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Burns Night Again


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....Jings...........Its that time of the Year again....but this itime it his the 250 th Aniversary.....

got an Email from Bangers ref.......

BURNS SUPPER 2009-Bangkok

Saturday January 24th at the Amari Watergate Hotel

Reception 7pm, Dinner 7.45pm, UNTIL THE WEE, SMA’ HOURS

A night of Burn’s verse, food and merriment.



Baht 1,900 PER PERSON


(Seats are limited so book early)

We are having a Supper in the good old King George in South-hark....but never been to one in LOS ...YET ...

anyone going/celebrating...? :o


The George is London's only surviving galleried coaching inn.

It stands on the south side of the River Thames near London Bridge, for centuries this was the only bridge across the river.

The George was rebuilt in 1676, after a devastating fire swept Southwark. It was one of many such inns in the area, perhaps the most famous being the Tabard, where Chaucer began his 'Canterbury Tales' in 1388.

The Tabard too was rebuilt after the fire, but was demolished in the late 19th century, despite a public outcry. :D

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Burns and I share the same birthdays, many years apart.

Some of the Scottish pubsd in Auckland would shout haggis on the nite.

Sadly, seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Wish I was in Bangers to join the fun.

Edited by Zpete
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Should a Guid night.....

Over the years I have been fortunate to have attended a number at British Embassy suppers around the world but always wondered if the Bangers Brits E does one? :D

One time in when I was working in..(think)..Sierra Leone I found myself having a 'hauf 'with not only the Brit HC (Com-w country ) but also the Americian and Russian Ambassadors and they /we were all...<deleted>.... :D

thats real diplomatic brotherhood fur ye....

man the man the world over shall brothers be for all that..... :D

Anyway was having a swally with an EX Brit /Thai Ambassador a few months ago at a London 'do' and he wasnt sure so jist wondered.....slange

anyfor for the un..etc...info...

Whit is a Haggis...

A haggis is a small animal native to Scotland. Well, when I say animal, actually it's a bird with vestigial wings - like the ostrich. Because the habitat of the haggis is exclusively mountainous, and because it is always found on the sides of Scottish mountains, it has evolved a rather strange gait.

The poor thing has only three legs, and each leg is a different length - the result of this is that when hunting haggis, you must get them on to a flat plain - then they are very easy to catch - they can only run round in circles.

After catching your haggis, and dispatching it in time honoured fashion, it is cooked in boiling water for a period of time, then served with tatties and neeps (and before you ask, that's potatoes and turnips). ....lots of Whisky..... :o

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I know what hagis is, but I had to look up neeps:

"In Scotland, swede and potatoes are boiled and mashed separately to produce "tatties and neeps" ("tatties" being the Scots word for potatoes), traditionally served with the Scottish national dish of haggis as the main course of a Burns supper. Neeps may also be mashed with potatoes to make clapshot." - Wiki .

Sounds almost as yummy as that black sausage they served me with breakfast in Edinburgh that time. :o

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It was probably a Black Pudding...not a sausage (top at 1-oclock) :o ..... international..

and ..sometimes known as Blood Pudding.... :D

Black pudding, as made in the UK, is a blend of onions, pork fat, oatmeal, flavourings - and blood (usually from a pig). As long as animals have been slaughtered to provide food, blood sausages like black pudding have been in existence. Sources indicate that the corpulent sausage had its origins in ancient Greece, and Homer's Odyssey makes poetic reference to the roasting of a stomach stuffed with blood and fat.

The art of pudding making has had an epic journey across Europe over the centuries. Today it's a staple of menus across the Continent.

The black pudding has a range of European relatives: Spanish morcilla makes an excellent tapas, and blutwurst is an intriguing Germanic variant; the boudin noir is a delicacy in France, sometimes containing rich ingredients like brandy and cream.

This rather medieval dish has a fanatical following. The humble black pudding even has a festival dedicated to it in northern England. In Ramsbottom, outside Manchester, hundreds compete annually in the World Black Pudding Throwing Championships. The bloody sausages are encased in ladies' tights and contestants hurl them at a 20ft-high stack of Yorkshire puddings. Whoever knocks the most Yorkshire puds off the stack is declared the winner, in a contest said to date back to an incident in battle between the armies of the Houses of Lancaster and York during the Wars of the Roses.

Meanwhile, in France, home of the Gallic blood sausage the boudin noir, so many puddings are consumed in a black pudding fair held in Normandy each year that, if laid end-to-end, they would stretch for 5km. In November in the Andalucia region of southern Spain, pig-killing fiestas celebrate the annual cull for getting in the winter stash of morcillas, hams and sausages.

The Western Isles in Scotland have an abiding love of black puddings, known as marag dubh in Scots Gaelic. The Stornoway black pudding is regarded as one of the top gourmet puddings in Britain. In the Isle of Lewis, black pudding producer Charles MacLeod follows a 50-year-old recipe in the creation of his black, white and fruit puddings. In making his black puds, Charles favours lambs' blood, but he finds that pigs' blood is acceptable and more readily available.

Making blood sausage at home is no easy task, as the recipe harks back to a time when everyone kept livestock at home. If you want to make your own black pudding, first and foremost a strong stomach is required. Then you'll need access to some pigs' blood. Fewer abattoirs seem willing to supply fresh blood (unless you're having your own animals butchered) so it's not that easy to get hold of. As an alternative you can use dried blood, but you'll need to locate a specialist trade producer.

Talk to your local butcher about how to find both dried blood - and the sausage casings you'll need to make the puddings.

Seasonings vary from maker to maker, but black pepper, cayenne pepper, mace, herbs, and coriander are frequently used flavourings. These are added to the blood, oatmeal and suet/fat mixture, which is cooked together and used to fill the casings. Finally, the puddings are lightly poached for five to ten minutes.

Black pudding is a breakfast favourite, but it's a versatile ingredient for brunch, lunch and dinner, too.

A wild mushroom sauce complements the crumbly texture and intensely rich taste of black pudding very well, as does a whisky, onion and cream sauce.

Grilled black pudding and cherry tomatoes served with potato scones is also a good combination, the richness of the pudding contrasting with the tang of tomatoes.

It's a versatile ingredient that deserves a life beyond the breakfast table. :D

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Funny that, I too was listening to a tatty & a neep today on TV at about 1600 hrs Bangers time.

Messers Brown and Darling explaining how to pull UK PLC out of the mire.

Those tossers running RBS & HBOS amongst others should be lined up and pelted with haggis's on Burns night.

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Funny that, I too was listening to a tatty & a neep today on TV at about 1600 hrs Bangers time.

Messers Brown and Darling explaining how to pull UK PLC out of the mire.

Those tossers running RBS & HBOS amongst others should be lined up and pelted with haggis's on Burns night.

Ye mean the TOSSERS who used tae run the RBS and HBOS...these were the so called respected Bankers (Bandits) who ruined and ripped off the the Menageries in the first place....all happliy retired probably in Pooket on £20 m pounds ..F.O.payouts.......sods.

B&D are trying to save the wots left of the scramages...and stop en going under.

Just think you might go to the ATM one day and ...sorry NO dosh...but you still have to pay the Som Tam lady.... :o

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