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Standing For The National Anthem


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In most countries, I think what you did to that lady is called ASSAULT , no matter what she did or did not do gives you no right to take the law into your own hands , that would be the responsibilty of those in charge . Taking her sport drink from her is theft/robbery , by your actions you commited crimes which could/should have seen you arrested . No matter what your personal thoughts may or not be as a guest in another country , you have no right to take the law in your own hands , that is IF you know the laws of the land or you do not . All the lady did was show indifference , you broke the law .

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is it hilarious for you when they take their shoes off before entering building? I guess I should drive on the right side of the road as well?

i always laugh at farang that stop or stand

try sitting out the Chicken Dance at a staff party if you want some dirty looks!

Edited by sabaijai
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In most countries, I think what you did to that lady is called ASSAULT , no matter what she did or did not do gives you no right to take the law into your own hands , that would be the responsibilty of those in charge . Taking her sport drink from her is theft/robbery , by your actions you commited crimes which could/should have seen you arrested . No matter what your personal thoughts may or not be as a guest in another country , you have no right to take the law in your own hands , that is IF you know the laws of the land or you do not . All the lady did was show indifference , you broke the law .


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Interesting to note that the practice of playing the King's Anthem before the movie is relatively recent. It has always been played. But in the past it was at the end of the movie. However, cinema goers usually left before it came on, so it was shifted to the start to ensure everyone heard it & stood.

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I was sitting in centre section of the cinema in front of 3-4 Thais when the national anthem came on. I stood up as usual and half way through the anthem I turned around and saw that all of the Thais were sitting down. Kind of hypocritical when I've seen tourists sitting down in the cinema during the anthem, oblivious to the Thais standing and tutting at the ignorant farang.

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In most countries, I think what you did to that lady is called ASSAULT , no matter what she did or did not do gives you no right to take the law into your own hands , that would be the responsibilty of those in charge . Taking her sport drink from her is theft/robbery , by your actions you commited crimes which could/should have seen you arrested . No matter what your personal thoughts may or not be as a guest in another country , you have no right to take the law in your own hands , that is IF you know the laws of the land or you do not . All the lady did was show indifference , you broke the law .

DUMBALL, I don't need a lecture about the law boy........I know where I stand & trust me what I did at that time was more than lawful. But you are correct in saying if a Police Officer of one of the Army Officers present did what I did, then that would be OK & that is the reason why what I did was lawful because at that time I qualified in one of those categories....and im not a visitor to that country thankyou very much!

It's absolutely disgraceful not to show respect, especially to a a countries war heros. Having said that, anyone that can't show respect to HRM here should think twice about coming.

In defence to the Japanese, I have been told, I don't know how true it is, but apparently they wern't educated at school in relation to their defeat in WWII, I'm even told that most Japanese were unaware their country conducting bombing raids on Australia during that time. Having said that, you would have to be seriously stupid & ignorant to miss the minutes silence thing or show respect when a countries national anthem was playing.

There was another topic here somewhere DUMBALL, where you were trying to lecture someone & they pointed out something about your TV name saying it all, but surely one person can't be so DUMB ALL the time, can they? :o:D:D

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When the National Anthem is played at BTS stations, it can cause some problems! The peopel on the platform can hear the music and stand still. But new arrivals out of earshot are still moving at a fast pace as they arrive onto the platform, then suddenly skid to a halt as they suddenly hear the music.

This can have a 'domino' effect on everyone else bumping into the stationary persons :o

My view on this - To take 60 seconds out of your life each day to pay respect to HM King is a good way to learn to be humble and give respect to others. It's a done deal.


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Didnt we used to do this in the UK cinema's in the 70's -> early 80's?

Certainly had the anthem on the BBC shortly before the schedule ended after midnight.

Not quite! The national anthem was played at the end of the movie/s - giving people the choice to stand or just leave. 99.99999999999% of people would just leave

Edited by misterman21
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In most countries, I think what you did to that lady is called ASSAULT , no matter what she did or did not do gives you no right to take the law into your own hands , that would be the responsibilty of those in charge . Taking her sport drink from her is theft/robbery , by your actions you commited crimes which could/should have seen you arrested . No matter what your personal thoughts may or not be as a guest in another country , you have no right to take the law in your own hands , that is IF you know the laws of the land or you do not . All the lady did was show indifference , you broke the law .

Ok, Beating the stupid hoe up or fantasizing about killing her is over the top. But yeah she definitely deserved to have her drink smacked out of her hands and escorted out. You don't need to speak the language to have some simple respect.

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In most countries, I think what you did to that lady is called ASSAULT , no matter what she did or did not do gives you no right to take the law into your own hands , that would be the responsibilty of those in charge . Taking her sport drink from her is theft/robbery , by your actions you commited crimes which could/should have seen you arrested . No matter what your personal thoughts may or not be as a guest in another country , you have no right to take the law in your own hands , that is IF you know the laws of the land or you do not . All the lady did was show indifference , you broke the law .

Ok, Beating the stupid hoe up or fantasizing about killing her is over the top. But yeah she definitely deserved to have her drink smacked out of her hands and escorted out. You don't need to speak the language to have some simple respect.

Yes, killing her is little bit over the top, i conceed that point, but works in well with my mental illness....a public flogging should suffice :D Nobody beat her up, she was just moved along nicely, one couldnt smack her drink out of her hand because that would of made a real big mess...the gentleman army officers took good care of her without being too gentle :D . If you have even seen this memorial you would understand that its not really the place to be throwing sports drink around the place. There is also signs about drinking and eating...picture signs, BUT as it goes some people, well we all know that common sense is not so common.

Having said that, where would I be without Dumball's highly educational law lectures. :o

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In most countries, I think what you did to that lady is called ASSAULT , no matter what she did or did not do gives you no right to take the law into your own hands , that would be the responsibilty of those in charge . Taking her sport drink from her is theft/robbery , by your actions you commited crimes which could/should have seen you arrested . No matter what your personal thoughts may or not be as a guest in another country , you have no right to take the law in your own hands , that is IF you know the laws of the land or you do not . All the lady did was show indifference , you broke the law .

DUMBALL, I don't need a lecture about the law boy........I know where I stand & trust me what I did at that time was more than lawful. But you are correct in saying if a Police Officer of one of the Army Officers present did what I did, then that would be OK & that is the reason why what I did was lawful because at that time I qualified in one of those categories....and im not a visitor to that country thankyou very much!

It's absolutely disgraceful not to show respect, especially to a a countries war heros. Having said that, anyone that can't show respect to HRM here should think twice about coming.

In defence to the Japanese, I have been told, I don't know how true it is, but apparently they wern't educated at school in relation to their defeat in WWII, I'm even told that most Japanese were unaware their country conducting bombing raids on Australia during that time. Having said that, you would have to be seriously stupid & ignorant to miss the minutes silence thing or show respect when a countries national anthem was playing.

There was another topic here somewhere DUMBALL, where you were trying to lecture someone & they pointed out something about your TV name saying it all, but surely one person can't be so DUMB ALL the time, can they? :o:D:D

Please be aware i was not trying to 'LECTURE YOU OR ANYBODY ELSE ' , YOU GAVE AN ACCOUNT OF AN INCIDENT IN WHICH YOU WERE INVOLVED , despite being what you have since placed into evidence on your own behalf , an officer of some sort being attached to law enforcement , you failed to supply this pertinant evidence when you presented your original 'Story ' . With hind sight , despite being as you tell us now , a member of law enforcement , you have the gall to refer to me in a derogatory manner .With your supposed knowledge of the law being a self proffessed officer of the law , you should have proffered all of the evidence in you primary statement of fact , so as not to misguide the jury in the manner you chose and thus lead to a mistrial .

Another posted a response that agreed with me simply because YOU FAILED TO SUBMIT all of the evidence at your disposal , you should apply for a position with the BIB , you would fit in comfortably .

Class is dismissed .

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DUMBALL, I don't need a lecture about the law boy........

Isn't Dumball 76 years old? To refer to him as a boy you must either be very old or very condescending.

76! How on earth does he do it? No wonder his posts are like lectures.....I take back everything I previously said Mr Dumball :D ....I hope you can forgive me :o

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DUMBALL, I don't need a lecture about the law boy........

Isn't Dumball 76 years old? To refer to him as a boy you must either be very old or very condescending.

76! How on earth does he do it? No wonder his posts are like lectures.....I take back everything I previously said Mr Dumball :D ....I hope you can forgive me :o

In general i happen to be a friendly guy , I do , however , write in the older English fashion of my educational days and some people who are not familiar with this method and terminology tend to misinterpret my written word . I do still have my head of hair however , and some posts tend to get it 'Standing on end ' , however , i am not beyond asking for an explanation of a post I do not understand , mainly because i do not consider myself too old to both contribute and learn , another quarter century and i may have to change my perspective .

Thank you both for your consideration . :D

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Yes, well I'm kind of hoping that I don't go as far as 76 myself, yet alone another 25 years after that, crikey im already irriatable enuf as it is! :o:D

ps: what on earth is the DUMBALL thing about?

Edited by neverdie
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zero farangs and zero Thais in jail for that

I seem to recall a German or Austrian? drunk graffiti artist got arrested and jailed for spraying posters a couple of years back. But got released a couple of days later with a pardo

A Swiss sprayed posters of HM the King. got a jail term and got a pardon and sent to Switzerland.

I think last years birthday speech of HM the King in which he told that nobody is in jail for lese majesty (spelling) as he gives pardon to everone.

there is an Australian in jail right now for les majesty based on a single line of what he wrote in a novel which only published 50 copies

he has not yet had a trial

the arrest was in November

Actually not Nov. , it was July/Aug. He has been there a looooong time.

thank you for clarifying

are there any plans for a trial?

is a trail necessary in this type of case?

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I see the foreign color coordinated shirt/snazzy matching rubber bracelet wearing "wanna-b-thai" faction came out of the woodwork to weigh in with their sheep-like sock puppet mentality on this topic. (Ever so quick to point the finger at what you perceive to be "rude" behavior in others aren't we boyz?)

I accept the thais have idiosyncratic behavior hard-wired into their psyche. I tolerate it without ever buying into it. I am SO sick of the we-b-thai faction throwing words around like "culture", "tradition" and "respect", acting like foreigners who live here AND pay their own way are somehow compelled to exhibit the rampant mindlessness which goes on in the name of "thai culture" (certainly an oxymoronic set of words, if there ever was one).

In the cinema I am politely requested to stand, for the king's song, so I do. Seeing as movies here have assigned seats; I concur getting there 30 minutes late bypasses the commercials, previews, etc.

Granted the national anthem which plays at 8 & 6 is a catchy little ditty. However, I don't stop what I am doing when it plays no matter where I am and I rarely EVER see thais doing it either.

Let me ask; as a foreigner do you blatantly pick your nose in public, examine the removed material with intent interest and then show it to your friends? Why not? Isn't that a "quaint thai tradition" as well?

I have NEVER ever given anyone a thai wai believing "wais are for thais". I usually take my shoes off AFTER entering my house, and not being buddhist have never entered or wanted to enter a thai temple. I do see the 'parade' of monks every morning on my soi, but have never wai'd them. I acknowledge them with a nod, seeing as I've seen them for over 4 years now, but that's about as far as it goes.

Many of the things I see here; I routinely write off as a "thai thing", and am ever thankful I'm NOT thai. Feel free to disagree; but remember, that in and of itself doesn't invalidate my perceptions, my reality, or my actions.

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Is it necessary to be spelling out stuff that is basic common-sense? Seems like much of this thread is doing so - for whose benefit i'm not sure...

"Thinking for yourself" and "being a gracious guest"... didn't we all learn that back in primary school?

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I see the foreign color coordinated shirt/snazzy matching rubber bracelet wearing "wanna-b-thai" faction came out of the woodwork to weigh in with their sheep-like sock puppet mentality on this topic.

:o I am with you t-d. It is highly unusual that a cat that stay in a stable will get accepted as a horse, even if it learn how to sound like a horse. But the cat should respect the rules in the stable, otherwise the cat might get a hoof in the forehead some day.

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Well T-D, looks like YOUR THE MAN! You just keep doing things your way irregardless of what is going on around you. I am guessing you were a rebel child and that 'Kiss' the band are your heros....I can just see you strutting up and down your soi with your big boots on.....no wonder you don't take your shoes off until you get inside. You may want to take em off outside, obviously the fumes are getting to you.

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This one went as they say...'erse about Tits.'..me think...........and we got long mems....... :o


National disgrace:

In a picture from a German archive never before published in Britain, the England football team give Nazi salutes in Berlin in 1938...... :D

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sorry for your embarassment - times change fast, nationalism and xenophobia looks like a past time for thai. Next long standing residents in thailand have to learn their lesson what these ideologies are associated with and stop publicly loosing their face - do it in private (if you have to), but not in public.

as the old chinese proverb goes: don't try to be more holy than the roman pope

and another, older one: nationalism is a false concious created by the ruling class to bond the working class with the state and serve as a cannon fodder for the benefit of rulers

Very good point. I really like your take on this - I agree! Sympathise with the OP though. I remeber walking down toward Panthip Plaza early one day and the anthem was playing. Don't know from where it came, but I stopped and two Thai guys across the street were laughing at me.

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In the cinema I am politely requested to stand, for the king's song, so I do. Seeing as movies here have assigned seats; I concur getting there 30 minutes late bypasses the commercials, previews, etc.Thats what I do but 20 min.

Granted the national anthem which plays at 8 & 6 is a catchy little ditty. However, I don't stop what I am doing when it plays no matter where I am and I rarely EVER see thais doing it either. I don't unless I have to. I often se Thais doing it - open your eyes dude.

Let me ask; as a foreigner do you blatantly pick your nose in public, examine the removed material with intent interest and then show it to your friends? Why not? Isn't that a "quaint thai tradition" as well?Thais dont do that

Why do you stay in this country? You never wai your Thai friends? You probably wonder why you don't have any. You'd better change your attitude if you want to be happy here. You lack one thing that all cultures share - respect.

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I was in one of those vast Chiang Mai street markets at song time and thousands of people just stopped in their tracks. I snapped a few pictures of this but some people gave me some very nasty looks for doing anything active, like snapping a picture. Then I considered the absurdity of using a still camera to record the novelty of still action. Oh well ...

On the subject of wais, I figure it is better to not wai than wai incorrectly.

Edited by Jingthing
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Getting back to the point!! You are not expected to stand for the National Anthem in a hospital waiting room, you are supposed to be sick or injured.... common sense.... whether you use this as an excuse or not is you choice. Showing deference for you host country is normal. Walking around in fisherman pants with your 10baht chain and Chang T-Shirt is not.


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Getting back to the point!! You are not expected to stand for the National Anthem in a hospital waiting room, you are supposed to be sick or injured.... common sense.... whether you use this as an excuse or not is you choice. Showing deference for you host country is normal. Walking around in fisherman pants with your 10baht chain and Chang T-Shirt is not.


Another good point about the hospital waiting room. But the fisherman pants and the 10 baht gold chain with a Chang shirt sounds like a Thai tout - not a farang..no?

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I find some of the replies on the thread rather sad. To the OP you didn't do anything wrong. To all of the smart a***s, mocking the whole thing, the National Anthem,standing at the cinema, doing the odd Wai now and again (lets face it, it really is not that difficult to learn when and when not to wai), I am confused as to why you want to live here, some of you do not even live here, that is more confusing why you mock. I guess what is more staggering is why those of you (and you know who you are!) even bother to spend a nano second on a Thai internet forum. Those of you that mock the culture and the people including those non thais that try and fit in verge on the lunatic fringe for spending any time on this forum. Why do you come to this site? I am really, genuinely intrigued to know. I once saw a farang who refused to stand up in the cinema, asked to do so by a member of the cinema staff, he basically said words to the effect of 'go <deleted> yourself'. At the end of the Kings Song 4 Thai lads, who could clearly look after themselves grabbed the farang and ran him out of the cinema screaming a few obscenities at him as they pushed him through the door. The lads returned to watch the movie, the farang did not. Sweet really.

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Very good point. I really like your take on this - I agree! Sympathise with the OP though. I remeber walking down toward Panthip Plaza early one day and the anthem was playing. Don't know from where it came, but I stopped and two Thai guys across the street were laughing at me.

I think that is the crux of the whole thread. Try too hard and you end up making a fool of yourself. Observe, and act accordingly.

As for another comment on this thread saying that they never bother to wai. Well, that is even more foolish.

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