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Thai Political Parties Dissolved


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Wearing the Bandana right now and have every day, including those days in Chiang Mai ;-)

While I don't agree with your position, but I must say you have balls....

Strange... I was thinking the exact opposite.

I don't think it's smart, but it takes guts (not brains) to walk into the "enemy" territory wearing the other "gangs" colors.

From the picture the 'guts' evident enough... I'll give you that one.

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Well they did say a few days ago on TV that they would not leave before they had approved the new government!

It is all just F... UPED...

This will get violent now, I just hope that it is the leaders that are going to suffer and not the ignorant masses...

It seems to me that the PAD is now becoming a proxy government themselves. All decisions that are happening in Thailand must be "approved" by the PAD.

People coming into the airport? Must be approved by the PAD!

Planes leaving the airport? Must be approved by the PAD!

New government? Must be approved by the PAD

I can't wait when my annual visa renewal isn't enough, but I'll need to go to the PAD HQ and get my approval there too for it to be legit.

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From Aljazeera - PAD "Wehope to end the airport protests


Parnthep Pourpangan, a spokesman for the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) which has been campaigning to bring down the government, told Al Jazeera that the verdict by the constitutional court was a victory for the people.

"We have been trying to protect the constitution, and the PPP have been trying to amend it to put forward their interests," he said.

"Now we will have a meeting with the PAD leaders, and we have to decide which course of action to take. We hope to end the protests at the airport, and we are aware of the disruptions caused, but our aim is to keep our Thai constitution intact."

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Unluckily -- already since they started this mess -- the PAD so obviously have no plan what they really want. Then somebody could work towards that.

Their stated goal was that the government shall be dissolved. This has happened now.

One would assume that patience is wearing really thin on all sides who backed them, they seemingly never let this come to an end. They themselves do not want to be in power (really?), on the other hand they have nominated nobody. Maybe they just do like destruction for no other sake than destroying things...

i thought their stated aim initially was that somchai resign?

as with every revolutionary faction ever that reaches the top of the mountain, they then realise that they want more than they set out in the beginning. peace, freedom, justice, reasonably priced love and a hard-boiled egg. they've got parliament dissolved, next they'll insist on a PAD presence in any new government, irrespective of elections. and that southern, educated people's votes count double those of poor, northern people's. and that all saengthaws in chiang mai must be repainted yellow. spin the wheel. . .

I believe it was previously stated Somchai and his CABINET resigning,

and they are waiting on the cabinet. I think they should just go.

Someone bigger will no doubt TELL the cabinet to sod off shortly.

Chalerm for PM, yegawds that would be a declaration of war...

Edited by animatic
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Well they did say a few days ago on TV that they would not leave before they had approved the new government!

It is all just F... UPED...

This will get violent now, I just hope that it is the leaders that are going to suffer and not the ignorant masses...

It seems to me that the PAD is now becoming a proxy government themselves. All decisions that are happening in Thailand must be "approved" by the PAD.

People coming into the airport? Must be approved by the PAD!

Planes leaving the airport? Must be approved by the PAD!

New government? Must be approved by the PAD

I can't wait when my annual visa renewal isn't enough, but I'll need to go to the PAD HQ and get my approval there too for it to be legit.

Scary part if they got their entire wishes all us "evil farang" would not be allowed in the country....

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PAD: entire Cabinet must leave office

People's Alliance for Democracy leader Somsak Kosaisuk on Tuesday vowed to continue rallying at Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports and demanded the departure of the entire Cabinet.

Following the verdict on party disbandment, Somsak said the PAD would not allow the Cabinet to work in the caretaker capacity until the formation of the next government.

He said every minister must depart along with Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat.

Of 36 Cabinet members, 22 are not affected by the party disbandment and can carry on in the caretaker administration.

The Nation

Man I am sick of the PAD!! Just send in Rambo, we all saw what he did in Burma, let's see if they are ready to die for their cause!!! LOL

I saw Rambo is working on a script for his 5th movie... I think this situation is ideal to make his new comeback action thriller!!

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Well they did say a few days ago on TV that they would not leave before they had approved the new government!

It is all just F... UPED...

This will get violent now, I just hope that it is the leaders that are going to suffer and not the ignorant masses...

It seems to me that the PAD is now becoming a proxy government themselves. All decisions that are happening in Thailand must be "approved" by the PAD.

People coming into the airport? Must be approved by the PAD!

Planes leaving the airport? Must be approved by the PAD!

New government? Must be approved by the PAD

I can't wait when my annual visa renewal isn't enough, but I'll need to go to the PAD HQ and get my approval there too for it to be legit.

You know I never thought about it but...you are exactly right!!

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PAD: entire Cabinet must leave office

People's Alliance for Democracy leader Somsak Kosaisuk on Tuesday vowed to continue rallying at Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports and demanded the departure of the entire Cabinet.

Following the verdict on party disbandment, Somsak said the PAD would not allow the Cabinet to work in the caretaker capacity until the formation of the next government.

He said every minister must depart along with Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat.

Of 36 Cabinet members, 22 are not affected by the party disbandment and can carry on in the caretaker administration.

The Nation

Man I am sick of the PAD!! Just send in Rambo, we all saw what he did in Burma, let's see if they are ready to die for their cause!!! LOL

I saw Rambo is working on a script for his 5th movie... I think this situation is ideal to make his new comeback action thriller!!

entitled "turning yellow into red"

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Now you'll see the election with a brand new squeaky clean "PPP". (Run by Thaksin of course).

Did you think that they haven't been waiting for this?

yeah, my dear friends.......Long live PPP and Taksin.... surely the people of Issan :o

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Oh please, every political party in Thailand "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking government official "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking police officer "breaks the law". Just about every high ranking military officer "breaks the law". And quite frankly, the judiciary of Thailand has never been without its dirty laundry and it too has always been under the influence of one political faction or another. What has changed is that Sondhi has used his media power to demonize the opposition and so now we have the pawns of both megalomaniacs, Thaksin and Sondhi, wearing their gang colors avowing to destroy the opposition. So the chess game will continue. All that has happened is that one side got some leverage over the judiciary who then threw the board up in the air to mix up all the pieces and start anew. But the stalemate will continue. There is no good news here for the Kingdom and the Thai people.

nicely put.

I agree. Amazing Thailand. Thugs still in airport. Other found giulty by a ???????? court. What is that Aussie animal lol.

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"Now we will have a meeting with the PAD leaders, and we have to decide which course of action to take. We hope to end the protests at the airport, and we are aware of the disruptions caused, but our aim is to keep our Thai constitution intact.

Our aim is to keep our Thai constitution intact...

Which one? They torn up dozens of them over the years.

Ohhhhh, that one. The last one that was force fed to the illiterate masses with the full propaganda messages?

OK, I get it now.


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Now you'll see the election with a brand new squeaky clean "PPP". (Run by Thaksin of course).

Did you think that they haven't been waiting for this?

yeah, my dear friends.......Long live PPP and Taksin.... surely the people of Issan :o

Next time they will win by a larger margin lol

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PAD: entire Cabinet must leave office

People's Alliance for Democracy leader Somsak Kosaisuk on Tuesday vowed to continue rallying at Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports and demanded the departure of the entire Cabinet.

Following the verdict on party disbandment, Somsak said the PAD would not allow the Cabinet to work in the caretaker capacity until the formation of the next government.

He said every minister must depart along with Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat.

Of 36 Cabinet members, 22 are not affected by the party disbandment and can carry on in the caretaker administration.

The Nation

Man I am sick of the PAD!! Just send in Rambo, we all saw what he did in Burma, let's see if they are ready to die for their cause!!! LOL

I saw Rambo is working on a script for his 5th movie... I think this situation is ideal to make his new comeback action thriller!!

entitled "turning yellow into red"


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Cargo flights have been resumed already, as long as shippers and airlines are ready. Passenger flights will have to wait for the PAD to leave the airport: http://www.reuters.com/article/marketsNews...K35445920081202

Even though PAD leave by today or anytime soon, it might take a week to operate passenger flights: http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssIndustr...K37308720081201

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From Aljazeera - PAD "Wehope to end the airport protests


Parnthep Pourpangan, a spokesman for the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) which has been campaigning to bring down the government, told Al Jazeera that the verdict by the constitutional court was a victory for the people.

"We have been trying to protect the constitution, and the PPP have been trying to amend it to put forward their interests," he said.

"Now we will have a meeting with the PAD leaders, and we have to decide which course of action to take. We hope to end the protests at the airport, and we are aware of the disruptions caused, but our aim is to keep our Thai constitution intact."

keep the Thai constitution intact, except for that little line that says the people will choose the government, right?

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I did tell everyone that monday or tuesday will be the last 2 days....i got this news by someone "inside"

Really? under what username? because your user name only has 2 posts the one above and

Does US pay anything off when the interests of nationals of other countries get disturbed??? is it the matter of US citizens only, almos every country's people are stuck there. by the way, is US going to pay off to each n every person of the world for causing a scary and unpeacful atmospahre for them for last 8-9 years???


either you have multiple usernames and should be banned, or you are a lair.....

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This is another sad decison by courts that are politcal pawns:

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



November 26, 2008

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful. About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


The only joke I see is that statement (the misspellings are horrible - must be a Thaksin front organisation). The law is the law. PPP broke the law. Chart Thai broke the law. The judges issued their verdict in accordance with the law. While we may or may not agree that the punishment fits the crime, the punishment was correct according to the law. In my view the only positive effect of the 2006 coup was that it seemed to free the judiciary from the undo influence that Thaksin wielded over them. They seem to be acting according to "he who must not be named" direction that they rule according to the rule of law and with integrity for the sake of the nation.

you have hit the head of the nail.

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The BBC has just said, that the PPP will form a new party, there will be no new election and will be the government, and PAD have said they are not going anywhere. The chaos continues.

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A sad day for Thailand, the Military written constitution does what it was written to do, destroy democracy.

As for the pre determined ruling, I think the puppet judges wear yellow underpants.

Acutally, if your a red supporter, then you have all reasons to celebrate. This was as far as a PAD-sympathic court could go within the Constitution written by the previous government, and the only path left open now is for the "yellow" to break the Constitution if they want the PPP/PTP out of power.

Democracy is still alive i Thailand 3 pm local time december 2nd 2008.

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People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya parties disbanded

BANGKOK: -- The Constitution Court on Tuesday ruled to disband three coalition parties, People Power, Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya, and banned the three's party executives from electoral process for five years.

The high court held the three parties for accountability on electoral fraud involving party executives, Yongyuth Tiyapairat of People Power, Monthien Songpracha of Chart Thai and Sunthorn Wilawan of Matchima Thipataya.

In the fraud case linked to People Power Party, the high court cited the Yongyuth conviction by the Supreme Court as the ground to penalise the ruling party.

For cases linked to Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya, it invoked the rulings by the Election Commission as the basis to punish the two parties.

The nine presiding judges reached unanimous decisions against People Power and Matchima Thipataya parties. And they formed the eight-to-one decision to punish Chart Thai.

The high court opined that the punishment by disbandment was mandatory as sanctioned by Article 237 of the Constitution and that it had no leeway to selectively punish the party executives on the individual basis.

-- The Nation 2008-12-02

What is Thaskin doing just over the border in Cambodia? :o:D:D:D

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The BBC has just said, that the PPP will form a new party, will be the government, and PAD have said they are not going anywhere. The chaos continues.

This is crazy, the madness has no end in sight.... The yellow's hold what is arguably the country’s most important assets hostage.

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great so now we swap yellow terrorists for red terrorists ?

Indeed, and it will be interesting to see if those posters calling for PADs blood will continue with their hard line towards the Red...as they all clame to not the pro-PPP.

(Besides what, 2 users that are madly in-love with Thaksin. Even thought he...ehh...has nothing to do with PPP...or so they say...it all gets very confusing when they try to justify their irrational postings. :o )

If the yellows move out of the airport and reds move in, You will hear me calling for the police or army to go in and end the occupation. Red, Yellow, White, Black, Brown, Purple, Pink.... Does not matter the color of the shirt it matters their actions.

What will be interesting is if YOU will say the reds taking over the airport is ok in light of them trying to accomplish something as you have for the yellow shirt??? Hopefully we don't find out, as I would hate to see the airport occupation continue

But there you make a logical fallacy my friend, for I have never defended the occupation of the airports. But I have neither called for blood, neither yellow nor red. Unlike so many PAD-haters here (but they are not Thaksin/PPP-supporters they say), hence the interest what they say when the reds do anything, apart from always saying 'yellows deserve it' when yellows get killed...

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Thai courts and Thai laws are useless. IF Israel meets out a collective punishment (The judge said even though many of the executives had no knowledge we have to punish them) the world was too small. If the elite appoints there kangaroo judges it is fine. The Thai courts should at least be so smart to act just as quickly without wanting to hear evidence of the accused against the PAD. Unfortunately the courts have many many months to make arrests even while they are in contempt of court. I suppose there is no other option for the reds than to march on the airport and even if it costs many lives to disperse the thugs over there. Napoleon's army is unable to act or unwilling, after all they have more generals than soldiers and the soldiers who used to shoot come from Izan and other rural areas that poses a problem because they too are angry.

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Thai ruling party ordered dissolved

Government supporters had surrounded the court to try to stop the hearing [EPA]

Thailand's Constitutional Court has ordered the dissolution of the ruling People Power party for electoral fraud.

The court also ruled on Tuesday that Somchai Wongsawat, the prime minister, and 36 other party members be banned from politics for five years.

Chat Chonlaworn, the head of the nine-judge court panel, said "as the court decided to dissolve the People Power party, therefore the leader of the party and party executives must be banned from politics for five years".

"The court had no other option," he said.

The court had earlier changed venues for the hearing after hundreds of government supporters surrounded the building to try to stop the hearing.

Also on Tuesday, a coalition of Thai business groups urged the ruling party to step down as a way of defusing the political crisis.

The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking also called on the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to end its "illegal" blockade of Bangkok's airports and said the government should call a snap election.

Source: Al Jazeera

So the Thai political merry-go-round spins merrily round.

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NO chance that the airport will open any time soon. Not enough to appease the PAD, I'm afraid. They want much more than this.

I wouldn't be so sure, I have friends in BKK who have been told their china air flight will leave tomorrow without fail

but from which airport?

Nothing will be flying out of the bangkok airports for a minimum of 7-9 days (2 days clear up and 7 days to re-certify the airports)

New airport, I will confirm that they have flown tomorrow if it happens

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