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Democrats To Form New Coalition Government

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So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

You can be rest assured on one thing.

The so called PAD shortcomings will seem like a kindergarden picnic compared with these ( demonstrators )?????

Be this at the airports or anywhere they feel fit to roam / are instructed to disperse to !!!!

Desperate times indeed for their sponsor / s, who will stop at nothing to try to intimidate and enforce their evil desires.

TRT.........what a fuffing joke the Thai meaning of his parties slogan are. re. Mk.1 and Mk.2, shortly followed by Mk.3 should the unthinkable come to pass.

marshbags :o:D

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

No. Just saying that shows you don't have a clue as to WHY the yellows were not confronted or arrested at the airports.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

You can be rest assured on one thing.

The so called PAD shortcomings will seem like a kindergarden picnic compared with these ( demonstrators )?????

Be this at the airports or anywhere they feel fit to roam / are instructed to disperse to !!!!

Desperate times indeed for their sponsor / s, who will stop at nothing to try to intimidate and enforce their evil desires.

TRT.........what a fuffing joke the Thai meaning of his parties slogan are. re. Mk.1 and Mk.2, shortly followed by Mk.3 should the unthinkable come to pass.

marshbags :o:D


Frankly, it's easy for the PAD to be nice when their support is the army itself.

If the reds go into the airport then they won't be given the chance to nicely lay seige, they will be swept out mercilessly...

Double standards. Why does your hatred for one individual block you to this obvious fact?

At least in the main, PAD believed in nonviolent protest.

Depends what you mean.I don't think blame can be attached to the average PAD member - other than going along with the gruesome leadership, but the movement was distinguished by some appalling violence and some really nasty thugs.I daresay Reds contain their fair share of psychotics as well.But frankly its ridiculous to try and pin a peace loving label on either.


I actually think - not that it matters - that PTP best policy would be to accept a constructive and genuine oversight role in opposition thereby showing commitment to democracy and maintaining the high ground. It is also a good time to be in opposition as government gets to take the blame for lots of things it has no control over right now. I would also think it is in the interests of PTP to not resort to street demos for the maintaining the moral high ground reason.

The main rpoblem with what I say is that it likely doesnt work for Thaksin and so we will not see the above., it owuld be pleasantly surprising if it happens.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

No. Just saying that shows you don't have a clue as to WHY the yellows were not confronted or arrested at the airports.

Yellow were not confronted because the Army and Police know that the yellow were just asking for democracy. People's Alliance for Democracy - the title speaks for themselves.

The red are pro Thaksin, who has been sentence by a fair Thai court, to jail, for allowing his wife to lawfully buy a piece of land (I know it sound ironic). So it is the duty of the police to arrest anybody to side a criminal.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

No. Just saying that shows you don't have a clue as to WHY the yellows were not confronted or arrested at the airports.

Yellow were not confronted because the Army and Police know that the yellow were just asking for democracy. People's Alliance for Democracy - the title speaks for themselves.

The red are pro Thaksin, who has been sentence by a fair Thai court, to jail, for allowing his wife to lawfully buy a piece of land (I know it sound ironic). So it is the duty of the police to arrest anybody to side a criminal.

I hope you are not assuming we will all swallow your over simplistic and naive assumptions. It's rather insulting to one's intelligence.

I actually think - not that it matters - that PTP best policy would be to accept a constructive and genuine oversight role in opposition thereby showing commitment to democracy and maintaining the high ground.

Yeah, but their main task is to save Thaksin's ass, that means staying in power and clutching at the last straws, they are not going to sacrifice that for "commitment" to democracy or maintaining the high ground.

They've got priorities, and they are not afraid to spill blood, forget abour keeping their democratic face intact. If they win it won't matter anyway.


Anyone remembers how reds attacked the police during the junta time? Two hundred police injuries, the very first instance of political violence since the start of the conflict.

They have also many other firsts and onlys - like attacking a legitimate Democrat rally on the eve of the elections, first blockade of the media - Nation building, first blockade of the airport - Chiang Mai strip and search operations, first and only lynch mob - Udon, with bounty for heads of their opponents, exclusive use of faeces and urine to prove their political weight and substance - Sanam Luang, people hunt and kill operations - Chiang Mai.

In fact PAD's guards/security were nearly invisible until reds starting attacking their rallies and went on rampage in Udon. Sondhi and Chamlong called everyone to halt their upcountry rallies and come to Bangkok instead and beefed up the security. Lots of "journalists" couldn't let go of their armed guards images since then and guards quickly replaced the mainstream PAD supporters in their so-called "reports".

Bad PR, but it saved lives.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

You can be rest assured on one thing.

The so called PAD shortcomings will seem like a kindergarden picnic compared with these ( demonstrators )?????

Be this at the airports or anywhere they feel fit to roam / are instructed to disperse to !!!!

Desperate times indeed for their sponsor / s, who will stop at nothing to try to intimidate and enforce their evil desires.

TRT.........what a fuffing joke the Thai meaning of his parties slogan are. re. Mk.1 and Mk.2, shortly followed by Mk.3 should the unthinkable come to pass.

marshbags :o:D


Frankly, it's easy for the PAD to be nice when their support is the army itself.

If the reds go into the airport then they won't be given the chance to nicely lay seige, they will be swept out mercilessly...

Double standards. Why does your hatred for one individual block you to this obvious fact?



I hate violence of any nature, full stop.

But just to give you an idea of the difference you do not seem able to grasp.

Human decency is very economical among certain members of this thread, much to my disgust i might add.

Hatred against scenario,s of the following, of which not one of them can in any way by justified.

How many bombs did the PAD indiscrimitaely injure and Maime innocent citizens with ????

How many demos did the PAD go in Tool and Mob handed to inflict injury and death on peaceful demonstrators

eg Undonthani will do for starters.???

How many sites where demonstrators where sleeping along with their families had rocket propelled grenades fired at them after midnight or always in the early hours knowing full well where they were selecting these easy defenseless targets.???

How many red shirts have had Chinese Riot Grenades fired at them by unruly Thaksinia police, causing such human suffering injury and death then continuing to do so, even when it was obvious, continuing the carnage they were causing.???

Who is at this very time threatening to cause human carnage on a scale not seen since 1972, 1992.

The word shameless comes to mind for those who seemingly support such actions with their non critical condemnations of it all.

marshbags :D:D


I actually think - not that it matters - that PTP best policy would be to accept a constructive and genuine oversight role in opposition thereby showing commitment to democracy and maintaining the high ground.

Yeah, but their main task is to save Thaksin's ass, that means staying in power and clutching at the last straws, they are not going to sacrifice that for "commitment" to democracy or maintaining the high ground.

They've got priorities, and they are not afraid to spill blood, forget abour keeping their democratic face intact. If they win it won't matter anyway.


Anyone remembers how reds attacked the police during the junta time? Two hundred police injuries, the very first instance of political violence since the start of the conflict.

They have also many other firsts and onlys - like attacking a legitimate Democrat rally on the eve of the elections, first blockade of the media - Nation building, first blockade of the airport - Chiang Mai strip and search operations, first and only lynch mob - Udon, with bounty for heads of their opponents, exclusive use of faeces and urine to prove their political weight and substance - Sanam Luang, people hunt and kill operations - Chiang Mai.

In fact PAD's guards/security were nearly invisible until reds starting attacking their rallies and went on rampage in Udon. Sondhi and Chamlong called everyone to halt their upcountry rallies and come to Bangkok instead and beefed up the security. Lots of "journalists" couldn't let go of their armed guards images since then and guards quickly replaced the mainstream PAD supporters in their so-called "reports".

Bad PR, but it saved lives.

I did actually mention the Thaksin problem you point out at the end of my somewhat tongue in cheek post on what I hoped PTP would do :o

Yellow were not confronted because the Army and Police know that the yellow were just asking for democracy. People's Alliance for Democracy - the title speaks for themselves.

That's a good one! :o

I hate violence of any nature, full stop.

But just to give you an idea of the difference you do not seem able to grasp.

Human decency is very economical among certain members of this thread, much to my disgust i might add.

Who is at this very time threatening to cause human carnage on a scale not seen since 1972, 1992.[/color] [/b]

The word shameless comes to mind for those who seemingly support such actions with their non critical condemnations of it all.


You are very quick to condemn the human decency of other members.I don't get the impression however you have spent much time studying Thai history so it might be worth your while to consider - since you mention 1972 - where the support and financing for the PAD movement comes from.Nobody denies the excess of the Reds but the overwhelming impression of unbiased observers is that in recent months they have shown patience and restraint.


Yes, tossing grenades and using rifle launched grenades almost daily for awhile definitely shows "patience and restraint"

Yes, tossing grenades and using rifle launched grenades almost daily for awhile definitely shows "patience and restraint"

Yes on the whole the Reds have shown patience in the face of intolerable provocation by the PAD movement.Don't assume the grenade throwers represent the decent majority.The same can be said of the majority of PAD protestors a propos the core of vicious thugs that have dishonoured the nation.Basically it's futile to start arguing about street violence.


Paetongtarn (left) serving burgers to Dad

Thaksin's daughter buys luxurious home in HK

The youngest daughter of fugitive ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra bought a luxurous home in Ho Man Tin for 207 Million Baht last month, South China Morning Post reported in the weekend.

The paper quoted transaction information at the Land Registry as showing that Paetongtarn bought house No 19 at King's Park Hill in Ho Man Tin for HK$13,583 per square foot.

- The Nation / 2008-12-09

Working at McDonalds must be better-paid, than I had previously assumed, do they also offer family-members or Elite-Card-holders or Diplomatic-passport-holders a Special-Discount, does anyone know ?

See ... things are already getting better, under the Democrats ! :D:o

Although I personally prefer Burger-King, I suspect this might be a case of too much information ... and :D


I don't condone any violence against the yellows other than to prevent illegal actions, but it is difficult to deny that their recent shenanigans have caused a lot more people loss of income and big problems than anything that the reds have been doing lately.

The corrupt Thai courts are demanding assurances from the militant, armed Paramilitary, terrorist ,fascist PAD ; and their Democrat Party instrument, that the reported 40m baht per head for the MP's to switch, will not be sourced from the their slush fund.

And again, do you have any evidence for your repeated claim, on this and other threads, that the PAD are the militant arm of the Democrats, or that the Democratic Party is an instrument of the PAD, as above. I think not ... or you would surely have posted it ? You damage the IMO-justifiable claim, that the two have some similar aims, and also your own credibility, by extending it further than justified by the facts available.

Any evidence of 40m Baht bribes, should perhaps better be sent to the E.C. or media, as it would be evidence of corruption, but where is the TRT-equivalent of the PAD, to blow the whistle when needed, on this and on corruption during the military-appointed government ?

. If you are so eductaed have you read the latest edition of the Economist, or better still read bangkok Pundit or Thai crisis or even better Absolutely bangkok and many others good websites

Has the Economist been canned in Thailand this week due to its cover story?

If so, you're not missing much, there's little new information in that story.

I thought the news, announced in the Economist article, that "police were suspected of hundreds of extra-judicial killings" in the war on drugs, was unusually sloppy reporting of what are generally accepted to have been 3,000 deaths ! But then it was in a paragraph which claimed that this was "his gravest abuse", talking about Thaksin, and "not entirely his fault". How many deaths would have been necessary, before the Economist condemned it outright, one wonders ?

The article also failed entirely to mention Thaksin's having dissolved parliament himself, then rigged the 2006-election & had it annulled by the E.C., prior to the 2006-coup, so it was hardly a full analysis of recent political-events.

But it was good, in that it said much which can't be said here, and called for increased freedom-of-information as a necessary part of any solution to the current situation.

Well done on responding.

You may not realise it but in doing so you have served democracy and free speech.Well done.

Sadly it seems I have a cross thread stalker, but as a seeker of truth and justice so be it.

Is it not true that for years now PAD/Dems have decried the thai courts as corrupt.

As you will know from my previous posts, I agree, the thai courts are corrupt.

Now I am intrigued, as a seeker of truth and justice, how , following the replacement of elected judges with appointed judges, thePAD/Dems now consider the judiciary lilly white, after they have been saying for years the courts are corrupt..

All I have seen is a barrage of one-eyed,unilateral,judgements against the democratically elected government.

So will the PAD/Dems please tell us after years of saying the courts are corrupt, why they are not corrupt.

Credibility on the line.

faschist PAD,militant PAD, armed PAD paramilitaries, anti-government terrorists!...all reported here on tv, and by the international media.

Are you denying the PAD are not armed, or hijackers, or terrorist!!

The dems know what they have got into.

No the PAD are NO terrorists. better you look to the violence by anarchists and left wing on the streets of Greece , than you can see real terror. And the international press not even call them terrorsist. I think you need some reality check before you call middle age women terrorists.

Not my words, words of the international media.

If you dont like it ...lump it!

The trouble in Greece is because the Police shot and killed a young lad.

The people remember how the Police terrorised the people under the last faschist regime there.

The 15 year old boy was shot during riots. The policeman who shoot him was arrested.

The rioters in Athens are Anarchists( as they call themselves) and left wing students. They live already decades in one part of Athens where they are outlaws, because they don't allow any police come in. And there has been already riots before the police shot the boy. They are demonstrating against the government not so much against the police. But because they are Anarchist they burn down, cars, shops and looting the town, just because they like chaos.

And that's why the demonstrations of PAD was an example of an unseen discipline and self-restrain. After they left the airports they could re-open in 24 hours. And still some people in this forum call them terrorists. Can you imagine if 100 000 yellow shirts act the same as those anarchist in Greece. Suva would be burn down to the ground.


If Dems would get OFF their Collective BUTTS and visit the poor farmers in North and North East they would fair much better in a SNAP General Election :o:D Well I guess we will just have to wait and see. As the saying goes what goes around comes around!!

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

You can be rest assured on one thing.

The so called PAD shortcomings will seem like a kindergarden picnic compared with these ( demonstrators )?????

Be this at the airports or anywhere they feel fit to roam / are instructed to disperse to !!!!

Desperate times indeed for their sponsor / s, who will stop at nothing to try to intimidate and enforce their evil desires.

TRT.........what a fuffing joke the Thai meaning of his parties slogan are. re. Mk.1 and Mk.2, shortly followed by Mk.3 should the unthinkable come to pass.

marshbags :o:D


Frankly, it's easy for the PAD to be nice when their support is the army itself.

If the reds go into the airport then they won't be given the chance to nicely lay seige, they will be swept out mercilessly...

Double standards. Why does your hatred for one individual block you to this obvious fact?

Do I understand you correct? That you will excuse the violence, if it is committed by the red shirts?

Well done on responding.

You may not realise it but in doing so you have served democracy and free speech.Well done.

Thank-you. I did indeed realise it. But you need not congratulate me so profusely. I am quite blushing !

Sadly it seems I have a cross thread stalker, but as a seeker of truth and justice so be it.

Sadly unsubstantiated bullshit remains so, whichever thread it is posted in, and I shall endeavour to point this out, in the interests of democracy and free speech.

Is it not true that for years now PAD/Dems have decried the thai courts as corrupt.

As you will know from my previous posts, I agree, the thai courts are corrupt.

If so, it is a mystery to many, why Thaksin tries to use them so often, to gag free speech by people who don't agree with him. He should simply pass out bigger lunch-boxes instead, and save money on legal fees !

Now I am intrigued, as a seeker of truth and justice, how , following the replacement of elected judges with appointed judges, thePAD/Dems now consider the judiciary lilly white, after they have been saying for years the courts are corrupt..

All I have seen is a barrage of one-eyed,unilateral,judgements against the democratically elected government.

So will the PAD/Dems please tell us after years of saying the courts are corrupt, why they are not corrupt.

Credibility on the line.

faschist PAD,militant PAD, armed PAD paramilitaries, anti-government terrorists!...all reported here on tv, and by the international media.

Are you denying the PAD are not armed, or hijackers, or terrorist!!

You still have not presented any evidence that the PAD are controlled by the Democrats, or vice versa ?

And I would not presume to deny anything or to speak for the PAD, I sometimes disagree with them, myself. Incidentally what did they hijack, a plane or ship, I must have missed that ?

The dems know what they have got into.

I suspect that the Democrats will find it tough-going for a weak coalition-government in the economic & political turbulence, but if ex-PM Somchai & the former-PPP chose to refuse to hold an election when they still had the chance, then so be it.

I expect they will plead that they were "only following orders" ! :o

If Dems would get OFF their Collective BUTTS and visit the poor farmers in North and North East they would fair much better in a SNAP General Election

You think PPP would allow Dems to actively campaign in their heartland?

Same goes for PTP campaigning South of Bangkok but on a lesser scale.

Democrats won't be winning in Isan anytime soon, they don't have any local presense and the "natives" are very hostile.

Apart from a few selected Bangkok leadership the party is pretty much a chip of the old block, in the vein of Chart Thai. Luckily it's Bangkok leadership that sets up the overall direction.

The corrupt Thai courts are demanding assurances from the militant, armed Paramilitary, terrorist ,fascist PAD ; and their Democrat Party instrument, that the reported 40m baht per head for the MP's to switch, will not be sourced from the their slush fund.

And again, do you have any evidence for your repeated claim, on this and other threads, that the PAD are the militant arm of the Democrats, or that the Democratic Party is an instrument of the PAD, as above. I think not ... or you would surely have posted it ? You damage the IMO-justifiable claim, that the two have some similar aims, and also your own credibility, by extending it further than justified by the facts available.

Any evidence of 40m Baht bribes, should perhaps better be sent to the E.C. or media, as it would be evidence of corruption, but where is the TRT-equivalent of the PAD, to blow the whistle when needed, on this and on corruption during the military-appointed government ?

. If you are so eductaed have you read the latest edition of the Economist, or better still read bangkok Pundit or Thai crisis or even better Absolutely bangkok and many others good websites

Has the Economist been canned in Thailand this week due to its cover story?

If so, you're not missing much, there's little new information in that story.

I thought the news, announced in the Economist article, that "police were suspected of hundreds of extra-judicial killings" in the war on drugs, was unusually sloppy reporting of what are generally accepted to have been 3,000 deaths ! But then it was in a paragraph which claimed that this was "his gravest abuse", talking about Thaksin, and "not entirely his fault". How many deaths would have been necessary, before the Economist condemned it outright, one wonders ?

The article also failed entirely to mention Thaksin's having dissolved parliament himself, then rigged the 2006-election & had it annulled by the E.C., prior to the 2006-coup, so it was hardly a full analysis of recent political-events.

But it was good, in that it said much which can't be said here, and called for increased freedom-of-information as a necessary part of any solution to the current situation.

Well done on responding.

You may not realise it but in doing so you have served democracy and free speech.Well done.

Sadly it seems I have a cross thread stalker, but as a seeker of truth and justice so be it.

Is it not true that for years now PAD/Dems have decried the thai courts as corrupt.

As you will know from my previous posts, I agree, the thai courts are corrupt.

Now I am intrigued, as a seeker of truth and justice, how , following the replacement of elected judges with appointed judges, thePAD/Dems now consider the judiciary lilly white, after they have been saying for years the courts are corrupt..

All I have seen is a barrage of one-eyed,unilateral,judgements against the democratically elected government.

So will the PAD/Dems please tell us after years of saying the courts are corrupt, why they are not corrupt.

Credibility on the line.

faschist PAD,militant PAD, armed PAD paramilitaries, anti-government terrorists!...all reported here on tv, and by the international media.

Are you denying the PAD are not armed, or hijackers, or terrorist!!

The dems know what they have got into.

No the PAD are NO terrorists. better you look to the violence by anarchists and left wing on the streets of Greece , than you can see real terror. And the international press not even call them terrorsist. I think you need some reality check before you call middle age women terrorists.

Not my words, words of the international media.

If you dont like it ...lump it!

The trouble in Greece is because the Police shot and killed a young lad.

The people remember how the Police terrorised the people under the last faschist regime there.

The 15 year old boy was shot during riots. The policeman who shoot him was arrested.

The rioters in Athens are Anarchists( as they call themselves) and left wing students. They live already decades in one part of Athens where they are outlaws, because they don't allow any police come in. And there has been already riots before the police shot the boy. They are demonstrating against the government not so much against the police. But because they are Anarchist they burn down, cars, shops and looting the town, just because they like chaos.

And that's why the demonstrations of PAD was an example of an unseen discipline and self-restrain. After they left the airports they could re-open in 24 hours. And still some people in this forum call them terrorists. Can you imagine if 100 000 yellow shirts act the same as those anarchist in Greece. Suva would be burn down to the ground.


If Dems would get OFF their Collective BUTTS and visit the poor farmers in North and North East they would fair much better in a SNAP General Election

You think PPP would allow Dems to actively campaign in their heartland?

Same goes for PTP campaigning South of Bangkok but on a lesser scale.

Democrats won't be winning in Isan anytime soon, they don't have any local presense and the "natives" are very hostile.

Apart from a few selected Bangkok leadership the party is pretty much a chip of the old block, in the vein of Chart Thai. Luckily it's Bangkok leadership that sets up the overall direction.

The 1st difference is TRT and PPP have been allowed to freely campaign here in the south.

I have seen both with my own eyes. No crowds shouting them down either. Mostly just, no crowds.

The other difference is hardly anyone bought their product down here.


I hate violence of any nature, full stop.

But just to give you an idea of the difference you do not seem able to grasp.

Human decency is very economical among certain members of this thread, much to my disgust i might add.

Hatred against scenario,s of the following, of which not one of them can in any way by justified.

How many bombs did the PAD indiscrimitaely injure and Maime innocent citizens with ????

How many demos did the PAD go in Tool and Mob handed to inflict injury and death on peaceful demonstrators

eg Undonthani will do for starters.???

How many sites where demonstrators where sleeping along with their families had rocket propelled grenades fired at them after midnight or always in the early hours knowing full well where they were selecting these easy defenseless targets.???

How many red shirts have had Chinese Riot Grenades fired at them by unruly Thaksinia police, causing such human suffering injury and death then continuing to do so, even when it was obvious, continuing the carnage they were causing.???

Who is at this very time threatening to cause human carnage on a scale not seen since 1972, 1992.

The word shameless comes to mind for those who seemingly support such actions with their non critical condemnations of it all.

marshbags :D:o




You're kidding yourself if you think the military will let them do that.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.


So how long before Pokeman sneaks out of the country again? There's no way she'll stay otherwise they won't be able to delay their appeal.

So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

No. Just saying that shows you don't have a clue as to WHY the yellows were not confronted or arrested at the airports.

Yellow were not confronted because the Army and Police know that the yellow were just asking for democracy. People's Alliance for Democracy - the title speaks for themselves.

The red are pro Thaksin, who has been sentence by a fair Thai court, to jail, for allowing his wife to lawfully buy a piece of land (I know it sound ironic). So it is the duty of the police to arrest anybody to side a criminal.

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