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Promo Girls / Beer Clothing


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Whats the deal with the bar girls wearing the beer company outfits (Tiger, Heineken, etc) ? Are the girls supplied by the beer companies? If not What type of benefit is there to the bar owner to have these girls wearing the outfits (other than they are usualy pretty..lol).

Anyone know the dealio?

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Whats the deal with the bar girls wearing the beer company outfits (Tiger, Heineken, etc) ? +Are the girls supplied by the beer companies?+ If not What type of benefit is there to the bar owner to have these girls wearing the outfits (other than they are usualy pretty..lol).

Anyone know the dealio?

Yes they are, but as far as I know, only in certain cities. I've never seen them in Phuket or Koh Samui for instance.

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apparently they get propositioned often by the predominantly (drunken) male clientele

known in thai as "dek cheer beer". translates to "kid cheering beer "

actually dek is not strictly kid, more like youngster, as in dek naeo, dek nork, dek dee - not necessarily someone aged 12 years and under, can be used for almost anyone up to about age 23 or so. My family still ask me to be a dek dee even though I am well past 30!

Totally agree about the propositioning though...... bring on the feberbrau girlies ;-)

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I was driving through Nakon Sawon once, and I stopped at the shopping center to eat lunch. I went to the food court as was amazed to see at least 30 beer girls there, waiting for the lunch crowd. I have never seen them at a shopping center food court, and I have never seen that many of them in one place.

These were extremely attractive women, too. I don't drink beer, but I was tempted just to have an excuse for some interaction! :o

I was wondering, though. As I don't drink beer, when a beer girl comes up to me and I just order a Pespi Max, does she get anything for fulfilling my drink order?

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good 4 her. thai girls knoe where the moneys at. and it aint at hawking beer for 4 baht a can. now if there were only better alternatives for them than tending bar.

The beer hawking is the first step in their career as a pretty. Then they graduate to Motor Shows, Cosmetics and if they are really lucky can even grow up to be a company ambassador.

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good 4 her. thai girls knoe where the moneys at. and it aint at hawking beer for 4 baht a can. now if there were only better alternatives for them than tending bar.

The beer hawking is the first step in their career as a pretty. Then they graduate to Motor Shows, Cosmetics and if they are really lucky can even grow up to be a company ambassador.

So they can avoid the 'b/g' route?

It's not exactly ideal, but whereas in Western countries they'd look down on it, it's a far better option here.

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good 4 her. thai girls knoe where the moneys at. and it aint at hawking beer for 4 baht a can. now if there were only better alternatives for them than tending bar.

The beer hawking is the first step in their career as a pretty. Then they graduate to Motor Shows, Cosmetics and if they are really lucky can even grow up to be a company ambassador.

So they can avoid the 'b/g' route?

It's not exactly ideal, but whereas in Western countries they'd look down on it, it's a far better option here.

Stop being so bitter f1fanatic. BGs are looked down on here.

Your problem is that your husband left you for one. Im sorry for you for that but get over it and stop the narrow mind thinking.

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good 4 her. thai girls knoe where the moneys at. and it aint at hawking beer for 4 baht a can. now if there were only better alternatives for them than tending bar.

The beer hawking is the first step in their career as a pretty. Then they graduate to Motor Shows, Cosmetics and if they are really lucky can even grow up to be a company ambassador.

So they can avoid the 'b/g' route?

It's not exactly ideal, but whereas in Western countries they'd look down on it, it's a far better option here.

Stop being so bitter f1fanatic. BGs are looked down on here.

Your problem is that your husband left you for one. Im sorry for you for that but get over it and stop the narrow mind thinking.

No!!! B/g's are looked down on here?! Surely not! And I thought it was just me who looked down on them 'cos my ex of 28 years left me for one! I never realised that it was just my narrow thinking. Thank you for pointing out my warped view point of Thai women.

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good 4 her. thai girls knoe where the moneys at. and it aint at hawking beer for 4 baht a can. now if there were only better alternatives for them than tending bar.

The beer hawking is the first step in their career as a pretty. Then they graduate to Motor Shows, Cosmetics and if they are really lucky can even grow up to be a company ambassador.

So they can avoid the 'b/g' route?

It's not exactly ideal, but whereas in Western countries they'd look down on it, it's a far better option here.

Stop being so bitter f1fanatic. BGs are looked down on here.

Your problem is that your husband left you for one. Im sorry for you for that but get over it and stop the narrow mind thinking.

No!!! B/g's are looked down on here?! Surely not! And I thought it was just me who looked down on them 'cos my ex of 28 years left me for one! I never realised that it was just my narrow thinking. Thank you for pointing out my warped view point of Thai women.

Just off the 'Mayflower' are we ?

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Whats the deal with the bar girls wearing the beer company outfits (Tiger, Heineken, etc) ? Are the girls supplied by the beer companies? If not What type of benefit is there to the bar owner to have these girls wearing the outfits (other than they are usualy pretty..lol).

Anyone know the dealio?

The truth is that the girls work for marketing agencies which are under contract to the beer companies. The next day they may be trying to sell houses in the next shopping mall or cars in the nearby showroom.

When, some years back, I saw two really good ones at work (Rare!) I got my Thai wife to ask if they would try to sell other products for us. They ran a mile and would not even put us in touch with their agency bosses!

In my view, unless you are ordering beer from them, ignore them. They are an odd, introverted and very THICK lot. And in no way ANYTHING to do with bar girls. Some of whom at least give value for money.

I only respond to this because on Wednesday the 10th in Big C Chiang Mai I was unfortunate enough to see 4 of them, lounging around from 12 noon, apparently trying to ply their trade. All but one were utterly and totally PATHETIC. Three were propping up vacant tables, looking vacantly at incoming customers in the 'food court'. Three did look like redundant hookers from Loi Kroh Rd because they wore NOTHING to identify them as beer salespeople. The one dumpy, smiling, cheerful one, walking around rather than slouching, wore a smart Beer Chang apron and was doing her best for her employer. Good kid!

As the beer retailing 'counters' in such places are clearly labelled, I can only assume that beer retailers see these servicewomen as essential to entice customers, top them up with tons of ice, pour extra beer because they can't do it themselves and generally boost the flagging egos of their pathetic clients.

In short, the dealio herio is totally ThaiLeo. Elsewhere, this total waste of time, people and resources would never be toleratedio.

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I have a couple of San Miguel shirts that was given to all me and my staff.

And we don't even sell San Miguel. beerfunnel.gif

San Miguel is on a massive promotion run in Thailand-promo people everywhere-a year or so ago they were selling the big bottles in 7/11 for 120 baht-now they are at 60-cheaper than Heinikens-I think they want to be in the Thai market in a big way-at our bar pretty much all we move is SM and Leo with the occasional Heineken or Singha thrown in

I have noticed in talking to other bar operators they promise alot and deliver very little-and yes-we got the shirts too-still waiting for the signage lol

Edited by whynot?
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apparently they get propositioned often by the predominantly (drunken) male clientele

known in thai as "dek cheer beer". translates to "kid cheering beer "

In the NE they are known as 'sao BG', or sao + beer, as in the Carabao song, Sao Beer Chang:


There is the world of difference between sao BG and 'poo ying bar' (or what an earlier poster called BGs). Among my professional Thai friends in a NE city sao BG are considered fair game for seduction attempts, where the farang-style beer bars with BGs would be considered far too 'lo-so' to be seen in. My impression is that most sao BG are students just doing the job part-time for a year or two to get pocket money. I am not aware of too many who go on to a career in sales promotion, though there may be a proportion. I've always thought that sao BG and the sharp distinction from poo ying bar is a very interesting Thai cultural phenomenon. When I said this once before on the forum one bright spark retorted that there was nothing cultural about it - it was just marketing. Yet if you have ever talked to sao BG you will know we have nothing like it in the US or the UK. :o

Edited by citizen33
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This thread is USELESS.......without scads and scads of picture proof ! :o

How are we to make (un)informed decisions about such important matters, when we have nothing to judge or compare ? Stop hoarding and start sharing !! :D

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This thread is USELESS.......without scads and scads of picture proof ! :o

How are we to make (un)informed decisions about such important matters, when we have nothing to judge or compare ? Stop hoarding and start sharing !! :D

Pinched from another forum - hope I managed to upload the pictures.



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Whats the deal with the bar girls wearing the beer company outfits (Tiger, Heineken, etc) ? +Are the girls supplied by the beer companies?+ If not What type of benefit is there to the bar owner to have these girls wearing the outfits (other than they are usualy pretty..lol).

Anyone know the dealio?

Yes they are, but as far as I know, only in certain cities. I've never seen them in Phuket or Koh Samui for instance.

Plenty in Nakhonsawan. I do not recall seeing them in towns where the, erm, 'ladies' tend to work the bars though.

I understand from some that they also get a bonus if they sell above a set number of beers per month. They are often very friendly - especially when they want you to drink 'their' brand.

I have T-shirts, baseball caps, key rings and a set of Tiger beer pint glasses from some of the promotions they run. :o

Yes, some do look alluring too in those skimpy outfits.

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This thread is USELESS.......without scads and scads of picture proof ! :o

How are we to make (un)informed decisions about such important matters, when we have nothing to judge or compare ? Stop hoarding and start sharing !! :D

Pinched from another forum - hope I managed to upload the pictures.



That Beer Chang girl has a big one !!!!!

Hmmmm, tasty and she isn't too bad either :D

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