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Non-o And Work Permit

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I need some help everyone.

I have a Non-O visa, I am married to a Thai (been here 5 years). Last year I was working on that visa no problem.

Then my job ended and I decided to study for a while while looking for a new job... I was told it was no problem to be working or study on Non-O. Since I have both worked and studied on this visa that was correct.

Now the lawyer for the new company I am working for says I cannot work on my Non-O, because a got an extension of stay based on study, so I need to go out and get another Non-O if I want a work permit.

Can someone help me with this situation. I do not belive I need to go out of the country to get the same visa I have right now in order to get a work permit.

Please advise.

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He may be right. If you are on an extension based on education they can be picky about that but I would confirm at the labour department myself.

Are you able to get the extension based upon marriage that would be better than getting one based upon working. If you can show income of 40,000 baht or 400,000 baht in the bank for 60 days that is all you need.

If you could do that you could get your work permit without a problem.

Another option might be to go to immigration and change your study extension to a 60 day extension to visit your wife. Just be sure they put on the extension that it is for marriage when they do the extension. This would get you a work permit.

See 2.24 of police order for info on this extension and 2.18 for the one year extension.

Link to police order: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/post-a70477-...ember-2008.html

Once you get the work permit and can show income of at least 40,000 with tax receipts you could get the extension for marrigage instead of a work extension.

That way if you loose your job you don't loose your extension.

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Thank you for the link and information, I will go to Immigration tomorrow or Friday with a copy of the order and see if I can get that done. I did not think I would have to go get an all new visa (which is the same as I already have).

I will let you know how it turns out.. cheers

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Yes... based on the visa you have.

No it can be based upon various reasons. IE: retirement. work, marriage, to support a child, education, awaiting a PR application, etc and etc.

A Visa only allows you to enter the country. Once you are in the country you are on a permit to stay.

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GeorgeK, a number of ThaiVisa members have been confused because of the erroneous use of the term “visa extension” – even on the website of the Immigration Bureau – so if you know the correct term, ie extension of stay, it will be appreciated if you use it.

Thank you!



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Had to go through this myself. I was on a non-O with multiple extensions for Education.

Was offered a job and in order to get a work permit I needed to change the reason for my extension from to study to stay with my Thai Wife.

I went to immigration and waited in line for Non-O family. After my turn came up I was told that I would have to go to window 1 (education) to have them cancel my extension for education and then come back to the family extension department.

I went to window 1 and they told me I would need a letter from my university stating my status before they would release me. I was still a student, but I think they wanted to verify that my status was current, otherwise they may just have canceled my visa (not certain about this).

I went back to the Univeristy and requested the letter (takes 3 business days).

Then went back to counter one and they released me from window one's responsiblility. I then went back to the family extension section and waited my turn. Once it was my turn gave all of the documents required for extension based upon having a Thai wife (including income letter from my embassy).

There was a slight bump in the road because my wife is from Nakorn Ratchisma Province and they originally told us that we would need to apply for extension in Korat. I explained that my wife works in BKK and I go to school in BKK and that we have lived here for our entire relationship. She advised us to write a letter requesting to be allowed to extend in BKK and submit to the supervisor. I did so and we were allowed to extend here.

Waited in Line again and when it was our turn we went up and gave all of the information and docs needed and everything went smoothly.

Can back a month later and had a new extension based upon staying with my Thai wife and then took passport to employer and they were able to get a work permit.

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