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The End Of The Crisis

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The peasnant's are standing inline, waiting for what will happen next.

They have to wait untill the Pilgrim's come home.


The "Best" is about to come.


Watch closely.


Didn't I tell you?


Have skills

You need "Them"


Obama knows


That all need to be outsourced.


We cannot ask "The Question"


You know why?


Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell them yet......



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I'm thinking about posting a classified on TV selling tin foil hats, I could make a fortune on this thread alone!

If someone had said a year ago that a worldwide depression was coming they would probably have been called kooks, and now look at the likelihood. People like Ron Paul and Peter Schiff were laughed at, yet time after time, year after year they we right.

Have you heard Schiff's latest predictions? Scary...

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I'm thinking about posting a classified on TV selling tin foil hats, I could make a fortune on this thread alone!

If someone had said a year ago that a worldwide depression was coming they would probably have been called kooks, and now look at the likelihood. People like Ron Paul and Peter Schiff were laughed at, yet time after time, year after year they we right.

Have you heard Schiff's latest predictions? Scary...

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I'm thinking about posting a classified on TV selling tin foil hats, I could make a fortune on this thread alone!

If someone had said a year ago that a worldwide depression was coming they would probably have been called kooks, and now look at the likelihood. People like Ron Paul and Peter Schiff were laughed at, yet time after time, year after year they we right.

Have you heard Schiff's latest predictions? Scary...

Almost everyone I know has been expecting this for years, At least since the internet bubble burst. It would almost be impossible to not know it was coming. It's the timing that's always tricky. What no one might have guessed at, is the response by governments and central banks.

Edited by lannarebirth
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*They* Say Iran is closer to building a bomb.

Is that like the WMD's the US never found AFTER invading Iraq?

I mean Saddam got to sell oil in Euros for about 1 month before

he was suddenly the target right?

I think it is all BS & probably just another grab for oil or land.

I think you take the problem in the wrong way : don't try to think as the US or Israel... Try to think as Iran.

To have the nuclear bomb is the only way for the mollahs to protect themselves and sanctuarize their country, their regime and their oil fields.

This is why a conflict is inevitable (in a way or another, could be a war, or an economic war, think about the vertigineous fall of oil prices....).

I don't know who is further out of touch with reality, you or flying? :D Quicksilva is right this time around, someone with the tin foil hat concession would make a killing on this thread or for that matter on almost any of the gold threads on thaivisa :D

We all know Vegas Vic has strenuously denied the possibilty of Israel attacking Iran...........

This story was on todays FOX news channel and I know I would rather believe

FOX TV than what Vegas Vic tells us all any day :o

Bush Protested Planned Israeli Strike on Iran

President Bush reportedly revealed to the Israelis that he already had authorized a covert U.S. effort to sabotage Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Israel's plan, however, was scuttled when the United States rebuffed Israel in its request to fly through Iraqi airspace, according to a New York Times report on a covert U.S. program.

The Times story, published Saturday, cites unnamed American and foreign officials in reporting that President Bush also turned away an Israeli request for bunker-busting bombs for use in its planned attack on the Iranian nuclear complex. The president then revealed to the Israelis that he already had authorized a covert U.S. effort to sabotage Iran's nuclear capabilities, the Times reports.

The Bush administration was "particularly alarmed," the Times says, by the Israeli request for access to Iraqi airspace.

Sources told FOX News that the Israeli requests were made directly to the White House because the Israelis were "disturbed and fearful" of leaks from the U.S. intelligence community and "did not trust" Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

One source told FOX News the Israelis approached the Bush White House at least once last summer, possibly twice, and were "slammed down" because senior administration officials felt such assistance would "unravel our position in Iraq." President Bush was convinced by aides, sources said, that any such American aid to an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear program would cause the Iranians "to foment great upheaval in Iraq."

Back in the summer of 2007, shortly before the Israelis' now legendary September 6, 2007 air strike on a nascent Syrian nuclear facility -- built with the help of North Korea -- it was Dagan whom the Israelis authorized to alert Washington to the impending attack. (It is this timeline that accounts for the New York Times' reference to its work on this story dating back "fifteen months.")

According to one source: The "CIA leaked the impending raid [on Syria in 2007] the day before in order to, as the Israelis suspected, scuttle it. Israel almost called it off, but when their sources detected no heightened Syrian readiness or defensive measures, they were sure Syrian intelligence had not picked the leak up, and thus Israel decided to go ahead and do the raid. From that experience, Israel believed that the Iran raid would need to be through even more restrictive channels -- direct to the president by Olmert's most trusted channel, Dagan. They did not trust Condi."

The refusal of the Bush administration to provide the assistance the Israelis requested occasioned sharp dispute among senior policymakers, who split along the now-familiar lines that saw Vice President Cheney and his aides favoring harsher measures against the Iranians and Secretary Rice and others opposing them.

"It's yet another example," said one source, "of the Bush administration morphing into the Obama administration before Obama was elected."

The Times report suggests that Bush is about to hand off to President-elect Obama a more advanced operation of counteracting Iran's nuclear capabilities than has yet been made public.

FOX News' James Rosen contributed to this report.

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War is a good way to get out of a economic slump. And the ones that caused it can loan even more to all sides of a war to make even more money. I hope the USA (or is it soon SSA (Seperate States of America) people will do their best to fight the 'reasons' to go to war like the reason for a WWI, WWII, vietnam, irak, afghanistan, etc..

They are not the enemy, the biggest enemy are the ones that profit from it.

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War is a good way to get out of a economic slump. And the ones that caused it can loan even more to all sides of a war to make even more money. I hope the USA (or is it soon SSA (Seperate States of America) people will do their best to fight the 'reasons' to go to war like the reason for a WWI, WWII, vietnam, irak, afghanistan, etc..

They are not the enemy, the biggest enemy are the ones that profit from it.

SSA :o

I had always wished that we would recede

Believe it or not I was alive for 3 years before we became a unwilling State

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War is a good way to get out of a economic slump. And the ones that caused it can loan even more to all sides of a war to make even more money. I hope the USA (or is it soon SSA (Seperate States of America) people will do their best to fight the 'reasons' to go to war like the reason for a WWI, WWII, vietnam, irak, afghanistan, etc..

They are not the enemy, the biggest enemy are the ones that profit from it.

I hate to say it but I cannot see how there will be any other way out of all this

and I'm worried that the war mongerers in power will feel the same way.

I keep asking myself in economic terms what will be the catalyst otherwise to lift us out

of these economic doldrums? Will building bridges and repairing roads really do the trick?

Surely the big difference between now and the great Depression was that when they instigated

their Keynesian theories at that time, there wasn't anywhere near the level of personal

indebtedness in the system? So can these stimulus packages really have

that much of an effect? Surely people have to pay off their debts before they can

make much of an impact on spending once again?

Edited by midas
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It is all a big illusion.

Beauty is created,just like war.

The question is: Who profit's?

Think of Halliburton, Bechtel, and Blackwater in Iraq; Louis Berger Group, Bearing Point, and DynCorp International in Afghanistan.

Cheney said that "nobody anywhere was smart enough to figure it out."

Check those:

Booz, Allen & Hamilton


Donald Rumsfeld (1977-2001), Condoleezza Rice (1991-1997)

Dov Zakheim

R. James Woolsey

Selling off Carlyle Group

Trilateral Commission.

The Council on Foreign Relations


In his coming inauguration he will tell that sacrifices have to be made.

Promises made before will take some time longer then before promised.

America needs change, to turn into a powerfull nation it once was before.

Just wait for it he will tell.

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War is a good way to get out of a economic slump. And the ones that caused it can loan even more to all sides of a war to make even more money. I hope the USA (or is it soon SSA (Seperate States of America) people will do their best to fight the 'reasons' to go to war like the reason for a WWI, WWII, vietnam, irak, afghanistan, etc..

They are not the enemy, the biggest enemy are the ones that profit from it.

I hate to say it but I cannot see how there will be any other way out of all this

and I'm worried that the war mongerers in power will feel the same way.

I keep asking myself in economic terms what will be the catalyst otherwise to lift us out

of these economic doldrums? Will building bridges and repairing roads really do the trick?

Surely the big difference between now and the great Depression was that when they instigated

their Keynesian theories at that time, there wasn't anywhere near the level of personal

indebtedness in the system? So can these stimulus packages really have

that much of an effect? Surely people have to pay off their debts before they can

make much of an impact on spending once again?

Khun Jean's explanation sounds a lot like WWII & all the folks that made big $$$ supplying all sides. Money to be made supplying tools of the trade they say.

Then again it is hard to say War is *good* for anything or anyone. Hopefully it does not go that way. Videos like this one shows many expect it though.


Edited by flying
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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

i have one for sale but not in working condition. one of the pistons froze and all four camshafts have to be replaced :o

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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

i have one for sale but not in working condition. one of the pistons froze and all four camshafts have to be replaced :o

Naam care to take a punt on where to for the Oz$ in 2009.

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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

i have one for sale but not in working condition. one of the pistons froze and all four camshafts have to be replaced :D

Naam care to take a punt on where to for the Oz$ in 2009.

i am able to tell you how the efficiency of gasturbines increased during the last 15 years but i don't dare to make a forecast for the Roo-Dollar or for any currency. reason: i don't possess (unlike a bunch of TV-members) the gift of prophesy :o

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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

i have one for sale but not in working condition. one of the pistons froze and all four camshafts have to be replaced :D

Naam care to take a punt on where to for the Oz$ in 2009.

i am able to tell you how the efficiency of gasturbines increased during the last 15 years but i don't dare to make a forecast for the Roo-Dollar or for any currency. reason: i don't possess (unlike a bunch of TV-members) the gift of prophesy :o

Fair comment but not even a stab??

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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

i have one for sale but not in working condition. one of the pistons froze and all four camshafts have to be replaced :D

Naam care to take a punt on where to for the Oz$ in 2009.

i am able to tell you how the efficiency of gasturbines increased during the last 15 years but i don't dare to make a forecast for the Roo-Dollar or for any currency. reason: i don't possess (unlike a bunch of TV-members) the gift of prophesy :o

Fair comment but not even a stab??

nobody knows how the global economy and therefore commodities will fare in 2009. AUD is driven a lot by commodity prices. my answer is still "no can do".

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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

i have one for sale but not in working condition. one of the pistons froze and all four camshafts have to be replaced :D

Naam care to take a punt on where to for the Oz$ in 2009.

i am able to tell you how the efficiency of gasturbines increased during the last 15 years but i don't dare to make a forecast for the Roo-Dollar or for any currency. reason: i don't possess (unlike a bunch of TV-members) the gift of prophesy :o

Fair comment but not even a stab??

nobody knows how the global economy and therefore commodities will fare in 2009. AUD is driven a lot by commodity prices. my answer is still "no can do".

Fair comment accepted wholeheartedly- wishfull .A$ .>> 2009 One can only hope in these uncertain times. :D

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back to the topic "The End Of The Crisis, What will mark it?"

my view is that "marks" cannot be expected but the crisis will end veeeeery slowly and gradually. it took nearly two years for the crisis to unfold and will perhaps take longer as we might not have seen the bottom yet. based on what we know today i conclude that even 3-5 years from now the scars of 2008 and 2009 can be seen and the aftereffects clearly noticed.

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back to the topic "The End Of The Crisis, What will mark it?"

my view is that "marks" cannot be expected but the crisis will end veeeeery slowly and gradually. it took nearly two years for the crisis to unfold and will perhaps take longer as we might not have seen the bottom yet. based on what we know today i conclude that even 3-5 years from now the scars of 2008 and 2009 can be seen and the aftereffects clearly noticed.

WW3 :o

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back to the topic "The End Of The Crisis, What will mark it?"

my view is that "marks" cannot be expected but the crisis will end veeeeery slowly and gradually. it took nearly two years for the crisis to unfold and will perhaps take longer as we might not have seen the bottom yet. based on what we know today i conclude that even 3-5 years from now the scars of 2008 and 2009 can be seen and the aftereffects clearly noticed.

WW3 :o

for what purpose?

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Alex, do you know where to find The Continuum Transfunctioner (a very mysterious and powerful device, whose mystery is only exceeded by its power)?

Jcon my friend, you have just positioned yourself in a very dangerous corner by mentioning this highly powerfull device.


Naam asks, (War) for what purpose?

I say, He who controls the river first, will own it.

How to control a river?

Two nukulah nations in a race.

To get there first.

He who controls the river, controls the food being produced.


As I said a recent shipment was being made of about 3000 Ton of so called amunition to this country that sees anything that moves, as terrorists.


These baby's only accounted for about 130 Tons, what else was shipped?

Ask yourself, how, why or who started the 2nd world war?

Or was it just a prolongation of the first world war?

Why do they want you to look TV?

You know this guy?


I told you they tell you.


Season 7, did I mention 7 before?



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nobody knows how the global economy and therefore commodities will fare in 2009. my answer is still "no can do".

back to the topic "The End Of The Crisis, What will mark it?"

my view is

Stop my head is spinning :o

Are we going to guess or not :D

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I think it will end when Bernie Madoff finds the 50 billion smackeroonies that he lost down the back of the sofa. :o

On a serious note I heard one expert on cnbc say that,instead of governments plowing money into the failed big businesses,a better approach would be to let them fail,& just pay money into peoples accounts to get them spending again.

If unemployment levels rise dramatically its probably gonna take awile.Even Toyotas feeling the pain for gawds sake.

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We are not even talking about this year now............so we have 12 more months

before things will get even WORSE............................ :o

The Times

January 16, 2009

Global economy to shrink; deflation greatest threat, says UN

Deflated inflatable globe

The cost of goods leaving US factories has fallen for five months in a row, helping to reinforce fears of deflation

Gary Duncan, Economics Editor

The deepening global recession means that the world economy as a whole could shrink next year and will battle to avoid destructive Thirties-style deflation, the United Nations said yesterday.

The UN alert over what threatens to be the worst year for the global economy since the Second World War came as fears of deflation were stoked when US producer price inflation slid into negative territory, registering an annual fall of 1.5 per cent last month.

In a bleak assessment of world prospects, the UN said that the global economy was now deteriorating at such a pace that its main projections in yesterday’s grim report were already out of date.

Rather than its main published forecast for world growth this year of a meagre 1 per cent, the UN said that its more pessimistic scenario of zero growth, or outright global decline by 0.4 per cent, was now more realistic.

Heiner Flassbeck, director of globalisation and development strategies at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad), said: “There is nothing unfortunately at the moment where we can say ‘this is positive’ or ‘this is giving a positive stimulus’ . . . For the world as a whole, the outcome could be zero, or even slightly below zero [growth]. I do not say this will go on for ever, but the coming months will get extremely tough.”

Mr Flassbeck said that the greatest threat now came from deflation of the sort suffered during the Great Depression, when falls in wages of 10 to 15 per cent in some economies triggered a drastic slump in consumer demand and brought world growth to a virtual standstill.

With official interest rates across the West tumbling towards zero, the UN issued a call for coordinated fiscal stimulus packages in countries around the world, such as that being planned by the incoming Obama Administration in the US.

The European Central Bank yesterday stepped up its efforts to combat the eurozone recession, cutting interest rates by a further half-point to 2 per cent, equalling previous record lows for the single currency era. The ECB has now cut rates by 2.25 percentage points since October.

Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECB president, signalled that the bank was set to cut eurozone rates still further, but indicated that the next move would probably come in March. “We didn’t say that it was now the limit and we would not move any more,” he said.

Anxieties over deflation taking hold were multiplied, meanwhile, by yesterday’s US producer prices figures. The cost of goods leaving factories fell for a fifth month in a row, dropping by 1.9 per cent, or 1.5 per cent down on a year earlier.

Headline US inflation, for consumer prices, is also widely tipped to turn negative in further official figures today.

However, these trends still fall short of full-blown deflation of the destructive sort suffered in the Thirties, since they are so far driven almost entirely by the rapid reversal of the past surge in oil prices. These have now plummeted from record highs above $140 a barrel in July last year to reach levels yesterday just above $35.

So-called “core” US inflationary pressures, which strip out food and energy costs, remain far higher than headline inflation. Core producer price inflation in December climbed to an annual 4.3 per cent rate in yesterday’s figures, for example.

— The Russian rouble sank to historic lows against the dollar and euro yesterday as a growing threat of recession forced Moscow to further devalue the currency.

After the Russian central bank widened the rouble’s permitted trading band for the fourth time in recent months, the currency fell to its lowest levels against the dollar since Russia opened up its economy in the Nineties, allowing the dollar to climb to 32.35 roubles. The euro also hit a record high of 42.55 roubles.

The move came with the once-booming Russian economy sliding as demand for its oil and gas slumps.

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The end of a crisis will start with a new, better one.......

But for now we are still in the beginning phase.


Where to go after loosing your job?


I guess we should find out some other things first.


Look here for example:


But we will hide it all for you for the moment.


I need some money, for what?


Tell me.


And as a last:

I give you something to think about.



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