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Thai Women & Thai Motor-bike Drivers

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Not surprised - many women did bikers riding bikes which sound like a bad day in Beirut. Have you seen that Coke ad with builders taking a break and all the refined office girls oggling sweatty half-naked men.

Many like real men - men who say what they mean. Men who go their own way. Animal magnetism, and that biker might be a lot more fun than a boring guy driving a Mercedes 'cos he has a rich daddy.

There is quite a difference between what women say and what they feel.

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I'm getting Tasers mounted on my bike, because ever since I got the Harley, I'm getting swarmed by women. Even my pleas of "Phom khee nio" and "Phom cheu Cheap Charlie" aren't enough to keep them from wanting my big


between their legs ! (Perverts ! I know what you are/were thinking !) :D

I need something to keep all those women at bay, especially when driving through the city.

Office girls, fashion models, government officials. Girls from all classes and professions get


at the idea of straddling my big, throbbing



I haven't had this much attention since the last time I went down Walking Street dressed in a 3 piece suit and tie, with a big, bulging

wad of cash

in my pants ! :o

Is it my long, hard


that attract them ? Or my throbbing


? Or the sound I make when I

rev it up


What ever it is, it definitely attracts more women than socks 'n' sandals, shorts and sleeveless t-shirts ! :D

There are many motorbike taxi drivers in Thailand, and like anyone else, most want a relationship in life. So by pure mathematics, many Thai women are going to be in relationships with many motorbike taxi drivers, just like there are going to be many relationships with Thai women and policemen, factory workers, farmers, soldiers, mechanics, etc. With 65 million people, there are going to be a lot of relationships of all permutations.

Whilst on the subject of relationships , whilst surfing the web I came across an article on primates and relationships , Bonobo are one of only two primates that copulate face to face , that surprised me !!! :o:D

The bonobo is the closest animal to man DNA-wise, so we have alot in common with them. And their sexuality is quite a bit like humans (the males even have to pay for it sometimes with food, and not enough food or not good enough food will get them the cold shoulder.) But unlike humans, they use sex to relieve stress and frustration rather than violence, and unlike humans, they do not get jealous of each other.

And now back to your previously scheduled topic...

Not surprised - many women did bikers riding bikes which sound like a bad day in Beirut. Have you seen that Coke ad with builders taking a break and all the refined office girls oggling sweatty half-naked men.

Many like real men - men who say what they mean. Men who go their own way. Animal magnetism, and that biker might be a lot more fun than a boring guy driving a Mercedes 'cos he has a rich daddy.

There is quite a difference between what women say and what they feel.

This is a little closer to what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking in terms of relationships although there are some women who want to support their drinking, lazy motor-bike driving BF. It also transcends a woman's social-class. Motor-bike drivers aren't exactly "sweatty half-naked men," but that's sort of what they represent. I think the girls look at them as "cool." Free and independent. I truly believe the ladies go for them. I can't think of a western comparison, except for the one you mentioned. The sweaty, half-naked thing, but the eastern equivalent is far from that.

"There is quite a difference between what women say and what they feel." Quite

Golf nut or golfing nut? Golfing nut sounds British. More polite.

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