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Change In O-a Retirement Renewal Process?

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Just wondering if they moved the O-A Retirement Renewal target (requirements) when I wasn't looking?

Today, December 9th, I was at the Jomtein Immigration Office at 8:30 AM armed with THREE signed and dated copies of the following: all of my passport pages, U.S. Embassy (Bangkok) pension verification letter, U.S. tax returns, pension verification letter from U.S. govt., passport size photos, completed TM.7 form and 1,900 THB. Being number 04 in line, I was at Station 8 in a matter of 20 minutes. The gentleman looked at my pension letter and said, "You need Thai bank deposit verification letter, come back later!" I told him my pension (85,000+ a month) was all I needed to meet the money requirement. He replied, "No, you need pension letter AND Thai bank verification letter." End of conversation.

I returned later in the morning to Jomtein armed with my TMB bank letter and picked-up the number 64 wait in line number. This time, some 5 HOURS LATER, I sailed through the process with the gentlemen at Station #8 not wanting to see any multiple copies of anything. :o

Now all I have to do is to return on Thursday (Wednesday the Immigration Office is CLOSED) to pick-up my passport and new one year O-A visa and try and find a BIG dumpster to throw all my WASTED exta copies into. :D

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1. Jomtien only requires ONE copy for needed copies. Nothing new there at all. I hear reports other offices require more copies though.

2. It is common for many offices to require a BANK LETTER even from people qualifying fully with the pension option. They like to see a Thai bank account. Nothing new there at all.

3. You don't get a new O-A visa in Thailand. You once had an O-A visa. Now all you are getting are one year extensions based on retirement, the same thing as people who started in the system with regular O visas.

What concerns me about your post is that it could start rumors about a big policy change, and frankly, nothing in your post tells me there is any such change.

Edited by Jingthing
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I don't know where the first immigration was coming from with the letter showing money in the bank. It is not required but some offices want to see a bank book that shows some transfers in and withdrawals.

You didn't really need all the tax returns and pension letter. All you should need is the affidavit from the consulate.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Usually they just like to see an up to date bank book.

Yes as JT said your O-A Visa is no more. You have a 12 month extension of your temporary permission to stay.

I am concerned some people may interpret the OP's post to mean PENSION ONLY or BANK ACCOUNT ONLY are no longer accepted. The OP's issue appears to be about paperwork they needed rather than any change in basic financial requirements policy.

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Usually they just like to see an up to date bank book.

Yes as JT said your O-A Visa is no more. You have a 12 month extension of your temporary permission to stay.

I am concerned some people may interpret the OP's post to mean PENSION ONLY or BANK ACCOUNT ONLY are no longer accepted. The OP's issue appears to be about paperwork they needed rather than any change in basic financial requirements policy.

When I went to the Jomtein Immigration Office this morning, I was under the assumption that I only needed my pension verification letter to meet the money requirements for a renewal of my O-A visa, at no time did I see a requirement of a Thai bank verification letter be included in the mix. :o

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Chico: I think you did qualify financially based on your pension. It is not new for immigration offices to ask for, maybe require, to ALSO see that people qualifying with pensions have a Thai bank account, even though the money in it is not needed for qualification (in your case anyway). The other poster who said that just showing the bank book is usually enough in such cases (people fully qualifying with pensions) is probably correct, but the only difference is that you encountered an officer who asked for a bank letter as well. As you learned, getting the bank letter is no big deal.

Bottom line, based on your info, no big policy change. Perhaps one or more officers is requiring bank letters for pension qualifiers, but that is not a major change in FINANCIAL requirements for qualification.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just wondering if they moved the O-A Retirement Renewal target (requirements) when I wasn't looking?

Today, December 9th, I was at the Jomtein Immigration Office at 8:30 AM armed with THREE signed and dated copies of the following: all of my passport pages, U.S. Embassy (Bangkok) pension verification letter, U.S. tax returns, pension verification letter from U.S. govt., passport size photos, completed TM.7 form and 1,900 THB. Being number 04 in line, I was at Station 8 in a matter of 20 minutes. The gentleman looked at my pension letter and said, "You need Thai bank deposit verification letter, come back later!" I told him my pension (85,000+ a month) was all I needed to meet the money requirement. He replied, "No, you need pension letter AND Thai bank verification letter." End of conversation.

I returned later in the morning to Jomtein armed with my TMB bank letter and picked-up the number 64 wait in line number. This time, some 5 HOURS LATER, I sailed through the process with the gentlemen at Station #8 not wanting to see any multiple copies of anything. :o

Now all I have to do is to return on Thursday (Wednesday the Immigration Office is CLOSED) to pick-up my passport and new one year O-A visa and try and find a BIG dumpster to throw all my WASTED exta copies into. :D

Typical case of early morning sickness.

It is "or", "or", or mix of both.


See my motto down below, and remember that any variation on the theme "if it can go wrong, it will go wrong" is available and usable in Thailand.

In this case, if it can be asked for, it will be asked for!

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a renewal of my O-A visa, :o

Sorry for being pedantic, but it is not a renewal of an O-A Visa. You will get a 12 month extension stamp. Not a Visa.

Basically an Immigration Officer can ask you for anything he wants to make his decision. Whether it is in the requirements or not.

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Chico: I think you did qualify financially based on your pension. It is not new for immigration offices to ask for, maybe require, to ALSO see that people qualifying with pensions have a Thai bank account, even though the money in it is not needed for qualification (in your case anyway). The other poster who said that just showing the bank book is usually enough in such cases (people fully qualifying with pensions) is probably correct, but the only difference is that you encountered an officer who asked for a bank letter as well. As you learned, getting the bank letter is no big deal.

Bottom line, based on your info, no big policy change. Perhaps one or more officers is requiring bank letters for pension qualifiers, but that is not a major change in FINANCIAL requirements for qualification.

Jingthing, there are many banks that will not give you a bank account without having a workpermit. (TMN, BT, + more)

Having a card from the bank "at home" and available ATM's, what is the need for a Thai Bank (income only)

Being an old age pensioner, you will not get a work permit.

So here we go: What then?

No workpermit, no bankaccount, no stay?

And getting a letter from your friendly bankmanager might become a problem, when your living address is 172 km from the nearest immigration office!

Worst case scenario:

day 1 Bring the paperwork-go away, get a bank letter.

day 2 Return with the paperwork and letter from the bank

day 3 So sorry, office closed, whatever reason

day 4 Collect the passport, if ready?

Lost: 4 days and 1376 kilometer.

And getting a bank letter might become a problem if the bank manager has no idea where you are talking about, or maybe, phom phut Thai maidai and the bankmanager phom phut Ankrit maidai.

The above happened to a farang in Khon Kaen.

Indeed he had to go there 5 times because the passport was not ready!

And during that time the Khon Kaen police fined him for 5000 baht, because he did not have his passport with him.

Paperwork from the immigration police: not important for KK Police.

Edited by hansnl
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I have opened two Thai bank accounts, one rather recently at Kasikorn Bank, without a work permit. In fact, they didn't even ask about what visa I was on. I realize conditions vary bank to bank, region to region, immigration officer to officer. No doubt some people are caught in a Catch 22 hel_l, but I doubt most of us are.

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I have opened two Thai bank accounts, one rather recently at Kasikorn Bank, without a work permit. In fact, they didn't even ask about what visa I was on. I realize conditions vary bank to bank, region to region, immigration officer to officer. No doubt some people are caught in a Catch 22 hel_l, but I doubt most of us are.

See my motto, the one about Murphy's law?

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I have opened two Thai bank accounts, one rather recently at Kasikorn Bank, without a work permit. In fact, they didn't even ask about what visa I was on. I realize conditions vary bank to bank, region to region, immigration officer to officer. No doubt some people are caught in a Catch 22 hel_l, but I doubt most of us are.

See my motto, the one about Murphy's law?

I had two bank accounts in Samui and I now have one in Khon Kaen. No work permit.

I have always found them to be very helpful.

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