my dog. My wife and I found here at the beach. We had thought she was a dog we had seen many times prior with her owner. Come to find out she was the sibling to the dog we had seen. She was so sweet and we could not watch her chase us in the rain so we took her home and took care of her until we found out the real situation. Anyway, it has been 3 months now and she just does not get the attention she needs. She is very sweet, under a year old, has her shots, and does not go to the bathroom indoors. She came potty trained and will whine and scratch when she needs out. She has never bitten or even growled at us. She is very playful and a great dog. Unfortunately for her we both work all day and do not have the time that she would like. Well, if you are interested she is available to anyone who can provide her a good home. She is too good of a dog to abandon so we are slowly and carefully looking for a good home she could go to. She has been fixed and is in good health from what we can tell.

My email is jonpaul85(at)gmail.com and I live in the Chalong area. If you are interested please do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks, and best of luck with your search.


if you interested my dog just had babies.. they are half german shepard. I think it's 1 month before they can be taken away from their mother.. 4 of them to get rid of

Typically 8-10 weeks is good for separation from the mother. Dogs vary, but usually around 6 weeks or so the mother will start nursing them less. If they can stay with the mom a bit longer she will teach them a bit more.

Purebreds vs. Puremutts? Having had both around, I like the mixed breeds better myself. Probably hands-down the best dog I ever had was a St Bernard/German Shepherd Dog cross. She was around 90 lbs when fully grown, very friendly and calm, but also very protective. She was extremely trainable, and would work with voice or hand signals equally well.

The part about adult dogs being untrainable and set in their ways is mostly not true. Again, individuals vary, but most dogs can adapt to new situations and learn readily. We have a dog here that my wife had before we met. I suppose he was about 4 years old when I started spending a lot of time around him. Granted, he seems smarter than the average dog, and I seem to enjoy success training dogs also, but he listens to be very well, he is learning hand signals and English even.

Look at it this way...if you select a soi dog that is in good shape and is 2-3 years old, by the process of natural selection your odds of getting a good one have increased exponentially. The stupid ones die young.

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