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Standing For The National Anthem


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Personally i always look at what others are doing . If everybody stands up i'll get up also , if 50% get's up , i just keep on doing whatever i am doing . I don't know my own national athem ... let alone another countries athem and personally i don't give a $*&^ about it . I will also never fight for my country or whatever other country . Not of my business ... My passport gives me a place where i am born , that is the only reason , nothing else . Why should i ever give a dam_n about that ... and a song for it ... pfff couldn't care less but if everybody stands up , well i do know how to pay respect to people so i fake and stand up .

I think you most not like yourself,what a bloody attitude.

Why ??

Because my passport is nothing more then a piece of paper where i pay tax for ?? Everyboy is allways pointing at the politicians etc etc ... while they so love their wonderfull land ??? It is just a piece of land , it is there where you were born . Nothing more nothing less . It tells you from day 1 that you you to pay tax at this or that government . If i am in that land i try to respect the lands costums AND try to speak their language as soon possible . I do not go to tempels because they do not interest me and i do not wair the wristbands they give ( i see a shitload of farangs waring them ?? ) . I do not go to my churches back home so i treath the people and costums just the same everywhere . If the public opinion says me to get up, well i get up ...otherwise not . Why should i be more sacred then the pope as a figure of speach ???

I know many people are very nationalistic but for me a person is a person whereever this person comes from or what race he or she has got . People like me for it . You do not like me ... well fine , i do not have a problem with that ... just explain yourself for it . I give you a honest answer .

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As usual h90 doesn't know what he is talking about. Apart from the above a Thai woman was also arrested for not standing in the cinema. Not sure what has happened with her. I believe there are numerous other cases awaiting trail.

And do you know what you're talking about? I believe you're talking about a case where a man brought lese majeste charges against another man and woman for not standing in the cinema during King's Anthem. The law is any Thai citizen can bring this against another person. It's more like a civil suit with criminal punishment, but indeed the King did say in a speech a few years ago that he doesn't let anyone sit in jail for this. They had to come to the police station to face the charges, but were not arrested. Also, the two brought an assault charge against the man because he was so mad they didn't stand up in the cinema so he hit them. I never saw what happened after that as they were saying the case would possibly go no further. All the news articles on the internet are from April so it seems nothing further has happened.

If you are talking about another case, then I'd be interested to see a link to a source (not goading you for not citing anything, just genuinely interested).

Edited by Jimjim
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On the subject of wais, I figure it is better to not wai than wai incorrectly.

I disagree on that, but that's another subject. Depends on the Thai person involved, possibly. But I have personally experienced on many occasions where I have been expressly told I need to wai a certain person and they said that certain person would understand if I got it a little wrong, but would respect me more if I gave an incorrect wai then if I didn't try to wai at all.


Oh, and to add to the original topic at hand, to be safe I just follow what others are doing. If everyone is stopping and standing to listen to the national anthem in public, then I do as well. If I was in the hospital and nobody stood, then I would just do the same. But no Thai could fault you for standing even if they didn't.

Edited by Jimjim
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Well I personally think that for the foreigner in the Cinema's the Anthem maybe feels a bit like he's trapped in a sort of dictatorship country, and he thinks like: why in earth do I have to stand up for this? Or what the hel_l is going on here? Off course the foreigner should follows the Thai religious rules as he is a visitor in Thailand. But it was better if the Thai's changed it for only the Thai's to stand up during the Anthem and the Foreigner if he wants to. Much better, and no more fightings about the anthem.

I also think that the person's who says things like: go <deleted> yourself are very strong attached to their own country and not willing to just adapt the certain religious rules.

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I find some of the replies on the thread rather sad. To the OP you didn't do anything wrong. To all of the smart a***s, mocking the whole thing, the National Anthem,standing at the cinema, doing the odd Wai now and again (lets face it, it really is not that difficult to learn when and when not to wai), I am confused as to why you want to live here, some of you do not even live here, that is more confusing why you mock. I guess what is more staggering is why those of you (and you know who you are!) even bother to spend a nano second on a Thai internet forum. Those of you that mock the culture and the people including those non thais that try and fit in verge on the lunatic fringe for spending any time on this forum. Why do you come to this site? I am really, genuinely intrigued to know. I once saw a farang who refused to stand up in the cinema, asked to do so by a member of the cinema staff, he basically said words to the effect of 'go <deleted> yourself'. At the end of the Kings Song 4 Thai lads, who could clearly look after themselves grabbed the farang and ran him out of the cinema screaming a few obscenities at him as they pushed him through the door. The lads returned to watch the movie, the farang did not. Sweet really.

it sounds like complete BS you made up to prove your silly point

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zero farangs and zero Thais in jail for that

I seem to recall a German or Austrian? drunk graffiti artist got arrested and jailed for spraying posters a couple of years back. But got released a couple of days later with a pardo

A Swiss sprayed posters of HM the King. got a jail term and got a pardon and sent to Switzerland.

I think last years birthday speech of HM the King in which he told that nobody is in jail for lese majesty (spelling) as he gives pardon to everone.

there is an Australian in jail right now for les majesty based on a single line of what he wrote in a novel which only published 50 copies

he has not yet had a trial

the arrest was in November

As usual h90 doesn't know what he is talking about. Apart from the above a Thai woman was also arrested for not standing in the cinema. Not sure what has happened with her. I believe there are numerous other cases awaiting trail.

'As usual Gravelrash doesn't know what he is talking about.'

Kings song has nothing to do with National Anthem. Show show respect by atleast being able to tell them apart.

And I would never halt or stand for the National Anthem. It's not mine and means nothing to me. Why would you sell yourself short so fast?

Never seen anyone in the office even try to make an attempt to do it neither...

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I find some of the replies on the thread rather sad. To the OP you didn't do anything wrong. To all of the smart a***s, mocking the whole thing, the National Anthem,standing at the cinema, doing the odd Wai now and again (lets face it, it really is not that difficult to learn when and when not to wai), I am confused as to why you want to live here, some of you do not even live here, that is more confusing why you mock. I guess what is more staggering is why those of you (and you know who you are!) even bother to spend a nano second on a Thai internet forum. Those of you that mock the culture and the people including those non thais that try and fit in verge on the lunatic fringe for spending any time on this forum. Why do you come to this site? I am really, genuinely intrigued to know. I once saw a farang who refused to stand up in the cinema, asked to do so by a member of the cinema staff, he basically said words to the effect of 'go <deleted> yourself'. At the end of the Kings Song 4 Thai lads, who could clearly look after themselves grabbed the farang and ran him out of the cinema screaming a few obscenities at him as they pushed him through the door. The lads returned to watch the movie, the farang did not. Sweet really.

Farangs are standing in a cinema at the anthem, because it is a polite gesture to the Thais around them, or a lazy way to avoid a possible conflict with someone. Nothing more, nothing less for most Farangs.

Do you think, that there are Farangs, who would stand up, if they would be alone in a cinema?


Just 2 Farangs, who do not know each other, in a cinema and nobody else. One stands up, the other one sits. And the standing Farang ran the sitting Farang out of the cinema.

Also, not waiing a Thai is not impolite, if you not ignore him and greet him in an other proper way. Thais do not expect being waied by a foreigner. Best example: Farang diplomats are allowed to shake hands with the Royal Family, because they are not expected to knee down and wai.

BTW, do you know, where to draw the line re. Thai culture? Would you eat ant eggs to respect it? Do you drive like nothing happened in the most chaotic traffic?


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I find some of the replies on the thread rather sad. To the OP you didn't do anything wrong. To all of the smart a***s, mocking the whole thing, the National Anthem,standing at the cinema, doing the odd Wai now and again (lets face it, it really is not that difficult to learn when and when not to wai), I am confused as to why you want to live here, some of you do not even live here, that is more confusing why you mock. I guess what is more staggering is why those of you (and you know who you are!) even bother to spend a nano second on a Thai internet forum. Those of you that mock the culture and the people including those non thais that try and fit in verge on the lunatic fringe for spending any time on this forum. Why do you come to this site? I am really, genuinely intrigued to know. I once saw a farang who refused to stand up in the cinema, asked to do so by a member of the cinema staff, he basically said words to the effect of 'go <deleted> yourself'. At the end of the Kings Song 4 Thai lads, who could clearly look after themselves grabbed the farang and ran him out of the cinema screaming a few obscenities at him as they pushed him through the door. The lads returned to watch the movie, the farang did not. Sweet really.

it sounds like complete BS you made up to prove your silly point


Well there you go again. As you have proved on several other threads, and notably the one recently

dave9988 Many farang, I am sure were hoping to see the airport stay closed as long as possible as it would hurt the Thai economy and perhaps weaken real estate prices, hotel prices and in general, the cost of living. They know that this would cause many Thai people to suffer, but it would serve them so they do not care. Now, every person is interested in their own well being and wants to experience happiness. For many, their ability to experience happiness is greater when other people are down

where you were under the impression that most farangs are like you and would be rubbing their hands together at the Thais misfortune over the recent PAD riots, you really are an unpleasant person. So just what information do you have that qualifies you to state that what I said is complete BS? Please tell me? Have you been sat in Cinema 7 at the Siam Paragon every showing for the last 12 months? Are you the omnipotent one? What was the point that was silly by the way? It does say that personal flaming is not really allowed on the board, but as you set the scene I am sure the mods will not mind me telling you to stop being an obnoxious kn*b.

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I was once in a cinema with a sparse crowd and it appeared that everyone was a farang. We stood. I was a little weird but the screen asks kindly and that is the custom of the land, whether under the scrutiny of Thai eyes, or not.

...so, you are also standing in front of your TV at 18:00?

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I was once in a cinema with a sparse crowd and it appeared that everyone was a farang. We stood. I was a little weird but the screen asks kindly and that is the custom of the land, whether under the scrutiny of Thai eyes, or not.

...so, you are also standing in front of your TV at 18:00?

Of course not! I am talking about the King's song at public cinemas. Yes, they are not the same thing, but people have been talking about both things here, among other things. We don't have to feel anything to show a superficial sign of respect and to respond to a polite request.

Edited by Jingthing
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I agree we are guests in this country and should be appropriately respectful. However, as most of us foreigners are not even permanent residents (and so many do not even have a possible pathway towards this) and a tiny portion of us are Thai citizens, I think internalizing Thai nationalism is best kept in the perspective of your personal reality.

Fully agreed, I never stop as it has nothing to do with me, after 8 years of marriage and mickey mouse visas, I have realised that for all the beauty of the country it doesn't really want to to be a part of it. Thus when the anthem says Thailand for Thais I realise I will never be one. If by some miracle I ever became a citzen then I know that the Thailand for Thais part might have something to do with me. Though those that want to stop for whatever reason please go ahead and do so! :o

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I think your story is fake as:

why is there a cinema employee in the cinema during the anthem?

how would he be able to tell the farang to stand up if he himself is supposed to be standing still and quiet?

why would 4 thai males remove the farang when i have not seen these types of outward aggression in public towards a farang - if anything its more believable that he was just ignored

and he told the employee to go F himself?

and after being - what carried out beaten and carried out by 4 thai lads he just left the theater or was removed by ambulance?

-----yeah it sounds like complete BS you just made up to prove your point

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I think your story is fake as:

why is there a cinema employee in the cinema during the anthem?

how would he be able to tell the farang to stand up if he himself is supposed to be standing still and quiet?

why would 4 thai males remove the farang when i have not seen these types of outward aggression in public towards a farang - if anything its more believable that he was just ignored

and he told the employee to go F himself?

and after being - what carried out beaten and carried out by 4 thai lads he just left the theater or was removed by ambulance?

-----yeah it sounds like complete BS you just made up to prove your point

Whatever! Go back to the bar! You thought the one sentnce was boring enough, do you want the full story?? Rather than a precis? Farang on the other side of the aisle, The Kings Song not the National Anthem is played, he doesn't stand up, everyone looks and scowls, a thai male asks him to stand in english, he says no, thai male forgets the Kings song goes around the corner to the door, 5 secs later staff are back, he says please stand 'Go <deleted> yourself' says the farang, lots said in Thai, 4 males on the same row move the guy (in his 50's sounded Brit appeared to have had quite a bit to drink - was it you?) out, they come back, he does not. No beatings witnessed no ambulance heard, i stayed inside.

Now go and play with your teddy's elsewhere and count all the money you have made from everybody's property and business nose diving over here. Merry Christmas.

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I didn't realize you were supposed to stand up? I thought you were just supposed to stop what you were doing?

Obviously at the cinema it's a different story: A) they specifically request that you stand up (in Thai and English) B ) it's the kings song, not the national anthem, right?

I find it really annoying the cinema stand up everytime. But to prevent that: I stopwatched the preview including the anthem part to main movie start: 30 minutes. So come after 30 minutes, to start right away with main movie.

I sit in the bar area with a drink untill they get the music thing out the way, and go in afterwards. Avoids the whole issue.

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I never give a <deleted>, not even in cinema. No one even dare to remind me. Perhaps it is because I am a 8 feet 4 well build black from West African ancestors. Very intimidating to the average Thais. However sometime I hear some gossiping behind my back. Obviously I just don’t give a shlt as I don’t understand them anyway.

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I never give a <deleted>, not even in cinema. No one even dare to remind me. Perhaps it is because I am a 8 feet 4 well build black from West African ancestors. Very intimidating to the average Thais. However sometime I hear some gossiping behind my back. Obviously I just don't give a shlt as I don't understand them anyway.

Very polite on your part, so guess you wouldn't give a <deleted> if a Thai called you for what you are in English.

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I never give a <deleted>, not even in cinema. No one even dare to remind me. Perhaps it is because I am a 8 feet 4 well build black from West African ancestors. Very intimidating to the average Thais. However sometime I hear some gossiping behind my back. Obviously I just don't give a shlt as I don't understand them anyway.

Dude, at 8 foot 4 it would appear that you are standing when you are sitting anyway!

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I really don't care if it is right or wrong. I view it as a sign of respect for the people around me. They stand up, so do I.

agreed - imagine the looks a thai would get at a US baseball park like Yankee stadium if he / she didn't stand up for the national anthem.

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I really don't care if it is right or wrong. I view it as a sign of respect for the people around me. They stand up, so do I.

agreed - imagine the looks a thai would get at a US baseball park like Yankee stadium if he / she didn't stand up for the national anthem.

Are they that patriotic?

I wouldn't stand up for that :o

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I agree we are guests in this country and should be appropriately respectful. However, as most of us foreigners are not even permanent residents (and so many do not even have a possible pathway towards this) and a tiny portion of us are Thai citizens, I think internalizing Thai nationalism is best kept in the perspective of your personal reality.

gotta agree with jingy here, it's ludicrous trying to be holier than thou. Take a cue from Thai, if nobody bothered to stand up in that hospital and carried on with whatever they were doing, why should you? On the other hand, it'd have been an amusing thing to watch :o

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Didnt we used to do this in the UK cinema's in the 70's -> early 80's?

Certainly had the anthem on the BBC shortly before the schedule ended after midnight.

We certainly did, but it was at the end of the movie not the beginning. Ray Bradbury wrote a wonderful short story called "The Anthem Sprinters" about a competition to see who could get out the quickest after the movie finished and before the anthem started.
I find it really annoying the cinema stand up everytime. But to prevent that: I stopwatched the preview including the anthem part to main movie start: 30 minutes. So come after 30 minutes, to start right away with main movie.
So it's you who comes in just as the movie is starting and makes me stand up again just as I was settling in to my seat! Only joking, but I have noticed an increase in canny farangs who seem to lurk outside when the King's song is played and then seem to come in en masse just as the main movie is starting. Maybe it's because I've been going to a lot of film festivals lately. If I look more closely next time I might even see a few Thais.
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I think your story is fake as:

why is there a cinema employee in the cinema during the anthem?

how would he be able to tell the farang to stand up if he himself is supposed to be standing still and quiet?

why would 4 thai males remove the farang when i have not seen these types of outward aggression in public towards a farang - if anything its more believable that he was just ignored

and he told the employee to go F himself?

and after being - what carried out beaten and carried out by 4 thai lads he just left the theater or was removed by ambulance?

-----yeah it sounds like complete BS you just made up to prove your point

exactly what I thought.

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I really don't care if it is right or wrong. I view it as a sign of respect for the people around me. They stand up, so do I.

agreed - imagine the looks a thai would get at a US baseball park like Yankee stadium if he / she didn't stand up for the national anthem.

Are they that patriotic?

I wouldn't stand up for that :o

That just shows that you have no respect for the people around you. I'd view it as inconsiderate and very rude.

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