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Suvarnubhumi Closed Till At Least December 15th


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Who exactly has "confirmed" this....

This should do for those who can interpret:-







11:00 2008.

CREATED: 02 DEC 03:42 2008



AND PURE FREIGHTER FLT. 02 DEC 03:30 2008 UNTIL 15 DEC 11:00 2008.

CREATED:02 DEC 03:35 2008

Ferry (empty aircraft) and pure freighter only until 15th.

Obviously this could be overridden by later announcements.

Edited by Crossy
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I work at the airport so am VERY close to the source. Most likely the offical statements will continue to delay the opening by 48 hours, but insiders (Airport Authority + Airline Operators Committee) know it will NOT be before December 15th!!

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Once protesters have moved out it takes 7 days to clean up, check IT systems, security screening/clearance, etc.

There may be the odd weapon, grenade or similar lying around the airport once the "yellows" have left.

Up to you if you want to believe this or not.

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Once protesters have moved out it takes 7 days to clean up, check IT systems, security screening/clearance, etc.

There may be the odd weapon, grenade or similar lying around the airport once the "yellows" have left.

Up to you if you want to believe this or not.

sounds like a reasonable explanation. Thank you for the update.


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It seems that things are changing fast. The airport may open earlier as it seems the PAD have agreed to leave the airport within 24 hours. I am now checking how long the AoT (Airports of Thailand) needs to start and to verify with them if this news is true.

Edited by jrbkk64
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It seems that things are changing fast. The airport may open earlier as it seems the PAD have agreed to leave the airport within 24 hours. I am now checking how long the AoT (Airports of Thailand) needs to start and to verify with them if this news is true.

Let's hope that is correct, even at this stage it would still be good news.

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It seems that things are changing fast. The airport may open earlier as it seems the PAD have agreed to leave the airport within 24 hours. I am now checking how long the AoT (Airports of Thailand) needs to start and to verify with them if this news is true.

Let's hope that is correct, even at this stage it would still be good news.

http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/12/02/2435837.htm Looks correct pending there are no "technical problems".

This would be such a relief...been waiting for this crap to finish so I can meet back up with my wife

Edited by Tex79
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I work at the airport so am VERY close to the source. Most likely the offical statements will continue to delay the opening by 48 hours, but insiders (Airport Authority + Airline Operators Committee) know it will NOT be before December 15th!!

http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,24742768-23109,00.html looks like you were correct...but if you are so close to the source then it would be greatly appreciated if you'd do your best to speed this process up :o

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PAD agrees with AOT to resume services at Suvarnabhumi, but rally to continue

The People's Alliance for Democracy Tuesday agreed in principle to cooperate with the Airports of Thailand Plc to reopen services at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport but the PAD will not end its demonstration there.

The agreement was announced at 3:30 pm by Somkiart Pongpaibool, a PAD leader and Vudhibhandhu Vichairatana, chairman of the AOT board of directors, following their meeting.



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AOT president ready to arrange special zone for PAD rallies at airports

Airports of Thailand Acting President Serirat Prasutanond Tuesday asked The People's Alliance for Democracy to leave Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports, after the Constitution Court dissolved three coalition parties.

Serirat said that now that Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat was disqualified by the ruling, PAD has its wish satisfied. They should leave the airports which are the major airports to handle passengers and air cargo, to reduce further damage.

He added that if the PAD wants to remain at the airports, AOT is ready to arrange a special area so that the protest would not affect the operations.



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It seems that things are changing fast. The airport may open earlier as it seems the PAD have agreed to leave the airport within 24 hours. I am now checking how long the AoT (Airports of Thailand) needs to start and to verify with them if this news is true.

Why 24 hours? Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Can't believe the way the "authorities" have sucked up to this scum.

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It seems that things are changing fast. The airport may open earlier as it seems the PAD have agreed to leave the airport within 24 hours. I am now checking how long the AoT (Airports of Thailand) needs to start and to verify with them if this news is true.

Ok I have confirmation from the AoT that the airport will resume full operation on Dec. 15th at 6pm. Until that time only cargo/military/emergency flights.

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It seems that things are changing fast. The airport may open earlier as it seems the PAD have agreed to leave the airport within 24 hours. I am now checking how long the AoT (Airports of Thailand) needs to start and to verify with them if this news is true.

Ok I have confirmation from the AoT that the airport will resume full operation on Dec. 15th at 6pm. Until that time only cargo/military/emergency flights.

Ok looks like my flight will be ok...I need to see my wife it has now become an emergency :o

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Ok I have confirmation from the AoT that the airport will resume full operation on Dec. 15th at 6pm. Until that time only cargo/military/emergency flights.

I must ask the question what could possibly take such along time to make it drag out over a week...pretty lame effort...this airport can be given a clean bill of health in less time than that! ...maybe 4 or 5 days I would understand but over 13days :o

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I understand one big issue is the damage done by protesters to the check-in area/computers.

Security is another big one

Borrow the check-in area/computers from Don Muang...unless these are cactus due to the protesters also :o

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ok you're close to the source,but its hard to believe it would take 2 weeks to get up and running again.

It is? After all we are in Thailand and I have yet to experience anything moving faster than a snail besides the traffic on Phuket :o

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Do any of you read BBC?


Passenger flights from Suvarnabhumi to resume on December 4th, 2008. So most likely plus 1 or 2 days.

You may be right. Just heard that the PAD will now move out at 10 am tomorrow morning. Then the army will move in to search for weapons and explosives. Once that is done all systems will be checked. Mixed messages are being spread by senior people in the AoT. I should have known better. It seems we may see the airport open on the King's birthday or shortly after that. Thank God.

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Sadly will not make a difference for me anymore when the airport opens. I was supposed to fly the 26th of November, but all flights with Gulf Air and Emirates are fully booked until the 30th of December. Not even Business Class. So I'm screwed either way. I hope that some people will cancel by the 4th/5th of December so I can get a seat. I'll sit in the lavatory if I have to!!!!!! lol

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