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Going Holiday In Bangkok...


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going on holiday to Bangkok next year Jan 2005. But recently we hear news of earthquake felt in Bangkok.

Can't imagine how would you have felt if wanted to visit Phuket? Hold on

to your Dear life and stay where you are

Please someone take care of this guy, thanks

Edited by ThaiGeared_HighThaied
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Can't imagine how would you have felt if wanted to visit Phuket? Hold on

to your Dear life and stay where you are

Please someone take care of this guy, thanks

I don't really understand what u trying to tell me but thanks. I guess u r trying to ask me to cancel my trip I will see how in Jan. Will wish to hear more opinion...

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No hearthquake in Bangkok.

When in here you can visit many places around, and even the near beaches at Pattaya and others. All safe and unaffected by the natural disaster affecting the south area of this country.

Thailand will welcome you in spite of the moment of tragedy. When you come the south areas affected by the tsunami probably will be in resconstruction, but I am sure that your visit will be appreciated in there.

I would advise you to do not change your plan and when in here just keep in mind that this country is facing a tragic time.

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Can't imagine how would you have felt if wanted to visit Phuket? Hold on

to your Dear life and stay where you are

Please someone take care of this guy, thanks

I don't really understand what u trying to tell me but thanks. I guess u r trying to ask me to cancel my trip I will see how in Jan. Will wish to hear more opinion...

No hearthquake in Bangkok.

When in here you can visit many places around, and even the near beaches at Pattaya and others. All safe and unaffected by the natural disaster affecting the south area of this country.

Thailand will welcome you in spite of the moment of tragedy. When you come the south areas affected by the tsunami probably will be in resconstruction, but I am sure that your visit will be appreciated in there.

I would advise you to do not change your plan and when in here just keep in mind that this country is facing a tragic time.

Of course dont cancel your trip. Come and have a great time in LOS. The Thai people can be the best in the world. Apparantly BKK felt a slight tremor from the earthquake. But personally i didnt feel a thing. So come and stop worrying. If anyone else you know is thinking of coming to Thailand. Then make sure they do. The Thais could do with your business. What happened in Phuket could happen anywhere in the world. Live your life for now and not for what might happen. If it was a terrorist attack then i could understand . But this was a natural disaster. Enjoy Thailand. Spend your money go home and tell evryone about the great time you had here.

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If it is a question of whether it is ethically right to go to BKK in light of recent events then I would say go. The Thai economy in general even if you are not planning on visiting the affected region will more than welcome your tourist dollars.

If it is a question of safety then consider that this was the largest Earthquake since the 1960s and mot of Thailand was unaffected. Thailand is a safe as any country in the World despite recent events.

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Wow thanks alot for de reply help n good advise. I m gald that Thailand is safe. But not sure whether de corpses will spread dieseas? Well I love to go BKK that is a place that really very enjoyable. And of cos shopping leisure... :D

My deepest consoldence to de family who has face a painful moment in tsunami... :o:D:D

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But not sure whether de corpses will spread dieseas? Well I love to go BKK that is a place that really very enjoyable. And of cos shopping leisure...  :o

No worries about such disease in Bangkok. We all are safe here. Please do come and enjoy your holiday.

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Hi all, khorb khun.. Thanks for de info I not canceling my trip to there.. sorry I have over concern juz can't wait to go BKK shopping n pray.. Not sure wat is Thai bath rate now...  :o  :D

Beancurd, do you think it is possible to get a few English lessons about grammar before posting again?

To be able to string a comprehensible sentence together would be a lifelong asset to you.(and to us)

The purchase of an English dictionary wouldn't go astray, either.

Thank you.

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Me fink dat dis persun be wun of dem trolleys - not like in de soopermahkit, but like dem peeps dat makes uvver peeps try to help, but it eez all a wind-up. He is probly doin a five nukkel shuffel rite now cuz I tork a baht him. :o:D

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