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The End Of The Crisis

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jcon, do you understand anything about options?

Explain why selling a put option is a way to h3ll compared to just buying the stocks directly.

the poster said "discount" which implies (for the 2nd time) that a) buyer would own the stock already and from buying...er...SELLING puts you would get a discount on the sale of stock, or :o selling the puts naked would give you some sort of "discount." Case "b" doesn't really match with the words the poster used, since selling puts naked is a) pretty stupid, no REALLY stupid and :D like I said, he implied, no he outright said, "if you like a stock, sell the puts for a discount" which means that you would own the stock and sell the puts to get some of your money back from buying the stock.

so.... own stock, short puts on that stock.... hrmmm.... and you ask how is that a way to financial hel_l?... seriously? hmm... ok, one scenario: stock crashes, volatility skyrockets, puts get exercised and you're fxxxxxxccckkkeeddd... that "discount" just raped you... short gamma on the verge of a volatility explosion? rape.

i gotta ask again, for clarity, is it opposite day?

now i'm going to assume that the poster means buy stock sell puts on that stock until he clarifies... and i stand by my word that that is ludicrous.... unless we are in the Anti-Hedge Universe.

fine, calls are puts and puts are calls, but that's not what the poster was getting at... unless he clarifies.

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just as worrying is the fact that there is no credible opposition that has any more of an idea on how to fix the mess.from all the blogs i read it would appear that the public have got more clues than the politicians and am loving the way the clergy are putting the boot in to.dont think i've ever seen a western country in such a mess,financially,morally,and with such a lack of law and order.

Maybe we can replace all these career politicians, aka bloated windbags powered by high pressure air stored in the otherwise vacant cavern between their ears, and replace the whole lot with jobless professional industrial managers, who are unfortunately taking a big hit due to the political decisions over the last decade? Let the politicians try to apply for proper wealth creating jobs.

Yep, the Conservative lot are just as uninspiring, although they are now making some reasonably noises about reducing the out of proportion administrative apparatus that currently clogs the country's arteries.

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just as worrying is the fact that there is no credible opposition that has any more of an idea on how to fix the mess.from all the blogs i read it would appear that the public have got more clues than the politicians and am loving the way the clergy are putting the boot in to.dont think i've ever seen a western country in such a mess,financially,morally,and with such a lack of law and order.

Maybe we can replace all these career politicians, aka bloated windbags powered by high pressure air stored in the otherwise vacant cavern between their ears, and replace the whole lot with jobless professional industrial managers, who are unfortunately taking a big hit due to the political decisions over the last decade? Let the politicians try to apply for proper wealth creating jobs.

Yep, the Conservative lot are just as uninspiring, although they are now making some reasonably noises about reducing the out of proportion administrative apparatus that currently clogs the country's arteries.

good idea,i notice you did n't include bankers and financial gurus.run the country like a business,profit and loss with only a small overdraft allowed.social welfare has to shrink,give out food stamps instead of cash for a start.

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This edit was too late...

edit: got rid of the stupid smiley faces that were in place of my "b )"s, and also to answer the first question:

jcon, do you understand anything about options?


Don't tell my old boss that I didn't know anything about options... well maybe I didn't and that's why I'm no longer a market maker... btw FOC stands for "First Options of Chicago" which clears all trades on the CBOE (the Largest Options Exchange in the World... on which I traded the SPX options, the largest blah blah blah...) So instead of saying something blase like "duh I was a trader" you can see my futures and haircut statements as some manly internet throw-down. Or just sell puts naked for all I care... it's your money.

Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :o

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good idea,i notice you did n't include bankers and financial gurus.run the country like a business,profit and loss with only a small overdraft allowed.social welfare has to shrink,give out food stamps instead of cash for a start.

Bankers and financial gurus? They should fall into line behind the politicians in the soup queue. All unemployable arrogant fraudsters.

There is an interesting development in Germany, where a couple of the local councils are attempting to get the debts to zero. Yep, that's right, match the spending and income and GET RID OF THE DEBTS.

For example (sorry links are in German),



And, as the Germans have the organisation skills, integrity, will and are able to take responsibility for their own future I can see this as a very positive move.

But could it happen in the UK? No <deleted> WAY.

The only decision Brits make nowadays is to decide who to make responsible for the next handout.

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I read somewhere that the europeans are much better placed to weather the storm cos they dont use the credit cards like the USA and the UK.Also owning your own home is not the be all and end all like it is in the anglo saxon countries,another interesting thing also that they are not shopaholics and place more emphasis on buying quality and not cheap cheap all the time.It just amazes me watching on the news all the people charging through shops on boxing day just having to spend more money on things they probably dont really need.

But when the ladies are unhappy they either gouge out on chocolate or max the card.

Guys usually just go to the pub and drown their sorrows.............much cheaper too usually.

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Indeed in my homecountry it was the 25% rule.

But you could do a litlle trick to get some more money.

For example you buy a big house with a price just high enough of your limit allowed by the bank.

This house is in need for restoration.

So first you buy the house and then make a plan to restore it with help from some builder.

You then present the plan to an agency that estimates the value of the house after the restoration.

The agency will calculate the price of the restored house in ten years time.

Taking into account historical rise of house prices of the last ten years.

Example: You buy for 100, after the restoration your house will be worth 200.

Investemnt needed, 60.

So the bank gives you another 60 to invest.

But hey, you told me 100 is the max I could get before.

Yes, the bank say's, but you did not have a house (asset) at that time.

So now you can borrow another 60 as it will be a save investment, our calculation model showed.

But you will never be able to pay it off.

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This edit was too late...

edit: got rid of the stupid smiley faces that were in place of my "b )"s, and also to answer the first question:

jcon, do you understand anything about options?


Don't tell my old boss that I didn't know anything about options... well maybe I didn't and that's why I'm no longer a market maker... btw FOC stands for "First Options of Chicago" which clears all trades on the CBOE (the Largest Options Exchange in the World... on which I traded the SPX options, the largest blah blah blah...) So instead of saying something blase like "duh I was a trader" you can see my futures and haircut statements as some manly internet throw-down. Or just sell puts naked for all I care... it's your money.

Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :o

I understood the poster remark differently and as such much more 'safe'?

If you want to buy stocks let's say 100 shared of Somecompany at 10.00US$ each the amount you have to pay would be 1000US$.

If you instead sell a put option with a strike 10US$ and for that you get 100US$ two things can happen. The price goes up or it goes down. when it goes up you missed the change of profiting but you still have the 100US$ you can put in your pocket. If the price goes down you would have to buy the shares for 10$ each put you got 100$ for the option so you have the exact same number of shares for 900$. A discount of 100$.

In times like these when you still want to buy stocks but are unsure of the price selling a put option can safe you some money. Naked selling is not what was meant in my opinion. But still naked selling of put options is not that much more dangerous as buying stocks. In fact in the long run it will be cheaper and more profitable. Selling a put option has a known maximum risk and therefore exactly the same as shares.

Selling call options naked, that would be done by banks as for most private people it is not allowed or extremely high margins. If banks fail they get a bailout. Normal people go bankrupt.

Edited by Khun Jean
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I guess this is something like playing roulette and betting only on black or red.

Better, go with your partner you play black and partner play red.


Anyway, as I said I promised to give you all a bit of hope,right?

So here it is, how about you getting free housing, clothes and food and you only have to do a bit of work to serve your country.,

Sounds good, or not?

Well here it is, straight from your new leader website.


I won't just ask for your vote as a candidate; I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States. This will not be a call issued in one speech or program; this will be a cause of my presidency." s

Do you get it?

Remember I told you about this guy living in a tent and no decent food in weeks?

Well you know he starts to riot, who cares?

Many others are looting and grab everything they can, watch out for those mobile burger toasters and you will be fine.

Your dear leader decides it is getting out of hand and declares martial law.

What does that mean?

The army will take over control.




I promised you a decent place didn't I


We have these camps you know where there is enough space for about 3 million of you.


Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented

once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control

the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments

by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations.

The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.

Dammit Alex you promised us hope!

Yes I did and you see there is a plan already.


Do you know that US peeps are catogorised into Blue, Yellow and Red?

Water normally does not expire, does it?


The cans were 12-ounce unpainted aluminum and labeled "Filtered Drinking Water." Joe Perkins Jr., foreman of the Balch Springs scrap-metal processor,

said all the cans he saw were stamped with an expiration date. At least some of the cans had expired.


Filterd water for you.




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An indication of the "Pension Crisis" looming up.


So just another 150,000,000,000 Quid shortfall. Well, tax 'em again Brown, it's only another 2,500 Quid for every man, woman and child in the UK.

bye bye pensions.

These really are some of the folks I feel the most for.

No not because I am one of them as I have no pension.

I have been self employed all my life.

But these folks put their nose to the grindstone & never looked up.

They believed the hype work hard save retire be happy.

They did not even realize as that is not their expertise that their pensions

were invested in risk. Most assumes a almost savings like account.

Sad really personally I would be pretty mad.

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Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :D

postings of AlexLah are costing me a bundle and are making my psychiatrist rich. to get rid of my depressions i have to be on his couch now twice a week. on top of that i am paying a fortune for my consumption of the antidepressiva Prozac.



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Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :D

postings of AlexLah are costing me a bundle and are making my psychiatrist rich. to get rid of my depressions i have to be on his couch now twice a week. on top of that i am paying a fortune for my consumption of the antidepressiva Prozac.



Why don't you try countering peoples positions using FACTS rather than setting up straw man arguments.

Its very easy to discredit someone with 'far out' views by dumping what they believe into a big box called conspiracy theories alongside those who think that the world is controlled by shape-shifting reptilian aliens, or that there is a MAC 5 underground global train or that the world is actually connected to a giant length of string. Easy. But it is often far harder to prove them wrong using logic and facts.

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Cool sexy picture Fly.

But my guess is that those guns don't do much against UAV's with Hellfire missiles.

And Teatree you are absolutely right.

I still find it very funny when you see those financial guru's laughing at Schiff for example before they announced the financial problem.

I have not seen one swallowing his words after the big announcment was made.

O yeah I have seen one that came back with that typical broken watch excuse.

I have a friend that was recently married with his Thai partner, I warned him because I had a bad feeling.

No she was not a bargirl, she worked for some bank.

To make a long story short he was almost killed by a 9 mm. shot hit his right shoulder.

A few weeks before he found out she had a Thai Gig or multiple, he kicked her out including the baby they just had.

All just because of money she wanted.

Then I warned him to get out of stocks somewhere in June or July.

Showed him all the evidence but he again did not believe me.

Now he lost about 60% of his money if he would sell his shares now.

I told him again to sell as I feel the market will go down even further next year, he holds on.....

So I know there are many people that will just laugh at ya when pointing out all the fact's and completing the puzlle for them.

And I also know why they do that. They do not like to be pushed out of their comfort zone, because if you do, they start to feel very nervous hence Naam"s sudden rise in mental help and medication bill's :D

All of the thing's I tell are fact's and can be verified. As I told you all these people in charge (whoever they are) need to tell you in some way what they are going to do. And believe me I worked with some of them, I know how they think.

I feel it is needed to inform people what is coming, if I can only have one person open his/her eyes to see the thruth that is fine with me, it is at least one.

As for the original question of when this so called crisis will end.

This crisis will end with the beginning of a new far greater one.

There is at least 4 people that mentioned that the US and his new leader will be faced with a "problem" that will couse him to make tough decisions that will not be liked by the majority of people.

Powell said in in interview somewhere in October that something bad is going to happen next year.

Biden told that Obama will face the worst thing imaginable somewhere in his first six months as a president.

Mark my words he said for an audience of thousands.

Look at the psychology they are using.

A healthy strong guy will lead you.


Looks a lot better than this?


So I tell you this crisis will end when they put a big eartquake on your head, at least in the US, I believe.



I almost forgot.


You remember this picture of a plane that went through this wall?



Magically they say: It vaporised.

Just like all this money being thrown out.


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bye bye pensions.
Alex Lah:

These really are some of the folks I feel the most for.

No not because I am one of them as I have no pension.

I have been self employed all my life.

But these folks put their nose to the grindstone & never looked up.

They believed the hype work hard save retire be happy.

They did not even realize as that is not their expertise that their pensions

were invested in risk. Most assumes a almost savings like account.

Sad really personally I would be pretty mad.

Very profound statements, Alex.

And also, quite true.

I started traveling at the age of 23, and am now 38. I've save funds into 401ks and IRAs in the US, but I fell behind my peers back in the US a long time ago, as I valued experiences more than the Puritan work ethic in the US of, work-work-work and save a little.

I used to doubt my decisions and wonder if I was missing out on a decent future financially.

Now, I realize that I have no doubts, as I look at the financial situation and long-term prospects of my friends and classmates who only worked, and never looked up.

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Hi WT,

Thanks, Itv was not my statement though.

I the near future it will not be money that will save the majority.

It will be skills you posess.

Welders, builders and that kind of thing.

For the US that is.

Interesting times and I feel some kind of happy to be witnessing this.

It is like witnessing man make their first steps on the moon.

That is if you believe they ever went there.....

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Very profound statements, Alex.

And also, quite true.

I started traveling at the age of 23, and am now 38. I've save funds into 401ks and IRAs in the US, but I fell behind my peers back in the US a long time ago, as I valued experiences more than the Puritan work ethic in the US of, work-work-work and save a little.

I used to doubt my decisions and wonder if I was missing out on a decent future financially.

Now, I realize that I have no doubts, as I look at the financial situation and long-term prospects of my friends and classmates who only worked, and never looked up.

Actually I wrote that & your reply reflects a lot on how I feel too. But I also grew up this way & learned my lessons.

I was born & raised in a place many call paradise. As a kid growing up folks...tourists would stop & take our pictures as we ate fruit. I remember once I think I was 9-10 I looked at my pal & said.... I wonder why these folks wait till they are 65 to come here? Then they speed around in a tourist bus taking pictures. They are too old to hike the trails or really have fun at the beach so they sit in chairs. Chairs on the bus...Chairs by the pool.. etc. My pal just laughed & shrugged but it stuck with me.

I decided long ago to live in the here & now. I am not saying be a guru & forsake comforts of course but I enjoy as I go. Perhaps I will be sorry when Im old...er

& cannot afford a mansion in some foreign land but there is also no guarantee any make it till X age.

I am glad you traveled & saw something. You know funny but I never traveled till I was in my 30's....Then again as I said I grew up in Paradise so never wanted to leave. :o:D:D

I feel very bad for those who worked their butts off for 30-40 years & were getting ready for the good life. Half of them did not even realize they could self direct their 401K's

Now they have the prize of working till they die & probably that is not far off.

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Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :P

postings of AlexLah are costing me a bundle and are making my psychiatrist rich. to get rid of my depressions i have to be on his couch now twice a week. on top of that i am paying a fortune for my consumption of the antidepressiva Prozac.



Kenny says......"look into my eyes look into my eyes, not around the eyes look into the eyes............ your'e under" :D:D:wai: maybe only Brits will appreciate this?

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Back on topic... I take everything AlexLah says and write it down in my little "things to be scared of" list. I haven't left my house in 1 year and 3 months because of it :D

postings of AlexLah are costing me a bundle and are making my psychiatrist rich. to get rid of my depressions i have to be on his couch now twice a week. on top of that i am paying a fortune for my consumption of the antidepressiva Prozac.



Why don't you try countering peoples positions using FACTS rather than setting up straw man arguments.

why didn't you see the three smilies which ended my posting? do you need reading glasses? :D

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The Economist - Guide To Economic Indicators (sixth edition)

Cyclical or leading indicators (page 54)


In developed economies at least, GDP progresses erratically around its long-term growth trend. There are periods when growth spurts ahead, followed by periods of recession. This variation is known as the economic, business or trade cycle. It repeats every five years or so, although no two cycles are ever of the same magnitude or duration.

The cycle has four phases: expansion, peak, recession and trough.


Output will not fall indefinitely. It will stop at some minimum level (a trough or depression) because employees retain jobs and spending power where they work in government or in industries supplying food, basic essentials and perhaps export goods. Unemployment and welfare payments, past saving and new borrowing enable other consumers to buy essentials.

Slack demand for investment funds may pull back interest rates making new or replacement investment attractive, at least for the industries providing basic essentials. And with consumer demand steady, investment demand begins to lift the economy again.


When demand first increases, for whatever reason, it gathers mementum automatically. The first sign is often a rundown in inventories. Output then rises faster than demand while these are rebuilt. Companies take on unemployed workers, who spend their new income on postponed purchases of consumer goods. This creates more demand and so companies employ more people, and so the process continues (the mutliplier). Before long producers come up against capacity constraints. If they are confident that demand will remain bouyant (expectations), they invest more in new plant and machinery, which generates even more demand (the accelerator).

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Alex Lah,




Ok, here you go :

Obama Jugend


How The Game is being played.

In order to win The Game you need good players, teamspirit and a clear objective.

Same goes for any business I think we all know.

So let's start selecting some people with a vision, the same that is.....

It is like playing a game of chess, every piece is strategically placed and moved.

Let us call these selected people pieces, pieces of human crap.

Look at some of the names in the team and do a litlle bit of background study.

In fact that is the same what you do when hiring a new worker.

So let us begin with: Zbigniew Brzezinski

Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, and the co-founder, with David Rockefeller, of the Trilateral Commission.

He started to train and fund local Afghans in the war against the Soviet Union in the late seventees

Brzezinski's 'freedom fighters' would become known as the 'Mujahideen' and later the Taliban and what is claimed to be 'Al-Qaeda'.

This is the man behind 'anti-war', Barack Obama.

Guess who are they fighting now, huh?

But there is more, sit back read and let it all sink in.

This guy wrote a book or several and let me show you one of his thought's.

Needed social reassessment, can be encouraged by deliberate civic education that stresses the notion of service to a higher cause than oneself.

a major step in that direction would be the adoption of an obligatory period of national service for every young adult, perhaps involving a variety

of congressionally approved domestic or foreign good works.

See one of my previous post, copy and pasted directly from Obama website change.org, you can find more there.

This guy also mentioned in one of his published books the following:

The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society.

Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.

Further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a

new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken.It get's better.

Brzezinski's son, Mark, was an 'advisor' to the Obama campaign, his other son, Ian, was foreign policy advisor to the McCain campaign

His daughter, Mika Brzezinski, reported the campaign for MSNBC television, she liked Obama.

Have you ever heard about the Ford foundation?

Guess what, Obama's mother worked for it....

And where did the biggest funding came from to position Mr. Obama?

Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley,

OK, enough about this guy, it makes me sick.

How about this guy: Paul Adolph Volker the head of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987.

Obama has made him head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

Please do your research and find out some nasty secret's, yes guy's it is not all spoonfeeding I do.

How about this guy: Timothy Geithner, was appointed by Obama to be his Treasury Secretary. Geithner was the President of the New York Federal

Reserve Bank before.

How about this guy: Robert Rubin, the Director and Senior Counselor of Citigroup, co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations,

and economic advisor to Obama.Rubin was Treasury Secretary to Bill Clinton

How about Larry Summers?

He wrote a memo saying: It is cheaper to dump toxic chemical waste in Africa compared to processing it in the US.Jose Lutzenburger, told Summers: You are out of your freakin mind to suggest dumping toxic waste on underdeveloped countries.

Shortly after he was fired.

Summers was made US Treasury Secretary by Bill Clinton and now he has been appointed to head the National Economic Council

by Mr. 'change', hope' and 'believe' Obama.

I told you I give you hope, didn't I


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The army will take over control.

I think not................It was 80 million before the election it is so much higher now you would be shocked.

If that's a vote for "voting from the rooftops", I suggest a dose of reality:


No it is not a vote from the rooftop :D Just a responds to Alex's microwaves :o

Interesting article though! I find it true in many ways. I mean in many states we have our 2nd amendment right but only after filing many papers & waiting days :D

PS: Guess who GZ is building something for? :D

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That is why you guys have to get a system that allows for more parties and 'faces'. With so many people there should be a lot more candidates. Get rid of the campaign funding. Give every party the same money and screen time.

I always thought the same but a simple solution would be a true democratic process.

Just add one line to the vote ballot.

That line reads....NONE OF THE ABOVE

If enough of us check that then so be it.

Back to the nominations till we get what we really want not what they give us.

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That is why you guys have to get a system that allows for more parties and 'faces'. With so many people there should be a lot more candidates. Get rid of the campaign funding. Give every party the same money and screen time.

I always thought the same but a simple solution would be a true democratic process.

Just add one line to the vote ballot.

That line reads....NONE OF THE ABOVE

If enough of us check that then so be it.

Back to the nominations till we get what we really want not what they give us.

A fan of L. Neil Smith, perchance? :o

The reason we have two parties is that they do their utmost to shut out any and all independents and third parties at all points of the game. Ballot access (for third-party candidates) is often restricted, and the R's and D's play all sorts of dirty tricks to destroy third-party candidates who come up with potentially winning issues.

BTW, who or what is "GZ"??

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They will say the worst is over now, just like they did a year ago.

So they want you to feel comfie and have some kind of hope that soon it will all be back to normal.

Obama promising Millions of jobs so we will be fine in the near future, right.

Hope is always promised for tommorow.

We are going to a difficult stage of life but we Americans are known to fight the evil and win this batlle is what he will tell you.


People will think about their own struglle with life and what they hope to see as a change.

Each individual has a different reality, and hope for what needs to be changed.

You remember Obama telling he will invest in building infrastructure?


So where is the plan?

Many cities have sold their highways and buildings already and are in need of money.

Where to get it?

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