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What Particular Things Do You Find To Be Cheap In Thailand


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Every now and then I hear people complain about thailand not being cheap. Guess it depends though on weither your the tourist or someone living here. Here's my examples but then again I live here though. I'm from the US so I've noticed at least

1. My water bill is less than 100 baht a month, in the US I was paying about $75 USD a month for water

2. Electric rates, here I pay 1500 baht, back in the US I was paying $200 a month

3. Health care here is always more affordable always pay less than 1000 baht for treatment, medicine, see doctor. The US was ok but for my coverage I was paying $160 a month for health insurance, then $20 to see the doctor $20 for medicine so really I came out $200 dollars.

4. Have low cost airlines like airasia, ok so we have southwest airlines but here seems somewhat cheaper anyway at least in my opinion

5. How I love my mobile phone, No Contracts and unlocked phones I can buy. In the US have to get a 1 or 2 year contract and your phone can't be unlocked yes you get it cheaper but your stuck with the carrier or pay a $150 penalty fee. Here if I dont like DTAC I just jump over to AIS or someone else. I rather like being able to buy any phone and have it already unlocked.

6. Food I get healthier food here than back in the US. I pay 50 baht get beef noodle soup with rice and thai ice tea, The US only thing you can get for 50 baht is food from jack in the box or mcdonalds.

7. Ok so this isn't cheap going to the movies here I pay for my big seat recliner I want to enjoy my movie comfortable. popcorn and coke here less than 100 baht in the US about $9 USD also a small seat

would like your opinions and things you find to be cheap

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Every now and then I hear people complain about thailand ..... <<< a LOT

Another Post was about a English breakfast now costing a couple of hundred Bhat. Okay, 1 pound over strawberries back here in farangland was $7 the other day. She loves my panckakes, but ONLY with strawberries. Passed up on the $9 mangoes. $9 for ONE mango!

What is the going rate over there, with sticky rice? 30 cents?

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Life. :o

I got a brochure from a new studio apartment block today; 8700Baht a month. bus fares are 7/8 baht. twenty five years ago I was paying 3000Baht for a room in an old decrepit block and the bus fares were 1Baht. I guess the apartment is cheap; should be 21000Baht if it increased in line with bus fares.

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Every now and then I hear people complain about thailand ..... <<< a LOT

Another Post was about a English breakfast now costing a couple of hundred Bhat. Okay, 1 pound over strawberries back here in farangland was $7 the other day. She loves my panckakes, but ONLY with strawberries. Passed up on the $9 mangoes. $9 for ONE mango!

What is the going rate over there, with sticky rice? 30 cents?

I was asked to give examples from Cambodia in another thead , cannot find posting , as things come up .English full breakfast at 'La Croisette ' B159 , on Suhkumvit soi 22 B240 , comparable quality .

Large pot of tea , 2 bags , B28 . a cup of Thai tea B 25 .

Haircut B35 , Thai I used to pay B100 , noted on TV B60 .

Cazone pizza B104 , slightly larger Thai B180 .

Vegetable soup with pork large bowl B38 ?

Carton of LM (210 cigs) B132 , Thai B 60 per pack .

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Cambodian LM's ....Yuurgh!

Vietnamese Marlboro's @ 32bt are pretty good though!

What pray are you talking about ? There is no such animal as a Kymer LM , These are produced in Switzerland same as the ones I purchased in Thailand , on a previous post Marlboro were B65 now you say B32 . I enjoy doing comparisons , not that they mean that much or have any true relevence to the country in which you reside , but as I wrote , a poster on a different thread asked for some information , who or what are you attempting to defend with your BS ? What , for instance has Vietnam to do with this anyway ? Never mind , I will just ignore your future posts , that is the perogative of any TV member , it is a very good free forum . Thanks for getting my knickers in a knot any way , rant has receded . :o

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labour in general is cheaper for house repairs/car repairs etc.

houses are cheaper

many groceries


ciggies(i dont smoke though)

many beers with happy hours everywhere.

private schools


i find pattaya cheaper than the uk for most things,and the most important advantage is good health with this climate.

Other parts of thailand are way cheaper than pattaya,so i can move if ever i have problems.

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labour in general is cheaper for house repairs/car repairs etc.

houses are cheaper

many groceries


ciggies(i dont smoke though)

many beers with happy hours everywhere.

private schools


i find pattaya cheaper than the uk for most things,and the most important advantage is good health with this climate.

Other parts of thailand are way cheaper than pattaya,so i can move if ever i have problems.

Dont think its cheap for me, i paid average about 20,000 THB per month !

Forgot to add, its International school :o

Edited by thesunset75
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Every now and then I hear people complain about thailand not being cheap. Guess it depends though on weither your the tourist or someone living here. Here's my examples but then again I live here though. I'm from the US so I've noticed at least

1. My water bill is less than 100 baht a month, in the US I was paying about $75 USD a month for water

Yes, the water is certainly cheaper here. The draw back is that it often goes off during the day and at weekends, and the pressure is hit and miss. Plus in the UK I can drink the water straight from the tap.

2. Electric rates, here I pay 1500 baht, back in the US I was paying $200 a month

My electric bill here is probably a bit cheaper than the Uk, but not by much.

3. Health care here is always more affordable always pay less than 1000 baht for treatment, medicine, see doctor. The US was ok but for my coverage I was paying $160 a month for health insurance, then $20 to see the doctor $20 for medicine so really I came out $200 dollars.

Health care is free in the UK, and although slow I have more confidence in it than I do the doctors here.

4. Have low cost airlines like airasia, ok so we have southwest airlines but here seems somewhat cheaper anyway at least in my opinion

Plenty of low cost airlines all over europe as far as I know.

5. How I love my mobile phone, No Contracts and unlocked phones I can buy. In the US have to get a 1 or 2 year contract and your phone can't be unlocked yes you get it cheaper but your stuck with the carrier or pay a $150 penalty fee. Here if I dont like DTAC I just jump over to AIS or someone else. I rather like being able to buy any phone and have it already unlocked.

I don't use mobile phones much, but as far as I know in the UK you can get the latest i-phone as part of a reasonable package.

6. Food I get healthier food here than back in the US. I pay 50 baht get beef noodle soup with rice and thai ice tea, The US only thing you can get for 50 baht is food from jack in the box or mcdonalds.

Food is cheap here until you decide you want something that isn't Thai. Plus with the cheap comes the health risks. As for being more healthy, well thats debatable. In the west there are standards and regulations to adhere to. You know what happens to regulations here. They just get ignored. Who can say what chemicals go into the fruit veg and meat here. I agree that it looks good and tastes good, but if theres a wrong or dangerous way to do something the Thais will find it.

7. Ok so this isn't cheap going to the movies here I pay for my big seat recliner I want to enjoy my movie comfortable. popcorn and coke here less than 100 baht in the US about $9 USD also a small seat

It may be cheap going to the movies here, but in the west you have a much better chance of leaving the cinema alive should there be a fire.

would like your opinions and things you find to be cheap

DVDs are for sure cheaper right. Except in the west everyone has high speed internet and downloads for free. dam_n! :D

Beer is cheaper. Unless you go to a tourist place or a slightly upmarket joint then its about the same. Plus the selection is terrible here.

However, petrol is certainly cheaper, but cars arn't.

I'm just being realistic.

I'll get my coat. :o

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NOT particularly cheap is the repair cost for one of our bigscreen TVs. changing the motherboard Numchai in Pattaya demands 29,750 Baht :o

Wait 6 months Naam then "Boldy go" down to the shops and buy an even bigger one for less than the repair bill. :D

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