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Hi all,

Ok 2 questions. I have a friend who was in the UK and swears by this MSM powder commonly used to treat Melasma.. Has any one used it?

Also I have just learned about a MMS NaSO2 activated w/ organic acid. Any one used this for treatment of many things?



Thanks for the link. I think I will give it MMS a miss..

how about the MSM .. anyone try it? My friend is using it for Melasma.. and say it is working...


MSM, like MMS has been hyped/marketed as curing such a wide range of unlrealted conditions (for which there is no known mechanism by which it would act) that the FDA stepped in at one point to put a stop to it.

That does not, of course, mean that it doesn't have some possible benefit for some conditions. Just that the way it is being marketed is quackery.

The proposed mechanism for its action (increasing sulfar in peiple whose diets are supposedly deficient in same) liekwise makes no sense as sulfur is contained in all complete proteins as well as abundant in other foods; a dietarty deficiency of sulfur is not going to occur except in severe malnutiriton.

There have however been a small number of controlled studies doen on its use for osteoarthritis. These found no change in any of the laboratory values associated with the condition but did find a significant improvement in pain and functioning in some people. The mechanism by which that occurs is unknown. These studies were small and short-term so the most that can be said is that its short-term use has been shown to reduce pain and improve functioning in some people but the effectiveness and safety of its long term use has not yet been adequately studied.

There have been a rash of anecdotal reports about its effectiveness in treating melasma but AFAIK no proper scientific studeis as yet. Since melasma does notmally go away on its own over tiem in most people it is obviously hard to make sense out of anecdotal reports. In otehr words, maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't, no one really knows.

You don't mention why you are interested. If you are looking for something that does everything MSM and MMS have been advertised to do (i.e. cure everything/prevent all disease) , look no further: no such thing exists or ever will.

If you have osteoarthritis, from the data available you could decide to give it a try, but be aware that long term safety is unknown. (But then, the established treatments for OA are not without their risks and unpleasant side effects).

If you have melasma, I would if I were you first try some of the proven topical treatments and resort to trying this only iof they failed, but it's your call. All that is available are anecdotal reports people post on the net, of which some say ot worked and some say it didn't.


live by common sense, eat well and a great variety of foods and no need for ANY supplements!

being over concerned about ones health doesn't help either!

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