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Amaretto, Frangelico, Dark Rum, Bailey's


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I am looking for hazelnut liqueur, almond liqueur, dark rum, and cask and creme in or near Chiang Rai. The rum, frangelico (hazelnut liqueur), and amaretto (almond liqueur) are for cooking purposes. The Bailey's is for drinking. I have found rum in many of the local shops but only the un-oaked clear sort. Thanks for the help. Enjoy.


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Sorry I missed this but if you take a run up to Mae Sai, cross into Burma and check out the duty free shops in Tachilek.

I'm not saying they have all of what you want all the time but the one opposite immigration in particular gets all sorts of imported spirits, wines and liqueurs in.

There's a couple more shops in the street that runs parallel to the bridge if you turn left at the steps.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Frangelico (hazelnut liqueur), and amaretto (almond liqueur) are for cooking purposes

just come across this lil charming thread. Actually both ------



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are for drinking, an ideal after dinner tipple. They can also be used as an aid to dessert making but they're actually meant for drinking. I know I can get Amaretto di Saronno in BKK but never came across Frangelico. I'd love to get one in BKK.

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