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Maybe Up To 6000 Dead, Tidal Waves Slams Thailand

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Very few nations would have time to react to that kind of timescale. lets not b1tch about formalities and just send our thoughts out to those effected.

How true Wolfie.

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And the part of your fantasy where some guy is sitting somewhere and not telephoning Thailand, etc, etc...??

This is not the time or place for such ignorant nonsense... Please don't try to pass off your clueless fantasies as facts... People here want to know REAL facts about this terrible situation, and your baseless accusations don't help at all. 

I WANT to point out on such ignorant non-sense , as those stated by the so called ajarn (I always thought, folowing in that thai popular belief, then farang ajarn are mostly crossdresser + druggs addict + britt ... maybe I am wrong, someone told me recently there is also a huge amount of US tramps from Khao San Rd who use to be called ajarn ... what is your category).

Whatever, if really you are in teaching business, you should know there is several points all around the word that report earthquakes, so I don't think the tsunami have reach Thai coast in seconds, but certainly in 5 or 6 hours.... WHY NOTHING WAS MADE TO AVOID HUMAN LOOSE? That is thequestion .... it's sure 5 hours of shopping in less should have given less earning to some people , but is certainly not the reason ...

It's not a geologist who done the mistake, but widely some "political" who have done nothing ... I would like to see heads role on the ground like in 91 (1791), those who are responsible (accountant) for the life loose, the material loose MUST pay, whoever they are.

This country widely speak about democarcy, I suppose it must be time to apply it.

ANd to Ajjarn, don't think I am starting a personnal war , whatever I logg on only one time per week, but I really and deeply think the fact to refuse to speak about responsability is at least insulting for those who are dead.


Do some research mate, before you climb into people. :o

Exactly. Just the facts, Jack :D

And the part of your fantasy where some guy is sitting somewhere and not telephoning Thailand, etc, etc...??

This is not the time or place for such ignorant nonsense... Please don't try to pass off your clueless fantasies as facts... People here want to know REAL facts about this terrible situation, and your baseless accusations don't help at all. 

I WANT to point out on such ignorant non-sense , as those stated by the so called ajarn (I always thought, folowing in that thai popular belief, then farang ajarn are mostly crossdresser + druggs addict + britt ... maybe I am wrong, someone told me recently there is also a huge amount of US tramps from Khao San Rd who use to be called ajarn ... what is your category).

Whatever, if really you are in teaching business, you should know there is several points all around the word that report earthquakes, so I don't think the tsunami have reach Thai coast in seconds, but certainly in 5 or 6 hours.... WHY NOTHING WAS MADE TO AVOID HUMAN LOOSE? That is thequestion .... it's sure 5 hours of shopping in less should have given less earning to some people , but is certainly not the reason ...

It's not a geologist who done the mistake, but widely some "political" who have done nothing ... I would like to see heads role on the ground like in 91 (1791), those who are responsible (accountant) for the life loose, the material loose MUST pay, whoever they are.

This country widely speak about democarcy, I suppose it must be time to apply it.

ANd to Ajjarn, don't think I am starting a personnal war , whatever I logg on only one time per week, but I really and deeply think the fact to refuse to speak about responsability is at least insulting for those who are dead.


Do some research mate, before you climb into people. :o

Exactly. Just the facts, Jack :D

Can we get this troll of the board , his comments are just tasteless


No one to blame ???? TiT then .... lol

In 2000 we got a hurricane, it was the first since at least 100 years, he travelled accross the country from West to east, destroying all, even prestigious buildings in Paris .... who could do something against ... result it was several head of offices (weather, electricity, telephone ...) who were kicked after for the reasons those people (or at least their offices) were aware IT WAS POSSIBLE that will happend.

To have a big post in a governemental agency/organisation .... don't mean get the big bucks, the big car and the consideration, but mean also do prevision, it could happend so I must prepare the people .... That is named responsability.

To those who think they know better than the old french fart I am, I invite them to search, find and UNDERSTAND the roots meaning of the word RESPONSABILIRY (assuming it can be roman, I wil just speak about RES).

No one to blame ???? TiT then .... lol

In 2000 we got a hurricane, it was the first since at least 100 years, he travelled accross the country from West to east, destroying all, even prestigious buildings in Paris .... who could do something against ... result it was several head of offices (weather, electricity, telephone ...) who were kicked after for the reasons those people (or at least their offices) were aware IT WAS POSSIBLE that will happend.

To have a big post in a governemental agency/organisation .... don't mean get the big bucks, the big car and the consideration, but mean also do prevision, it could happend so I must prepare the people .... That is named responsability.

To those who think they know better than the old french fart I am, I invite them to search, find and UNDERSTAND the roots meaning of the word RESPONSABILIRY (assuming it can be roman, I wil just speak about  RES).

OH Ta geule

Shut up with your egotistical thruth sayings.. safe here in france... You are tasteless...


Can we get this troll of the board , his comments are just tasteless


The troll live here , in Los I mean ... What about you?

There is nothing about trolling the board, but just say there is something wrong in the system.


Tried to find "RESPONSABILIRY " but couldnt...

nit picking aside, no one would have anticipated such an event, neither could they have countered for it. The emergency services are doing their best to cope with the situation. If your looking to blame someone for todays tragedy, then grab your bible, natual disasters are termed as such for a very good reason, they are natural and a part of nature. if we could predict, counter or control these events then the world would be a much safer place.

Alas its not, because we cannot. Accusations thrown at this time of day are silly, stupid and panic driven reactions... chill out and pray to which ever god you beleive in that those missing are safe and alive.


>>>""How come a major province like Phuket doesn't have TV reporters and cameras permanently in situ and able to respond to breaking news? On the evidence of today, that's not the case. All day, you got far superior coverage of what's going on in Thailand on BBC World and CNN than on any Thai channel. And the 8 o'clock news still began with all the royal trivia... ""

fully agree with that , but for those who can understand thai, the radio stations , (or at least the one in bangkok that usually does the traffic news) has had superb rolling coverage of this tragedy for most of the day , interviews by phone with eye-witnesses and people caught up in it and interviews with reporters in most of the towns along the andaman coast , and coupled with the professionalism of the anchor woman holding it all together , it gave a much better idea of what was actually happening than could be picked up by the thai tv hourly news.

i spent today with thais and i was amazed how little interest they showed in it as the scale of the thing unfolded , i kept turning the radio up and they kept turning the tv crap up.

a few comments were made about the falangs who had their holidays ruined , an intake of breath when death tolls were announced , but then it was back to discussing the quality and taste of the food on the table.

thais ,in my experience at least , for better or worse , really are totally disinterested in anything that happens outside of their own back yards.

sympathy to all those suffering loss in phuket.


In fact it is not difficult nor terribly expensive to set up a tsunami warning system -- as already exists in the Pacific.

I don't know why some strange people consider this blaming someone; it's primarily a comment on how such a tragedy can be avoided in the future.

Tsunami waves can hit within minutes or many hours, it's just a factor of how far away the coastline is. They travel fast but slow down before they hit. In today's event it was around 30 minutes after the Indonesian quake before Thailand was hit and several hours before India and Srilanka were hit. Plenty of time for a warning.

Tsunamis only come from strong earthquakes. It only takes a few minutes for scientists around the world to know that a strong earthquake has occurred. Then those people within a circle of coastline away from the epicenter can be warned with a siren. This is how its done in the Pacific. It doesn't require the cooperation of the Indonesian govenment either since seismic data is available globally.

Yes it's true that many times there are earthquakes without tsunamis. But what's the harm in a few false alarms every year? The use of other devices such tide gauges can refine the system further.

The simplest preventative measure is to educate people that suddenly receding waters on the beach means great danger. This is true 100% of the time I believe!

Tsunamis are rare in this part of the world but they certainly are not unknown. When Cracatoa exploded in the 19th century there was even greater disaster. That was a volcano not an earthquake, but it's true that authorities have been a little complacent about the danger of tsunamis. There is hardly reason to to blame anyone, but that does NOT negate the fact that some aspects of this tragedy can be prevented in the future.

No one to blame ???? TiT then .... lol

In 2000 we got a hurricane, it was the first since at least 100 years, he travelled accross the country from West to east, destroying all, even prestigious buildings in Paris .... who could do something against ... result it was several head of offices (weather, electricity, telephone ...) who were kicked after for the reasons those people (or at least their offices) were aware IT WAS POSSIBLE that will happend.

To have a big post in a governemental agency/organisation .... don't mean get the big bucks, the big car and the consideration, but mean also do prevision, it could happend so I must prepare the people .... That is named responsability.

To those who think they know better than the old french fart I am, I invite them to search, find and UNDERSTAND the roots meaning of the word RESPONSABILIRY (assuming it can be roman, I wil just speak about  RES).

Hurricanes,typhoons and cyclones can be plotted by satellites days before they reach a coastline......earthquakes and tsunami's cannot be detected.....fukcing idiot......someone deal with this Fukcwit....quickly.... :o



Sri Lanka: 3,225 dead

Indonesia: 1,873 dead

India: 2,000 dead

Thailand: 257 dead

Malaysia: 28 dead

Maldives: 10 dead

Bangladesh: 2 dead

Source: Government officials


I'd love to agree with you CDB, but i cant see how the effected areas in phuket could have been evactuated in such a short period of time at that time of the morning...

Maybe an early warning system might have helped to save a few lives (a worth while investment by anyones standards) it wouldnt have prevented todays disaster.



Alas its not, because we cannot. Accusations thrown at this time of day are silly, stupid and panic driven reactions... chill out and pray to which ever god you beleive in that those missing are safe and alive.

Can't agree more.

You cannot stop Natural Disasters a.k.a Act of God. They happen everywhere and sadly are indiscriminate. There are many well funded and "well advanced" western countries that have disasters....

Of course if someone can build a predicatble model dor exactly how siesmic waves, and the seabed and the ocean react, then maybe you have cause to point the finger. Of course you would need to be at the point or nearby the quake to be able to know exactly what siesmic event it was ; compression, expansion, uplift etc, as each of these have a different characteristic.

As an example there was a similar quake of similar magnitude a few says ago off the Australian coast. No Tidal waves, nothing except for the odd cracked building etc. There is no way of predicting the outcome of an undersea quakes.

Now for all the "Chicken-littles" out there saying: "The government should do this and the government should do that; have a lok at this website, and see how many siesmic events there are just in the last week..... Which one is the one that will cause the disaster we had today ???? Maybe the one in 100 years or the one in 1000 years?


Mobile services are swamped.. Simply dont have the bandwidth.. try sending him an sms as they seem to get through..

As to insureance.. I would not put much hope in Thai insurances paying out a satang on anything like this..

It's a run for the money and that's all it is when it comes to insurance. 30,000 homes were either destroyed or severely damaged here in Port Charlotte Florida from Hurricane Charley. We lost our roof, fence, a/c unit ripped from the side of the house and thrown 100 ft away, ( we were in the closet while this was happening as it was NEVER supposed to hit us but instead go further up to Tampa then 2 hrs before it actually happened it turned directly to us, no time to do anything but hunker down)

I started legal combat with the insurance co the next day by calling a lawyer on the other coast. Bottom line, we were paid and house has been repaired ( within the last 6 weeks, actual incident was Aug 13th). Most of my neighbors haven't seen a dime and many are still waiting for a claims adjuster.

3 more hurricanes swiped across the state in folling days/weeks. To date there are still 170,000+ claims still not paid in Florida and insurance companies have all been downgraded on AM Best. Flooding from Ivan went all the way up the eastern coast of the USA as far as NE Pennsylvania. ( 1200 miles away)

You need to get right on this and do what you can in getting paperwork filed ( send copies, keep copies, call lawyer in BKK etc etc). I can't even imagine the difficulty in getting claims filed and paid in LOS. So sorry to hear about this.

Take pictures right away. Make inventories of lost and damaged items.

Good luck to everyone

Mr Vietnam :o


After my building shook like a leaf at 8 am, tried to get the message out on Bangkok Chat with a couple of others who experienced the same - V. early this morning. Other jackasses just kept babbling on simultaneously about teaching rates for English teachers. Very frustrating.


Can anyone in Phuket tell me how badly Kata Mama restaurant on Kata beach was hit ?

I have friends there.

My thoughts are with ALL of you over there that have been affected by this disaster.

PJW - Ex Kata resident


Anybody remember two or three years ago when everybody took to the hills in Phuket because a tsunami was supposed to be coming?

When nothing happened, everybody laughed at the "foolish, gullible" people that ran.

Life has a sick sense of humour, not to mention a sense of irony.


If a siren went off 15 minutes after the Indonesian quake and hotel staff knew what it meant, then I do believe lives could be saved. And what about Sri Lanka and India which were hit much later?

Most people can reach safety on higher ground within 2 minutes.

Also if you listen to the eyewitness reports you'll see that many people admitted they did not understand what the receding waters foreshadowed. In the US, they have signs on the beaches telling people to react to such signs by fleeing to higher ground.

Given the fact that such an event has not occured for so long there was no way there was going to be preventative measures in these poorer SE Asian countries. But the likelihood of this event reocurring is not so remote. With the fantantastic development of seaside resorts in this part of the world, it is something that can be factored in the future.

This was a natural disaster but unlike other natural disasters humans are not powerless to take preventaive measures

Can anyone in Phuket tell me how badly Kata Mama restaurant on Kata beach was hit ?

I have friends there.

My thoughts are with ALL of you over there that have been affected by this disaster.

PJW - Ex Kata resident

I didnt get down that far to check personally, but knowing where Kata Mama's is located i would expect that the place is no more...

I hope your friends are ok, they didnt have too far to go to get to safe ground

jackasses like sting i suppose

latest list of earthquakes


Interesting, the one off Australia on Dec 23, Similar Depth, silimar distance to Capital Cities (Canberra / Bangkok) Similar intensity, Many things similar, BUT the quake on Dec 23 produced NO Tsnuami.

How can you predict that. Siesmic event looks similar as well.

Next a volcano will spring up and the "Chicken Littles" will be demanding the government do something as well. Not sure how.

If a siren went off 15 minutes after the Indonesian quake and hotel staff knew what it meant, then I do believe lives could be saved. And what about Sri Lanka and India which were hit much later?

Most people can reach safety on higher ground within 2 minutes.

Also if you listen to the eyewitness reports you'll see that many people admitted they did not understand what the receding waters foreshadowed. In the US, they have signs on the beaches telling people to react to such signs by fleeing to higher ground.

Given the fact that such an event has not occured for so long there was no way there was going to be preventative measures in these poorer SE Asian countries. But the likelihood of this event reocurring is not so remote. With the fantantastic development of seaside resorts in this part of the world, it is something that can be factored in the future.

This was a natural disaster but unlike other natural disasters humans are not powerless to take preventaive measures

In Hawaii there have been many false alarms and consequently many people do nothing. I can only imagine what would happen here if there were a few false alarms. :o

Unfortunately this is Asia and not the USA. Always hope for the future though.

I have some friends on Koh Tao. Does anybody know if the earthquake caused any damage in the gulf of Thailand?

no, but waves were breaking in chiang mai.

sorry folks, but this person has obviously never seen a map of thailand.

deepest sympathies to all thais and farangs who have suffered

Interesting, the one off Australia on Dec 23, Similar Depth, silimar distance to Capital Cities (Canberra / Bangkok) Similar intensity, Many things similar, BUT the quake on Dec 23 produced NO Tsnuami.

This was a strike-slip earthquake, where two plates move sideways to each other, as opposed to colliding head on,'' research geophysicist Stuart Sipkin said of the Pacific quake by telephone from Golden, Colorado, at the U.S. Geological Survey. A sideways quake limits the extent of tsunamis, Sipkin said.


Phi Phi is toppled :o , I happened to see 1 of my 3 mates carrying a stretcher on BBC (footage from Phi Phi), will wait and see. I still cannot get through to anyone there.

With the shape of Phi Phi and the narrow entrance west side, it would of really gathered momentum coming into the bay.

Anyone have anymore news re Phi Phi, has anyone else got through to Phi Phi?

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