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Sophon Tv


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Has anyone noticed how poor a choice Sophon TV offer at present?

Channel (41) normally movies now seems to show rubbish unknown music concerts, Reality TV is always off, Super sport 2 is always off, Movie 2 channel just repeats the same movies all the time, Stream TV is a rubbish signal... it just seemd that they have absolutely no interest?

I know some will just say tough, but if a lot of customers went and complined maybe we could get some improvements?

Any comments or ideas howv to improve would be welcome, (but forget the usual abuse please) :o

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Has anyone noticed how poor a choice Sophon TV offer at present?

Channel (41) normally movies now seems to show rubbish unknown music concerts, Reality TV is always off, Super sport 2 is always off, Movie 2 channel just repeats the same movies all the time, Stream TV is a rubbish signal... it just seemd that they have absolutely no interest?

I know some will just say tough, but if a lot of customers went and complined maybe we could get some improvements?

Any comments or ideas howv to improve would be welcome, (but forget the usual abuse please) :o

What do you expect for a few hundred baht a month? I happen to think for the price it is ok.

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Price is not the issue? As you are aware most of these channels are stolen anyway, but why dont they occasionally update what they show?

They tend to up date it every month, movies that is. All I can say is that where they used to show pretty new movies they now show a lot of older ones. I think they have been pulled by the copy right people.

I do not think there is any cable company in the world who do not repeat things again and again.

Edited by Owain
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Here in Vietnam we have True, with Thai sub-tit;es on some channels and VN on others, plus all the local-language channels, much like Sophon.

UAE Saudi, Indonesia, other places I have worked are very similar. Sometimes you get good sports reporting, sometimes you don't - but that is the only real diference.

Get out in the world and get a life - don't spend your life in front of the idiot box.

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