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Laser Zapping Of Skin Tags In Pattaya!


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Has anyone tried any of the local storefront clinics that offer to laser off skin issues? I have a crop of SKIN TAGS, they aren't big, but there are enough of them that I want them gone. I visited one place (across from Royal Garden) and they said they have an actual doctor who will laser them off for about 200 baht for a small one (up to 500 for big ones). The price seems right. Any luck (good or bad) and specific recommends with having skin tags removed at the local clinics?

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I asked my doctor in the states about removing them and he told me it was considered "elective surgury" and then how to do it. I just had my girlfriend take a sharp pair of scissors and disinfect them, grab the tag with tweezers and snip it off. Apply alchohol afterwards and it works great. Best of all, it was free

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There are a couple of clinics specialising (or promoting at least) in skin care - one near Hanuman statue in Jomtien and one on Pattaya Klang - same side as Carrefour but closer to 2nd Road.

Or alternatives as mentioned earlier - but using a pair of nail clippers instead of scissors. Don't forget to have a few Changs first though.

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I went to my doctor in UK to have one removed from my eye got told there would be a twelve week waiitn list. So opt to have it removed at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. All I can say is fantastic service, no pain at all beautiful young female doctor, in & out in 50 minutes I think the cost was around 2500 baht

blooming delighted try the uk if you want expensive surgery or medical treatment.

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2500 baht for ONE tag??!! Do you mean it was actually IN your eyeball? Maybe they charge by time/session so if you have 50 tags, you get a wholesale deal. I think using pros is better for this kind of thing. Scarring is possible and I would imagine professionals know the better ways to avoid this.

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Has anyone tried any of the local storefront clinics that offer to laser off skin issues? I have a crop of SKIN TAGS, they aren't big, but there are enough of them that I want them gone. I visited one place (across from Royal Garden) and they said they have an actual doctor who will laser them off for about 200 baht for a small one (up to 500 for big ones). The price seems right. Any luck (good or bad) and specific recommends with having skin tags removed at the local clinics?

Hi jingthing

Here is an interesting article on skin tags.


Hope this helps.

Cheers, Rick

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I would go to see Dr. Natapat at Apex Profound Beauty. She is probably the #1 dermatologist in Thailand and was schooled at Northwestern Univ. in Chicago. She only comes to Pattaya about once a month but she has every laser there is and knows what she is doing. Apex is located inside Royal Garden on the 2nd floor in the corner. She isnt cheap but I just dont trust these storefront clinics. Her schooling and experience are unmatched in Pattaya

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I had one on my arm and it became sore, so I went to see the Dr and he made an appointment for a couple of days later.

It was removed in seconds and painlessly by the good old, much maligned, NHS for free.

The only thing is, he wouldn't remove a second one I've got on the other arm as he said, if its not painful, it would be cosmetic and therefore he couldn't do it.

I've no experience of the Pattaya clinics, but I'd just use my eyes. If it looks clean and professional, I'd give it a go.

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  • 1 year later...

I still haven't dealt with this. Its about time, they're depressing. I looked into the clinic near Hanuman. They don't actually have lasers, they use a radio wave tool instead, which is rather similar. I read good things about using radio waves on the net. Does anyone have any opinions on radio waves vs. lasers? I reckon many of the places saying they have laser are actually using radio waves instead ...

Another question, any experience with having these removed from the scrotal area? It sounds painful and perhaps more risky. I know, I know, too much information ...

BTW, the original place I checked out raised there price to 10,000 baht to get rid of a bunch of them. way more than the original estimate. They were very surly this time and clearly in the farang wallet extraction frame of mind, so I would not recommend that place!

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No need for surgery, spending money, or risky DIY surgery. Simply tie some cotton very tightly around the base of the tag - tight enough to cut off blood supply but not enough to cut into the skin.

Tag will drop off by itself in a few days. Done it several times. No scars and totally painless and risk free. Give it a try I promise it works really well. Try one first and see how you go.

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^^Come on jt, you have procrastinated on this for over a year, you are getting depressed and now the cost has gone through the roof... at the one establishment that you have personally checked out. Stop dicking about with excuses on other people's advice and experience between laser and rf. Make a short list of say 5 places that can do it. Get their quote on cost and time and go with the one that you feel comfortable with and still meets your budget. It's a bit like getting new drapes for the condo or the dings taken out of the car at the body shop.

There's enough information on the 'net to tell you how benign skin tags are and how stress-free their removal can be. Bite the bullet, pay your money and "get 'r done" as the 'Cable Guy' would say.

Let us know how you get on.

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Jingthing, you can do them yourself. My regular physician in the US told me how as it was considered elective surgery by my insurance and would not be covered. For 3 years, I have been removing my own or having my wife help me remove them... NEVER HAD A PROBLEM. you just take a pair of tweezers and a very sharp pair of scissors (scalpel etc), grab the tag and whack it off. dab a little alchohol and antiseptic cream on it and your done.

As I said, I have done this for 3 years and have never had any adverse circumstances...

Good luck.

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In had a rather large one removed at Memorial Hospital about a year ago. I was actually being treated for something else when the doc askd me about it and whether I wanted it removed. He took it off and another 4 in my armpit for, I believe 300 baht. Painless and quick

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In had a rather large one removed at Memorial Hospital about a year ago. I was actually being treated for something else when the doc askd me about it and whether I wanted it removed. He took it off and another 4 in my armpit for, I believe 300 baht. Painless and quick

Did he cut them off with a scalpel or cauterize or dry ice freeze (or another method)?

Thanks for the self help tips but they don't interest me. Still looking for info on the laser vs. radio waves.

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whilst the skin tags abide. Laser and rf are painless. Scalpel and local anesthetic is painless. What is the fascination with the details of how it was done? A google search gives you all the info that local posters have confirmed. There's not likely to be any major variations unique to Pattaya and you already have the price ranges.

Just do it <deleted>!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Any follow up info here? Any clinics around to zap them off quickly and cheaply.

My gf is whinging about a tiny skin tag on her butt. I want to just clip it off and be done with it, but she won't let me. I don't want to go down to PIH and pay thousands to remove something as small as a pin head.

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In America, the dermatologist drops a tiny drop of liquid nitrogen on the tag. It feels really cold for a second or two. Then, about 3 days later, the tag just falls off, withered. Not expensive or painful. Do they do that here? I would go... got a couple, too.

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Any follow up info here? Any clinics around to zap them off quickly and cheaply.

My gf is whinging about a tiny skin tag on her butt. I want to just clip it off and be done with it, but she won't let me. I don't want to go down to PIH and pay thousands to remove something as small as a pin head.

OK, I coudn't wait around for useful advice so I went out and did it.

Rajvithi Skincare Clinic opposite the Marriot Hotel on 2nd Road took care of 4 skin tags for 1000 baht.

The (female) doctor first injects local anaesthetic and then lasers them off. I had one taken off my upper lip and 2 off my legs. My girl had the one taken off her butt. Mine weren't the typical "bell" type, so I couldn't cut them off myself as they had a broad area of attachment.

I also got a quote at the skin clinic on the left side of Pattaya Klang near Carrefour. They were asking "from 500 baht per skin tag", so it would seem the clinic near Garden Plaza is being reasonable.

Edited by tropo
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In times long past you would get burnt at the stake for these tags,was regarded as a sign of the devil,Cutting them off would cause a fair amount of bleeding,the corn remover stuff works well.

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  • 1 year later...
Any follow up info here? Any clinics around to zap them off quickly and cheaply.

My gf is whinging about a tiny skin tag on her butt. I want to just clip it off and be done with it, but she won't let me. I don't want to go down to PIH and pay thousands to remove something as small as a pin head.

OK, I coudn't wait around for useful advice so I went out and did it.

Rajvithi Skincare Clinic opposite the Marriot Hotel on 2nd Road took care of 4 skin tags for 1000 baht.

The (female) doctor first injects local anaesthetic and then lasers them off. I had one taken off my upper lip and 2 off my legs. My girl had the one taken off her butt. Mine weren't the typical "bell" type, so I couldn't cut them off myself as they had a broad area of attachment.

I also got a quote at the skin clinic on the left side of Pattaya Klang near Carrefour. They were asking "from 500 baht per skin tag", so it would seem the clinic near Garden Plaza is being reasonable.

It's time to have some skin tags removed again.

This clinic I mentioned in this last reply in May last year has since disappeared.

Be curious if anyone has come across a good clinic to laser off skin tags. The Pattaya Klang clinic near Carrefour (Big-C Xtra) asks "from 300".

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Any follow up info here? Any clinics around to zap them off quickly and cheaply.

My gf is whinging about a tiny skin tag on her butt. I want to just clip it off and be done with it, but she won't let me. I don't want to go down to PIH and pay thousands to remove something as small as a pin head.

OK, I coudn't wait around for useful advice so I went out and did it.

Rajvithi Skincare Clinic opposite the Marriot Hotel on 2nd Road took care of 4 skin tags for 1000 baht.

The (female) doctor first injects local anaesthetic and then lasers them off. I had one taken off my upper lip and 2 off my legs. My girl had the one taken off her butt. Mine weren't the typical "bell" type, so I couldn't cut them off myself as they had a broad area of attachment.

I also got a quote at the skin clinic on the left side of Pattaya Klang near Carrefour. They were asking "from 500 baht per skin tag", so it would seem the clinic near Garden Plaza is being reasonable.

It's time to have some skin tags removed again.

This clinic I mentioned in this last reply in May last year has since disappeared.

Be curious if anyone has come across a good clinic to laser off skin tags. The Pattaya Klang clinic near Carrefour (Big-C Xtra) asks "from 300".

there is another thread on here somewhere about this subject and I followed the tip and had a few removed at a place opposite the front door of Tutcom. The place and the doctor looked a little odd but they did a great job and it was cheap.

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there is another thread on here somewhere about this subject and I followed the tip and had a few removed at a place opposite the front door of Tutcom. The place and the doctor looked a little odd but they did a great job and it was cheap.

Thanks. I'll have a look opposite to Tukcom tomorrow.

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