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Recent topic was about continuation of the 'free water' scheme. That's all very well, but for the past week or so there has been very little water flowing to homes on Nanai hillside. Seems to me that water is only switched on (pressurised) for about an hour or so each night, which does not deliver enough water to top up our apartment building water tanks. We had to bring in water by truck 3 days back. My wife called the water department ... oh we'll sent an engineer to check. No change. Any one else with the same problem ?

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... Any one else with the same problem ?

Further up the hill from your place, no water for 6+ days!!!

Do you know at what time of night they apply pressure to the line? As you know, we have to manually pump water from the bottom of the hill, and can only do so when they have pressure in the line down there. Can't use an automatic pump. I've been trying all 3 of the times periods in which they say they apply pressure each day, but so far, no luck.


Hi there Dave,

I have float valves in my tanks, so I have no idea when (if :D ) we get water. We need at least 4 cubic/day. Some days we only get 2 cubic... over 24 hour period. We have about 30 cubic storage tanks, but tanks now almost dry (hence road tanker water this week). We can't even get an answer from water company about when water pressure is turned on. The person at the end of the phone says there is no problem, water on all day .... :o


Water resumed to my development yesterday for the first time since Dec 23 (Kathu Niramit Hill).. This is in part because the dev company stopped paying the bills (free water ??) but even now with the water supply back on theres no pressure to move it over the hill to me despite the dev having 2 pumps in series on the hill.. I pumped my swimming pool water into the house system for weeks.

This whole pressure problem started back on Nov ish when they replaced a water main in Kathu, down near the country club.. It was in the gazette at the time as it caused a multi day water cut. What happened (I believe) was they changed a large bore water main with a small bore one over a section (this was visible when driving by and I think pictured in the gazette) the small bore part of the system now does not have enough 'flow' to handle the demand, hence at night theres water pressure but in the day when many people use the water at once the pressure drops to near zero. This effect has been confirmed in Kathu (near caltex) Kathu (where I am) Patong (Nanai) which I am guessing are all part of the branch after this bottleneck was put in.

On the plus side its kicked my landlord into gear to install a larger and better storage capacity and shaken the dev management company up..

.. I pumped my swimming pool water into the house system for weeks.

Yeah - I'm beginning to think of my swimming pool more as a 40K litre water storage tank, rather than something to swim in.

... What happened (I believe) was they changed a large bore water main with a small bore one over a section (this was visible when driving by and I think pictured in the gazette) the small bore part of the system now does not have enough 'flow' to handle the demand, hence at night theres water pressure but in the day when many people use the water at once the pressure drops to near zero...

Sounds like a plausible explanation - thanks.

And all of those new condos and guesthouses that are currently under construction in Patong will be getting their water from where :o ???


Last 24 hours we got 2,000 liters ... :o Spoke to Sun Hill management today and they are getting as much water as they need, so I seems that the water company have only reduced the pressure = not go up the hill. Looks like pressure only increased for a very short period in the night and our 1 inch line cannot deliver the volume we need in the 'water window'.

Last 24 hours we got 2,000 liters ... :o Spoke to Sun Hill management today and they are getting as much water as they need, so I seems that the water company have only reduced the pressure = not go up the hill. Looks like pressure only increased for a very short period in the night and our 1 inch line cannot deliver the volume we need in the 'water window'.

I used to be up behind sun hill.. For months each year it was water trucks doing the tank fill thing.. To be fair thats part of living up on the 80m build limit tho, to be expected.

Me I can almost see Bang Wad reservoir from my house and still have issues.

To be fair thats part of living up on the 80m build limit tho, to be expected.

We are well below the 80m limit, maybe about 40m .... :o We paid the water company to lay in the line, so they should be at least be able to deliver on demand... :D Anyway, will send the wife to Bang Wad offices on Monday to file an official complaint .... for what that's worth !!

... Spoke to Sun Hill management today and they are getting as much water as they need, so I seems that the water company have only reduced the pressure = not go up the hill. Looks like pressure only increased for a very short period in the night and our 1 inch line cannot deliver the volume we need in the 'water window'.

Our "downhill" pump is probably only about 5-6 meters above the base of the Sun Hill building, and we've not been able to suction any water into the pump from the public supply line at any time I've tried. Think I'll try again in the middle of the night to see if there's more pressure then. The "hours of operation" we were given (from our builder) are 6:30-8:30am, 2:30-4:30pm and 11:30pm-1:30am. Have no idea where he got these (probably trial and error). Either Sun Hill (which is probably no more than 20m above sea level) is at the height limit in terms of current usable pressure, or they're able to siphon off enough of the available supply at night to fill their tanks, leaving the rest of us on that branch high and dry, so to speak.

Noticed that they're pumping water today between Beverly Hill and the new apartments across from your place. Don't know which direction, though.


Same at Beverley Hills. It seems that the lack of pressure will not even push the water half way up the hill hence water tanks have been ordered. Price of water now goes from 25 per Cu Mt to 200 and emergency measures introduced whereby residents are not allowed to shower alone, just the job I reckon. :o

Noticed that they're pumping water today between Beverly Hill and the new apartments across from your place. Don't know which direction, though.

Monica is pumping water uphill. Seems like her building is getting 20 cubic/day. I'm lower then that building, but they have a 2 inch line, I have a 1 inch line. Ntoe that there about 6 separate water line running up the road.

Just out of curiosity, are these areas with limited water on the expensive side?

It's expensive hillside land and aimed at Farangs = more on the expensive side compared with mixed Thai/Farang areas of Patong

Same at Beverley Hills. It seems that the lack of pressure will not even push the water half way up the hill hence water tanks have been ordered. Price of water now goes from 25 per Cu Mt to 200 and emergency measures introduced whereby residents are not allowed to shower alone, just the job I reckon. :o

Are you serious ... ?? Trucked water costs 100 baht/cubic. If we have to start buying any more trucked water then we will have to increase our guest charge from 20 baht to 100 baht, and recommend everyone saves water...

Noticed that they're pumping water today between Beverly Hill and the new apartments across from your place. Don't know which direction, though.

Knowing Monica and that exact water supply being my old villa water source I would bet its going uphill.. Water makes it to the apartment block, then is moved in stages pumped from there to Beverly car park tanks and then from those used to come up even further to me..

Same at Beverley Hills. It seems that the lack of pressure will not even push the water half way up the hill hence water tanks have been ordered. Price of water now goes from 25 per Cu Mt to 200 and emergency measures introduced whereby residents are not allowed to shower alone, just the job I reckon. :o

Are you serious ... ?? Trucked water costs 100 baht/cubic. If we have to start buying any more trucked water then we will have to increase our guest charge from 20 baht to 100 baht, and recommend everyone saves water...

Knowing up there is isnt the cost of the water, its how much they can charge to supply it to the homes.. I had long running arguments when I was promised 'gov rate' electric and was billed something entirely different.

Monica is pumping water uphill. Seems like her building is getting 20 cubic/day. I'm lower then that building, but they have a 2 inch line, I have a 1 inch line. Ntoe that there about 6 separate water line running up the road.

Hmmm, all other things being equal, a 2 inch pipe should deliver approximately 4 times more water volume than a 1 inch pipe. If she's getting 20 m3 per day, then you should be getting about 5 m3, not the 2 m3 you're seeing. Plus, she's uphill from you, which theoretically gives you an advantage if there isn't sufficent pressure. I wonder if she has a pump somewhere downhill.

I have a dedicated pump and a dedicated 1 inch line, but get nothing!


Are you serious ... ?? Trucked water costs 100 baht/cubic. If we have to start buying any more trucked water then we will have to increase our guest charge from 20 baht to 100 baht, and recommend everyone saves water...

We were quoted 200 baht/m3 (1,600 baht) for 8K litres, which included a 200 baht surcharge for going all the way up the hill. The guy was a no-show even after repeated calls from my wife. We can even see his place from our house, but business is so good for these guys now, they can pick and choose their jobs.

We finally found a guy to deliver 8K litres for 1,200 a few weeks ago, but it was so filthy (full of pond scum, and who know what else) we ended up pumping it out of the house and pool surge tanks and cleaning both tanks. Ever clean a surge tank? Not fun!!


I've cleaned our underground water tanks a few times... :D For water tanker try a local guy Dichit on Nanai Road 087-3808334. 12 cubic m for 1,200 baht. Delivered within one hour of our phone call. BUT... his hose is full of holes and I guess we lost at least 10% of the water. I tried for 10% price discount .... no way. Insisted he get a better hose next time... I doubt it ... :o


Slightly O/T but it seems like your water in Patong is expensive.  I have one of the big water trucks come for about 350 baht for about 8000 litres. This is in Rawai and there are plenty of deep wells here, but what you are paying in Patong seems excessive.


It seems the earlier verbal estimate of 200 Baht per Cu Meter was a tad high, just had a letter from Monica confirming that since the interim pumping option didn't work water trucks have now been ordered and the cost is 120 Baht per cu meter - still a touch expensive by comparison though - also, no water supply between 10pm and 7am daily.

Slightly O/T but it seems like your water in Patong is expensive. I have one of the big water trucks come for about 350 baht for about 8000 litres. This is in Rawai and there are plenty of deep wells here, but what you are paying in Patong seems excessive.

Over in Kata we have to pay 600 baht for 8,000 L water. Extra money is to drive over to hill from Chalong.

BTW ...we only got 2,400 litres last night in Patong. Will need water road tanker Monday.... if any are available


Last night we got 4,300 liters. + water tanker this morning.

Wife went to water supply HQ to complain. Excuse was the high demand in Patong with all the new buildings = reduced pressure as main line pipes not big enough for the demand. Expect to take 3 - 4 months to improve water delivery system. Sounds to me like ... by rainy season demand will be less (have rain water + less tourist) and the problem will go away (until next year ... :o ). T.I.T yet again .... :D

Last night we got 4,300 liters. + water tanker this morning.

Wife went to water supply HQ to complain. Excuse was the high demand in Patong with all the new buildings = reduced pressure as main line pipes not big enough for the demand. Expect to take 3 - 4 months to improve water delivery system. Sounds to me like ... by rainy season demand will be less (have rain water + less tourist) and the problem will go away (until next year ... :D ). T.I.T yet again .... :D

Thanks for the update, Alex.

I tried again 10pm, 1am, 3am and 7am with nothing each time. Now I'm wondering if we have a different problem. Maybe our pipe coming up the hill has been broken (again) by new construction up near the top. :o

Explanation from the water dept is about what I expected, but even during rainy season last year, our supply wasn't available every day.

I tried again 10pm, 1am, 3am and 7am with nothing each time.

Dave, what a rough night you must have had last night .... :o

Don't you have a meter before your pump ? That's how I know exactly how much water has been supplied.

I tried again 10pm, 1am, 3am and 7am with nothing each time.

Dave, what a rough night you must have had last night .... :o

Don't you have a meter before your pump ? That's how I know exactly how much water has been supplied.

You guys are really calm.... I can't imagine not having water... A couple of years back in Phuket town, they cut off water for a couple days per nighborhood, our house got water cut 4 times for 2-3 days each time... it sucked...

I really can't imagine dealing with it daily like you guys and still keeping my cool....

You guys are really calm.... I can't imagine not having water... A couple of years back in Phuket town, they cut off water for a couple days per nighborhood, our house got water cut 4 times for 2-3 days each time... it sucked...

I really can't imagine dealing with it daily like you guys and still keeping my cool....

That made me laugh, you must be new to Asia. You need to buy a big plastic dustbin (or 2), stick it in the washroom, and fill it with water. That's what local Thais do to wash and flush toilet, and fill it when they happen to have a water supply.

Oohh ... forgot to mention the many (& long) times that we have a power outage. That's another story ...

Don't you have a meter before your pump ? That's how I know exactly how much water has been supplied.

Yup - that's how I used to know that the pipe was / wasn't broken, and whether there was pressure in the govt line (depending upon whether the meter moved when the pump was running).

Last time it was easy to tell that the uphill line was completely crushed by cement trucks - so much pressure built up in the pipe that the pipe union virtually exploded off the pump when it was switched on :D .

The owner of the land where my pump and meter are located moved them both a while back. Although I can find the pump, I can't find the meter :o . Once I find it, I can check again.

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