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Boycott Thailand!


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Most people in Thailand do not support the PAD. This is why the PAD will not accept new elections. Who do you want to hurt by a boycott?

Most people in Thailand do not support the PPP. This is why the PPP-led coalition-government will not accept new elections. Who do you want to hurt by a boycott ? :o


Most of the Bangkok people don't support PPP.. the want to establish a group who favors their interests and then hand pick 75% of the MP's because rural Thais are too stupid to elect proper officials. PAD has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with Burma politicos!

The point I was trying to make, which clearly went over your head, was that both views were equally valid, or invalid. You unfortunately have an even split in the country, the current government is about to fall apart when the courts dissolve the PPP, which will lead to a new election anyway.

I'd post "PPP has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with Burma politicos" , which is equally true, if I could be bothered.

Everybody, on both sides of the rift, would be hurt by the boycott foolishly proposed by the OP.

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I encourage you to refrain from travelling to Thailand even after the situation calms down.

Thailand and Thai people must realize how much they have lost due to the demonstrations, riots, making Suvarnabhumi airport out of order, etc.

Fine by me, stay away you peanut. Those of us who are lucky enough to be here when the airport closed are still having a good time, and its still a remarkably peaceful and pleasant country despite the pathetic state of politics.

You lucky bastard! Had I only booked my flight on the 20th of November, like i originally had planned, I would have been enjoying myself really good right now, knowing that I would be getting an extra few days of quality time in Bangkok due to airport closure! SH)$T!!!! Oh well, just plain old bad luck... Starting to look like I will be coming in April now.... I feel like going to a corner in the room and crying....

Edited by doczenith83
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I think many of you have missed the OPs point , Thailand tourism is already down 30% due to other factors that do not seem to have affected neighbours tourism , it is not just due to the worlds economic problems . Many other factors have bothered tourism , this is just the straw that seems to be breaking the camels back , to spout off about how things may or may not be in their own country tends to agravate tourists even more , they are only interested in what they get IN THAILAND FOR THEIR HARD EARNED DOLLAR .Yes they could go to Somalia you ignoramous , but they wanted to come to Thailand but have changed their minds due to the INCOMPETANCE of the govrnment in the current situation , this would not have been allowed to happened in their more CIVILISED country , get the picture ? How the poor or tourism workers can still make a living IS NOT THEIR PROBLEM , their holiday and security are the only thing that matters to them . You want to live here by choice , okay , but they do not even want to visit , open your eyes and look at their point of view , do you realy believe your silly castigation of their thoughts will build confidence in them to rethink ? Then many of you are far more inane than i gave you credit for .

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If a tourist destination no longer suits you then of course you are free to not go there. The idea of boycotting a country just seems silly and suggests 'delusions of grandeur'. I got bored visiting France in my teens and stopped going there on my holidays; does that mean that I have been boycotting the place? Come now- stop being so dramatic.

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If a tourist destination no longer suits you then of course you are free to not go there. The idea of boycotting a country just seems silly and suggests 'delusions of grandeur'. I got bored visiting France in my teens and stopped going there on my holidays; does that mean that I have been boycotting the place? Come now- stop being so dramatic.

My , my , you chose to not go to France for your holidays , you have 'Delusions of gradneur' because YOU have boycotted France , so what then is your point ?

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If a tourist destination no longer suits you then of course you are free to not go there. The idea of boycotting a country just seems silly and suggests 'delusions of grandeur'. I got bored visiting France in my teens and stopped going there on my holidays; does that mean that I have been boycotting the place? Come now- stop being so dramatic.

My , my , you chose to not go to France for your holidays , you have 'Delusions of gradneur' because YOU have boycotted France , so what then is your point ?

Perhaps you might like to invest in a dictionary and find the meaning of this word.

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I have always boycotted Tuvalu and Vanatu because they rhyme.

Next time you visit your daughter in Ireland PB you might like to reflect on the fact that this is the country where the first boycott occurred, and it is here that the name originated. Captain Boycott increased his tenant's rents and they responded by making his life difficult by completely ignoring him.

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Captain Boycott had no tenants , he was merely a 'Land agent' for the owner .

As he was acting as the agent they were his tenants; he was the one they paid for the right to stay on the land. In the same way that people in other countries are tenants of councils even though individual councilmen/women do not own any of the property. The man in the mac who collects this money and represents the council can still use the term 'his tenants' when discussing his job.

This seems to be getting far off topic by the way.

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Tarro , just read the 2 posts above yours , as individuals they both decided to BOYCOTT something or some-one they did not agree with , this word has changed over the years and many INDIVIDUALS boycott buisnisses , services etc , you are just a first class nitpicker , shame really , you appear to be quite intelligent otherwise , you personally chose to boycott France , whatever your sentiments , you may be a wanabee Thai , but surely you are not too proud to lose a little 'Face'.

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This is just getting silly. If I choose to no longer holiday in France it does not mean the same as boycotting France; I am not trying to punish France or protest against it. In the same way that when I changed jobs it didn't mean that I was boycotting the previous job.<br /><br />My reason for referring to the meaning of the word boycott was not to be pedantic, but to point out that I believe that the OP's use of the emotive term 'boycott' is over the top. Unless of course he intends to stand outside the Thai embassy with a large banner saying that he is boycotting Thailand and no longer going on holidays there.

Edited by garro
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For shopping, food and first class facilities Thailand, and Bangkok in particular, is fantastic. For natural beauty (beaches etc.), honesty of local people, and night life of one type or another, ease of doing business, other destinations are far better.

This won't make a sausage of difference in dissuading people from coming to Thailand. The "Thai myth" is just too strong. People will keep coming. I think that people who have made a long term bet on tourism in Thailand will be successful.

We may see a short term problem due to recent troubles (lessened by the attention Mumbai is getting at the moment). I think down turn in tourism has more to do with the high value of the Baht and, more recently, with the world economic slow down. Once the Baht drops people will start coming back.

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For natural beauty (beaches etc.), honesty of local people, and night life of one type or another, ease of doing business, other destinations are far better.

Re ease of doing business, for a foreigner, I'd concur Thailand isn't easy and certainly isn't getting any easier with time...

But for natural beauty, especially nightlife, and honesty of the local people, pray tell where is this heaven that would outrank Thailand (and BKK)???

I'd argue BKK is one of the world's great nightlife cities; that the range and variety of natural beauty in Thailand is vast, and that for the most part, normal Thai people are pretty honest in their day-to-day dealings, especially if you avoid those who make it their business to try to make a quick baht off unsuspecting tourists.

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Hello, everyone.

I encourage you to refrain from travelling to Thailand even after the situation calms down.

Thailand and Thai people must realize how much they have lost due to the demonstrations, riots, making Suvarnabhumi airport out of order, etc.

I had been travelling to Thailand until last winter and I was also going to go there next year with a friend but we have changed our mind and will spend our winter/spring holiday somewhere else. Fortunately, there are many other places in the world worth visiting, with beautiful landscapes, delicious cuisine and friendly people.

IMHO Thailand shouldn't be referred to as a "Land of Smiles" any more.

Maybe everything will seem to have calmed down in next days but there's no guarantee that anything won't happen again soon, in a few weeks/months.

I know that many people from all over the world are planning to spend New Year's holiday in Thailand (and probably hesitating now) but I don't recommend it. Have you read about a couple that were going to spend their honeymoon in Pattaya (if I remember well) but were stranded at the Suvarnabhumi airport? They said they are dreaming of going back to their country as soon as possible and not coming back to Thailand any more...

Who should take responsibility for all the incidents in your opinion? And how should the people whose lifes have changed due to these incidents be recompensed? Do you think that giving them back their money (travel costs etc.) will be enough and solve the problem?

I think that sometimes moral damages can be worse than material ones...

nopainnobrain - I think that yours is a knee-jerk reaction, and it would not surprise me in the least if you found yourself eating your words in, say, 6 months time. Personally I couldn't give a tinker's cuss about recompensing relatively affluent Western tourists. I am much more concerned about the effect which the inevitable downturn in tourist numbers will have on the fortunes of your typical working-class Thai and his/her family, particularly if they are dependent on the tourist industry for their income. These are your real Thais IMHO, not the Westernised Bangkok middle-class elite from which PAD draws much of its support.

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Most people in Thailand do not support the PAD. This is why the PAD will not accept new elections. Who do you want to hurt by a boycott?

Most people in Thailand do not support the PPP. This is why the PPP-led coalition-government will not accept new elections. Who do you want to hurt by a boycott ? :o

Great thought there, though I suspect you copyed some of it !

However, you did miss it that whilst indeed more people who VOTED, didn;t VOTE for PPP, NONE of the People who VOTED in the ELECTIONS, VOTED for PAD because they dare not stand. Sondhi's ego would not accept it for sure. And that is why you have a PPP government in power that has no reason whatever to stand aside for a fascist mob.

The only instability is the other faction of this Fascist mob, namely the Army who encouraged it, are helping man the barrackades and refusing to act. Dont confuse weak Government with Army Coup.

PPP don't have to accept new elections. They just won the last 4 easily.

Conversely, The PAD/Deomcrat/Elite.Fascist pary lost the last 4 easily. The last one they managed to lose despite it being gerrymander, legislated for and guaranteed by the Junta and those oh so clever "educated" Bangkok Thais.

The PAD want elections to be held but for nobody to be able to stand in them. Same same to you my friend if you like to have it that way.

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I don't think you have a lot of followers my dear friend. And the few thousands who don't ever want to come back here will not avert the die-hard Thailand fanatics either.

Of course I understand that there are people who will go to Thailand or live there despite of the unrest, war, etc. (for example sex-tourists addicted to Thai girls) and nothing will discourage them, I also know that there are many foreigners who have their families and businesses in Thailand but I bet that many tourists and non-tourists (including former Thai freaks) will think twice before visiting Thailand next time. And that it will have negative influence on the whole country and it's people.

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Who is cutting the posts?! :o

I repeat for those who have insulted me on this forum in this topic (now the posts seem to have disappeared):

Chak your waaos and dtok your bets! :D


&lt;deleted&gt; are you talking about,And no offence but by using a name such as yours ' nobrain' what do you expect in terms of a reply.People will still come to Thailand because of reasons that suit them and those that go to Spain do so because they want to.Sure in the short to medium term Thailand will not see the masses but as the baht dwindles in value people will come back and as for the the airport blockade then all I can say is welcome to Thailand enjoy your FREE STAY ON US.




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I do not get involved in politics, esp. politics of another country. However, the PAD action of taking over the airports and completely stopping tourism will affect ALL of Thailand. I was planning to visit Thailand Saturday from America (my 5th visit) as I typically do yearly as I love the country and people.

However, this year I am forced to change my itinerary last minute and travel to another country. Obviously, changing a trip last minute is both a painful and costly process. That being said, I will more then likely go to Vietnam or Cambodia this year and annually going forward. Additionally, many of my friends who frequently travel to Thailand are doing the same.

Great move taking over the airports !! You lost me and thousands of others as tourists for a long time. I do not plan to go to Thailand for years (if ever again). Not for safety concerns, but for my FACE.

My vacation plans have been ruined and I vowed to myself not to return. Good luck Thailand....I sincerely wish the situation does get resolved and resolved peacefully. However, the action of the last few days will have a huge impact on the baht, the economy and ultimately the people of Thailand. I foresee the growing recession getting extremely worse and lasting for years. Thailand will go back to being a true Third World country. Confidence and perception of Thailand is dramatically declining..... and as we all know this takes years to get back (esp throughout the world community).

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