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What Do Thai Woman Think?


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I know you can't bear to think that this country is anything other than wonderful,

Really, where have I ever said that? Please try not to presume as much about me as you clearly have about others just by what they look like. :o

Sorry, just get that impression from your posts.

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I dont' think that is entirely fair, she may like dressing that way. I personally don't like the way women are slated this way, ok it does create an impression if a couple looks/dresses a certain way but I find the actions & they way the couple conduct themselves speaks volumes.

I have seen what would look like your typical bg/paying bf type couples out & about but they looked like they really liked each other & enjoyed each others company, they didn't act brash or rude & nothing apart from the style of clothes, would have made them look anything than a normal couple but I have also seen the opposite spectrum, where the girl looked bored or even disgusted with her date & the guy looked like he couldn't care less how she felt as long as she did her job & spoke to her like crap & this kind were not always dressed in the stereotypical outfits either.

It takes all sorts but I think it is down to individuals, how they look, dress, act, their comparative images etc & who is doing the looking. Some of the nicest & most straightforward thai women I ever met were bg's. :o

I'm sure you don't think it's entirely fair, unfortunately it's horribly accurate! Here on Phuket I see it all the time.

I know you can't bear to think that this country is anything other than wonderful, but there's a LOT of Thai women who want nothing but money and Western men who are desperate enough to provide it!

I am sure that if these girls were given the opportunity to trade places with you and not to have been selling their bodies for money to awful men and could instead have grown up with what must seem to be a life of privilege compared to their own, they would in a heartbeat.

I usually try to look at these girls with compassion and rejoice in my own fortune in not having been born into a family that placed a higher value on material things than on one's own dignity.

Edited by LadyHeather
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I dont' think that is entirely fair, she may like dressing that way. I personally don't like the way women are slated this way, ok it does create an impression if a couple looks/dresses a certain way but I find the actions & they way the couple conduct themselves speaks volumes.

I have seen what would look like your typical bg/paying bf type couples out & about but they looked like they really liked each other & enjoyed each others company, they didn't act brash or rude & nothing apart from the style of clothes, would have made them look anything than a normal couple but I have also seen the opposite spectrum, where the girl looked bored or even disgusted with her date & the guy looked like he couldn't care less how she felt as long as she did her job & spoke to her like crap & this kind were not always dressed in the stereotypical outfits either.

It takes all sorts but I think it is down to individuals, how they look, dress, act, their comparative images etc & who is doing the looking. Some of the nicest & most straightforward thai women I ever met were bg's. :o

I'm sure you don't think it's entirely fair, unfortunately it's horribly accurate! Here on Phuket I see it all the time.

I know you can't bear to think that this country is anything other than wonderful, but there's a LOT of Thai women who want nothing but money and Western men who are desperate enough to provide it!

I am sure that if these girls were given the opportunity to trade places with you and not to have been selling their bodies for money to awful men and could instead have grown up with what must seem to be a life of privilege compared to their own, they would in a heartbeat.

I usually try to look at these girls with compassion and rejoice in my own fortune in not having been born into a family that placed a higher value on material things than on one's own dignity.

You seem to forget that yes, there are very unfortunate women in our own countries that sell their bodies for sex (they are called prostitutes). The difference is that they don't pretend that it's anything other than that, there is no pretence.

Believe it or not, I have been through hard times but have NEVER even thought about selling my body for money.

When I was here on holiday I used to feel sorry for these 'poor' women with these old men. Having lived here for a while I realised they unfortunately deserve each other - desperate women who are happy to sell their bodies, and old men who are happy to buy them.

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For heaven's sake. Any woman who has been here any length of time knows the score. Just because some don't choose to focus their energy on it doesn't make them naive. It just means they have better more important things to care about then this.

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I dont' think that is entirely fair, she may like dressing that way. I personally don't like the way women are slated this way, ok it does create an impression if a couple looks/dresses a certain way but I find the actions & they way the couple conduct themselves speaks volumes.

I have seen what would look like your typical bg/paying bf type couples out & about but they looked like they really liked each other & enjoyed each others company, they didn't act brash or rude & nothing apart from the style of clothes, would have made them look anything than a normal couple but I have also seen the opposite spectrum, where the girl looked bored or even disgusted with her date & the guy looked like he couldn't care less how she felt as long as she did her job & spoke to her like crap & this kind were not always dressed in the stereotypical outfits either.

It takes all sorts but I think it is down to individuals, how they look, dress, act, their comparative images etc & who is doing the looking. Some of the nicest & most straightforward thai women I ever met were bg's. :o

I'm sure you don't think it's entirely fair, unfortunately it's horribly accurate! Here on Phuket I see it all the time.

I know you can't bear to think that this country is anything other than wonderful, but there's a LOT of Thai women who want nothing but money and Western men who are desperate enough to provide it!

Funny how it all comes back to hookers. Thai women size up other women all the time to see where they fit in relation to the social order. It's important to thais because social position determines behaviour and language and no one wants to lose face by getting it wrong. If after the sizing up there's a dirty look it's because they think the girl is a hooker, low class or beneath them. "You may have your falang but I have my integrity and honesty. I'm not a hooker." Thailand is a conservative country. It's changed a little but in general most bar girls and their beau offend wherever they go with their public displays of affection, inappropriate behaviour and dress. Most falangs associate with and know only the bar scene. A normal Thai girl, doing an honest job would not touch them with a barge pole. They are usually objects of pity because of their obsession with dark skinned uneducated girls from the back of beyond. Like it or not the bulk of Thai's look down on people from Isaan. Let's face it, most of the bar scene brits couldn't pull at a condom sponsored, nymphomaniacs convention on free drinks night. They have to pay for it, even a sympathy <deleted> is beyond them.

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One day I was walking with my mia, we passed some women who were muttering to each other. Mia explained that the women were saying, "She is lucky, I wish I had a farang to look after me too"

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And i'll roller skate behind you, with my little kitty knickers on....

Kewl, which reminds me of a story when I was roller blading thru Dubai one day & I had a little moment (as I sometimes do) and I came a gutsa and ripped the arse end of my shorts out, which is fine, but this was almost 10 years ago and Dubai was a little more conservative to what it is now. Anyway, I rollered my way along attempting to get a cab with my backside hanging out & let me tell you it didnt go un-noticed. :D:o:D

Patsy, we would be a sore sight the two of us....I would probably get shot & someone as cute as you would probably get a few offers.

Should I wax my back before 'Going Commando thru Bkk'? :D

Edited by neverdie
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I am surprised that no one has mentioned the fact that it is not customary in Thailand for couples to hold hands in public, even if married, and certainly frowned on in conservative society.

Add this to the fact that Thai women with foreign men do, indeed, have to contend with an unfavorable sterotype and suspicion of being a bar girl or ex-BG - merely on the basis of being a Thai women with a western man - by breaking this social convention you are particularly liable to incur the kind of looks you describe.

That said, before you stop holding hands in public have a heart-to-heart talk with your wife and see what she would prefer....

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What do thai women think when a thai guy is walking with a falang female?? I would like to know. Since I am married to a thai guy and have been for 35 yrs, when we walk in bangkok and other areas I get the looks, stares actually. I am curious just what are they thinking?

Donna :

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One day I was walking with my mia, we passed some women who were muttering to each other. Mia explained that the women were saying, "She is lucky, I wish I had a farang to look after me too"

As Mandy Rice Davis said when told that John Profumo denied knowing her "Well he would wouldn't he" Substitute she for he. Must be something they put in the water for falangs to drink.

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What do thai women think when a thai guy is walking with a falang female?? I would like to know. Since I am married to a thai guy and have been for 35 yrs, when we walk in bangkok and other areas I get the looks, stares actually. I am curious just what are they thinking?

Donna :


Also, I recall once years and years ago when we were on the mainland two Thai girls walked by and made a comment along the lines of "well I guess Thai girls aren't good enough for him!"

But, to be honest, mostly I just get friendly reactions from Thais, men and women alike. :o

That said, the stares will happen regardless of where you go. It is unusual to see a western woman with a Thai man and usually the reactions of the men are of the wink wink nudge nudge how do I get me one of those varieties.

I suspect the stares are usually along the lines "whoa. look at that" and nothing more. But then I don't go looking for negative attitudes of people so perhaps I just never see them.

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Yes, I think in this instance (farang woman and thai man) it is likely to just be surprise, because it may not be something they have seen before. They are startkled and trying to figure it out because it doesn't fir any of their preconceived patterns/notions.

To go back to the original issue though (wife thai, husband western) and in reference to what britmaveric said, even in Bangkok I still do not see Thai married couples holding hands in public and I only see public displays of affection between sweethearts among the less conservative (read, hi-so or hi-so wannabe) segment of the youth population. I think it is safe to say that it is still not normally done and certainly does not convey the idea of "respectably married" to people who see it. Add to that the fact that a Thai woman married to a westerner is up against some unfortunate sterotypes and it is only likely to fuel that impression.

Now whether or not to alter ones behavior on those grounds or not, is a different matter and up to the individuals involved. It could be that the wife likes the fact that her husband shows affection publicly and couldn't give a dam_n what other people think. But it could also be that, like many Thai women married to westerners, she suffers in silence from the inaccurate (and unflattering) assumoptions people make and would prefer that her husabnd behave more conservatively in public but doesn't want to hurt his feelings by saying so. I think the wife should decide as she's the one who bears the brunt of the sterotyping in this instance.

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Farang guy wif Thai girl - it depends on how they look like. if you can tell what kind of that girl...

1. Way too much sexy dressed and make up ---- huuker as she knows how to attract Farang guy eh eh

2. Regular dress -----normal, must be a lovely couple OR she might be the huuker (the latter came from a jealous a55)

+ also can tell by her "English" or "Tinglish"

Farang girl with Thai guy .... "something new"

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When I asked my husband about the looks, he basically said the same thing, that it is unusual for a farang woman and a thai man to be together. He also said many people think why would this woman leave her country and come to stay in thailand? We are both in our 50's. He likes to joke and sometimes says he is my tourguide. I do agree the thai men are more positive I have seen a guy riding a bike older man with a thumb's up to my husband while the young women are mostly the ones I get the looks from. I don't go looking but I can't help noticing, especially when shopping. I usually just put a big smile on my face and continue on my way.


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Quite recently my wife and I took a day trip into Burma at the MAE SAI border.

We went for a bit of a wander away from the market area there, but all the way we literally had people stopping and staring at us - Heaven only knows what they were thinking !

We found it all quite amusing really.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was told (by Thai women) that many think that Thai men are "no good". I usual asked if this includes her father as well. Further, each man has been - at least partly - educated by a mother. Having a Thai partner myself, we are aware of a glance or comment every now and then. This is something we have to live with. But me too when seeing a mixed couple, I spend a moment of thought and speculation. So I am not better than others - only I am able to keep quiet. There are couples and there are couples: it definitely makes a difference if you see a grandfather with his half naked toy, or if you see a pair who is - emmm- more balanced/equal. Let the ones do what they will do anyway - and keep good company (which is relative) with the others.

What I think when I see an un-mixed couple: THEY are lucky, because they have the same language and culture. It takes courage and energy to run an international relation.

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One of my former maids, who incidentally couldn't speak a word of English and was in her mid 40s but still reasonably attractive, used to talk about how she was going to find a farang husband and all the things she was going to do with the money once she got one.

In spite of the irritating monologues, she was a pretty good worker but, unfortunately, we had to sack her after she threatened my wife, of whom she was presumably quite jealous, with a kitchen knife. I wonder if she is now making some lucky farang very happy.

Edited by Arkady
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Your post was deleted for a reason. Seems you didn't learn why? You need to learn to post in a less offensive manner. This is the ladies forum and we have stricter rules regarding what is allowed and what is not. Post in an offensive manner again and you will find yourself warned.

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According to my Thai cook, she thinks "dirty old man" if the man looks considerably older than the woman.

Sorry, but you did say you wanted a Thai woman's opinion, so I asked her.

NO NO NO,you lie...LOL They are thinking mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,i want him too!!I have never heard a Thai lady say bad things about an older farang/young girl couple,except in spite.Most are just jealous,and certainly feel they are "over the hill"as such.(I would like to clarify,i DON'T feel older woman are over the hill,or past it,and you can stop punching me now,honey..) :o

Your first post was deleted because it wasn't a post at all, just a quote of a previous post. Please make sure to review your post before hitting the reply button. :D

As for the over the hill idea, our cook is 26. Not quite over the hill. And not interested in farang. In fact, I know many many Thai lwomen who are not interested in farang.

And finally, this is the Ladies forum, presumably the poster asked his question here because he wanted the opinion of Thai women.

Most thai ladies love thai man big big,they are taking care of their loved one so much better.I know some thai men who would never go with a farang woman and i know a few thai men who would go with any farang woman,strange world isnt it???

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Indeed, it is patklang. Indeed it is. OP asked what Thai women thought, so I asked a Thai woman. She has no interest in farang so won't necessarily use the same terms a woman who is interested in farang would.

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Indeed, it is patklang. Indeed it is. OP asked what Thai women thought, so I asked a Thai woman. She has no interest in farang so won't necessarily use the same terms a woman who is interested in farang would.

As the thais say.

for your cook,up to you lol.Realy think you should have asked at least 10 thai women then maybe get a good viewpoint for the op,which he asked for.

My gf is a brilliant cook and gives lessons for the less fortunate lady,but i see you are on an island somewhere.

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If thats an attempted dig at me patklang, its clear you know absolutely zilch about me. Suggest you take your preconceived notions and your snide gibes elsewhere, thanks.

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14 years isn't that much difference! That's exactly the age difference between my grandparents in the UK. He was 42 when he married his wife of 28 years. He live for 7 years after she passed away. I don't know your or your wife's background Sunreader......but I think that Thais and Westerners will be able to spot if it's a farang bar-girl thing or not. Sorry if that sounds snobby. Anyway, everybody deserves a chance or a second chance and at the end of the day.....as long as the couple are happy together it shouldn't really matter should it. Good luck to you but can't you change your name? :o

Like The Star reader or even The Mirror reader, but perhaps on reflection.:D

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