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Ocean 1 - Has It Been Scrapped?

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Does anybody know the current position regarding Ocean 1, the 90 plus storey condo building which is supposed to be built in the backstreets of Jomtien. There is little sign of any consytruction activity and so far a cement factory occupies the site. Are deposits still being taken. Has the project been abandoned?

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I am looking forward to seeing this 91 story project start

You're confused.

It's not 91 story. But 190.

Ocean 1 wants to beat the Burj tower in Dubai.


Let's have a thought for all the suckers who believed in the "highest tower in Thailand, for a new landmark for Pattaya".

Rimmer is right,it's 91 story.

The photos and Ads show 91 stories , reality it is not even 1 storey , and that it where it wil stay

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I am looking forward to seeing this 91 story project start

And that was why anyone with half an ounce of common sense would never have bought there. Just start with how on earth you could accommodate all the cars ? Not possible.

I always said it was a raise cash and earn the interest (if they pay it back) as contracts stipulate no interest for purchasers I seem to remember but the contract also said something about cash back (this year - 2009 ?) if the project had not started. However, clearing the land could be construed as "starting" so they are probably buggered.

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Some people already got their deposits and payments back, but others didn’t.

The really weird thing is that they just started a new massive Ocean-1 sales campaign on the large video screens on Beach Road and Walkingstreet with entirely new promotion videos. That doesn’t make sense at all.

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"Some people already got their deposits and payments back, but others didn’t. The really weird thing is that they just started a new massive Ocean-1 sales campaign on the large video screens on Beach Road and Walkingstreet with entirely new promotion videos. That doesn’t make sense at all.""

What doesn't make sense at all: not everyone getting money back, or there are new promotion videos? For all of the speculation, I have not read a single post that was even close to: "I went into the sales office and spoke to a sales agent", or "I emailed the sales office", or "I called the CEO of the development company". You may not get the truth, but it would show at least a modicum of initiative.

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Does anybody know the current position regarding Ocean 1, the 90 plus storey condo building which is supposed to be built in the backstreets of Jomtien. There is little sign of any consytruction activity and so far a cement factory occupies the site. Are deposits still being taken. Has the project been abandoned?

It should be finished by next year according to this article three and a half years ago! :D

Then again...maybe not! :o

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  • 2 months later...

Seems buildings of 90 storeys or over in Thailand are jinxed. I remember there was to be a first, an office building at Rachadapisek near to the Korean embassy. Construction for its foundation started in 1989. Seen it yet?

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  • 3 months later...

Ocean 1 is Dead! Everyone from the soi 5 area knows it but SBE are still selling it like it's all going great. They have the sales office, the promo campaign. At the same time their fending off law suits like the guy said. They rely on the fact that the purchasers don't know each other and most are abroad and so they can't fight as a formidable group. I too am suing with a group from VTR4 because SBE owe millions to the bank for the chanotes AFTER taking the full amount of the condos from the buyers.

Ocean 1 plot is no more that a rented cement works. The lorries are in and out all day filling in foundations all over pattaya. Don't get drawn in by the media crap. SBE have subbed out sales of Ocean1 and VTR condos to lots of real estate agents and they just want to sell, sell, sell.

Don't believe me, check out:




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The Ocean One website hasn't been updated in ages - not a good sign. Worse, I've emailed them a couple times, and haven't received a response. Perhaps they're continuing the foundation work to allow someone to build something there...in the future.

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The Ocean One website hasn't been updated in ages - not a good sign. Worse, I've emailed them a couple times, and haven't received a response. Perhaps they're continuing the foundation work to allow someone to build something there...in the future.

Picture taken from the web cam at 1200 today.


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The Ocean One website hasn't been updated in ages - not a good sign. Worse, I've emailed them a couple times, and haven't received a response. Perhaps they're continuing the foundation work to allow someone to build something there...in the future.

Digging to build a swimming pool?

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Sorry to say but I think the Thais will put a man on the moon before Swampy 1 is built.

There is no way in this economy that this behemoth will go up. If I were an investor I'd be down at their office with baseball bats.

Good luck.

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Ocean 1 is Dead! Everyone from the soi 5 area knows it but SBE are still selling it like it's all going great. They have the sales office, the promo campaign. At the same time their fending off law suits like the guy said. They rely on the fact that the purchasers don't know each other and most are abroad and so they can't fight as a formidable group. I too am suing with a group from VTR4 because SBE owe millions to the bank for the chanotes AFTER taking the full amount of the condos from the buyers.

Ocean 1 plot is no more that a rented cement works. The lorries are in and out all day filling in foundations all over pattaya. Don't get drawn in by the media crap. SBE have subbed out sales of Ocean1 and VTR condos to lots of real estate agents and they just want to sell, sell, sell.

Just for clarity, does "VTR" = View Talay Residence, i.e. VTR4 = View Talay Residence 4 on Jomtien Soi 5, next to Immigrations?

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