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Thailand Elite Program Is Dying! Special Entry Visa Suspended!

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the great marketeer for thailand elite needs no introduction, congratulations naturelover

you win the award for marketing the elite card to extroadinary lengths

not only have you started this helpful thread, you also have a letter in yesterdays bangkok post and to just to cement your position for thailand elite you also have the exact same letter in todays letters section of the nation newspaper

a quite fanatstic feat by one person

well done

who says any publicity is good publicity when thailand elite has you to send potential member investors running to the hills

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I am a Thailand elite member and I was informed today by Thailand elite company that the renewal of Thailand elite 5 year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand elite program was marketed as a government backed program that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every 5 years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members has bought in to this program for 1 million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended!

There has been a lot of negative comments in the past towards this program coming mainly from expats that live in Thailand and are not members of this program. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect this program are coming to be true!

My personal opinion is that this situation will kill the programs reputation completely regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand elite visa privilege approval.

As for today there are about 2500 members in the program. I am just wondering what will be the consequences of this move by thai government after not respecting a program it has self established, generating significant profits of this scam and insulting influential wealthy people from many nation around the world? What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but, he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section.

Hey pal,

I did not send no letter to bangkokpost and I have no intentions what so ever to kill this program. I guess that they are other forces here that are ridding on this thread!

I am a Thailand Elite member and I was informed today by the Thailand Elite company that the renewal of its five-year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand Elite programme was marketed as a government-backed programme that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every five years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members bought in for one million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended.

There has been a lot of negative comment in the past towards this programme coming mainly from expats who live in Thailand and are not members. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect the programme are coming true.

My opinion is this will kill the programme's reputation completely, regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand Elite visa privilege approval.

Verbatim OP continued in Bangkok Post Post Bag here:



If you didn't write it, naturelover... someone did... and used the exact same wording as your OP.

sriracha john has quite rightly caught you out with the link to the bangkok post letter and your original post

i stand by my statement that you are certainly going along way to help kill your programme

are you now saying that their is a conspiracy theory by the bangkok post to use your name and words to destroy the reputation of thailand elite?

I will tell it again… I did not send this thread to the Bangkokpost. Someone has copy & pasted my thread and send it to Bangkok post on his name. I don’t know if I should be angry or flattered… I did not expect this thread to turn out to be so popular. Definitely not do headline in Bangkokpost J

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I had read the letter from Elite to its member regarding the extension of the 5 years visa and did have an opportunity to talk to reliable source of Elite card today at their office so I asked the question. Their admit and the letter was misleading and confirm that the visa will be extended for another 5 years for sure but the reason why they still have no clear answer is because the committee is still deciding on whether or not, and if so, how much fee, they will charge member for the 5 years renewal fee.

As when the card is approved, they didn’t think about this issue before so there was no renewal rate for 5 years visa at the Immigration bureau. The issue about the renewal rate of 5 years visa was put in the committee in the last cabinet but as the cabinet has changed, the matter had to be re-submitted and now awaiting for decision and announcement. Again, they said 100% the visa will be renewed and it’s only the fee that has to be decided.

My guess is that the worse case scenario will be Elite member will probably has to pay 1,900 Baht for 5 year renewal fee.

I did not ask about member that did apply for extension of 5 year visa before it expires though I feel that member should get benefit of the doubt as the term “life time privilege” could mislead some members to not pay attention to the visa renewal clause (if there was one).

I think that the content of the Elite letter to member was quite misleading but to be positive, at least the reality is not as bad as it seemed. As a Thai person, I am happy to see this outcome as I have no wish to see our government’s credibility got more tarnished than this.

Naravadee Waravanitcha (nui) Sunbelt Asia Co., Ltd

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"Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

*This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval."

I believe that's been their standard blurb there for quite some time, Jai Dee.

Has there been an actual news update on the website (available only to members) regarding the suspension of the visa?

If so, could the OP or other Elite member please post it?

this is the offical letter for thailand elite members - Please see attached PDF flie

To chose who doubted (including my self), Thailand Elite has confirmed by e-mail that they sent out this letter. However only to those who has a visa about to expire.

As I was recently issued a 5 year visa I'm not affected unless there are issues when I try to renew it in 5 years time... crossing my fingers but crossing that bridge when I get to it... At least I can lean back and enjoy the ride for an other 5 years and then we will see. (Maybe Thaksin is back in the driving seat by that time... nothing surprises me anymore)

Mr. H.

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"Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

*This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval."

I believe that's been their standard blurb there for quite some time, Jai Dee.

Has there been an actual news update on the website (available only to members) regarding the suspension of the visa?

If so, could the OP or other Elite member please post it?

this is the offical letter for thailand elite members - Please see attached PDF flie

To chose who doubted (including my self), Thailand Elite has confirmed by e-mail that they sent out this letter. However only to those who has a visa about to expire.

As I was recently issued a 5 year visa I'm not affected unless there are issues when I try to renew it in 5 years time... crossing my fingers but crossing that bridge when I get to it... At least I can lean back and enjoy the ride for an other 5 years and then we will see. (Maybe Thaksin is back in the driving seat by that time... nothing surprises me anymore)

Mr. H.

From their reply about the below...

"Thank you very much for your e-mail. We are delighted to have the opportunity to serve you. With regard to your request, please be informed that recently, we have sent out the letter informing about our 5 years visa privilege. The details will be as in the file attached. However, please be informed that all privileges we provide to member remain unchange. If you have further inquiries or questions about our privilege, please do not hesitate to contact us at your most convenience."

Mr. H.

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Seems clear that someone could have easily copied and pasted naturelover's post and called themselves Tom Wells and sent it to the Bangkok Post.

Also, looks like just depends on the renewal fee. I think it is way overpriced, this elite card, but it is aimed at those who like to pay way more for things than they are worth because they like to show they have money.

Edited by Jimjim
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Seems clear that someone could have easily copied and pasted naturelover's post and called themselves Tom Wells and sent it to the Bangkok Post.

Also, looks like just depends on the renewal fee. I think it is way overpriced, this elite card, but it is aimed at those who like to pay way more for things than they are worth because they like to show they have money.

I know I doesn't matter if I repeat my self a hundred times but I think many have the wrong idea about Elite members. There is a great variety of people with different reasons. You don't need to spend 1,5 mil to show off your wealth in Thailand. Takes a lot less to impress the general public here...

Being willing to spend that much money for a membership says more about my "love" for the country and my urge to continue to stay here without the usual visa hassle. I came here about 10 years ago and did visa runs as many others for a couple of years. Fell for the average Thai girl, got married and eventually divorced. Since I work abroad and am too young to think about a retirement visa and too old (read: busy at work) to bother with the problems of setting up a company etc., this was an easy fix in my case. Sure, I enjoy some of the luxury that comes with it, why not. I wouldn't call that showing off my wealth, would you? If being a member of Tops gave you free massages as Sukothai hotel you would accept it? (ok, I guess a membership at Tops is free so maybe bad example..)

I've also been here long enough to know that the chance of something/one f...ing up things for Thailand Elite is always there. So it's more or less a calculated risk. Not that I don't value my money, I work for it like most of us and wouldn't be happy if it was all a waste. But then again you can't take it with you in the grave either. Money is a tool for enjoyment.

Sure, I agree with many of the previous statements about difficulties faced when doing buisness etc. in this country. But nobody has mentioned why they are still here and so involved in issues like this. They must have some kind of burning feeling for staying here or else they would all have left and gone back home. There are many things to critisise in this country but don't forget all the positive things. I would be paying close to half my salary in tax where I come from and police would put me in prison for driving "a few km" over the speed limit. I'd rather waste some money in Thailand and decide where they end up than giving them to politicians where I come from so that they can keep them in a state fund and tell everyone that we need to pay more taxes.

When you have been here long enough you learn to go with the flow and use the flaws in the system to your advantage. Thai Elite is one of them. I would like to see Khun Somsak buying a lifetime visa for US for 1,5 million baht.

So Thailand is different than your home country in every way. Isn't that why you are here? A country with UEA economy, Thai food, Western European roads, Florida climate, Maldives beaches, French wine, Japanese trains... doesn't excist. If it does, please tell me when the next plane departs.

In the mean time I will enjoy what I can in Thailand and learn to live with what I don't. If they cancelled my Thai Elite membership and I lost my money I still wouldn't leave. Maybe I'll find an other average Thai girl and do the same thing all over again :-) Or, hopefully I have learned from my previous mistakes and gained an other experiance.

Still crossing my fingers for Thai Elite and hoping we have all been excited about nothing... wouldn't be the first time either.

Mr. H.

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Thank you Nui from Sunbelt for posting what you could find out. 

I am also a happy member with 3.5 years left on my 5 year visa and was not contacted by Thailand Elite about any changes. 

For me it is a very convenient program, I got the membership for 1 Million before the price went up, because I wanted to take advantage of the renewable 5 year visa. 29 years old at the time of becoming a member I am still far from retirement age although I am practically retired. Aware that anything can happen and that the program might not exist anymore in 5 years, a 5 year visa in my passport was still more than I ever had in other countries by doing business, working or investing. I previously had a business visa in Thailand but I could not feel like settling down here with the everchanging rules and I did not want to work, worry about the paperwork for a work permit or worry about having to leave the country at a time that might be inconvenient for me. 

With the Special Entry visa I don't have to leave the country if I don't want to. It gave me the freedom to feel secure enough to have a baby. 9 month of pregnancy and I never had to leave the country, fly while pregnant, do a border run with a tiny baby, worry about my visa, only a trip every 90 days to immigration. I have been in the country for over a year now and not planning on travelling overseas for another 5, 6 months or so. 

Without the peace of mind this 5 year visa gave me, I am sure that I would not have decided to have my little baby. Even if the program gets cancelled now, it has given me peace for an important time in my life, it would not be a big loss, but surely an inconvenience and a disappointment. 

This I posted mainly for all those people who keep talking badly about the Thailand Elite membership to give them something to think about. Some posters make it look like everyone who bought a membership is a brainless idiot wanting to get scammed, but like other posters also showed there are people who benefit from it. 

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Thank you Nui from Sunbelt for posting what you could find out. 

I am also a happy member with 3.5 years left on my 5 year visa and was not contacted by Thailand Elite about any changes. 

For me it is a very convenient program, I got the membership for 1 Million before the price went up, because I wanted to take advantage of the renewable 5 year visa. 29 years old at the time of becoming a member I am still far from retirement age although I am practically retired. Aware that anything can happen and that the program might not exist anymore in 5 years, a 5 year visa in my passport was still more than I ever had in other countries by doing business, working or investing. I previously had a business visa in Thailand but I could not feel like settling down here with the everchanging rules and I did not want to work, worry about the paperwork for a work permit or worry about having to leave the country at a time that might be inconvenient for me. 

With the Special Entry visa I don't have to leave the country if I don't want to. It gave me the freedom to feel secure enough to have a baby. 9 month of pregnancy and I never had to leave the country, fly while pregnant, do a border run with a tiny baby, worry about my visa, only a trip every 90 days to immigration. I have been in the country for over a year now and not planning on travelling overseas for another 5, 6 months or so. 

Without the peace of mind this 5 year visa gave me, I am sure that I would not have decided to have my little baby. Even if the program gets cancelled now, it has given me peace for an important time in my life, it would not be a big loss, but surely an inconvenience and a disappointment. 

This I posted mainly for all those people who keep talking badly about the Thailand Elite membership to give them something to think about. Some posters make it look like everyone who bought a membership is a brainless idiot wanting to get scammed, but like other posters also showed there are people who benefit from it. 

I apologize in advance if this comes out wrong as you are probably a member of a different social strata with far more education and experience than most of us here on Thai Visa albeit at your tender age. While I certainly appreciate reading your testimonial praising the Thai Elite card I find one aspect of your rapture particularly disturbing. The quote, "Without the peace of mind this 5 year visa gave me, I am sure that I would not have decided to have my little baby", Is simply one of the most amazing single sentences I had the pleasure of reading on Thai Visa over the past five years.

While this may be an accurate assessment of your maternal instincts, biological clock workings and profound love of the Thai Elite Card program, I find your reasoning suspect. To have a new member pour out her life story and professing that the Thai Elite Card allowed you to fulfill your dream of motherhood is startlingly far fetched IMHO.

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If the visa privilege is not going to be approved than I can say that somebody in this country has lost his morals


You could make a case that the very reason a huge %'age of people are here is simply because this country has lost its morals


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I would like to see Khun Somsak buying a lifetime visa for US for 1,5 million baht.

The last time I applied for a US visa I asked for a 1 year, paid the fee and they sent me a 10 year multiple entry that I didnt even ask for..

Can you stay 10 years without leaving?

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for people that are nowhere near retirement age, dont want to work or learn in thailand, dont want to marry or have children here, there simply is no other option. back to back tourist visas is NOT a long term option lol. this isnt about a display of wealth, this is about people with the money to do so utilising another option of legally staying here.

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Funny how they are sure 100% it will be approved.... before it's approved. But hey, that's marketing.

The Thailand Elite card now reminds

of the big 3 car makers in USA........... :o

Would you honestly buy one now after all of these

rumours in the last week............... and so their future

must seem even more uncertain now..........

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Funny how they are sure 100% it will be approved.... before it's approved. But hey, that's marketing.

The Thailand Elite card now reminds

of the big 3 car makers in USA........... :o

Would you honestly buy one now after all of these

rumours in the last week............... and so their future

must seem even more uncertain now..........

If everything continues as normal then why not? Then they have proved that all the fuss was only casued by rumours as you say yourself, and that this has only been a matter of getting a proforma approval of the new Cabinet.

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OK, I looked into this and I haven't gone back to research but this is what I remember from the original offer.

You could buy land. Then fudged to ownership through some quasi government owned company. Then nothing.

Semi unlimited golf and spa and other stuff. They curtailed somewhat and they limited to a few here and there.

Hotel discounts. Well, most people either ow some property or have top level schemes already.

Visa. Now here was the one. Personally I didn't know (should have) abut the investment visa or I would just have done that. This sounded ideal and remember that it was at a time when visa regulations were getting more and more onerous. A lifetime visa for Bt1m when I was a little over 30 years old sounded like a bargain at something like 30,000 a year (over 30 years say) and especially after adding in all the other stuff.

So why didn't I buy one ? well, at the time I was getting about 100%+ per annum on investments in Thailand and I thought it was foolish as I'd be losing money to do so.

Now it the price had been perhaps Bt200,000 then I know a lot of people who would have been interested in the visa side alone.

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If everything continues as normal then why not?

Because the visa privilege may be canceled at any time and people are being asked to pay what some people feel is good deal of money for a lifetime benefit with no guarantee that it will actually be fulfilled for their lifetime. If they are going to SELL a 5 year visa privilege like this for people who cannot otherwise qualify for a long stay visa, it may make more sense to offer it on a 5 year basis only. The fee for this 5 years is thus. Then after 5 years, you pay again, IF the program still exists.

Edited by Jingthing
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I don't normally make predictions regarding political outcomes. It's too easy to look foolish...
Funny how they are sure 100% it will be approved.... before it's approved...

So are you predicting it won't be approved? :o

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sriracha john has quite rightly caught you out with the link to the bangkok post letter and your original post...

Total piffle. I recently copied a post here and sent it to the Phuket Gazette. They printed it almost word for word.

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I have been following this thread with interest. It amazes me the resentment towards Elite card holders. Why is this?

The same reason poor people all over the world talk badly about rich people: bitter jealousy and envy.

Sad isn't it. Whatever happened to "live and let live"? Glad I'm over 50 or else I would have to start explaining why I decided to get one.

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If everything continues as normal then why not?

Because the visa privilege may be canceled at any time and people are being asked to pay what some people feel is good deal of money for a lifetime benefit with no guarantee that it will actually be fulfilled for their lifetime. If they are going to SELL a 5 year visa privilege like this for people who cannot otherwise qualify for a long stay visa, it may make more sense to offer it on a 5 year basis only. The fee for this 5 years is thus. Then after 5 years, you pay again, IF the program still exists.

..............the nail on the head !

Why does a service company need such an amount UP FRONT anyway ? :o

Its not like like they are developing condos and so need your money

for construction costs. They are running an office which sells plastic cards .........?

If they charged an ANNUAL FEE ( or 5 year fee ) for membership that

would have perhaps made me speak a little

more favourably about this mob - because that at least would have signalled

their own belief they would be around for the future ............?

Edited by midas
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I would like to see Khun Somsak buying a lifetime visa for US for 1,5 million baht.

The last time I applied for a US visa I asked for a 1 year, paid the fee and they sent me a 10 year multiple entry that I didnt even ask for..

Can you stay 10 years without leaving?

I think it was one year entry maximum.. So a trip to Vancouver or Tijuana each year..

Sure better than what Thailand gives me.

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for people that are nowhere near retirement age, dont want to work or learn in thailand, dont want to marry or have children here, there simply is no other option. back to back tourist visas is NOT a long term option lol. this isnt about a display of wealth, this is about people with the money to do so utilising another option of legally staying here.

Learn Thai language, no visa runs.

Open a dummy company and pay taxes on fake income' still better use of capital and no visa runs.

Find a 'sponsor' company and simply pay them to employ you (again cheaper)

If you travel so much (so many of these elite owners claim they are never here 90 days anyway)..

Get an ED (in the west) based on learning anything, from scuba to Thai culture too almost anything..

Get a non imm O (in the west) based on friends and family.

Get a B (in the west) on 'considering investment'

If from the region get an APEC card.

Really there are many alternatives that require very little effort and are far better uses of capital.

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Funny how they are sure 100% it will be approved.... before it's approved. But hey, that's marketing.

The Thailand Elite card now reminds

of the big 3 car makers in USA........... :o

Would you honestly buy one now after all of these

rumours in the last week............... and so their future

must seem even more uncertain now..........

If everything continues as normal then why not? Then they have proved that all the fuss was only casued by rumours as you say yourself, and that this has only been a matter of getting a proforma approval of the new Cabinet.

If you would read the letter from Thai Elite to the members who are about to lose their visa privilege you would not be asking that any questions. The link is posted somewhere in these pages and I have verified that at least one cardholder got his letter. When he arrived this week at the Suvarnabhumi he went to his VIP line and was told he could not get a 90 day visa because his five year visa was about to expire. Sorry. He looked at his passport later and found he in fact did have a 90 day visa. Unexplained.

The incredible bad PR from the Elite Card letter in question, which looks like a 10 year old Thai was attempting to do his English homework, to the inept handling this latest controversy has diminished what value this product had forever.

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for people that are nowhere near retirement age, dont want to work or learn in thailand, dont want to marry or have children here, there simply is no other option. back to back tourist visas is NOT a long term option lol. this isnt about a display of wealth, this is about people with the money to do so utilising another option of legally staying here.

Learn Thai language, no visa runs.

Open a dummy company and pay taxes on fake income' still better use of capital and no visa runs.

Find a 'sponsor' company and simply pay them to employ you (again cheaper)

If you travel so much (so many of these elite owners claim they are never here 90 days anyway)..

Get an ED (in the west) based on learning anything, from scuba to Thai culture too almost anything..

Get a non imm O (in the west) based on friends and family.

Get a B (in the west) on 'considering investment'

If from the region get an APEC card.

Really there are many alternatives that require very little effort and are far better uses of capital.

Very good post.

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The incredible bad PR from the Elite Card letter in question, which looks like a 10 year old Thai was attempting to do his English homework, to the inept handling this latest controversy has diminished what value this product had forever.

Yes I did wonder how people who are concerned so much about their

image would have reacted to receiving such an " unelite " letter :o

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Good list of options, but as with the Elite card each comes with its own downsides.

Learn Thai language, no visa runs.

This is a good one, though not for everyone. First, you are tied to specific locales. Not everyone wants to live near the select places available for this forever. Also a law firm that is a board sponsor informed me this would be good for about 3 years max and does not provide a path to permanent residency.

Open a dummy company and pay taxes on fake income' still better use of capital and no visa runs.

I was discouraged by the constant paperwork, costs, overhead, facilities, employees, audits, etc, etc. If a surprise audit (which they WILL do) sees you are a fake such as simply you aren't at your place of work during business hours, you could say good bye to the company and all the up front costs just like that. They are after the fakes and wish to shut them down. Even if you want to create something quasi-legit, the structure is just too rigid and is not malleable to many types of businesses.

Find a 'sponsor' company and simply pay them to employ you (again cheaper)

Don't know how one could go about finding a legit one. If some random company asks for an initial payment up front to come aboard for the visa, who can really trust this is not a scam? Plus there does not seem to be a great deal of future stability with this approach.

Get a non imm O (in the west) based on friends and family.

Get an ED (in the west) based on learning anything, from scuba to Thai culture too almost anything..

Only that in my experience in the USA, I found no consulates willing to offer anything remotely like this.

Get a B (in the west) on 'considering investment'

If from the region get an APEC card.

Have heard about these, though don't know the pros and cons though expect there are some issues otherwise everyone would have one.

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