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Why Isn't Fox News Offered On True Ubc?


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Chill out my friend, life is too short to get worked up about a News Channel :o

Most intelligent post yet made in this thread. I am astounded that one person gets so worked up over this.

Astounded eh. Well maybe you should consider the possibility that it is actually very difficult to judge how 'worked up' people are merely by reading their posts on here.

Some people are concerned with environmental pollution, and while you might not like what these people say, or even resent them for saying it, but I think many would agree that it is good that they put their views into the public arena.

Other people are concerned with mental pollution and like to express concern about such contaminants as Fox news. Now you might not feel this subject worthy of your attention, but I'll provide the argument if it is just the same by you. It is my opinion that mental pollutants are just as dangerous as environmental ones.

Edited by garro
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garro, I am usually in agreement with your point of view on most subjects and for the most part I agree with you on this one too, but perhaps the others are right in saying that you are taking the whole Fox News hatred a little over the top. I am an American myself and I am certainly no fan of Fox News and there are millions of other Americans like me who can't stand them either, but we know that the majority of people who watch it do so mostly because of it's down-home oriented style that many like because it is, well, American. It is true that Fox News has no international edition, it is produced solely for a domestic American audience and is designed to gain the highest share of viewers that they can get. It is a business entity and like all of Rupert Murdock's media holdings the idea is to make as much money as possible and the higher the viewership the more they can charge the sponsors in advertising rates. Most of the Americans I know who watch Fox News don't take it all that seriously. I seldom agree with what I hear on Fox News but I don't hate them for saying it. Yes, there are significant numbers of blinkered right wingers out there who love the jingoistic and americentric point of view of some Fox News programing but there are just as many who watch it with a big helping of skepticisim too.

Dotcom can see that you have an exaggerated assessment of how negatively influential Fox News is and he is intentionally winding you up just to see how much of a reaction he can get out of you. It appears he has done a pretty good job. I don't know if you have ever spent any time in the States but if you get the chance I think that you will be surprised at just how normal and boring the life of the average American is. Probably not that much different from the average boring life of the average Irishman or Englishman. (BTW you can't judge the average person from any country by the representatives here in Thailand either because the expats here are not a cross section of the average person from any country) Americans on average are neither overly conservative or overly liberal, but the ones who are strongly conservative or liberal do tend to be the ones who are the most outspoken. Just like Ireland has some lower socio-economic underclass peoples like the Travellers and the English have their chavs we in the States have similar types like gang bangers and red necks but our misfits are much more well known because Hollywood and Rupert Murdock plaster them all over the world media on a daily basis. Other countries are more careful at not airing their dirty laundry for everyone to see. I mostly dislike Fox News because I find it embarrassing rather than dangerous. Same goes for a lot of American movies and TV, because I find them simply stupid. It's sort of like the things people sometimes say and do amongst their own families that they find funny between themselves but would feel like idiots if they knew the neighbors were listening.

Some on this thread have said that only Americans watch Fox News but that obviously can't be true or nobody other than Americans would have bothered to have posted a response. If you've never watched it, how would you know anything about it? In the end, the Fox News channel is really quite inconsequential to the life of the average American. He may agree with some of it while scoffing at other parts of it. As I said, I mostly dislike it because I find it embarassing rather than dangerous. It's certanly not worth getting too worked up over. Every TV has a remote with a change-channel button and an on/off switch.

Edited by Groongthep
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garro, I am usually in agreement with your point of view on most subjects and for the most part I agree with you on this one too, but perhaps the others are right in saying that you are taking the whole Fox News hatred a little over the top. I am an American myself and I am certainly no fan of Fox News and there are millions of other Americans like me who can't stand them either, but we know that the majority of people who watch it do so mostly because of it's down-home oriented style that many like because it is, well, American. It is true that Fox News has no international edition, it is produced solely for a domestic American audience and is designed to gain the highest share of viewers that they can get. It is a business entity and like all of Rupert Murdock's media holdings the idea is to make as much money as possible and the higher the viewership the more they can charge the sponsors in advertising rates. Most of the Americans I know who watch Fox News don't take it all that seriously. I seldom agree with what I hear on Fox News but I don't hate them for saying it. Yes, there are significant numbers of blinkered right wingers out there who love the jingoistic and americentric point of view of some Fox News programing but there are just as many who watch it with a big helping of skepticisim too.

Dotcom can see that you have an exaggerated assessment of how negatively influential Fox News is and he is intentionally winding you up just to see how much of a reaction he can get out of you. It appears he has done a pretty good job. I don't know if you have ever spent any time in the States but if you get the chance I think that you will be surprised at just how normal and boring the life of the average American is. Probably not that much different from the average boring life of the average Irishman or Englishman. (BTW you can't judge the average person from any country by the representatives here in Thailand either because the expats here are not a cross section of the average person from any country) Americans on average are neither overly conservative or overly liberal, but the ones who are strongly conservative or liberal do tend to be the ones who are the most outspoken. Just like Ireland has some lower socio-economic underclass peoples like the Travellers and the English have their chavs we in the States have similar types like gang bangers and red necks but our misfits are much more well known because Hollywood and Rupert Murdock plaster them all over the world media on a daily basis. Other countries are more careful at not airing their dirty laundry for everyone to see. I mostly dislike Fox News because I find it embarrassing rather than dangerous. Same goes for a lot of American movies and TV, because I find them simply stupid. It's sort of like the things people sometimes say and do amongst their own families that they find funny between themselves but would feel like idiots if they knew the neighbors were listening.

Some on this thread have said that only Americans watch Fox News but that obviously can't be true or nobody other than Americans would have bothered to have posted a response. If you've never watched it, how would you know anything about it? In the end, the Fox News channel is really quite inconsequential to the life of the average American. He may agree with some of it while scoffing at other parts of it. As I said, I mostly dislike it because I find it embarassing rather than dangerous. It's certanly not worth getting too worked up over. Every TV has a remote with a change-channel button and an on/off switch.

Perhaps you are right.

I only have two English speaking channels on the TV and one of them is Fox. I found myself caught up in the whole election thingy a few weeks back and Fox was the only option. I really found watching Fox to be a disheartening experience.

Come the revolution, that Hanity will be the first f**ker against the wall - Irish passport or no Irish passport :o

Edited by garro
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Groongthep, great post.

Garro, this is getting silly,

Other people are concerned with mental pollution and like to express concern about such contaminants as Fox news. Now you might not feel this subject worthy of your attention, but I'll provide the argument if it is just the same by you. It is my opinion that mental pollutants are just as dangerous as environmental ones.[/quote]

Just read what you have written, and consider it carefully....

I only have two English speaking channels on the TV and one of them is Fox.

Why don't you dip into your pocket and find some other news channels that are more in line with your politically correct, left wing, intellectual, liberal bias, and leave us red necks to enjoy our Hanity, Greta, Megan (what a fox!) and Bill et al. :D

Happy New Year :o

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  • 1 month later...

I watch CNN about an hour a month. Now some here may not know that it is a bit better in the U.S., a bit less anti American, as here we get the 'Asian News'. I can't stand it. Generally downright anti-American. I do enjoy Fox, and some of our European brothers may think it's right wing, as they have never seen anthing other than lefty and biased. But the Euro's, or at least the brits can watch their BBC. Personally, other than the few feature reports I've seen, and of course Top Gear, it's not my thing. I'll take my Fox. And the American ... and other lefties can watch ... oh hel_l, I don't know, cartoons?

Hmm, what this thing about osama obama's birth cert? Maybe he did come from outer space?

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It has been mentioned a fews times here, but for those who haven't had a chance I highly recommened Al-Jazeera. It is the only one of the stations mentioned, with the exception of BBC, that is a news channel. CNN was once a news channel, but in its efforts to catch up to Fox News has become an entertainment channel, which Fox News has always been. The primary goal of Fox and CNN is to entertain, not inform.

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And that's what I like about Fox ! It's very entertaining with news added to the mix. It's a strictly American television channel that happens to be broadcast around the world and not dulled down or regionalized for the rest of the world like they do with CNN or the others. If you want to watch news then look to the other channels for your brand of broadcasting.

And as for why Truevision does not carry Fox is a mystery but if they did I bet they would increase their subscriptions a few thousand more I'm sure. They offer NHK at a pay per view rate that is like 300 baht per month? That's a royal rip off for the Japanese viewer. If they offered Fox this way I would tolerate 100 or perhaps 150 a month

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I too am a fan of Fox which is widely available on cable in the eastern Seaboard.

As far as True is concerned, well they do carry a wide variety of news Channels, from BBC World, to CNN to CNBC, Bloombergs etc, so you can't exactly accuse them of not giving wide ranging news coverage on their channel selection. This is Thaialnd, not America and they provide a variety of international news services, which surely is fair enough?

As A Brit, I could ask, "why don't they provide SKY news Channel, so that I can get moire in depth coverage on British news?"

As it happens, some time ago I took my own steps to receive Sky news, which I now get via a S African feed.

If anyone is so keen on Fox news, and it is not available to them on cable, then they could probably get it on line, or put up a dish and point it at the satellite which relays it.

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FOX news is giving out a great big shout out to: "All our viewers in Thailand watching us on TRUE Visions"

How absurd?

Libs as always can kiss my @$.

If you don't march in lockstep with nogood nobama you get called "racist".

Because you are a racist, you <deleted>!

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FOX news is giving out a great big shout out to: "All our viewers in Thailand watching us on TRUE Visions"

How absurd?

Libs as always can kiss my @$.

Ya know, dotcom, I don't think I've ever agreed with any of the opinions you've posted here at TV, and it relieves me to see that our view of life remains 180 degrees opposed.

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  • 2 months later...
FOX news is giving out a great big shout out to: "All our viewers in Thailand watching us on TRUE Visions"

How absurd?

Libs as always can kiss my @$$.

While in Jomtien recently I heard somebody on the Fox News Channel say "Now available by satellite in Thailand by True Digital Entertainment Services."

Does anybody know anything about this?

Also, pardon the probably stupid question, but if one purchased a dish couldn't it be pointed to a satellite somewhere (with the help of a competant technician) which does transmit Fox News? I once was told by an expat living in Chanthaburi he received Fox News from the Philippines via a satellite somewhere. (If you are reading, please tell us how!)

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The fox tv channel is not news. I don't like it because they distort the truth and tell falsehoods. This is a fact...Sean Hannity told me so when we were getting drunk...bill o'reilly agreed.

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The fox tv channel is not news. I don't like it because they distort the truth and tell falsehoods. This is a fact...Sean Hannity told me so when we were getting drunk...bill o'reilly agreed.

Ban it then, seems like a clear cut case. We can't be expected to allow telecasters on the air that express opinions that make us uncomfortable, can we? Clearly if they disagree with the European mainstream they must be a bunch of inbred illiterates who are telling us lies.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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  • 4 weeks later...
FOX news is giving out a great big shout out to: "All our viewers in Thailand watching us on TRUE Visions"

How absurd?

Libs as always can kiss my @$$.

While in Jomtien recently I heard somebody on the Fox News Channel say "Now available by satellite in Thailand by True Digital Entertainment Services."

Does anybody know anything about this?

Also, pardon the probably stupid question, but if one purchased a dish couldn't it be pointed to a satellite somewhere (with the help of a competant technician) which does transmit Fox News? I once was told by an expat living in Chanthaburi he received Fox News from the Philippines via a satellite somewhere. (If you are reading, please tell us how!)

I heard it again this week on FNC. "Offered in Thailand by True Entertainment Services Company Limited".

I don't think Fox is making this up. Does anybody know more about this?

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I know many people in this forum do not appreciate the Fox News channel, however it is highly popular world wide.

It is available on cable. Why not via TRUE? Seriously, WHY NOT? Cable isn't offered in many locations. What do you think was TRUE's decision criteria?

Curious to know your thoughts. (I wonder if they are the same as mine)

(This isn't intended to be a FOX NEWS bashing thread!)

It blows away cnn and msnbc in the states pertaining to ratings. Was reviewd to be more balanced than the other networks and actually less biased, especially msnbc. The last election, an independent review stated that both mccain and obama received the same 50-50 treatment pertaining to negative and positive news storeis. CNN records was much worst, being more critical for mccain and more positive of obama and msnbc was downright embarassing.

Edited by EndofDays
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It's part of the True IPTV service. You can get Sky and Australia Network as well as Fox News and Fox Crime and wash it all down with some karaoke.


Aha, so that is it. I'm disappointed Fox News isn't available somehow via satellite (although I think somebody may know how but hasn't contacted us yet). Anyway, after I get a high speed internet connection I'll just get the IPTV and pay the extra.

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I know many people in this forum do not appreciate the Fox News channel, however it is highly popular world wide.

It is available on cable. Why not via TRUE? Seriously, WHY NOT? Cable isn't offered in many locations. What do you think was TRUE's decision criteria?

Curious to know your thoughts. (I wonder if they are the same as mine)

(This isn't intended to be a FOX NEWS bashing thread!)

It blows away cnn and msnbc in the states pertaining to ratings. Was reviewd to be more balanced than the other networks and actually less biased, especially msnbc. The last election, an independent review stated that both mccain and obama received the same 50-50 treatment pertaining to negative and positive news storeis. CNN records was much worst, being more critical for mccain and more positive of obama and msnbc was downright embarassing.

Fox is definitely more balanced. They are ALWAYS trying to persuade those with dissenting opinions to appear to discuss openly, but very few liberals have the guts to do so. Barney Frank blew his cool on a few tough, yet fair questions. Christopher Dodd doesn't dare face any scrutiny, as many others.

Most media are liberal, we all know that. But at least there is ONE network which presents a conservative perspective. Many liberals hate that. They want ALL networks to be liberally slanted like CNN, MSNBC and the others. Some of us are liberal, some of us aren't, what's the big deal? Aren't liberals, by definition, supposed to be open to all views? Often I thank God for opposing views being voiced as America enters these difficult and controversial days ahead. Obama does NOT have all the answers, and a democratic Congress can be scary, as evidenced by the more than 8000 pork spendings in the Stimulus Bill which is costing the American citizens and their children BILLIONS! Sure hope Franken doesn't end up getting that 60th Senate seat (but he probably will). That will not be good for America's checks and balances. We was just a stupid comic talk show host for Crikes sake! Great credentials to be a U.S. Senator. Sickening.

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I also cannot get Al Jazeera which is also more balanced the the above mentioned BIG two.

Al Jazeera is on the cable network up here in the central plains. That and BBC is all that is required for English language International reporting along with Channel News Asia for the Singaporean slant. Fox is a joke.

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I also cannot get Al Jazeera which is also more balanced the the above mentioned BIG two.

Al Jazeera is on the cable network up here in the central plains. That and BBC is all that is required for English language International reporting along with Channel News Asia for the Singaporean slant. Fox is a joke.

I've watched Al Jazeera and I agree it is pretty good. My problem with BBC is I often can't understand the newspeople because of their accent, which I am not used to, and along with my lousy hearing makes BBC difficult viewing.

Once again Sir DigitalB, both liberal and conservative views have legitimacy and both should be considered and evaluated as personal conclusions (based on fact and wisdom) are drawn - unless one's idealogy simply will not recognize certain truths or realities.

I am not, however, surprised at your comment about Fox being a joke as others have said the same. It is certainly not perfect, and is annoying even to fans at times. People loudly talking over each other bugs the sh!t out of me, but I like to hear all the discussions between otherwise intelligent and learned people, almost always representing dissenting views. Often very interesting discussions for many American ex-pats here who are highly concerned about current events back in the U.S.

Since Fox News is far more watched than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and the others combined, it is certainly NOT a joke. Only from your perspective. To each his own.

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Whether Fox is a joke or not is only you're opinion. I like the other poster like Fox and miss it here in Banchang.

I hope True gets smart and instead of offering it only on the internet channel they off it on the regular DSTV system.

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Well I have already posted my opinion on Fox News, and general I quite like it, along with the other news channels I watch, in order to get a balanced coverage.

I cannot for the life of me understand why some of you folks get so worked up about a news channel and post such vitriol. If you don't like it don't watch it, but for goodness sake, it's really not worth getting your knickers in a twist over.

I think it comes down to this: When people lie to me, I get pissed off. FOX news claims to be a news channel, whereas in reality it's a wanky U.S. right-wing propaganda channel, complete with phrases that are repeated endlessly so they get stuck in people's heads.

Of course, at FOX news they try to sell this as "opinion" and they say, yeahhhhh.... everyone can have an opinion, can't they, and is that so bad, freedom of speech and all. And then they have "discussions" which really aren't, where "everyone" can make their point, only they really aren't.

I am sorry to say this Mobi but I am afraid you have been had. Maybe at some point you'll figure it out. It's a little bit like the WWWF World Wide Wrestling Federation fights. There are some people who are dead convinced that the fights are real and not staged, and no matter what you tell them, they won't listen and come up with reasons as to why they are right. Nothing can change their mind. Fox followers are the same - they live - mentally - on a different planet, and nothing anyone can say can sway them. Facts don't matter (they are refuted by FOX anyway), plain common sense doesn't apply. It's picturebook propaganda right out of the book of Goebbels.

Now why FOX does what they do, I don't know - I am not one for big conspiracy theories, I guess it just furthers its owner's agenda and at the same time makes money. And I don't object to this part. I just object to the lying part.

Edit: Isn't it a bit scary that every Fox viewer will tell you the thing about "opinion"? That's propaganda at work right there. Nice job!

Edited by nikster
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You have made a few great points there. Fox fans just can not see the problem with the channel. It is like the slogans have penetrated their inner core; the repeated mantra of 'fair and balanced' has sunk into their sub-conscious. I have never seen any other news show go to such extremes to justify itself; no other needs to. Fox news is the only channel that devotes time to teaching its viewers how to defend their love of the channel; it is cultish and dangerous as far as I'm concerned.

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