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Thailand Elite Program Is Dying! Special Entry Visa Suspended!

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Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.

Try and keep your story straight. The Elite card didn't have annual fees in the beginning. They were a much later add-on.

He's a Troll.But a wanna be Elite troll.

None I know (myself included )with the means to by the Thai Elite card,did it.Simple common sense.If you think you have to show your wealth,and being chaffered in a Beemer is the experience of your life,then the Thai Elite card is right for you.Defending it is an accessory. :D

GOOD ONE :o [/sizeHe's a Troll.But a wanna be Elite troll.

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Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.

Try and keep your story straight. The Elite card didn't have annual fees in the beginning. They were a much later add-on.

OK, so it didn't have the first week... but it did when I looked into the details first time... Do you know the exact date of all the changes?

Mr. H.

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Buying property here and investing in a business has nothing to do with the Elite program.

The Elite program was a gray area from the beginning and I wonder why anyone bought into it.

It's like a privatization of state policy - where else could this last for more than a few years?

You're a fool if you're not buying property here if you stay for a few years or more.

Ok so if you are a foreigner and have bought a property-that makes you smart! Let me run something by you

1. What would you do if next month Thai Government decides that foreigners can no longer own property(condo)?

a. Choice one-sell fast and hope some rich Thai or stupid Foreigner who is not aware will buy

b. Choice two, kiss your condo and money good bye and start blogging how bad the government is.

2. You bought a house with your lovely Thai wife and of course the house is in her name and of course she loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you-so she must be the "good" girl

a. Choice one- "good girls" do not date or marry foreigners as it is a shame to the family to do so, so the chances are you married a not so "good" girl with "interesting" past-which means if one day she meets someone with "bigger" hearts then yours-you loose house and of course your loving wife. Before you start to respond how foolish i am, have a reality check and check the facts of this happening every day.

b. Choice two, even though you own that house and land and have made it how you want with your lovely darling wife-you never own it-she does.

So bottom line is, any smart, intelligent, business minded person will not invest in the country with no stability and and no protection what so ever.

Of course if all you have is $100K and this is the only place where you can afford to buy property then yes go for it-American Australian and every other country dream to own property, but if you use business sense, you would invest the money in the country where you property not only secured but also increases in value every year.

Should you want to have your home in a certain way, spend a few days and find one that you like-and there you go, should you want to have some change-move out and find a new one.

Any business man doing "good"business in Thailand rent his/her property and uses rent as a rightoff on tax.

As for all the comments by the card holders -about how great it is, and how rich they are etc.-Sorry to say, but you people sound like complete morons.

"I was driven home in BMW 7 Series" my Bose sound system"-WOW that just proves that you have never ever owned anything luxury and i highly doubt have any money. So if this the only way you can feel "rich" good for you!

I owned BMW 325CI Convertible Coup at the age of 25, so being driven home in BMW is really not such a great achievement.

1 Miilion baht to be driven home in BMW-thats pretty sad.-MAY BE rent one and drive home yourself.

How can any of you praise Thailand and carry on, how good it is?

Visa rules have been changed so many times, that even lawyers do not know all the rules. Ownership rules have changed so many times, that noone knows the rules. Wake up, foreigners in Thailand are nothing but an ATM Machine to government, and Thai people.

I have been living in Thailand for past 5 years and have many friends who have been here for 15 years, and every single one of us hardly have 1 good thing to say about Thailand and before you jump to conclusions-all of us are running succesful business and then only time we loose money is when we try to do business in Thailand with Thai's

I am yet to hear 1 happy story of doing business in Thailand with Thai's from anyone

Sorry, didn't mean to "show of my wealth" which I by international means do not have. Simply trying to explain that we don't all live here to eat noodle soop every day and bargain on the 100 baht copy DVD. Is it not allowed to enjoy some pampering if you can?

For me the main reason for staying here is that I can live with a lifestyle I can not afford in my home country...

Before you critisice Thailand for not wanting the foreigners except for their money. How immigration friendly is your home country?

If you dislike Thailand and the way of doing buisness so much, why are you here?

Thinking that the gouverment will take away your freehold condominium that you bought is simply not realistic. But if you wish to go thru your life with this mindset, feel free.

I'm by no means trying to advertise for Thai Elite, simply explaining why it suits me. We all have different needs... I'm not saying I need the BM transport, but if it's included why not enjoy it.

Don't worry, be happy!!! (Most of you need to lighten up a bit...)

(No offence taken about the previos troll comment that someone made... just shows the level of arguments they have...)

Mr. H.

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OK, so it didn't have the first week... but it did when I looked into the details first time... Do you know the exact date of all the changes?

Mr. H.

I recall it was YEARS before annual fees were imposed.

OK, my bad then...

What I do like though is that the changes they do in policy over the years does not affect previous members. As I have understood it, those who signed up when they had an annual fee still has to pay this... but they also have other benefits which are no longer there for new members...

Anyway, what we are all waiting for is the "outcome" or confirmation if there will be any interuptions in visa issuing for members... Until this is clared out I don't really see that there is much else to discuss about the subject. Those in favour and those which opose have already expresses so...

I've spent way too much time expressing my self on this subject already. I actually have to work to make my living...

Mr. H.

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and every politicised program be it the design centre, otop or elite will have to be endorsed by the new cabinet

and now it looks like the democrats will endorse it

So far in this thread there is no evidence to indicate what you have stated.

There's been double-speak and innuendo and conjecture, but absolutely zilch in specificity.

Do you have some new outside information that the Dems "look like they will endorse it"?

we shall see if naturelover reacted too readily to a change of government which will always put politicised programmes like elite on hold until approved by the new cabinet or whether the new government plan to cancel the program

we shall await the press releases from the TAT etc over the next few days

my money is on cabinet approval

whats your bet?

I don't normally make predictions regarding political outcomes. It's too easy to look foolish like younghusband, whose prognostications invariably seem to come out wrong.

I do appreciate your honesty now in recognizing that zilch has been said regarding the Dems endorsing it.

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated.

I understand that the phones have been pretty red hot, with irate card holders all weekend.

There will be however, a new marketing campaign for the card from next month, I just wonder what it could be........

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated. I understand that the phones have been pretty red hot, with irate card holders all weekend.

There will be however, a new marketing campaign for the card from next month, I just wonder what it could be........

initial cost raised to THB 3 million and free prikh nam pla to go with every massage.

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you are of course not a fool Midas because you have stated a valid reason which is important for you. but in that context i would like to add that for others who buy or build their home the transparency of the property market as well as the "true value" is completely irrelevant. they buy or build because they want to live in a home that not only matches their demands and are able to make any changes without depending on a landlord.

Naam when you talk about a home ( i.e. a house as opposed to a condo ) - that requires me to have a partner to be able to own it legally which I don have.

Yes if i could buy land to buy a house that would be entirely different - but I am not allowed to.

you point is well understood and i am well aware that we don't own the land on which i built our home. for us it was weighing the pros and cons whether to take the risk or not. as living in the desired ambiente commands the highest priority for the Mrs and me the decision was not too difficult. however i must accept different views from people who have different priorities. on a lighter side... nobody owns anything forever. the last shirt has no pockets when they bury us or push us in the oven for cremation :o

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated.

I understand that the phones have been pretty red hot, with irate card holders all weekend.

There will be however, a new marketing campaign for the card from next month, I just wonder what it could be........

Perhaps something along the lines of????


Thailand Elite... It just wasn't Elite enough before... So come and join the more Elite Card*

*Membership Fee will be raised to 3 million baht beginning February 1st, 2009.

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated.

I understand that the phones have been pretty red hot, with irate card holders all weekend.

There will be however, a new marketing campaign for the card from next month, I just wonder what it could be........

Perhaps something along the lines of????


Thailand Elite... It just wasn't Elite enough before... So come and join the more Elite Card*

*Membership Fee will be raised to 3 million baht beginning February 1st, 2009.

:o I was waiting for your creative genius SJ. :D

No visa waivers, reduction in services and an increase in prices. Thailand Elite............worthless.

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated.

I understand that the phones have been pretty red hot, with irate card holders all weekend.

There will be however, a new marketing campaign for the card from next month, I just wonder what it could be........

Something like:

New Improved Elite Card! Now, even more privaleges!

a framed certificate to hang on your wall!

A car license holder with gold colored plastic border trim!

embroidered socks for your golf clubs!

a 1 ounce bottle of massage oil!

Free front window washing for every petrol fill up!


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i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but,

he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section,

i am not able to link any websites, but yesterday on the nation online website under the business section leading title tpc, there was a article by the TAT refuting any suggestion they will cancel the program

this is why if i were to have a bet i would always bet the new cabinet endorsing this program and carrying on just the same as the army and the last 3 taksin governments have done. pretty good for elite card to have all these groups endorsing their programme if the democrats carry it on

but who knows the future after all this negative pr by one member

Edited by humbug
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It would be interesting to get Mr. A. Zeman from Hong Kong to make some comments. He has been involved closely, lately and will probably know what is going to happen more than many of us posting here. If someone knows him and could call and then post, we may get decent info. Forget about calling Elite, the service is similar to the spelling on their letter to the members.

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated.

Not surprising, but certainly bad news.

Remember there are many people who bought this card specifically for the special visa status and many of them are not wealthy people. This hasn't happened yet. The honorable thing for the government to do is to GRANDFATHER the lifetime visa option for all CURRENT card holders, even if they eventually end the company.

Edited by Jingthing
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Thailand Elite cardholders reassured



Published on January 17, 2009

The Tourism Authority of Thailand and Thailand Privilege Card insisted yesterday that privileges for Thailand Elite cardholders remained unchanged, despite a recent mailing to members that benefits would be done away with completely.

About 2,500 members across the world recently received a letter, informing them of the cancellation of the privileges. This led to suspicion that the card-issuer - Thailand Privilege Card (TPC) - would soon close its business.

Jutaporn Reungronasa, deputy governor for marketing communications at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), said the authority, which owns the card company, had never heard about the suspension of TPC members' privileges and had no intention of halting operations.

"As the owner of TPC, any important decision must be approved by the board of the TAT. This latest issue is probably something [stirred up] from outside," said Jutaporn.

A representative of TPC said the company was running as usual without any sign of suspending the privileges.

The same person said the mailing was possibly planned by people related to politics.

"The company was set up five years ago by ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. However, it was criticised for a lack of transparency in its internal management as well for poor performance. It faced the prospect of closure several times two or three years ago," the representative said.

According members of TPC, they received a letter a few days ago stating that all privileges had been suspended. The letter also informed them that because their "elite" status was being removed, they would be required to adjust to the new circumstances as normal individuals.

Moreover, those members who had benefited from special five-year visas were urged to make fresh visa applications as general visitors.

All TPC members were also told theysaid members would not be eligible for a refund of their membership fee.

Last year, TPC started offering a lower membership fee to boost sales. There is now a special price of Bt2 million for foreigners, down from the original Bt3 million.

One membership is valid for two persons, with a limit on spa and limousine use of 24 times per year. TPC hopes to increase its membership this year from 2,500 to 2,900.

Last November, TPC laid off 23 staff to reduce operating costs.

The company is managed by Suraphong Triumchanchail, who is chairman and acting president. It is inviting candidates for the presidency.

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i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but,

he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section,

i am not able to link any websites, but yesterday on the nation online website under the business section leading title tpc, there was a article by the TAT refuting any suggestion they will cancel the program

this is why if i were to have a bet i would always bet the new cabinet endorsing this program and carrying on just the same as the army and the last 3 taksin governments have done. pretty good for elite card to have all these groups endorsing their programme if the democrats carry it on

but who knows the future after all this negative pr by one member

Hey pal,

I did not send no letter to bangkokpost and I have no intentions what so ever to kill this program. I guess that they are other forces here that are ridding on this thread! I have initiated the thread out of my own personal concern about the program. I never expected it to reach this level of popularity :o but I guess that this is a good issue to debate over. As a Thailand elite member I am grateful for the service I get from the company. Until today they have fully delivered all of their promises! That's really impressive and I know that most of the other Thailand elite members will think the same. Nevertheless, I know on fist hand basis about a guy from Hong-Kong that did not succeed renewing his 5 year visa and this brought along some uncertainty. Although I am optimistic that the new cabinet is going to endorse fully the program as well as other administrations, there is a slight chance they would not. Lets me think why are non-immigrant visas being issues everyday now and are not subject to cabinet approvals? I am sure that there is a good explanation for this… but its just my intuition that is developing this feeling of uncertainty in me. If the visa privilege is not going to be approved than I can say that somebody in this country has lost his morals . I have done in my life a lot of money from good investment and lost a lot for money on bad investments. Although 1M baht is still less than a small and insignificant fraction of my fortune it never feels good to loose money! In this case particularly since effecting the Thailand elite visa status tells me that I am not really welcomed in this country anymore! And Thailand elite program was marketed to me at least as a community of friend of Thailand. Well my friends would not do a thing like that to me J (I hope not) I will greatly feel insulated and feel slightly sorry for the money if the visa status will be changed. I will also be more ashamed for thai people then myself. But its too early to reach a conclusion. We just need to wait and see if other members in the program confront with a similar problem when renewing the 5 year visa or wait for any official announcement from the company.


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Based on 2500 members paying 1,000,000 THB each = 2,500,000,000 THB

Alot of money in Thailand to do alot of things. Is T.A.T.'s Annual budget more than that?

Except it seems the money isn't in Thailand, but in Singapore !

Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.


You mean, "in the beginning" when it was only 1 million baht, had more privileges and the promise of land ownership, you didn't find that interesting ? But now that it is much more expensive and offers far less, you find it more interesting ? :D

Thailand Elite cardholders reassured

Last year, TPC started offering a lower membership fee to boost sales. There is now a special price of Bt2 million for foreigners, down from the original Bt3 million.

Please. Stop it. My kidneys can't handle all this rolling on the flooring trying not to piss myself laughing !

"Special price for foreigners" ??? From the Thai Elite website (10 seconds ago):

The Applicant/the Member must have and maintain to have the following qualifications:

Not being a Thai citizen or the foreigner who have obtained a permanent residency status in Thailand;

So that means it is only open to "foreigners" any ways ! What's all this "special price" nonsense ?

And the "special price of Bt2 mil, down from "the original Bt 3 mil" ? :D

It started out at ONE million ! Then it got jacked to 1.5 million. Not sure when it went up to 3 mil (maybe just before this notice was sent out ?) :o

(ps: from the Elite website micro seconds ago:

Membership Fee

THB 1,500,000 (one million and five hundred thousand Baht only)per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD/GBP/JPY/EUR pursuant to the Exchange Rate.)

And as far as the Visa Issue is concerned, this too from their website mere seconds ago:


To ease your travels to and from Thailand

Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

*This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau’s approval.

No mention of 5 years in there anywhere except for one bit in the FAQ.

Hmmmm, I think I'll wait until the price goes up to 5 million, and it offers no privileges. Then I'll buy it just so I can lord it over the "Less Elite" ! :D

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I am a Thailand elite member and I was informed today by Thailand elite company that the renewal of Thailand elite 5 year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand elite program was marketed as a government backed program that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every 5 years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members has bought in to this program for 1 million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended!

There has been a lot of negative comments in the past towards this program coming mainly from expats that live in Thailand and are not members of this program. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect this program are coming to be true!

My personal opinion is that this situation will kill the programs reputation completely regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand elite visa privilege approval.

As for today there are about 2500 members in the program. I am just wondering what will be the consequences of this move by thai government after not respecting a program it has self established, generating significant profits of this scam and insulting influential wealthy people from many nation around the world? What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but, he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section.

Hey pal,

I did not send no letter to bangkokpost and I have no intentions what so ever to kill this program. I guess that they are other forces here that are ridding on this thread!

I am a Thailand Elite member and I was informed today by the Thailand Elite company that the renewal of its five-year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand Elite programme was marketed as a government-backed programme that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every five years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members bought in for one million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended.

There has been a lot of negative comment in the past towards this programme coming mainly from expats who live in Thailand and are not members. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect the programme are coming true.

My opinion is this will kill the programme's reputation completely, regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand Elite visa privilege approval.

Verbatim OP continued in Bangkok Post Post Bag here:



If you didn't write it, naturelover... someone did... and used the exact same wording as your OP.

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Because not related at all. Longstay is simply a retirement visa w. lipstick on it. Cheers!

Out of interest... why has there been no mention of Thailand Long Stay Company in this discussion? If roumors are tru they should be affected too right?

Mr. H

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Based on 2500 members paying 1,000,000 THB each = 2,500,000,000 THB

Alot of money in Thailand to do alot of things. Is T.A.T.'s Annual budget more than that?

Except it seems the money isn't in Thailand, but in Singapore !

Have been aware of the Elite card since it started but didn'f find it interesting in the beginning due to the annual fees etc.


You mean, "in the beginning" when it was only 1 million baht, had more privileges and the promise of land ownership, you didn't find that interesting ? But now that it is much more expensive and offers far less, you find it more interesting ? :D

Thailand Elite cardholders reassured

Last year, TPC started offering a lower membership fee to boost sales. There is now a special price of Bt2 million for foreigners, down from the original Bt3 million.

Please. Stop it. My kidneys can't handle all this rolling on the flooring trying not to piss myself laughing !

"Special price for foreigners" ??? From the Thai Elite website (10 seconds ago):

The Applicant/the Member must have and maintain to have the following qualifications:

Not being a Thai citizen or the foreigner who have obtained a permanent residency status in Thailand;

So that means it is only open to "foreigners" any ways ! What's all this "special price" nonsense ?

And the "special price of Bt2 mil, down from "the original Bt 3 mil" ? :D

It started out at ONE million ! Then it got jacked to 1.5 million. Not sure when it went up to 3 mil (maybe just before this notice was sent out ?) :o

(ps: from the Elite website micro seconds ago:

Membership Fee

THB 1,500,000 (one million and five hundred thousand Baht only)per Membership or an equivalent amount in USD/GBP/JPY/EUR pursuant to the Exchange Rate.)

And as far as the Visa Issue is concerned, this too from their website mere seconds ago:


To ease your travels to and from Thailand

Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to a Thailand Elite Membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom, with special entry visa as well as extendable 90-day stays without the usual need to leave the country.

Members will be granted a special entry visa when applying at any Royal Thai Embassy, Royal Thai Consulate General, or at any Thai Immigration Bureau at Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Airport.

*This special entry visa is subject to the Thai Immigration Bureau's approval.

No mention of 5 years in there anywhere except for one bit in the FAQ.

Hmmmm, I think I'll wait until the price goes up to 5 million, and it offers no privileges. Then I'll buy it just so I can lord it over the "Less Elite" ! :wai:

When it comes to the different prices for "foreigners" this is probably a poor translation. As per my information they used to have a different price for those who already resided (have an address) compared to those who resided abroad when becoming a member. (The highest price was for those who already reside in Thailand.) Don't have any idea why they had this policy...

Since you start quoting clauses in the contract I find it strange that you have overseen this one...

":D In case of termination persuant to Clause 2.5 (3) above, the Membership hereunder shall immideatly become invalid and the Company shall refund the remaining Membership Fee (if any) to the Member, within 30 days after the Card has been returned to the Company, less the following balances (if any) and costs:

(i) The penalty charge and/or outstanding fees, and

(ii) The cost of Priviledges which has been used by the Member during the validity of Membership."

FYI... 2.5 (3) is Termination due to gouvernment policies...

We can always discuss how this will be calculated, but ignoring the clause in not an option...

As I'm still young and plannning to stay for 30-40 more years 1,5 million down is better than 1 million and 20-30.000 annual fee (or how ever much it was...). Don't care so much about the reduction in priviledges as the visa was main concern. The other benefits are all "nice to have". Not saying I don't enjoy them, but sure they are not worth 1,5 mill unless you are a very heavy user...

Mr. H.

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I am a Thailand elite member and I was informed today by Thailand elite company that the renewal of Thailand elite 5 year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand elite program was marketed as a government backed program that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every 5 years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members has bought in to this program for 1 million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended!

There has been a lot of negative comments in the past towards this program coming mainly from expats that live in Thailand and are not members of this program. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect this program are coming to be true!

My personal opinion is that this situation will kill the programs reputation completely regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand elite visa privilege approval.

As for today there are about 2500 members in the program. I am just wondering what will be the consequences of this move by thai government after not respecting a program it has self established, generating significant profits of this scam and insulting influential wealthy people from many nation around the world? What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but, he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section.

Hey pal,

I did not send no letter to bangkokpost and I have no intentions what so ever to kill this program. I guess that they are other forces here that are ridding on this thread!

I am a Thailand Elite member and I was informed today by the Thailand Elite company that the renewal of its five-year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand Elite programme was marketed as a government-backed programme that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every five years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members bought in for one million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended.

There has been a lot of negative comment in the past towards this programme coming mainly from expats who live in Thailand and are not members. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect the programme are coming true.

My opinion is this will kill the programme's reputation completely, regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand Elite visa privilege approval.

Verbatim OP continued in Bangkok Post Post Bag here:



If you didn't write it, naturelover... someone did... and used the exact same wording as your OP.

I'm also a member of Thailand Elite and has not received such information. Did you receive it in writing and if so to you wish to post it for us to see?

When I e-mailed them on Friday they replied that they have no changes in privilidges/policy...

Mr. H.

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What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

Nothing that we didn't already know. :o

Correction, nothing the non-rose-colored glasses crowd didn't already know ...

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I am a Thailand elite member and I was informed today by Thailand elite company that the renewal of Thailand elite 5 year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand elite program was marketed as a government backed program that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every 5 years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members has bought in to this program for 1 million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended!

There has been a lot of negative comments in the past towards this program coming mainly from expats that live in Thailand and are not members of this program. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect this program are coming to be true!

My personal opinion is that this situation will kill the programs reputation completely regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand elite visa privilege approval.

As for today there are about 2500 members in the program. I am just wondering what will be the consequences of this move by thai government after not respecting a program it has self established, generating significant profits of this scam and insulting influential wealthy people from many nation around the world? What does this say about the country? What does this say about the people of this country? What does this say about doing business in this country?

i certainly like a good punt but what amazes me in this thread is naturelover himself.

this elite member has become one elite program killing machine, not only starting this topic but, he has also sent the same letter to the bangkok post, who today have printed it in their letters section.

Hey pal,

I did not send no letter to bangkokpost and I have no intentions what so ever to kill this program. I guess that they are other forces here that are ridding on this thread!

I am a Thailand Elite member and I was informed today by the Thailand Elite company that the renewal of its five-year Special Entry Visa has been suspended.

The Thailand Elite programme was marketed as a government-backed programme that gives its members indefinite visa privileges in a form of a special visa entry that is renewable every five years. As a result of this extraordinary privilege many members bought in for one million baht. Apparently today the renewal of visa privilege has been suspended.

There has been a lot of negative comment in the past towards this programme coming mainly from expats who live in Thailand and are not members. Apparently those fears about the government not continuing to respect the programme are coming true.

My opinion is this will kill the programme's reputation completely, regardless the outcome of the expected cabinet vote about Thailand Elite visa privilege approval.

Verbatim OP continued in Bangkok Post Post Bag here:



If you didn't write it, naturelover... someone did... and used the exact same wording as your OP.

sriracha john has quite rightly caught you out with the link to the bangkok post letter and your original post

i stand by my statement that you are certainly going along way to help kill your programme

are you now saying that their is a conspiracy theory by the bangkok post to use your name and words to destroy the reputation of thailand elite?

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Having spoke with with my mate whose missus work's at Elite Card, it appears that the Visa, which was previoulsy offered is not going to be reinstated.

There will be however, a new marketing campaign for the card from next month, I just wonder what it could be......../quote]

I guess the company plans to be around for awhile as I have seen large display ads in the Post's classifieds this week recruiting for staff (don't know positions as its all in Thai).

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