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Ive Turned Into A Leering Old Man. (at 32)


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Very sorry, couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread, but the answer is very simple.

Women back home don't dress or behave like whores. Come here, and never mind how unattractive you are, they behave as if you are the most sexy man in the world! Suddenly they "love you too much" and you are "hansum man" - and to top it off, they dress in the clothes that only whores wear in the West! Of course you leer!!

So you've never been to the UK then! There are countless news stories about women "binge drinking" and behaving badly. Try taking off the rose colored glasses!

As for your comments about the way Thai women dress and behave, I can only assume you have never been anywhere other than tourist areas, and even in them, there are plenty of women dressing modestly, and certainly not behaving badly. Perhaps you are leering too much to notice them!

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The more clothes the better, leaves more to the imagination or does it? :D

I would leer at most girls with pretty faces and slim bodies, However the girls with pretty faces and slim bodies are better to leer at if theyre wearing shorts and a nice tight top. :o:D :D

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Very sorry, couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread, but the answer is very simple.

Women back home don't dress or behave like whores. Come here, and never mind how unattractive you are, they behave as if you are the most sexy man in the world! Suddenly they "love you too much" and you are "hansum man" - and to top it off, they dress in the clothes that only whores wear in the West! Of course you leer!!

So you've never been to the UK then! There are countless news stories about women "binge drinking" and behaving badly. Try taking off the rose colored glasses!

As for your comments about the way Thai women dress and behave, I can only assume you have never been anywhere other than tourist areas, and even in them, there are plenty of women dressing modestly, and certainly not behaving badly. Perhaps you are leering too much to notice them!

Hate to disillusion you, but whereas MANY women in the UK binge drink and behave badly, they are out to enjoy themselves and certainly aren't out to find an old, fat, balding man to call "hansum" and to tell them they "love you too much"!

There's a difference between prostitution and going out to enjoy yourself (and behaving badly whilst you're at it!). The sad truth is that most men in Thailand try to convince themselves there is no difference. People in the West know different which is why this country has such an unfortunate reputation. :o

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a woman want to be known for her brains , not her chest, caboose, luscious lipps, etc!

This is pretty funny. :o:D:D:D If women only wanted to be appreciated for her brains then the makeup and cosmetic surgery industries would not be so huge.

Yes and why do women do it? To look better, The better they look the more men leer at them therefore giving them more confidence.

Its just a shame that so many thai women are beatiful and dont need cosmetic surgery,(aprt from the nose thing but that makes them look worse anyway) :D

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Hate to disillusion you, but whereas MANY women in the UK binge drink and behave badly, they are out to enjoy themselves and certainly aren't out to find an old, fat, balding man to call "hansum" and to tell them they "love you too much"!

There's a difference between prostitution and going out to enjoy yourself (and behaving badly whilst you're at it!). The sad truth is that most men in Thailand try to convince themselves there is no difference. People in the West know different which is why this country has such an unfortunate reputation. :o

There are many women in Thailand who binge drink as well and who are also not out to find a client. And there are many women in the UK who are looking to find a client, even if they use different come-on lines than those pidgin stereotypical ones you quote here. Women go out and have fun in both countries while not seeking a paying client, and women in both countries are in that line of work.

By-the-way, why do you assume all men who pursue the commercial version of intimacy are old, fat, and balding? (And are these bad things? Is the fact that my own hair is thinning make me somehow inferior to someone with a full head of hair?) I don't know how much time you spend on Sukhumvhit, but there are men of all walks of life there, of all ages, of all phsyiques, of all appearances. I sincerely doubt that it is only the "old, fat, balding" ones who are seeking commercial gratification.

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