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Thailand Elite Program Is Dying! Special Entry Visa Suspended!

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mainly the thai baht which is worthless and being prop up

by USD

Rather a very silly and idiotic statement indeed.....Thai baht is worth something...in Thailand, try and walk into any 7/11 in Thailand and try and buy something with USD....suspect you will not get very far....

Who says the baht is being propped up by the BOT selling USD ?....the last time I looked, the THB is pretty stable its other currencies which have gone down the toilet...

If we are talking about worthless currencies at moment go and have a look at the GDP...

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I recently became a member and received my 5 year visa without any hassel (about 3 weeks ago). So far they seem to deliver what thet have promissed.

Mr. H.

You have to be joking right ? :o if you have only recently

become a member maybe you are not aware of all the other features that

have gradually " evaporated " from this scam.............?

This has been like watching a tyre deflate slowly

It was his first post and certain allowances for not having his story straight are to expected.... :D

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I'd like to see one Thai Elite member here simply request a full refund from the agency, and see what happens.

And post the results, of course.

And...if you ARE a member, you should print out the webstie, page by page in the event you DO have to sue. As of today, they are still advertising "the benefits and priviledges last for a life time". http://www.thailandelite.com/aboutus.php

I don't see a problem with trashing failed Thaksin programs. I do see a problem with promising customers a lifetime benefit and then taking it away. There really ought to be a lawsuit for members to recover the cost of the cards as the visa program was a huge portion of the benefit sold, for many, the only thing they were spending the money for. At one time I considered it, and the only reason I wanted it was the visa feature. I didn't really expect it to be honored for life, but that is what they at least implied. Thaksin may now be a wanted fugitive but at one time he represented the government of Thailand and put the reputation of the government of Thailand behind this card, even though it was administered by a private company (how convenient).
Edited by OldenAtwoody
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As this is my second post you might find it more credible...

After contacting Thailand Elite customer service they gave me the below reply in writing:

"Please kindly be confirmed that our 5 years multiple entry visa policy still remain same."

I think you are all jumping the gun on this one... Why don't you wait for the outcome before you judge everyone?

I can also inform you all that refunds ARE possible and a part of the contract. YES, they have a clause saying that they can cancel or alter their policy if gouvernment policy changes etc. But in the case they can no longer fulfill their promisses they will also refund you according to how much you have used your membership.

After I had recently paid my member fee I found that some of the benefits was different that what I had understood by the sales staff and was offered a full refund I was didn't wish to continue my membership...

I will not say you are wrong. I will wait with my judgement until all is sorted.

One thing hits me though... why are you still here if you are so negative to Thailand and it's policies?

Mr. H

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I'd like to see one Thai Elite member here simply request a full refund from the agency, and see what happens.

And post the results, of course.

And...if you ARE a member, you should print out the webstie, page by page in the event you DO have to sue. As of today, they are still advertising "the benefits and priviledges last for a life time".

I don't see a problem with trashing failed Thaksin programs. I do see a problem with promising customers a lifetime benefit and then taking it away. There really ought to be a lawsuit for members to recover the cost of the cards as the visa program was a huge portion of the benefit sold, for many, the only thing they were spending the money for. At one time I considered it, and the only reason I wanted it was the visa feature. I didn't really expect it to be honored for life, but that is what they at least implied. Thaksin may now be a wanted fugitive but at one time he represented the government of Thailand and put the reputation of the government of Thailand behind this card, even though it was administered by a private company (how convenient).

No need to print any web sites... Even if you have money, do you think people throw away 1,5 million without a contract?

On which grounds should people ask for a refund if they have delivered everything as promissed? Again, jumping the gun a bit on this one aren't you?

Mr. H.

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As this is my second post you might find it more credible...

Frankly, no, it isn't. :D:o

After contacting Thailand Elite customer service they gave me the below reply in writing:

"Please kindly be confirmed that our 5 years multiple entry visa policy still remain same."

Please post a scanned copy of this "in writing" updated change from what the OP produced and posted OR a news link that says Abhisit and the government have approved extending this visa aspect of the Ponzi scam.

YES, they have a clause saying that they can cancel or alter their policy if gouvernment policy changes etc. But in the case they can no longer fulfill their promisses they will also refund you according to how much you have used your membership.

Any ideas on just how they go about calculating those figures? I'm sure they are very creative and could easily rival the charges some unscrupulous landlords use to keep entire rent deposits.

After I had recently paid my member fee I found that some of the benefits was different that what I had understood by the sales staff

Please share with the rest of us just precisely what they lied about to you during their sales pitch to you for the Ponzi scheme. Doesn't say much for their credibility.

Edited by sriracha john
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I recently became a member and received my 5 year visa without any hassel (about 3 weeks ago). So far they seem to deliver what thet have promissed.

Seems that the recent issue is just an official confirmation needed every time there is a change of gouvernment. So unless they surprise us all and decline the current policy, no need to panic just yet.

There are absolutely no reasonable explenation why they should decline the current program. The latest information that they are now voiding all visa fees for the next few months is a step in the softening of visa policy to attract more tourists. So why should they distroy their reputation by cancelling the SE visa offered by Thai Elite. Wouldn't make sense. Thai Elite is not Mr. Taksins company! He only supported it after it started...

The implementation of the 15 day rule crossing over land is to reduce the amount of "free loaders" in this country. Who do you think leave the most behind, the guys in Pattaya driving up to Cambodia every month or the members of Thai Elite? It's all about money unless you where ever in any doubt...

Mr. H.

This is slightly off-topic, but I am curious, not being an "Elite" and not having studied up on the program:

What class visa does the program provide? Non-O? Or is it a variation on the extension of stay? Do you have to do 90-day reports? Does it include a re-entry permit (either single or multiple)?

Perhaps you could scan the relevant pages of your passport and post it here?

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As has been posted in the past, even paying the "membership" fees was kinda suspicious...as the official application materials one received from the Thai Privilege Card Co. directed that the monies be transferred to the company's bank account in SINGAPORE. I guess doing this made the "skim" easier :o

These materials did state that if there were material changes in the program's services or the whole scheme discontinued, "prorated" refunds of membership fees paid would be made. Good Luck on that one!

Agree with those who have said that this was a big Square Faced Guy project and now that it looks like he's gone for good, the current regime would shed no tears at its demise.

I seriously looked at this programme, and at the time thought that really the only big benefit was the visa, then I did the following calculations:

Q. How many non immigrant 'B' yearly extensions, with work permit extensions can I get for a million baht?

A. At total cost to run a company and get the WP and visa extension of around 30,000 baht per year, I figure I am good for the next 30 years :D.

Q. With ten years to roll on to a retirement at 30,000 baht as per above, then a new retirement visa with (current) 1,900 baht per year for the extension, I worked out 300,000 for my next 10 B extensions, then I can figure another 20 years at 1,900, say 38,000.

A. 1,000,000 less 338,000 = 642, 000 in my pocket, not the Thai Goverment pocket.

Q. If I reserve 600,000 for birds and booze how much left to squander?

A. 42,000 :D :D

A. Obvious - forget the 5 year and for NON-B!!!!

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Any more Elite card members wish to post here? There can't be that many left.

You meant to say, how many people with a vested interest in the card wish to log in with multiple screen names and argue that this is the best deal ever. Perhaps they are trying to sell theirs and fear that bad publicity might bring the price down ?

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Thailand Elite cardholders reassured



Published on January 17, 2009

The Tourism Authority of Thailand and Thailand Privilege Card insisted yesterday that privileges for Thailand Elite cardholders remained unchanged, despite a recent mailing to members that benefits would be done away with completely.

About 2,500 members across the world recently received a letter, informing them of the cancellation of the privileges. This led to suspicion that the card-issuer - Thailand Privilege Card (TPC) - would soon close its business.

Jutaporn Reungronasa, deputy governor for marketing communications at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), said the authority, which owns the card company, had never heard about the suspension of TPC members' privileges and had no intention of halting operations.

"As the owner of TPC, any important decision must be approved by the board of the TAT. This latest issue is probably something [stirred up] from outside," said Jutaporn.

A representative of TPC said the company was running as usual without any sign of suspending the privileges.

The same person said the mailing was possibly planned by people related to politics.

"The company was set up five years ago by ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. However, it was criticised for a lack of transparency in its internal management as well for poor performance. It faced the prospect of closure several times two or three years ago," the representative said.

According members of TPC, they received a letter a few days ago stating that all privileges had been suspended. The letter also informed them that because their "elite" status was being removed, they would be required to adjust to the new circumstances as normal individuals.

Moreover, those members who had benefited from special five-year visas were urged to make fresh visa applications as general visitors.

All TPC members were also told theysaid members would not be eligible for a refund of their membership fee.

Last year, TPC started offering a lower membership fee to boost sales. There is now a special price of Bt2 million for foreigners, down from the original Bt3 million.


One membership is valid for two persons, with a limit on spa and limousine use of 24 times per year. TPC hopes to increase its membership this year from 2,500 to 2,900.

Last November, TPC laid off 23 staff to reduce operating costs.

The company is managed by Suraphong Triumchanchail, who is chairman and acting president. It is inviting candidates for the presidency.

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Will the real Thai Elite Card please stand up? It seems the government itself doesn't know if the card will continue. To claim bogus mailings are going out with Official company headers and calls to the company not making the situation any more clear is a classic case of the left hand not knowing what the left is doing. I hardly call this being part of the Elite. I too thought of getting this card but am glad I didn't and am now certain that I won't. How can anyone can sanely invest money in this country in any form? The poster who said Thai's would prefer if we just mailed our wallet and stayed home are for the most part correct! However I do enjoy the place so I'll continue to make visits to annoy them and eat some Som Tam whilst being a Cheap Charlie much to their dismay.

Edited by wasabi
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A. At total cost to run a company and get the WP and visa extension of around 30,000 baht per year...

Please explain to me how you can create a company, manage the company,

pay for WP, for visa and visa-runs, all that for only 30.000 baht a year :o

I think you forget a figure somewhere...

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Personally, I think the TE card fits perfectly with the insanity that is Thailand politics. No one knows, very few care, and as long as someone keeps the cash coming everyone will ignore the problem until it collapses in a major disaster. No one will be responsible when it happens, there will always be an external reason such as airports, coupe, whatever.

There is good money to be made in Thailand and plenty of reasons to be here but it again proves the theory of never putting more money here than you can walk away from. As with almost everything in Thailand, there will be people who can smoke 1M baht for breakfast without noticing who got some value for this chump change and can walk away without any regrets. Then there will always be those who followed bad advice and put more into the latest scheme then they could afford to lose. A fool and his money is soon parted.

I think this program clearly had benefits for some people and clearly was a completely foolish investment for some people not familiar with life in a country where law is more arbitrary and changing than the weather. Dont denigrate the idea because of a few morons who neither do due diligence or failed in elementary math.

I am reminded of my youth in which I was so impressed with the Jaguare XKE I just had to own one. Spending way to much, I purchased a model I could ill afford and spent the next months towing it back home on about every jaunt. They are a beautiful car, but really you need a vast amount of cash and follow tow truck to enjoy one. There are people who can do that, I was not one of them. Thailand Elite falls into the same category. I am glad I learned my lesson early, it helps keep me off Pattaya balconies.

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Personally, I think the TE card fits perfectly with the insanity that is Thailand politics. No one knows, very few care, and as long as someone keeps the cash coming everyone will ignore the problem until it collapses in a major disaster. No one will be responsible when it happens, there will always be an external reason such as airports, coupe, whatever.

Likewise, I was interested but, as I don't play golf, have no need for 'business meetings' or Spa visits, I just did some math. As Ramidin posted, the amount of money spent on having the wife pick me up at the airport and the cost of visa's over the next 20 years just didn't match.

To be honest, I never understood who or what their intended market was. :o

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As this is my second post you might find it more credible...

After contacting Thailand Elite customer service they gave me the below reply in writing:

"Please kindly be confirmed that our 5 years multiple entry visa policy still remain same."

I think you are all jumping the gun on this one... Why don't you wait for the outcome before you judge everyone?

I can also inform you all that refunds ARE possible and a part of the contract. YES, they have a clause saying that they can cancel or alter their policy if gouvernment policy changes etc. But in the case they can no longer fulfill their promisses they will also refund you according to how much you have used your membership.

After I had recently paid my member fee I found that some of the benefits was different that what I had understood by the sales staff and was offered a full refund I was didn't wish to continue my membership...

I will not say you are wrong. I will wait with my judgement until all is sorted.

One thing hits me though... why are you still here if you are so negative to Thailand and it's policies?

Mr. H

Show me the money ! :o

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Wow what a scam to milk the rich!

Those who lost money won't mind as they probably have too much money anyhow, but having to do a visa run :o

Next step to make a 5 year visa for those who have families in Thailand. :D

It was not only the rich who bought this card. Some under 50s nowhere near rich who don't know a golf driver from a baht bus driver bought the card solely for the visa feature.

Edited by Jingthing
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mmm sorry if that is the case For me Bt 200 000 per year or Bt 16600 per month for a visa could never be an option.

I don't get your math at all. This was sold as a LIFETIME card with the option of 5 year RENEWABLE FOR LIFE visas. If you buy at 30 and live till 80, recalculate the monthly costs, OK?

Edited by Jingthing
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mmm sorry if that is the case For me Bt 200 000 per year or Bt 16600 per month for a visa could never be an option.

I don't get your math at all. This was sold as a LIFETIME card with the option of 5 year RENEWABLE FOR LIFE visas. If you buy at 30 and live till 80, recalculate the monthly costs, OK?

So if you buy at 30 live to 80 thats 50 years for 1 000 000 means 20,000 per year and 1666 per month!

Where do I sign up :o Immigration? Consulate?

Edited by monkfish
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I think it is inevitable that the Elite card will die a death eventually. It is politically repugnant to many Thai politicians and bureacrats because it came from Thaksin and bypasses normal immigration rules. It was supposed to be a money spinner but the demand has been less than 10% of what Thaksin projected. I am not sure what is happening now but logically the immigration privileges will be phased out. Most of those who could afford a card and live in thailand most of the year have work permits and don't need the elite card. Those who dont live in Thailand mainly don't need it either as they work somewhere else and can get transit or tourist visas. A small percentage needed it because they have money to live here full time and don't work and are too young for a retirement visa. I knew a few people who bought these things despite the fact they could have easily qualified for PR which costs about 200,000 baht and can't be cancelled except for criminal convictions. I suppose it was a short cut and appealed to sense of vanity. It was obvious at the beginning that it was poorly thought out and that many of the privileges would be defaulted on. Land ownership, which was touted by thaksin as one of the biggest selling points, was cancelled almost before it began. I don't really have much sympathy to those who took leave of their common sense and let their vanity get the better of them and bought this thing.

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The company was set up five years ago by ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

There it is in black and white for those who have denied this.

History is written in red also. This was square-head's whole doing from the git go.

TAT says Elite Card well received

Target of selling 1 Millon cards likely to be met

The project is making a good start and attracting interest from well-to-do foreigners, according to Juthamas Siriwan, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

Brochures outlining privileges and other related services, including offers at 20 top golf courses, 60 luxury hotels, are ready for distribution.

However, the official opening of the programme will be chaired by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as the project is the brainchild of the premier.

Mrs Juthamas said she was confident that One Million cards would be sold within five years as target, generating One Trillion baht for Thailand.

With the One Trillion Baht in revenue from cards and One Million Cardholders visiting Thailand, spending and shopping, she estimated that spin-off revenue generated from the activities could reach 20 Trillion Baht.

- Bangkok Post / Sep. 16, 2003

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I think it is inevitable that the Elite card will die a death eventually. It is politically repugnant to many Thai politicians and bureacrats because it came from Thaksin and bypasses normal immigration rules. It was supposed to be a money spinner but the demand has been less than 10% of what Thaksin projected. I am not sure what is happening now but logically the immigration privileges will be phased out. Most of those who could afford a card and live in thailand most of the year have work permits and don't need the elite card. Those who dont live in Thailand mainly don't need it either as they work somewhere else and can get transit or tourist visas. A small percentage needed it because they have money to live here full time and don't work and are too young for a retirement visa. I knew a few people who bought these things despite the fact they could have easily qualified for PR which costs about 200,000 baht and can't be cancelled except for criminal convictions. I suppose it was a short cut and appealed to sense of vanity. It was obvious at the beginning that it was poorly thought out and that many of the privileges would be defaulted on. Land ownership, which was touted by thaksin as one of the biggest selling points, was cancelled almost before it began. I don't really have much sympathy to those who took leave of their common sense and let their vanity get the better of them and bought this thing.

Just to be even more realistic...

2,500/1,000,000 equals significantly less than 10%

2,500 card members does not equate to 20,000,000,000,000.00 Baht by a significant degree, either.

20 Trillion Baht.... good grief, give me some of that same smoke, Juthamas.

Edited by sriracha john
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