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i think a good point has been made here.

1. the girls in bars know the ropes

2. know the police

3. know who to talk to,

4.and know how to get money.

if it become to big a problem to the girl, and the police,

they simply make it a court matter.

how many times have i seen police doing checks on helmet, and the thai drive straight by but the farang gets caught,( or if they are seen to be doing it right,they pull over a thai and chat with them)and as soon as a farang comes by they wave(no ticket issued) the thai to move on.

so the point is you are in thailand no even playing field here it is all one way, so like it or lump it if you put your self out there you are fair game for some corruption. and it goes on all day everyday somewhere in thailand, and there are thai people waiting for the next victim.

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Firstly, you should never hit a woman. And if she try to provoke you, you should have walked away and gone to another bar - you're an IDIOT !!

Not replying to anyone in particular Mr Zovox, but I know why I do not spent much of my time on this board, a sad bunch of judgemental people here.

Some of you are trully bad examples of human beings.

Have a nice 2548 though :o

i find that kinda funny sorry to say. I am not the one that hit a woman but im a bad example? Im not the one the broke a law. but im the bad human??? please. i've had enough laughs about this topic.

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Firstly, you should never hit a woman. And if she try to provoke you, you should have walked away and gone to another bar - you're an IDIOT !!

Not replying to anyone in particular Mr Zovox, but I know why I do not spent much of my time on this board, a sad bunch of judgemental people here.

Some of you are trully bad examples of human beings.

Have a nice 2548 though :o

i find that kinda funny sorry to say. I am not the one that hit a woman but im a bad example? Im not the one the broke a law. but im the bad human??? please. i've had enough laughs about this topic.

I gotta agree with Thalenoi.... nobody is suggesting that it is right to hit a woman or break the law. What is right is to offer aid without questions or prejudice.

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...it is all one way, so like  it or lump it if you put your self out there you are fair game for some corruption. and it goes on all day everyday somewhere in thailand, and there are  thai people waiting for the next victim.

It is usually one's own paranoia, fear and negligence that makes one a victim which goes for Thailand as any other place in the world. Never felt that there are heaps of Thais preying on me. Certainly do not deny that there are crooks here but doubt that they out-number their equivalents in other nations. Anyway, enjoy your stay in LOS but never forget to watch your a.. and I bet you gonna be just fine.

All the best,

Richard :o

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It is usually one's own paranoia, fear and negligence that makes one a victim which goes for Thailand as any other place in the world from richard,""

sorry richard but you are very wrong,

you don't need to have any fear or negligents for that matter to be shafted by a thai, you say you have never been shafted, sorry i find that hard to believe, whether it be for 10 baht or 10,000 baht you have been rip of one time or other, unless of course you get a plane there sit in you room until time to leave.

so no i am not paranoid or negligent nor have i been rip off big time, but i see it happening in thailand repeatedly, and it is just the farang that it happens to, and not there own, and cops are the worst offender. to say i haven''t been rip off big time is correct but never the less i have been rip off. which would not happen in my country in the same way the thai does business.

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It is usually one's own paranoia,  fear and negligence that makes one a victim which goes for Thailand as any other place in the world  from richard,""

sorry richard but you are very wrong,

  you don't need to have any fear or negligents for that matter to be shafted by a thai,  you say you have never been shafted, sorry i find that hard to believe, whether it be for 10 baht or 10,000 baht you have been  rip of one time or other, unless of course you get a plane there sit in you room until  time to leave.

so no i am not paranoid or negligent nor have i been rip off big time, but i see it happening in thailand repeatedly, and it is just the farang that it happens to, and not there own, and cops are the worst offender. to say i haven''t been rip off big time is correct but never the less i have been rip off.  which would not happen in my country in the same way the thai does business.


just my experiences. I live and work in Bangkok for almost 5 years and never left the country. My greatest loss I ever experienced was in Europe (Spain to be exact). I was scammed out of about 8.000 Euro by German scumbags. While I have been here in Thailand there were attempts (for example telephone calls from the Philippines by Western scum trying to squeeze out some bucks by offering not existing shares). A friend of mine was mugged on knife point on Wall Street in New York during bright daylight.

In business I was cheated for a few thousand Baht from a party in the UK. A German business friend of mine was cheated in the UK for a large amount that ruined his company. Therefore, the best advice in business can be "don't trust anyone". Trust is good but keeping control is much better. If big money gets into play people get too easily tempted which, however, does not just go for Thais but also for people of other nationalities. Moral goes generally down the drain in modern society a situation we just have to cope with.

Yes, in Thailand I certainly encountered taxi drives, particulary in those places that are heavily frequented by tourists, that tried to rip me off and there were other cheating attempts (including in business). But on the other hand I made also very good experienes and some Thai people returned money I have erroneously giving in excess right away. There have been Thai people just helping out and when offering them money they refused it vigorously.

Anyway, I'm really sorry if you have only negative experiences with Thailand but keep sticking to my opinion that Thailand is not worse than any other country. No other place I would more favor to live in.

There are Thais that cheat and there are Thais that don't. Being aware of this is surely our best weapon to act cautiously. Please do not classify all Thais to be a cheaters even if you have come across some that have taken advantage of you.

Best regards,


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hi there Richard, thanks for your comments but i really think you have taken me and my comments out of context, i cannot rememeber saying that thailand is the only place you get rip off, i said that you are not on a level playing field and i maintain that. also i don't remember saying that i have been rip off all the time, in fact i said i have seen plenty of farangs getting rip off. and i also maintain that, and it all was because i was commenting on the guy(german) that has now been blacklisted,.

and i made comment about cops and helmet booking, just one day Richard go to tourist area like pattaya and watch the cops when they are on patrol looking for helmet booking, and tell me that they book as many thai as they do farangs, thank you from chris.

ps my last comments "ï would like to see that""

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Anyone know if ALL deportees are blacklisted and denied re-entry back into Thailand?

It seems a pointless exercise to deport someone back to their own country only to have them return to Thailand again immediately or in the near future. :o

The answer is ALL.

I believe you can appeal to the MFA but would not hold out much hope of success.

If you arrive without a visa you will be send straight back.

All immigration checkpoints have access to the Black List.

The Minister of the Interior is the only one to whom one can appeal.

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>>>>>> He hit a woman. no matter her job her education.. does not matter. the facts are the facts. you can not hit a woman for any reason <<<<<<

nokmdk & Nam Kao,

its called compassion, amigo. What's done is done. He needs help now and has asked us to assist him. Why not focus on the "assistance" aspect and leave the "judgement" part to God. As others here have mentioned, Thai men whack their (and other) women with reckless abandon. We all know that its not right, but you can give him a lecture when he's back here (in LOS), can't you?

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>>>>>> He hit a woman. no matter her job her education.. does not matter. the facts are the facts. you can not hit a woman for any reason <<<<<<

nokmdk & Nam Kao,

its called  compassion, amigo.  What's done is done.  He needs help now and has asked us to assist him.  Why not focus on the "assistance" aspect and leave the "judgement" part to God. As others here have mentioned, Thai men whack their (and other) women with reckless abandon.  We all know that its not right, but you can give him a lecture when he's back here (in LOS), can't you?

Thats why its called viewpoint :o i agree to not agree on this subject and leave it at that. As for giving him a lecture when he is back? no thanks. i leave this subject and wish you all the best in 2005.

ps. the dr_Pat_Pong has already given him the ONLY answer there is.

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Well to be honest not sure why the lad went to court. (might as well convict himself - going that route) He should have just paid the lady compensation dosh and went on his merry way. (convictions are perm reasons for black listings)

I'd have to agree lawyer with a hotmail account is dubious in nature.

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>>>>>> He hit a woman. no matter her job her education.. does not matter. the facts are the facts. you can not hit a woman for any reason <<<<<<

nokmdk & Nam Kao,

its called  compassion, amigo.  What's done is done.  He needs help now and has asked us to assist him.  Why not focus on the "assistance" aspect and leave the "judgement" part to God. As others here have mentioned, Thai men whack their (and other) women with reckless abandon.  We all know that its not right, but you can give him a lecture when he's back here (in LOS), can't you?

Thats why its called viewpoint :o i agree to not agree on this subject and leave it at that. As for giving him a lecture when he is back? no thanks. i leave this subject and wish you all the best in 2005.

ps. the dr_Pat_Pong has already given him the ONLY answer there is.

Thanks mate. They'll get there in the end. ( and after boxes of money have changed hands )

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Anyone know if ALL deportees are blacklisted and denied re-entry back into Thailand?

It seems a pointless exercise to deport someone back to their own country only to have them return to Thailand again immediately or in the near future. :o

The answer is ALL.

I believe you can appeal to the MFA but would not hold out much hope of success.

If you arrive without a visa you will be send straight back.

All immigration checkpoints have access to the Black List.

This is incorrect. If you end up in IDC because you have overstayed your visa, before deporting you, a check with the police is done to see if you have a criminal record. If you have a criminal record, you will be put on the black-list and you will not be allowed to enter Thailand. If you do not have a criminal record, you will be deported back to your home country, but you can jump on the next plane back to Thailand with no problems. In this case, I would say that he now has a criminal record for assault, so he will be on the black-list for this reason.

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  • 4 years later...

I had the misfortune of getting myself into a bit of trouble in Thailand 25 years ago with a small drug possession. Mind you, back was the end of a dark era for me and many my age and it was a very small amount I was taking a bit of the rap for.

There are no "small" amounts of hard drugs in foreign countries, just a lack of brains on anyone's part to be anywhere close to drug use ...especially on foreign soil. Not to mention lack of respect.

However the experience probably saved my life and I was not treated as badly as Thai prisons are probably thought of. The prison was a complete s---hole for sure (especially for a first time jail experience) but I was treated better than by my U.S. counterparts whom I was a complete embarrassment to.

The result was that I had to wait 6 months to go to court and plead guilty and get a 2 year suspended sentence, fined $900 and deported...to never return.

Despite that experience, I love Thailand and I told the policeman that was taking me to the airport that I just wished I wasn't blacklisted completely forever for one spell of stupidity and being in the wrong place, wrong time.

He winked at me and said "oh yes, but I think you know how to come back..."

To which I thought....

I don't.

I don't know what he could have been hinting to.

Get a new passport? Cross by train at a small border?

Wait 25 years and hope things weren't computerized?

I don't know what he was talking about but it didn't sound completely above board with the "nudge nudge wink wink".

The only thing I am familiar with is getting your case heard for a pardon on your blacklist and not only does it take time, you need to either be an extreme shining example of reform or know some channels.

If anyone knows I would like to go back. I am a somewhat shining health/new age/yoga nut...watching the amount of sugar content in my cereal these days. Its disgusting.


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Wow! Many of the replies to this post are a complete surprise. My first impression was that the OP would be torn to shreds by the usually harsh and unsympathetic core of regulars that seem to hang around here all day everyday. I also figured that nobody would be abe to offer any help to the OP, but useful suggestions have actually been mentioned. Did I log on to another TV forum that looks just like the usual one?

I think the bottom line regarding advice is that if you can get the right amount of money into the properly influential hands by using a sharp lawyer, you stand a chance of removing your name from the blacklist. But isn't that the way that most problems get fixed in developing countries?

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Wow! Many of the replies to this post are a complete surprise. My first impression was that the OP would be torn to shreds by the usually harsh and unsympathetic core of regulars that seem to hang around here all day everyday. I also figured that nobody would be abe to offer any help to the OP, but useful suggestions have actually been mentioned. Did I log on to another TV forum that looks just like the usual one?

It is a far, far different Forum from when the OP was written on

2004-12-27 15:57:19
Edited by sriracha john
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The thread is over 4 years old. The only post that really needs answering is Todays Post by bavamark in which he is asking how he can return after being deported. Post no.48

4 years old, huh? That brings up a point about the pages where the list of threads are displayed. This type of thing happens on a fairly regular basis. Is there no way to include the date of the original post along with the topic title? I wouldn't have bothered reading and replying to a post that old as it would likely be irelevant.

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You will have to look at the post itself. Next to the name you will find the date and time.

It is not useful to include the date of the OP, as many times people add a question to a thread, making it still an up to date topic with relevant questions. But do look at the date of the post you are replying to.

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You will have to look at the post itself. Next to the name you will find the date and time.

It is not useful to include the date of the OP, as many times people add a question to a thread, making it still an up to date topic with relevant questions. But do look at the date of the post you are replying to.

I see your point, and I also see what you're talking about with regard to the date being displayed next to the name. Must be sure to read the date of post #1 in the future before replying.

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Are you sure all borders have access to blacklist and/or that they check evryone coming accross? I had my problem in Thailand and got deported/blacklisted (drug and idiot related ...me the idiot).

The policemen who excorted me to the airport winked and said that they were sure I knew how to come back when I wanted when I asked if the blacklist was forever.

Unfortunately...I don't know how to...and here it is 25 years later and I want to go back with my girlfriend on vacation. Looks like only one of us can go unless they didn't computerize things 25 years ago. I can't imagine what would happen if you showed at the airport trying to get in. Hopefullu would just get turned away and not another charge of some sort for the attempt. Maybe you can get in from another route however, you'd always be in danger of any checking anywhere which happens. Then I'm sure you'd go in for some time.


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FOUR years old?! oops....appologies....and to make matters worse I just reposted not seeing my first post. Guess I wouldn't have been of any help even if I could.

My question stands however...what would happen if a person with a new and different passport tried to come in after 25 years, older, wiser, healthier. I wonder how good the records were back then.

I don't think I would risk it but I should try to have it appealed. There is enough online about me to show how involved I am in my communities...no that they care. I think its hard to repeal.


The thread is over 4 years old. The only post that really needs answering is Todays Post by bavamark in which he is asking how he can return after being deported. Post no.48

4 years old, huh? That brings up a point about the pages where the list of threads are displayed. This type of thing happens on a fairly regular basis. Is there no way to include the date of the original post along with the topic title? I wouldn't have bothered reading and replying to a post that old as it would likely be irelevant.

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^^ Bav you could try coming in at a land border. If there is trouble you simply walk away and continue your holiday in Malaysia/Laos/Cambodia etc.

I have my doubts whether records from 25 years ago would still be in use today in this country.

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