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Americans Rated As The Most Annoying Travellers


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I think this "poll" should have been ran by airline stewardesses before they came to this conclusion. Loudest, most outspoken, arrogant, and worst behaved kids, ok maybe. But I find body odor, overhead compartment hogging, obnoxious smelling lotions and perfumes, and people pushing their way through lines to be the worst of the worst. I think the people who determined this “poll’s” outcome have never traveled through Dubai, Saudi, Jordan, Uzbekistan, or Afghanistan. Let em’ take a trip to the Haj and come back with the same results. These people will push little old ladies to the ground to get into a line when the counter has not even opened yet. They fight there way onto the plane and fill the overhead with the most ungodly huge bags you have ever seen. They wear these musky perfumes and lotions that would make a goat puke. The only way I could describe it is to compare it to the musk from a ferret or mongoose. Then run over it with a car and let it simmer in the sun for a couple of days on the road. :o

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I don’t know what is the stupidest: this biased poll or the racist remarks of certain individuals in this thread. What is sure it’s that there are plenty of annoying people in this world (and fortunately, some decent ladies and gentlemen too) regardless of their nationality.

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As far as those seat-recliners go, you can convince about 50% of them that their seat is broken simply by pushing on the back of it when they try to recline it. Some parties advise that you should let it recline a little though, otherwise the bastards may call the stewardess to "fix" it... :o

The problem (at least with the cheap seats) is that there's such little space. It can be a hassle if you have a beverage on the drop down tray, and the person in front of you slams their seat back. Another problem is having the seats in front of you reclined and someone in your row need to get out. If I'm in an asile seat, I'll just get out to make it easier to let them by. Not so easy though if you've got food on your tray and someone decides at that time they need to make a run for the restroom.

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My worst experience was sitting in the row behind two white non-English speaking backpackers on a flight from BKK to Japan. They stunk like they had never taken a bath and then the woman fully reclined her seat back. It was a full flight with no alternative seating. I kicked the backed of her seat all the way to Japan. Next time I will ask that such a stinking person be removed from the airplane before takeoff but that is the only time I have ever previously experienced that and didn't have that idea before take-off.

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Americans rated as the most annoying travellers

LONDON: --Americans are the most annoying travellers in the world, a global poll reveals.

They are followed by those from France (12%) and Germany (10%).

British and Chinese travellers (equaly six per cent) complete the roll call of the five most annoying nationalities, according to the survey of 8,931 people by online travel reviews company TripAdvisor.

Children who kick the back of airline seats are the ultimate no-no for almost one third of travellers (31%).

Rude seat recliners drive one in five travellers mad (21%), whilst passengers who bellow down their mobile phones (16%), block the aisles whilst stowing their bags (12%) and hog the armrests (4%) are rated as being the most annoying traveller traits.

A spokesman for TripAdvisor said: “The notion of ‘travelling for pleasure’ can be a total farce when you’re surrounded by passengers who seem intent on making their presence felt – be it with a boot in the back, or an elbow in the ribs.”

Top 10 Most Annoying Travellers

1. Americans 18%

2. French 12%

3. Germans 10%

4. British 6%

5. Chinese 6%

6. Russians 5%

7. Japanese 5%

8. Italians 5%

9. Indians 2%

10. Emiratees 1%

Top Travel Annoyances

1. Children kicking your seat back 31%

2. Rude seat recliners 21%

3. Loud mobile phone conversations 16%

4. Passengers taking too long to stow overhead baggage 12%

5. People getting up before the seatbelt sign is off 5%

6. Armrest hogs 4%

7. Passengers consuming smelly food 4%

8. Travellers blocking moving walkways 3%

9. “Shoulder surfers” reading over your shoulder 1%

10. People wandering in front of airport service carts 1%

-- Travelmole.com 2008-11-25

I am not challenging the results.

Just questioning the

sample size

Standard Deviation

Margin of error

nationalities of those interviewed.

Number of nationality ratio

Which organization conducted the poll.

Without the above, there is NO credibility.

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Americans are the least of my concern when traveling (however I may be prejudiced because I am a Yank. :D ) My list of top ten travel annoyances begins long before boarding the airplane since it starts with excessively long lines for check in and security. The whole cattlecar mentality has gained tremendous momentum in the airline industry in its search to cut costs in order to meet the public's demand for what the industry perceives as low priced flights. This mentality has brought about many changes which are just as annoying as some passengers habits such as paying extra for checked baggage, poor quallity food, rude flight attendants and paying for meals in coach. I guess some people would consider this "Progress". :o

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What I meant by bias is that the larger nations, with larger pools of travelers will naturally be higher on the list. There are nationals from smaller countries that give the top rude ones a run for their money, for sure.

I thought I heard somewhere that only 5% of Americans have a passport! so not many traveling around and you lot are still the most annoying ones! :D:D:D:o

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Arabs, Indians, Chinese, French, Germans prob top 5.

You forgot the whinning and whingin' pommes (yourself being one I presume) ya' never know when the planes engines have shut down..... Or not....

Hey Skip. They're already in the list. What's up? boomerang not come back? or Billabong run dry?

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Airline seats are meant to be reclined. How can anyone get angry when people want to lie back a bit (meal times excepted)?

It's funny that the anti recline people call the recliners selfish, when in actual fact its the anti recliners who are the selfish ones (top hint: try reclining your own seat if you don't have enough space and EVERYONE around you is lying back having a good sleep) :o

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BTW... what is a Rude Seat Recliner? For a 14 hour flight I hate to think I must keep my seat in the upright position!? :o

I think the rude one is the person behind me complaining. They should recline their seat and CHILL!!!

A rude seat recliner is anyone who reclines their seat in coach class.

Is that seat really any more comfortable leaned back? Perhaps I am in the minority, but I find coach-class airline seats to be equally uncomfortable regardless of what position the backrest is in.

People who recline in front of me cause me to have to slouch in my seat to get my face away from their seatback, which in turn causes my knees to be pressed into their back for the duration of the reclinage...too bad about that.

It would not hurt my feelings one bit to have all coach-class seats non-reclining.

And yes, I do fly a bit...50+ flights last year, all but 2 or 3 in coach class :D

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BTW... what is a Rude Seat Recliner? For a 14 hour flight I hate to think I must keep my seat in the upright position!? :o

I think the rude one is the person behind me complaining. They should recline their seat and CHILL!!!

A rude seat recliner is anyone who reclines their seat in coach class.

Is that seat really any more comfortable leaned back? Perhaps I am in the minority, but I find coach-class airline seats to be equally uncomfortable regardless of what position the backrest is in.

People who recline in front of me cause me to have to slouch in my seat to get my face away from their seatback, which in turn causes my knees to be pressed into their back for the duration of the reclinage...too bad about that.

It would not hurt my feelings one bit to have all coach-class seats non-reclining.

And yes, I do fly a bit...50+ flights last year, all but 2 or 3 in coach class :D

You don't have a problem with the seat recliners in coach. Just count how many times you use me and my in your post and you might see the real problem. You shouldn't expect other people to sacrifice their comfort for your comfort. If you don't like the seating arrangements in coach then either don't fly or go business or first class.

Reclining in coach is completely acceptable except during meal times (flight attendants actually come around and ask you to sit upright during meals), that is why the seats are designed the way they are.



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It might also be that Americans are considered the rudest travelers because they come from the most free and organized society on earth. As such, it is easy to forget that others don't share the same privileges and might construe something like free speech as being loud and obnoxious. I do believe there really is a difference but for some..there might not be. For instance, Asians have a terrible problem with the concept of queuing, taking their place in line, waiting their turn etc. In their society, it is accepted and tolerated whereas in America it is a grievous and hugely rude thing to not do.

So, when deciding who are the rudest and most annoying travelers, which set of societal norms and customs are being used?????

Just another American bashing article fitting someone's agenda to vent their jealousy of Americans and their society.

Get over it.



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most free and organized society on earth

Isn't that a contradiction? BTW, I don't believe the US is EITHER of those two things.

I also don't believe that most people in the world are envious of Americans. This is something most Americans seem to believe though, and that is annoying.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think the most appropriate is that Americans are the most envied. And with good reason...

Welcome back 'chinthee'. :o

It's so nice to have you back.

Where had you been all these time ?

As usual, always get the best logical answers from you.

One of the many reasons. About 93 millions Americans travel International and Dormestic annually.

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As usual, always get the best logical answers from you.

Being envied is NOT the same thing as being hated and feared. Hopefully, we can change that with our exciting new leadership, but Americans who think everyone in the world wants to be American are delusional.

What's tragic is that in many parts of the world, the United States -- formed in the first great anti-colonial revolution -- has come to be seen as the heir to European imperialism. And we are hated and feared, just as were the British, French, Belgians and the rest. This rage strikes many Americans as incomprehensible ("Why do they hate us?"), but international polls document that anti-Americanism has grown to worrying levels.

David Ignatius

Washington Post

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So, when deciding who are the rudest and most annoying travelers, which set of societal norms and customs are being used?????

Just another American bashing article fitting someone's agenda to vent their jealousy of Americans and their society.

Get over it.



The poll was conducted by Travelmole.com. From their site:

TravelMole is the most highly acclaimed and largest global online community for the Travel and Tourism Industry with over 450,000 registered newswire subscribers - travel and tourism professionals worldwide (133k Europe/Russia; 241k N. America; 23k Asia/Pacific, and 59k in other countries).

The TravelMole.com web site registers 8.5 million hits each month (3.1m Europe/Russia; 4.4m N. America; 0.9m Asia/Pacific).

So considering that the largest number of subscribers, and largest number of visitors come from North America, hmmmmmm, who do you think would most likely have been the largest contributors to that poll ? South Africans ? Fijians ? Americans ? Estonians ? Bhutanese ?

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It might also be that Americans are considered the rudest travelers because they come from the most free and organized society on earth. As such, it is easy to forget that others don't share the same privileges and might construe something like free speech as being loud and obnoxious. I do believe there really is a difference but for some..there might not be. For instance, Asians have a terrible problem with the concept of queuing, taking their place in line, waiting their turn etc. In their society, it is accepted and tolerated whereas in America it is a grievous and hugely rude thing to not do.

So, when deciding who are the rudest and most annoying travelers, which set of societal norms and customs are being used?????

Just another American bashing article fitting someone's agenda to vent their jealousy of Americans and their society.

Get over it.



We are completely in agreement here. Many people *are* envious of USA, witness the constant bashing we see here. It seems like almost every thread, someone will slip in some derogatory comment towards USA, its citizens, its president, etc.

People sure love to bash USA, but who do they come to when they need their ass bailed out?

And who typically steps up to help other countries in need, quite often before it is even asked for?

No country/government/society is without faults, and I will certainly admit that mine is less than perfect. But I would challenge anyone to cite a modern example of something better. Which other modern government has endured for 221 years?

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People sure love to bash USA, but who do they come to when they need their ass bailed out?...Ghostbusters !!!

And who typically steps up to help other countries in need, quite often before it is even asked for? - Like Iraq you mean ???

No country/government/society is without faults, and I will certainly admit that mine is less than perfect. But I would challenge anyone to cite a modern example of something better. Which other modern government has endured for 221 years?....221 years, so what is your point...less us start citing some western european countries...The UK springs to mind - 1066, Magna Carta.....US 221 years still taking baby steps....

Typically the US gets involved in places because there is an ulterior motive and it serves self interest.

The biggest thing that saddens me with the US is that the vast majority of the population believe their own (or their goverments) b*llsh*t....

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I am an American and I don’t think everyone envies us. I sure as he11 don’t think anyone is jealous of us. I don’t think everyone wants to live in our country. I don’t think Americans are free. I don’t think the USA is the best country in the world to live in. I don’t believe the universe revolves around Hollywood. I know I am not brainwashed and I believe that I have an ability to see through propaganda and misleading information that is fed to me on a daily basis in the States. Unfortunately I agree with all of you that 99% of Americans do think this way and are socially ignorant when it comes to interacting with people internationally. But all of you have to understand that they are ignorant because they don’t travel. A vacation in the States is when you’re laid off from one job and looking for another. The majority work until they die living paycheck to paycheck

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Haha, trying to dilute the 'annoying title' by including us Canucks. Funny, when you win something you don't credit us but when you lose, you like to spread the blame :D

You should have taken the time to read the entire post. I think you misunderstood. I was simply asking why Canadians and many other nationalities weren't included in the poll. That's all, nothing sinister. I am a bit puzzled however, at how you interpreted the post as having anything to do with withholding "credit" or spreading "blame". Besides, most US residents wouldn't even know Canada existed if it weren't for the multitudes of Canadian snowbirds who swamp Florida, Arizona, South Texas and Hawaii in the winter months. They're not annoying are they? :o


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quoted........I thought I heard somewhere that only 5% of Americans have a passport! so not many traveling around and you lot are still the most annoying ones!



That because Americans (by birth) could travel to many countries like Canada, Mexico or the countries in the Caribbean without needing the passport.

I know this because I used to travel with American friends to Canada or visiting ( by cruise ship) the Caribbean countries like Jamaica...Cozumel....Cancoon etc. All my friends just showed them their birth certificate to the immigration at the port-of-call, off they went. :o

Up until summer this year, every Ameican need to have a passport if they're leaving the USA.

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Although I have had my fair share of rude 'yank' experience and probably can agree with the post, I would also like to mention that as an ex-pat in Asia for 20+ yrs, holding dual nationality (Aussie and Brit) more often than not any travel agency will still automatically assume a white guy to be from America. Its one of my pet peeves, to be called one, much like the Canadians (but I don't go and wear an Aussie flag to prove I'm not).

So you could disregard perhaps a few percentage for the misconception, that means the French are the winners really. If you have ever been to Bali, you would also put us Ozzies up there in the top ten for sure, I was ashamed to see/hear them.


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Too funny this thread reminded me of this Harry Enfield Youtube

Thanks 'Pomthai' for this hilarious TV :D .

I had a good laugh, at the same time, agree that is the typical American tourists behaving on the trips (overseas or dormestic tip).

I have to confess that I also possess this trait too, you always act out like this because you feel good about yourself, :D so you got carry away by acting so friendly :D with anyone who's happened to be on your path. No harm done. :o

Always enjoy talking to any decent American, they're 'easy-going-good to talk with' kind.

I found often the Europeans ( particular women from German...Russia) always give you a stern look when you gave them a smile.....why is that ? Hubby said may be they had tough lives. They're angry at the world. :D

Just back from EU cruise which started sailing from port in Barcelona, ending at port in Manhattan, NY. For 13 days on the ship, living among 2300 +, with almost half are passengers from EU. I came to enjoy making friends with Brits...Aussie....Netherlander....Newzelander. Of course, with the Amercans (1000+) passengers I felt like living among family.

This is my 2 stangs comment based on my experience.

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My experience of US citizens has always been, where there is more than one, they are loud, obnoxious, and the air is filled with profanity, no matter if there are women and kids around.

Yet if you meet one on their own, they are friendly, helpful, and polite. (Explain that, I can't). :D

However, the masses of Russian / east europeans I encountered on my last trip to Pattaya, were absolutely dreadful. Rude, arrogant, uncouth, and with no class whatsoever. (Must be down to "eliminating" the upper/middle classes during communist purges). :o

As for the women they bring with them, where on earth do they get their fashion sense?

As an aside, I was once on a plane from Doha-BKK, which had a lot of Russians on board, when it landed they burst into applause, I thought people only did that for emergency landings, it was really strange behaviour.

The best travellers I have found are folks from the scandinavian countries, germans, and aussies.

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