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The Land Of Idiots


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the thais involved in this power play do not care about your business as they do not care about tourism,its really low on their priority,sad but true,and being an expat here makes you realise what it must be like for foreigners living in our own countries back home,somtimes not easy,sometimes unwelcoming,am sorry for your business and all the others suffering right now,and particularly those in the tourist industry,these are very dificult times abiut to get worse.

C'mon there! Comparing "Our Countries Immigrants" situation to what's going on here is a "Bit" over the top!

This is a Large Gang of Ruthless thugs trashing the Entire infrastructure and economy to instal a Facist Dictatorship!

It's like comparing Mohamad Ali and Amy Winehouse as Fighters!!!( Wait now that Might be a good Celebrity Death Match!! :o )

But Your observations otherwise are to Be commended! Right You Are!

Peace to You and Yours!

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Thailand shouldn't be referred to as a "Land of Smiles" any more. The 'Land of Idiots' is far more appropriate. :o

When terrorists (of any description) take over a country's main airport, a government must react swiftly and decisively. However the PM's request for the police to remove the protesters by 'gentle means' typifies the absurdity of the Thai Psyche (i.e. trying to save face at all costs and don't offend the guy who's beating you over the head with a hammer as he may get angry) :D

The PAD have now officially put me out of business. I have lost millions of Baht because of this latest development but I may recover by moving my business, and jobs, elsewhere. So I'll get over it, but how many Thai businesses are on the verge of financial ruin or bankruptcy?

Personally I detest the PAD Idiots, but I have now lost any hope I had in the current government to restore law and order.

No matter what happens, I fear there will be bloodshed in Thailand on a scale never seen before in modern times. The seizure of Suvarnabhumi airport will be the tipping point for an economic cataclysm that Thailand will never recover from. :D

Truly Sad to hear of Your Loss! And that of the Thai's.Who have so little to begin with!

Try not to be angry at the "People".It's like everyone getting angry at everyday People in the US for Bush's actions of late.They have limited power after their vote is cast.And the option is certainly not easy or without pain!

I've spoken with Many Thai's who share Both Your sentiments,Pain, Disdain for the Loss and feeling of hopelesness!The difference is

THEY cannot just leave.They must remain to face that which will ensue.Save what You can from the wreckage and move on.There is meaning in all things that happen to us if We can be open to see and understand it.

While You must try to rebuild anew, The Thai's have another Kharmic task before them!GOOD LUCK Were ever You Go!


Edited by HelterSkelter
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We have had 5 business visitors cancel this week, who were coming into Bangkok next week. We are not sure if, or when they will come back. One was for a significant investment into a project, which now may be in jeporady. I really don't know how many other companies are in the same situation, but I'd imagine it's a fair few. It's really not a good situation for the country in the short and long term, as this farce has badly damaged the the reputation of Thailand, both in tourism and business.

At the momemt, Land of Idiots sums it up quite nicely

Sorry to hear this Mr T, hang on in there.

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It is essential to get the prime Minister out, can't you see this?
Any normal country does this through elections. Shit even the good ol' U.S of A got rid of their bunch of idiots through an election.

The PAD are a bunch of terrorists that have no concern about who they hurt to achieve their goals.

I bet if Sondhi's main income came from the tourism industry, then the airports would not have been targeted.

I do not agree with everything that the pad have done but thaksins mob seem to ignite it by keeping the pm job in thaksins family :o

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Yes. I have heard it many times before as well. The hard core will stay for sure. But I do not think I will be one of them unless things improve dramatically - especially the exchange rate !

Well, in USD terms, the THB has dropped 10% since June. If PAD keeps this crap up, it'll be at 38 by New Year's.

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Yes. I have heard it many times before as well. The hard core will stay for sure. But I do not think I will be one of them unless things improve dramatically - especially the exchange rate !

Well, in USD terms, the THB has dropped 10% since June. If PAD keeps this crap up, it'll be at 38 by New Year's.

Did you think before you posted that? How has the USD performed against other currencies during the same time period? and the Baht?

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Yes. I have heard it many times before as well. The hard core will stay for sure. But I do not think I will be one of them unless things improve dramatically - especially the exchange rate !

Well, in USD terms, the THB has dropped 10% since June. If PAD keeps this crap up, it'll be at 38 by New Year's.

Did you think before you posted that? How has the USD performed against other currencies during the same time period? and the Baht?

To clear it up, both the baht and the dollar are very high performers at the moment. The bt appears insanely high against the pound, Euro, and Oz dollar, to name but a few. In comparison to the dollar the bt looks quite weak but you have to remember the strength of the dollar and the fact that the bt has generally appreciated so much over the past 2 years.

A general answer to this vague posting.

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In my continuing search for new employment I am close (I hope!) to being offered a position in which I am required to establish a regional HQ in south-east Asia for a MNC. It's up to me whether this HQ is based in BKK or Singapore.

Although I have family in Thailand, I can no longer consider Thailand as a viable and stable location for a regional HQ.

The loss to Thailand is miniscule. But I will not be the only person whose future business/investment decisions are affected by this situation at the airports.


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Yes. I have heard it many times before as well. The hard core will stay for sure. But I do not think I will be one of them unless things improve dramatically - especially the exchange rate !

Well, in USD terms, the THB has dropped 10% since June. If PAD keeps this crap up, it'll be at 38 by New Year's.

Did you think before you posted that? How has the USD performed against other currencies during the same time period? and the Baht?

Hey, man, why should I care about the Pound, the Euro, or the Ringgit? :o It's NOT MY FAULT. :D

Don't worry, the USD will be tanking again starting around 2Q09. That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.

how much trouble would the OP's Biz have to have been in to die in a couple of days?

For a startup, the loss of one deal can be significant. I think you guys need to stop blaming the victim. The OP tried to create a business that presumably would have benefited Thailand's economy. It's not his fault that the PAD decided to try to overthrow the government, in part by shutting down the airports.

I understand that PAD protesters were walking around the airport lounges giving ham sandwiches and rice to the stranded passengers. Personally, I would've thrown the rice in their faces and dam_n the consequences.

Edited by Hairy
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how much trouble would the OP's Biz have to have been in to die in a couple of days?

Been thinking the same thing. His business must run on very tight margins to have collapsed so quickly.

If i were him, and with a wife and kid to consider, i'm not sure i would so quickly be talking about up-rooting your lives. Things can change quickly in Thailand after all. If you are the hard-worker you say you are, just keep at it and i'm sure your fortunes will swing. At the end of the day, if your business is unsaveable, why don't you just get a teaching job? Plenty of vacant positions out there from what you say.

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I have 3 business in Thailand, I can be worry, but It's to early to make so black forecasts.

BTW, call Thailand "the land of Idiots" don't seems very nice to me. That's why I write about people always complaining about LOS

We have a manufacturing company in CM, mainly export, 260 employees... we have sent 150 home, temporarily.

But I agree, it is way too early to make any forecasts.

Edited by Warrior
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Yes. I have heard it many times before as well. The hard core will stay for sure. But I do not think I will be one of them unless things improve dramatically - especially the exchange rate !

Well, in USD terms, the THB has dropped 10% since June. If PAD keeps this crap up, it'll be at 38 by New Year's.

Did you think before you posted that? How has the USD performed against other currencies during the same time period? and the Baht?

Hey, man, why should I care about the Pound, the Euro, or the Ringgit? :o It's NOT MY FAULT. :D

Don't worry, the USD will be tanking again starting around 2Q09. That's my prediction and I'm sticking to it.

Hairy --- the point is .. the current events in Thailand have not really affected the baht .. you would know this if you took a look at how it performs against other currencies and how the USD is performing against other currencies (and how the SET is doing)

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how much trouble would the OP's Biz have to have been in to die in a couple of days?

Been thinking the same thing. His business must run on very tight margins to have collapsed so quickly.

If i were him, and with a wife and kid to consider, i'm not sure i would so quickly be talking about up-rooting your lives. Things can change quickly in Thailand after all. If you are the hard-worker you say you are, just keep at it and i'm sure your fortunes will swing. At the end of the day, if your business is unsaveable, why don't you just get a teaching job? Plenty of vacant positions out there from what you say.

Possibly a non businessman's view? It doesn't take much to push a business to the edge very quickly and business has been deteriorating year on year anyway . Suppose he was reliant on OZ dollars. Within a week he would have seen business dry up and a catastrophic drop in margins. There are 3 major things happening here, slump in demand, political tensions, high bt, delivery disruption. You really don't need 1, let alone all in spades.

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how much trouble would the OP's Biz have to have been in to die in a couple of days?

Been thinking the same thing. His business must run on very tight margins to have collapsed so quickly.

If i were him, and with a wife and kid to consider, i'm not sure i would so quickly be talking about up-rooting your lives. Things can change quickly in Thailand after all. If you are the hard-worker you say you are, just keep at it and i'm sure your fortunes will swing. At the end of the day, if your business is unsaveable, why don't you just get a teaching job? Plenty of vacant positions out there from what you say.

Possibly a non businessman's view? It doesn't take much to push a business to the edge very quickly and business has been deteriorating year on year anyway . Suppose he was reliant on OZ dollars. Within a week he would have seen business dry up and a catastrophic drop in margins. There are 3 major things happening here, slump in demand, political tensions, high bt, delivery disruption. You really don't need 1, let alone all in spades.

HECK. That's 4 things- it's getting worse by the minute :o

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how much trouble would the OP's Biz have to have been in to die in a couple of days?

Been thinking the same thing. His business must run on very tight margins to have collapsed so quickly.

If i were him, and with a wife and kid to consider, i'm not sure i would so quickly be talking about up-rooting your lives. Things can change quickly in Thailand after all. If you are the hard-worker you say you are, just keep at it and i'm sure your fortunes will swing. At the end of the day, if your business is unsaveable, why don't you just get a teaching job? Plenty of vacant positions out there from what you say.

Possibly a non businessman's view? It doesn't take much to push a business to the edge very quickly and business has been deteriorating year on year anyway . Suppose he was reliant on OZ dollars. Within a week he would have seen business dry up and a catastrophic drop in margins. There are 3 major things happening here, slump in demand, political tensions, high bt, delivery disruption. You really don't need 1, let alone all in spades.

A lot of businesses have had a bad year and low season was even worse. They were just waiting for high season while operating on almost no profit and all of this happens and ruins any chance to get out of the red. It is not difficult to end up in trouble very "quickly". :o

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My ex's hotel at Phuket Airport is - as you can imagine - totally booked out for the past few days, (small hotel, so not difficult to achieve!).

But more ominously, we are also now getting cancellations for peak season next month, with the reasons given that the guests no longer wish to 'risk' coming to Thailand.

Not such good news for us; now repeat it for all hotels in Phuket and see how that affects the local economy and job situation for Thai hotel staff :o


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Hmmmm, at 13:30 I asked the OP a couple questions about how it was that PAD was responsible for the collapse of his business.

He was last seen on TV at 15:30, but (obviously) no response to the questions.

I'd say he's back under his bridge right now as well. He started off by blaming PAD for all his woes, then in his next post blamed everyone (PAD, Politicians and the government).

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As for me, I had my business partner look in to plane tickets to Chengdu where we have been invited to move our operation out there. They have all the equipment we need. So I think we will go check it out before we inject any more substantail money in to this project.

It stinks too because Thialand is where my wife has vowed to stay, but financially I just can't see me staying here. I already earn about 90% less of what I did in the states. So it looks like we will have one of those distant family relationship.... Oh joy.

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This things could happen in any thirth world country, not only in Thailand. Therefore it's called "Thirth world". Therfore you can living here, but don't invest, or invest only what you can afford to lose. I lost more trough to my ex girlfriend than about the lastest poitical devloppments. Thailand, Cambo, Vientnam, etc. doesnt matter which country, it's all the same. You can't trust about political problems. So therefore come here for living only. Don't set up big business! Don't buy any expensive Houses, Land, etc. which you can't put in your name anyway! I never understand: In Europe nobody would buy Property which can't register in their name, so why they do it here?

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Many ex pats living here are considering leaving.

Are they ?

I've been hearing this for the last 18 years, but still they stay.

I thought of it once or twice... Then I get out of my house and look around and realise that I am insane to ever think of living anywhere else in the world.

Some say it, none do it. Well only the skint.

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your business lost all money in a few days due to airport problems. others have made more money due to airport problems. the real problem lies in long term, which doesnt care about which businesses do well or not today or tomorrow, but next year.

I doubt someone making an extra 10 baht from a desperate falang for a bottle of water is going to impact the economy next year. Companies that employ many people and fold due to this will...

The folks here that seem amazed that companies can fold due to the closing of an airport, have no clue about the business world.

Edited by Dakhar
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It just amazes me how many expats can complain about a country that they choose to move to, reminds me of most immigrants comming to Europe, as long as the money comes in, all is well. Once the flow stops, they start complaining. Ofcourse you have those who0 always complain.

If you choose to immigrate, you take risks and you choose the country to go to, but don't complain if it turns out to be a bad choice.

Nobody likes to loose money and I think loads of us lost money or made less then other years due to the world economy.

The situation in LOS is an unfortunate one, especially at the moment, mainly for the Thais who have no choice of going somewhere else.

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