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Dog Catchers In Phuket?

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I just had my daughter get bit in the face at Nai Harn from one of the local dogs that I've seen there a long time.  Dewie the chair guy says this same dog bit a lady last week.  It's time that dog found a new residence.  In most countries a dog like this would get caught and put down, but I can't see that happening here, even though it should with two bites within a week of beachgoers.

Does anyone in Phuket come and deal with problem dogs such as this in a humane way?

The dog ended up biting my daughter on the forehead and drew blood, so she has a nice series of 5 tetenus shots coming her way thanks to this POS dog. All my daugher was doing was petting it as she had done the week before and the thing just snapped.  I was standing right next to her when it happened and it scared the ****** out of her as it would with any 5 year old kid.

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There are so many Soi dogs in Nai Harn, and some Farang driving around giving them food, I like dogs but this feeding will just get more and more dogs to come around the lake, and this Farang don’t take care of the dogs just feeding them and then take off. I don’t think that’s doing them a favour


>>Number one. Never let a 5 year old pet a stray dog anywhere especially Thailand.

Thanks for that pearl of wisdom, I never would have thought of that.  

It's kind of like, "don't let your kid get close to the swimming pool he might fall in".  "Don't let your kid outside of the house because he might get hurt falling down while running".  

Of course we try to keep our children out of bad situations as any adult does, but can you really keep them out of bad situations 100% of the time?  If you can baabaabobo, you would be the first in history.

The PAWS tip was actually a good tip so thanks for that, but I wonder how the beach people will take it when one of "their dogs" gets hauled off.  


Letting your kid pet a stray dog in thailand is kind of a million times worse than letting her run around a pool.

Stray dogs are full of disease and unpredictable, unlike a pool.

so if you dont want to teach her that, a leash is good.

Seriously, im willing to be 80% of the dog problems in phuket is from those stupid farang houses leaving bowls of food everywhere. Just here, two of my neighbors leaves 3-4 bowls of food in front of his house, and obviously closes his gate. so theres about 6 stray dogs living in front of his door and hassling people and fighting people's dogs.


A lot of those dogs at Naiharn live in the temple behind the beach (entrance on the left as you approach central Naiharn by road). You could try talking to the monks about this problem. The monks don't want the dogs, people just dump them there


its a delicate situation, I mean if that was out in the country, you could just go take care of it yourself. Which by your post you wouldnt do anyways, its not like you can go strolling into nai harn with a shotgun soo....Unless you talk to one of the monks there to have it moved, it will more then likely stay there, really to bad, a dog like that shouldnt be running around there.


There are so many Soi dogs in Nai Harn, and some Farang driving around giving them food, I like dogs but this feeding will just get more and more dogs to come around the lake, and this Farang don't take care of the dogs just feeding them and then take off. I don't think that's doing them a favour

There has always been somone or another feeding the stray dogs on the south part of the island. Last few months I have seen a guy up by the Islander Pub. Parks his small car or bike in an awkward spot stands in the middle of the road and throws the food for the dogs, also, in the middle of the road! Nearly drove into him, then had to swerve to miss the dogs he was feeding!


Seriously, im willing to be 80% of the dog problems in phuket is from those stupid farang houses leaving bowls of food everywhere. Just here, two of my neighbors leaves 3-4 bowls of food in front of his house, and obviously closes his gate. so theres about 6 stray dogs living in front of his door and hassling people and fighting people's dogs.

The falang is not to blame for the stray dog issue in phuket, or thailand for that matter.... I see thai people feeding them as well. If their were no falangs would their be no stray dogs?


I don't know if there is the same sort of problem in Phuket, but I've read reports of rabies infected dogs biting tourists on Kuta beach in Bali.

Keep it in mind.

Seriously, im willing to be 80% of the dog problems in phuket is from those stupid farang houses leaving bowls of food everywhere. Just here, two of my neighbors leaves 3-4 bowls of food in front of his house, and obviously closes his gate. so theres about 6 stray dogs living in front of his door and hassling people and fighting people's dogs.

The falang is not to blame for the stray dog issue in phuket, or thailand for that matter.... I see thai people feeding them as well. If their were no falangs would their be no stray dogs?

Your right, but it dont help the Farangs is driving around the lake in Nai Harn and stop every 100 meters to feed the dogs, and all the way up to the view point.....


I have got bitten here some years ago. I think it was the municipality office I contacted. It was some of the same guys who take care of the renovation. To my surprise they used a kind of blow pipe and arrows with poison on when they hunted for the dog.

Seriously, im willing to be 80% of the dog problems in phuket is from those stupid farang houses leaving bowls of food everywhere. Just here, two of my neighbors leaves 3-4 bowls of food in front of his house, and obviously closes his gate. so theres about 6 stray dogs living in front of his door and hassling people and fighting people's dogs.

The falang is not to blame for the stray dog issue in phuket, or thailand for that matter.... I see thai people feeding them as well. If their were no falangs would their be no stray dogs?

Your right, but it dont help the Farangs is driving around the lake in Nai Harn and stop every 100 meters to feed the dogs, and all the way up to the view point.....

I have actually never seen this very often, farangs feeding stray dogs, I have seen more thai's doing it. I am guilty, if im sitting at a restraunt and some scraggy old dog comes in, i always give it my scraps, why not?

Seriously, im willing to be 80% of the dog problems in phuket is from those stupid farang houses leaving bowls of food everywhere. Just here, two of my neighbors leaves 3-4 bowls of food in front of his house, and obviously closes his gate. so theres about 6 stray dogs living in front of his door and hassling people and fighting people's dogs.

The falang is not to blame for the stray dog issue in phuket, or thailand for that matter.... I see thai people feeding them as well. If their were no falangs would their be no stray dogs?

Your right, but it dont help the Farangs is driving around the lake in Nai Harn and stop every 100 meters to feed the dogs, and all the way up to the view point.....

I have actually never seen this very often, farangs feeding stray dogs, I have seen more thai's doing it. I am guilty, if im sitting at a restraunt and some scraggy old dog comes in, i always give it my scraps, why not?

Why not? Because that cute little dog you feed then goes and terrorizes a neighborhood because there are not controls on stray dogs in Thailand. Dogs run free. Have you not noticed?

Seriously, im willing to be 80% of the dog problems in phuket is from those stupid farang houses leaving bowls of food everywhere. Just here, two of my neighbors leaves 3-4 bowls of food in front of his house, and obviously closes his gate. so theres about 6 stray dogs living in front of his door and hassling people and fighting people's dogs.

The falang is not to blame for the stray dog issue in phuket, or thailand for that matter.... I see thai people feeding them as well. If their were no falangs would their be no stray dogs?

Your right, but it dont help the Farangs is driving around the lake in Nai Harn and stop every 100 meters to feed the dogs, and all the way up to the view point.....

I have actually never seen this very often, farangs feeding stray dogs, I have seen more thai's doing it. I am guilty, if im sitting at a restraunt and some scraggy old dog comes in, i always give it my scraps, why not?

Why not? Because that cute little dog you feed then goes and terrorizes a neighborhood because there are not controls on stray dogs in Thailand. Dogs run free. Have you not noticed?

Haha Relax, you make it sound it like because i gave it my chicken bone , im at fault. There are some controls on stray dogs in thailand, but it is very piss poor.

Haha Relax, you make it sound it like because i gave it my chicken bone , im at fault.

Yes, you are.........partially.

Your chicken bone times every soft-hearted diner adds up to a lot of scraps. You make stray dogs possible.


I Walk Nai harn everyday, I know the Situation. When i say i feed the soi dogs, its not like im in Mando's steak house, or Don's Cafe with a soi dog there by my side, I eat at small thai shops, where there are dogs everywhere, and i may through it a bone once in awhile, if you are saying im adding to the probelm, lets get real here. Soi dogs are here to say, and whatever anyone says, they always will be!


I'm genuinely shocked at the hatred of dogs on this post!

The VAST majority of Soi dogs are unbelievably friendly and gentle - they have to be, otherwise they wouldn't get ANY food from the locals. (Who, believe it or not were here long before we arrived, and could only offer the scraps they left.)

Coming from the UK, I've really noticed how soft and frightened they are.

I'm sure there are the odd exceptions, but in two and a half years I've never met one!

Another option from the animal welfare point to contact is Soi Dog Foundation - phone no. 087 0508688. They are trying v hard to sterilise Soi Dogs to minimise the problem. 'Phone them and ask if they can help, PLEASE!!



Who say they hate dogs?????

I like dogs, but i dont like the people there just drive around and feed them and then leave them alone, and thats it........


I too like dogs, we have 3 at our house ( that stay within our house grounds) and maybe that's why my daughter shows no fear at the beach when she sees a dog with a collar on, wagging it's tail and beckoning for some affection, whether she is told by her parents to not pet the dog.

That being said, there really is no place for any dog that bites any person at any time, for no apparent reason whether it is an older lady which happened last week, or a young kid which happened this week. 


I just had my daughter get bit in the face at Nai Harn from one of the local dogs that I've seen there a long time. Dewie the chair guy says this same dog bit a lady last week. It's time that dog found a new residence. In most countries a dog like this would get caught and put down, but I can't see that happening here, even though it should with two bites within a week of beachgoers.

Hi steelpulse

Not nice I hope she is ok.What does this dog look like as I am down Nai Harn everyday and will give it a wide berth.

A few weeks ago I was driving up to the windmill, went round a sharp bend and stopped in the middle of the road was a guy feeding a pack of dogs.I nearly took the lot out and nearly ended up down the bank myself.Stupid <deleted>.I called him a lot worse that day.

Seems like the ban on dogs on Nai Harn is being adhered to at the moment except for a few of the Italian mafia who don't seem able to be apart from their babies for one minute of the day .


It's a small white dog with a few brown spots and has an old smelly bluish collar.  If you drive in from the road and park in the sand, then walk straight to the beach, it hangs out right there.

The day my daughter got bit I saw an older guy parked next to the lake feeding the strays.....genius.


I am surprised that you had to give a series of 5 tetanus injections. Didn't she have her DTaP vaccination already? (Under 7 years and they get Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis). Once the immunization schedule is done, a booster every decade or so does the trick. It's standard procedure to innoculate in the west and they do it in Thailand too.

I mention this just in case she was vaccinated and maybe no one thought to mention it to you. It's not pleasant to have a kid get 5 injections, plus your arm aches for a while when you are a kid.


Dog Catchers In Phuket?....

Some 30 years ago, exploring the inner countryside of Phuket and passing through a very small village my friend and I, both on a motorbike, noticed a pick up truck piled up with dead dogs; at least 30-40.... some three/four dog catchers were busy trying to catch 2 more dogs with nets and some sort of electrical shock sticks ( like a long round bar) to kill them with a high voltage shock....

This happened far away from any beach on the west side of Phuket. The villagers seemed quite interested and laughed at the action but nobody really bothered about the dead dogs or the ones to be killed.

Have no idea how they get rid of stray dogs now but a balance is needed when people and small children are in danger.

The above described action would draw quite a bit of anger and protest nowadays amongst tourists I suppose...until a stray dog severely wounds or even kills a small (tourist) child... :o

A matter of time...



Dog catchers used to come around and give all dog owners a special collar for their dogs to wear.

A few days later they would come and round-up every dog that wasn't wearing that collar.

It all came to an end in the late eighties due to complaints, though I believe Patong Municipality "sneak" one in every few years.

I too like dogs, we have 3 at our house ( that stay within our house grounds) and maybe that's why my daughter shows no fear at the beach when she sees a dog with a collar on, wagging it's tail and beckoning for some affection, whether she is told by her parents to not pet the dog.

That being said, there really is no place for any dog that bites any person at any time, for no apparent reason whether it is an older lady which happened last week, or a young kid which happened this week.

Exactly. I hope your daughter recovers well & without scar, mate. I'm not sure if you saw my thread earlier this week I was also attacked by a dog in thailand..... the dog problem here is well out of control and has been so for quite a time.


The stray dogs here do not choose to be homeless, hungry and alone as a 'lifestyle'. They have no option thanks to the various idiotic people who gave them no choice.

The number of 'dangerous' dogs on Phuket is so small to be infinitesimal, but the rabid anti-dog mob is incredibly large.

How many times do you people have to be given the numbers to 'phone'?

Once again, the Soi Dog number is 087 0508688.

Those dogs have NOTHING, but if it makes you feel better hating them then - great, good on you. If there's a next life you'll come back as a dog, if you're a christian - you think you'll get into heaven?? Try EMPATHY, or if you're incapable of that try using your brain for a change.

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