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Angelwitch A No No

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I assume I can talk about this since it is an entertainment venue and I am not discussing bar girls.

When I have friends in town I usually take them to angelwitch to see the show. Mamasan knows me there, she usually comes up for an uninvited chat hoping for a drink. One of my friends very clearly ordered rum and coke, the only thing he drinks. they brought a tall glass which he took a sip of. He told me there was no rum in it. i called the waitress over and she said, Oh, he wanted rum and coke and not just coke. she then rushed off, grabbing the bin, without taking the coke and brought back a rum and coke and the bin. we looked at the bin and saw two drinks, a rum and coke and a coke. I nicely told the girl that she made the mistake and to take off the coke. she said no, he drank some of it. I explained that would be the only way he would know there was no rum in it. she said sorry but he took a drink of it and cannot take off the bill. Now there we 3 waitress discussing it. Knowing mamasan I called her over to fix this. She said she cant take off the coke since he already drank some [maybe 5% of it, one sip]. I told her it was not our mistake and how are we to know there was no rum in it unless we tasted it. she said no. I told her, no problem, I will put it on the internet and let everyone else know. She shrugged and walked away. Stupid people, they have lost a lot of money since I go often and I bring friends, and now, hopefully others will know what a bad policy they have. An expensive coke for them since I wont be back........

and yes, I did post this on another forum since I feel this is a public service :o

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Thanks for the heads-up Jimmys. In such circumstances years before I would have meekly paid the bill and shrugged it off, however I take pleasure nowadays in telling them to shove their bills up their <deleted>, then advising as many people as I can not to go there.

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Telling the mamasan is a start, which apparently got you nowhere. But the mamasan is not the one that is really loosing out on missing your business, it's the owner and manager. Did you take your beef up with the owner/manager? I highly suggest you do as you might find a difference from the result you obtained when you spoke with the mamasan.

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I assume I can talk about this since it is an entertainment venue and I am not discussing bar girls.

When I have friends in town I usually take them to angelwitch to see the show. Mamasan knows me there, she usually comes up for an uninvited chat hoping for a drink. One of my friends very clearly ordered rum and coke, the only thing he drinks. they brought a tall glass which he took a sip of. He told me there was no rum in it. i called the waitress over and she said, Oh, he wanted rum and coke and not just coke. she then rushed off, grabbing the bin, without taking the coke and brought back a rum and coke and the bin. we looked at the bin and saw two drinks, a rum and coke and a coke. I nicely told the girl that she made the mistake and to take off the coke. she said no, he drank some of it. I explained that would be the only way he would know there was no rum in it. she said sorry but he took a drink of it and cannot take off the bill. Now there we 3 waitress discussing it. Knowing mamasan I called her over to fix this. She said she cant take off the coke since he already drank some [maybe 5% of it, one sip]. I told her it was not our mistake and how are we to know there was no rum in it unless we tasted it. she said no. I told her, no problem, I will put it on the internet and let everyone else know. She shrugged and walked away. Stupid people, they have lost a lot of money since I go often and I bring friends, and now, hopefully others will know what a bad policy they have. An expensive coke for them since I wont be back........

and yes, I did post this on another forum since I feel this is a public service :o

I make a trip to Angelwitch every time I'm in Pattaya. I've usually had a good time in there and have gotten to know some of their employees. The last visit in September was different. Within minutes after sitting down, I was hammered for lady drinks by service, the mamasan and some dancers.

I do not like to be pressured while in late-night establishments. I need ten minutes to get accustomed to the air conditioning, order a beer, and then relax after a long walk in the SEA heat.

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A similar thing happened to me in a beer bar , a month or so back.

I ordered a drink, they brought the wrong one, I didn't touch it, and they admitted their mistake, and then replaced it with the right one.

When I came to pay my bill, both drinks were on the tab. I complained, and after lot of argument they removed it.

It seems to be a regular scam - I guess they get away with it a lot, so they think it's clever.

But of course it is very short sighted. I used to be a regular customer at that bar, but have never been back since.

BTW there was a thread on AW a while back where a guy was ripped off by a girl he bought out, and when he compalined to the management, they told hiim to get lost. Doesn't sound like a very nice place. :o

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Thanks for the heads-up Jimmys. In such circumstances years before I would have meekly paid the bill and shrugged it off, however I take pleasure nowadays in telling them to shove their bills up their <deleted>, then advising as many people as I can not to go there.

Yes, I echo your comments, bad service or rip off, don't go back.

I'm always amazed at the way some of the bars blatantly abuse their customers. We, the customers do have the upper hand, and can cull these joints out if we simply refuse to patronize them.

Again, thanks for the heads up :o

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I used to like AW a lot, but in the recent past I had there two incidents with highly unfriendly staff (one of them involving a moderator of this distinguished board :o ) I will never ever return to that place again.

Moreover, there are much nicer pet zoos down the same soi....

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There are a lot of rip offs going on in the bars and gogos of Pattaya.

I was with a group of friends in a beer bar in soi 8 a couple of nights ago and we built up a pretty hefty tab between the three of us.

My bill had a lot of chits so as i usually do i checked the addtion quickly and lo and behold i was overcharged 100 baht and another friend in our group was overcharged about 200 baht.

Now the thing that really makes my blood boil is that this same bar i had vetoed for two years for overcharging me exactly the same amount in the same circumstances.

That is three thousand baht they wont be seeing again from me...bad taste in the mouth....

BTW it is the bar opposite Flipper Lodge with the two pool tables at the front.

Check your bills if you go in this bar.

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Telling the mamasan is a start, which apparently got you nowhere. But the mamasan is not the one that is really loosing out on missing your business, it's the owner and manager. Did you take your beef up with the owner/manager? I highly suggest you do as you might find a difference from the result you obtained when you spoke with the mamasan.

When I was in Pattaya a month or so back, I visited the Oasis on Soi Buakhow. Had a good time, made it clear from the start that I would be going back to my room alone,(I don't think the missus would be pleased if I went back with company). When time to go home, I gave the girl a tip for her company, already bought her a few drinks obviously and left a generous tip for the bar. Then the waitress asked about a tip for her. I asked for what, I'd not set eyes on her before, she had only bought the bill and I pointed out that I had left a tip in the book. She got really aggressive, demanding that I give her a tip. She was very persistant and really p***ed me off. I'd had a good night and didn't need this. I went and told the main partner. He just shrugged and said "What do you expect, this is Thailand"

It shows that the bosses are not always interested. They have a good business at the Oasis, so don't give a **** about punters like me. They're short sighted as too many repeats of what happened to me will drive customers away.

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OK, if this happens to someone else, how about trying this. Sip the coke, notice no rum, complain, walk up to the bar and demand they pour some rum in it. Two drinks? Obnoxious? You betcha, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. This story is even funnier because they already had a glass of Coke and the same customer wanted rum, so why not just pour some rum into the same glass? This isn't the Ritz we are talking about ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I have noticed over the last 6 months the bars are getting more aggressive to rip offs.Went into a bar on soi 7 and i take many friends in there and a girl asked for a drink and i said go away,as i hadnt even had my drink.we spent about 3,000 baht in there and when i chekced my bin there was 2 lady drinks,i questioned this and the cashier said i agreed to but,so i went mad with thme.they took out the 2 drinks tabs and i grabbed them back paid for them and said i will never ever got ehre again.

mamasan pleaded for me to take friends back but no way.

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I assume I can talk about this since it is an entertainment venue and I am not discussing bar girls.

When I have friends in town I usually take them to angelwitch to see the show. Mamasan knows me there, she usually comes up for an uninvited chat hoping for a drink. One of my friends very clearly ordered rum and coke, the only thing he drinks. they brought a tall glass which he took a sip of. He told me there was no rum in it. i called the waitress over and she said, Oh, he wanted rum and coke and not just coke. she then rushed off, grabbing the bin, without taking the coke and brought back a rum and coke and the bin. we looked at the bin and saw two drinks, a rum and coke and a coke. I nicely told the girl that she made the mistake and to take off the coke. she said no, he drank some of it. I explained that would be the only way he would know there was no rum in it. she said sorry but he took a drink of it and cannot take off the bill. Now there we 3 waitress discussing it. Knowing mamasan I called her over to fix this. She said she cant take off the coke since he already drank some [maybe 5% of it, one sip]. I told her it was not our mistake and how are we to know there was no rum in it unless we tasted it. she said no. I told her, no problem, I will put it on the internet and let everyone else know. She shrugged and walked away. Stupid people, they have lost a lot of money since I go often and I bring friends, and now, hopefully others will know what a bad policy they have. An expensive coke for them since I wont be back........

and yes, I did post this on another forum since I feel this is a public service :D

Well done. Stand up and be counted and don't ever set foot in the place again unless someone who owns it comes to comp you and sort it out, starting by sacking that mamasan.

Thanks for the heads-up Jimmys. In such circumstances years before I would have meekly paid the bill and shrugged it off, however I take pleasure nowadays in telling them to shove their bills up their <deleted>, then advising as many people as I can not to go there.

I would not have paid it and they could have shoved it up their arse or up the plastic coppers <deleted> (tourist police).

Telling the mamasan is a start, which apparently got you nowhere. But the mamasan is not the one that is really loosing out on missing your business, it's the owner and manager. Did you take your beef up with the owner/manager? I highly suggest you do as you might find a difference from the result you obtained when you spoke with the mamasan.

<deleted>. The mamasan is the effective manager and is paid to sort this out. The fact is that with computerised tills, the owners see a cancellation as an error or exception report and thus the lazy cow would have to explain it.

There is not one single reason to do any more than the OP did.

AW is not a gogo bar, it's a circus. Never understood what make anyone go in there for a second time :o

Bangkok used to be good but turned into a veritable clip joint.

Telling the mamasan is a start, which apparently got you nowhere. But the mamasan is not the one that is really loosing out on missing your business, it's the owner and manager. Did you take your beef up with the owner/manager? I highly suggest you do as you might find a difference from the result you obtained when you spoke with the mamasan.

When I was in Pattaya a month or so back, I visited the Oasis on Soi Buakhow. Had a good time, made it clear from the start that I would be going back to my room alone,(I don't think the missus would be pleased if I went back with company). When time to go home, I gave the girl a tip for her company, already bought her a few drinks obviously and left a generous tip for the bar. Then the waitress asked about a tip for her. I asked for what, I'd not set eyes on her before, she had only bought the bill and I pointed out that I had left a tip in the book. She got really aggressive, demanding that I give her a tip. She was very persistant and really p***ed me off. I'd had a good night and didn't need this. I went and told the main partner. He just shrugged and said "What do you expect, this is Thailand"

It shows that the bosses are not always interested. They have a good business at the Oasis, so don't give a **** about punters like me. They're short sighted as too many repeats of what happened to me will drive customers away.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience as I know both owners very well. It is not Bill's usual demeanour. As for the staff begging, it needs to be quashed all over town.

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Normally only buy two drinks there, one for Ms Brit and other for me and we nurse them. Do buy the ping pong balls - always good for a laff. Anyways keep bin simple and can't get one up the arse! :o

But if they bring Ms Brit's drink wrong and then try to force you to pay for it, would you continue to go back and blow dosh on ping pong balls ?

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Telling the mamasan is a start, which apparently got you nowhere. But the mamasan is not the one that is really loosing out on missing your business, it's the owner and manager. Did you take your beef up with the owner/manager? I highly suggest you do as you might find a difference from the result you obtained when you spoke with the mamasan.

Should they have to for something this trivial? How was he supposed to know it wasn't the drink he ordered unless he consumed the 5 piffing % of it in the first place? Clear scam, and not the first one I've heard from AW in the past few months.

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I used to like AW a lot, but in the recent past I had there two incidents with highly unfriendly staff (one of them involving a moderator of this distinguished board :o ) I will never ever return to that place again.

Moreover, there are much nicer pet zoos down the same soi....

I had the same a few months ago when in Angle Witch, never been back since.

Some places think they can get away with everything when they're busy, slower times will show them they were wrong :D

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So many of these places do seem to be getting overly aggressive to the point of obnoxiousness. I went in

world-wide ago-go on the end of soi 8 because I honestly had never been in there before and really just

wanted a beer and to relax. And i've no problem buying a lady drink or two because i realize it's the girls

job to socialize with customers but this one girl sat next to me who was just abrasive and i really didn't

want her company and told her this in 3 different ways in a gentle fashion. so she finally stalks off calling

me "bah" and a few other names.Well, enough of this i check-binned and was heading out the door and

the touts outside keep shouting sir!,sir!,sir!. OH GREAT, what do you guys want? So the one guy opens

his palm and he's got a handful of pharmaceuticals he's trying to sell. jesus, please take me now. :o

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