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Finding A Nice Intelligent Thai Girl To Marry


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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family. Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.

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If you get to know Thais (M&F) on a friendship level, you will gradually be introduced to others. Like in any country, this is a good way for people to meet because they've had a mutual friend "pre-screen" them, so to speak.

This will also help you learn more about the culture, and its quirks. That just makes a relationship go a bit smoother.

And important:




Good luck :o


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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.


what you perceive is just an illusion . you are a newbie who see's things thru rose tinted glasses .

even if you go thru an agency the chances of success are small .more likely you will end up broke and brokenhearted .

communication is the first hurdle that will get you .

my advice is to find a woman from HK or Singapore at least they will have a reasonable understanding of english and the western way of life .

many farangs get sucked into the whole thailand scenario and it turns into a nightmare, when their new thai wife is not what they thought .

Thai women are great for the medium and short term but not long term..

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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.


what you perceive is just an illusion . you are a newbie who see's things thru rose tinted glasses .

even if you go thru an agency the chances of success are small .more likely you will end up broke and brokenhearted .

communication is the first hurdle that will get you .

my advice is to find a woman from HK or Singapore at least they will have a reasonable understanding of english and the western way of life .

many farangs get sucked into the whole thailand scenario and it turns into a nightmare, when their new thai wife is not what they thought .

Thai women are great for the medium and short term but not long term..

Total generalisation IMO , every man and woman is an individual , how can you warn somebody away from an entire race of people?

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Spend sometime looking around, even i say spend some time

in bars to gain some knowledge (Normal TG are totally different

than BGs) and while waiting, try all these, because they can help

you in building better relationship (aren't in any order):

1-Get used to eating thai food. 75% thais don't like farang food.

2-Learn to speak thai.

3-Buy some books and learn more about thai culture and society.

4-Learn to copy their behaviours, you can't act like a farang, and be accepted.

5-Try to think and talk like a thai, most farangs don't have it.

6-Don't try to impress your wife or GF, financialy but socially, like visiting.

and maintaining good relation with her family and relatives, but don't

pay them. Ususally geniune Family are not needy for your money always.

7-Try to find a TG that has some education and never been in

contact with foriegners.

8-If you have business or contact with thai friends, you might have

more chance to find one among or through them

9-Look around at big shopping malls like The mall, central, seacon at

LadPrao, Ramkhamheng, Bangkapi, srinakarin, .....These are Thai

nighbourhood where middle class thai live, you will see lot of woman

at these places, i can say almost more than any part of bangkok

Bangkapi has the highest woman Ratio in Bkk.

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Don't make the mistake of thinking that Thailand has some conveyor belt of Stepford wives, ready and willing to provide you with a family.

Any successful relationship you have with a Thai woman is going to be more demanding and need more work than with a woman from your own culture.

Hmmmm ........you sure?

Are you Andy Capp by chance?

I think Thailand does have a conveyor belt pumping out wonderful candidates in the love election.

And I have no doubt that a relationship with a Thai is going to be far more enjoyable than with the past 3 English women I was with. Certainly much less work!

What's your status Prof?

Married to a Thai or divorced? :o

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Any successful relationship you have with a Thai woman is going to be more demanding and need more work than with a woman from your own culture

Totally 100%, I am very happily married to a Thai, but there are so many things you take for granted, culturally.

Sure buy a book, but until you meet someone, only look at generalisations. Thai culture differs slightly about every 200km. I am in Surin at the moment, and here in the jungle, the culture is very strolg "Old Khmer", In Suphanburi, where I also live, its very liberal.

The big one is to learn some Thai. Just to have a short conversation, Hello, how are you, would you like to have a coffee, what do you like to do, do you have a boyferiend etc etc, just simple conversation stuff.

After that just keep regular habbits, like go to the mall etc about the same time, so if a girl like you, she will see you at the same time.

Anyway good luck

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Well I would heartily recommend finding a suitable Thai wife as my experiences have been very positive.

But I think you have one big problem to face which has nothing to do with all the socio-economic, cultural, educational, and religeous differences you will face. That is that I think you need to live with the lady of your choice for some extended period to see if the relationship works. If you are overseas, your only options are a long distance relationship which is torture for most couples OR a fiancee visa (USA) which gives you 90 days to decide OR you coming to Thailand to live with her. Since the only sensible option is the last one, can/will you come here to teach English (a job you can easily get) ?? If not, you will be taking a big risk marry a Thai girl you have not lived with for a while.

BTW, most Thai ladies consider themselves married if they are living with a man (I beleive)

I think Thai women may be the most beautiful in all the world. But more than that, they really know how to take care of their man.

Good luck.

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Did you see the word "guarantee" anywhere in my post ??

I agree that luck goes a long way in life's fortunes, but that does

not mean one cannot also improve your odds with some decisions based on good judgement.

If it is at all possible, this fellow should live with his potential wife to see how it will work. There is no promise of 50 yrs of bliss, just avoidance of an embarassing trip to divorce court in 6 months.

If the man is serious about finding a Thai wife, and again, I heartily recommend it, he should be willing to come here and live while teaching English (assuming he has no trust fund from a rich uncle) and take his time to find a highly suited lady.

I had another thought ..... and that is since he said "Intelligent Thai Girl", he probably means a well educated Thai Girl, and that is a bit harder to find (but not impossible; a woman with a good job, like nurse or accountant, probably has a good education). Furthermore, a Thai woman in this category often comes from the part of Thai society that forbids living with a man prior to marriage. So there is a another problem to deal with.

But all these little obstacles are worth the trouble when you have found the love of a good Thai woman.

Again .... I wish you good luck.

See Ravisher ..... I like luck too !!!

Edited by paulfr
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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.

save the airfare. there are many intelligent thai women studying for post-graduate degrees in western countries that you could court.

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... That is that I think you need to live with the lady of your choice for some extended period to see if the relationship works. ...

I don't think there is a corelation between living together and having a successful marriage. I know way too many people who have decided to live together as a compromise NOT to get married. Basically, either one wants to marry and the other doesn't so they decide simply to live togeher instead, or neither wants to marry. And in both cases frequenly they never come to an agreement to marry because there is no reason for it.

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<deleted> to everyone that says to stay away from bar girls...many times who they are has nothing to do with what they do for a living. I say look at the commercial side and resign yourself to supporting the woman and her family...you will anyway whatever the arrangement.

before entering into commercial discussion simply chose whoever you like and quietly observe. The reasons for not chosing one or the other will quickly become obvious. After a couple of weeks of scrutiny suggest a semi-permanent arrangement for further investigation and also mention the commercial side. Hopefully you will then have the opportunity to meet the family to see what you're getting into. If you see something you don't like follow your instincts and bail out...nothing gained, nothing lost...

iterate as necessary until convergance....

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i suggest staying single....but have some babies! :D

after all any relationship with a thai gal won't generally last, however i do know some that do but the hubs are generally very unhappy and stay in the relationship because of the kids....not the wife! :D

i have two thai kids from thai gals and they in the end were not pleasants stays :D

even now they still try to clean me out :D

so am now happy single and make sure i never come alone :o

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Why does she have to be Thai? Jeez, it really grates on me when people have these narrow-minded opinions. I've heard this before, but from my friend, she _has_ to be Japanese. He's so narrow-minded most of the time. What's wrong with the rest of the women of the world? For the LOVE OF GOD! Don't generalise! If you just select Thai or Japanese, you're narrowing down your choices and chances. I should maybe be happier as it means more for me, but it doesn't provide me with any solace. PLEASE PEOPLE! Don't put up barriers! This is not restricted to love.

OK! OK! Had my rant, I'm going... carry on.

Edited by dr_Pat_Pong
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<deleted> to everyone that says to stay away from bar girls...many times who they are has nothing to do with what they do for a living. I say look at the commercial side and resign yourself to supporting the woman and her family...you will anyway whatever the arrangement.

before entering into commercial discussion simply chose whoever you like and quietly observe. The reasons for not chosing one or the other will quickly become obvious. After a couple of weeks of scrutiny suggest a semi-permanent arrangement for further investigation and also mention the commercial side. Hopefully you will then have the opportunity to meet the family to see what you're getting into. If you see something you don't like follow your instincts and bail out...nothing gained, nothing lost...

iterate as necessary until convergance....

Sound advice in my book.

I second that. Good advice.

Edited by paulfr
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<deleted> to everyone that says to stay away from bar girls...many times who they are has nothing to do with what they do for a living. I say look at the commercial side and resign yourself to supporting the woman and her family...you will anyway whatever the arrangement.

before entering into commercial discussion simply chose whoever you like and quietly observe. The reasons for not chosing one or the other will quickly become obvious. After a couple of weeks of scrutiny suggest a semi-permanent arrangement for further investigation and also mention the commercial side. Hopefully you will then have the opportunity to meet the family to see what you're getting into. If you see something you don't like follow your instincts and bail out...nothing gained, nothing lost...

iterate as necessary until convergance....

ain't love beautiful? :o

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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.

In reply to venturalaw who appears to be searching for a special Thai girl. Any farang looking for a girl in Thailand is going to meet special girls. Some girls are special in that they are after your money. Some are special cos they're merely after a better life. Some are seriously special & looking for a kind person to lift them out of a miserable existence between family shack somewhere in backcountry Isaan and a modest room in Bangkok where they sleep on a mattress on the floor with 3 other girls.

Not all working girls are "working" girls, that is many have jobs in department stores,restaurants etc and survive on modest incomes after working long hours. If you are looking for a well educated, moneyed, girl with a nice well off family that is going to approve of you, a farang, taking their daughter off to some foreign country for half the year or more, that may be a bit harder.

If you are merely fascinated by the allure of a sexy Thai woman, come here for a holiday if you have not already done so and sample the assortment of wonderful ladies all willing to meet you. What can you offer them? Security? Love ? A better life than that which they now enjoy?

Just remember that Thai's place a lot of importance and value on looking good and that is how you should be. They all (Including bar girls) dress very well with clean clothes,and perfect personal hygiene. Farangs have much to learn in that department IMHO. Take a look in a mirror and ask yourself "Would I want to go out with me"? I know I would!

Think long and hard, the transition is not easy either way. I speak from experience and I am sure there will be other posters who will agree or disagree with me. but one thing is for sure. Thai women are seriously special. Even when it comes to sanuk.

Good luck.

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If you want a decent Thai girl there are agenies in BK that can introduce you to girls with jobs.... nurses, bank people,,,,, etc ,, at least you'll have a fightin chance :o

I consider that answer a JOKE!

If anyone wants to meet a (decent) girl, he should meet her in real live. Pls open your eyes. No decent Thai girl goes to an agency...

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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.


what you perceive is just an illusion . you are a newbie who see's things thru rose tinted glasses .

even if you go thru an agency the chances of success are small .more likely you will end up broke and brokenhearted .

communication is the first hurdle that will get you .

my advice is to find a woman from HK or Singapore at least they will have a reasonable understanding of english and the western way of life .

many farangs get sucked into the whole thailand scenario and it turns into a nightmare, when their new thai wife is not what they thought .

Thai women are great for the medium and short term but not long term..

Total generalisation IMO , every man and woman is an individual , how can you warn somebody away from an entire race of people?


because the hurdles , and cultures are so at odds with each other that the likely

outcome is in most cases is disastrous .

how can you get married to a woman who has in most cases no english speaking capabilities ? has never heard of Mick Jagger , David Bowie , or John lennon ? and

its more than likely that she has never even heard of Adolf Hitler as well.

you might as well get married to a love doll ! :o

and then there is the cold freezing european weather , how can you expect any thai woman to tolerate that ?

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I consider that answer a JOKE!

If anyone wants to meet a (decent) girl, he should meet her in real live. Pls open your eyes. No decent Thai girl goes to an agency...


That wasn't nice. There are alot of aholes out there. Women have to put up with them to stay in the game. If a Thai women gets discouraged maybe she would sign up as a means to screen out people with beer breath.


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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.

save the airfare. there are many intelligent thai women studying for post-graduate degrees in western countries that you could court.

Agree with you Khun Penelope. Many decent thai gals , studying overseas, many got scholarships, many got support from their families, only few are black sheep, and might support themselves as a pros. But on the other side, prost. who still eager to further their studies is much better than prost who wants to empty Farangs pockets.

If you know some thai family, try to make friend with them, with nicely and smartly way, they might introduce you to know some other thai friends. Or visiting some thai course, or any place where you can meet decent and middle class thai family who have normal jobs. Thais are friendly to farangs,* too* friendly you can say.

Or going to thai chat room, you might find some decent gals, but better not in Bkk chat room...there are too many wild and naughty gals..;-)

I'm a thai gal ..and very decent ;-) hehee...and able to speak and write English and German. But decent gals, you shall be proved by her family too, if you are suit for their daughter, and many other of her relations or not.

You can visit Thai temple or thai club in your country, you might meet many decent gals there. Making interest of thai culture. But decent gals have little sexappeal than BG. They are professional to hunt men, they know all tricks how to make you fall on her and even heartbreaker......have to laugh everytime when I have to read...Farang committed suicide....as BG walked away. There are many ways to meet decent gals...but decent gal...is hunting for decent guys as well.

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I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.


what you perceive is just an illusion . you are a newbie who see's things thru rose tinted glasses .

even if you go thru an agency the chances of success are small .more likely you will end up broke and brokenhearted .

communication is the first hurdle that will get you .

my advice is to find a woman from HK or Singapore at least they will have a reasonable understanding of english and the western way of life .

many farangs get sucked into the whole thailand scenario and it turns into a nightmare, when their new thai wife is not what they thought .

Thai women are great for the medium and short term but not long term..

Total generalisation IMO , every man and woman is an individual , how can you warn somebody away from an entire race of people?


because the hurdles , and cultures are so at odds with each other that the likely

outcome is in most cases is disastrous .

how can you get married to a woman who has in most cases no english speaking capabilities ? has never heard of Mick Jagger , David Bowie , or John lennon ? and

its more than likely that she has never even heard of Adolf Hitler as well.

you might as well get married to a love doll ! :D

and then there is the cold freezing european weather , how can you expect any thai woman to tolerate that ?

I did , and she still loves the cold weather 8 years later. Like I said generalistaion is the death of open-mindedness and freewill.

The Icons you speak of are fairly lightweight ( except Hitler) Come up with a more convincing argument next time.


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I did , and she still loves the cold weather 8 years later. Like I said generalistaion is the death of open-mindedness and freewill.

The Icons you speak of are fairly lightweight ( except Hitler) Come up with a more convincing argument next time.

I agree.

I think you're off here cojones. Thai women are tuff. And what about rock and rollers? Do their lyrics make up your personal mission statement? Now if she refused to allow their music in the house then I would say you have a point.

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If you want a decent Thai girl there are agenies in BK that can introduce you to girls with jobs.... nurses, bank people,,,,, etc ,, at least you'll have a fightin chance :D

I consider that answer a JOKE!

If anyone wants to meet a (decent) girl, he should meet her in real live. Pls open your eyes. No decent Thai girl goes to an agency...

agree :o ...... no decent girl wants to be flogged of as a whore :D

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Why Thai?? I dont fathom why Thai and restrict yourself to one nationality!! There are lovely, single, educated, decent and honest women out there who are NOT Thai!!! :o

save the airfare. there are many intelligent thai women studying for post-graduate degrees in western countries that you could court.

I do agree with Penelope...if you really MUST look for a Thai, look for those who are already there.........likelihood of getting conned would be less...and it would be easier to get to know them LIVE instead of on the internet and phone calls!!! :D

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There are many places you can meet nice Thai girls and some of them can be found in bars, I am sure that he will find a girl that turns his head somewhere in Thailand.

Many Thai bar girls get married to farangs and go on to make good lives for themselves in their adopted countries, without resorting to their previous occupations. Some will openly admit to their past and some create new lives for themselves. Dont knock a girl just cause she works in a bar, sure some of them are money grabbers but there are many that just want to meet a nice guy who will look after them.

Agree with the sending of money....Dont do it.

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