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Superstitions And Old(young Wife Tales.


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Don't sleep with your feet poking out of the bottom of the blankets - a gecko will come along and bite one of your toes. If you are unfortunate to be in this position then you'll have to stick your finger up your arse to make the bugger let go!.

The above was told to me by some Khon Kaen students. Not sure if it's a true belief or if they were just having me on.

Edited by Longsands
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Then there are the 'ghosts'... never... ever... mention ghosts. They will come to haunt you if you do.

Reminds me of the superstition behind why Thai's will give nicknames to their babies, in an effort to keep the evil spirits from finding them and taking them away.

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Don't point at the rainbow. If you do, you have to stick your finger in your as*.

Is that because that colour isn't in the rainbow....

Some more I forgot .

If your wife dreams of someone giving them gold - the baby is on the way . . well thats the theory

Oh yes, isn't almost every Thai afraid of the dark ???

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know that the placement of the buddhist shrine area in the home is supposed to face east or north, but I think that is more tradition than superstition.

I've heard that phras don't face West because West (Tawan Tok) signifies death... Some believe that beds shouldn't have the head pointed West for the same reason... But, in many chinese homes and shops I've visited, the shrines is facing west most of the time, as I remember... I'm wondering if these shrines are ancestor shrines and maybe they're supposed to face East. I've noticed that Chinese graves all face the same direction, too....

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Until the 1930s, the Thais beheaded criminals, unless the victim was royal, in which case they were beaten to death with a piece of sweet-smelling wood.

In 1932, they switched to firing squad, a system that lasted until December 2003. The execution room is still splattered with the blood of those killed by a bullet.

The superstitious executioners shot them in the heart from behind so the dead person's departing spirit could not see the face of the executioner and come back to haunt him.

"We have to train our minds to become empty," explained the executioner. "free of fear, totally free of fear."



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It was a well written peice, but your quote, which was from tha tpiece puzzles me ..

"We have to train our minds to become empty," explained the executioner. "free of fear, totally free of fear."

I would have thought Training your mind to be a good shot, may have been better.


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