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Jehovahs Witnesses In Thailand


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If not interested,no reason not to be rspesctful and just say "no thank you".

You are quite correct of course, but the problem with the Jehovahs and the Morons is that they wont take no for an answer, hence it generally ends up you having to tell them to p*ss off....

The one I always found works with them is telling them I am Roman Catholic (I am actually Agnostic), seems to scare them off for some reason... :o

Ive found that telling them that you are an avid satanist has the same effect lol

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you are the last person that should be hanging your head in shame, sorry i misread the jist of your post....afterall I agree with you BUT you will find that BANGERS Now really fires up.....didnt you know that all people in jail have been mistreated and the crimes misunderstood by the common people. BANGERS will go on wishing that the worlds crims were released so the rest of us can bar up our homes and continue to live in fear while scumbags and drug warriers wander around.

As for JW, I cant really work out what Bangers is trying to Say about Jehovas, perhaps she has been newly converted or was her point that JW's should be allowed to hastle the hel_l out of all us common people that just want to be left alone?? Im not sure, bangers??

actually it is me who should say sorry- I do get a bit heavy at times- all I was trying to do was suggest a little policy of the tolerance/politeness

to be honest there is nothing they say I agree with and my 'spys" tell me of some awful policy's they advocate- but in my story I wanted show the exception

and I love people with testicles and who practice what they preach

I certainly only wish for the guilty, the really nasty ones to be sent to prison

right now so much time/money/energy is being wasted

anyway, you've heard it all before from me and are probably sick of it....come to think of it..I'm getting sick of it too!


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so you like testicles huh :o ....don't be sorry bangers afterall some of your points are valid & I am sure its all important stuff to you.

i dont understand why you wanted to know about swinging? Is this something that Jehovahs do?

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We are sliding way off topic hear. Your hero was in jail....im guessing he got their by doing scumbag things, afterall most decent people don't end up in the slammer. Of course if you go on one of your DOO GOODING adventures everyone in jail will tell you that they are innocent & even a hero of some type.

These scumbags have nothing to do with Jehovahs....as JW are esentially only annoying the beejebus out of everyones door they knock on.

Anyway bangers, please post us your address (better do it by PM) and we will be sure the drug police....SORRY I mean the Jehovah's pay you a visit :D

Perhaps you can team up with them & after they finish spraying the world with their dribble....you can dribble some doo gooder stuff & free up the tv site.

Jeez mate,you're getting aggressive in your old age... :o I was wondering about that statement regarding you legally snotting someone.......How did you legally do this?hel_l,i got a pen knife in the hand one day for simply walking in on some wanke_rs knocking off some tools from my shed.I grabbed the machete and chased them,caught one and........! The judge didn't see it as self defence,and i paid the price.Two weeks later said scumbag shot dead a woman in a robbery.In Australia there is no such thing as self defence.Sad. :D


You are incorrect. In Australia there IS such a thing as self defence, it is a one of the ' statutory defences' to the charge of 'Assault'. Actually chasing someone down with a Machette is not part of self defence.

If you were backed into a corner, with no option for escape & were in fear of being assaulted by someone, you have every right in the world to defend yourself. If you have other options it would be wise to use them first. (I don't know if that applies here in Thailand).

Bangers in the country you quoted Self-defense is defined as the legal use of force when a person believes it is absolutely necessary to prevent injury or death to his person.

There are also other statutory defences against assault, can you guess what they are?

Bangers please make sure you post factual information.

For your information I used to get paid to legally assault people....can you imagine that, I will let you dwell over thatone bangers.

fXXX maybe I am on something...what country are you mean?, Holland, do you want the law- did I post this? it in dutch but its very complicated and all to do with the intent..

In UK I am told it is pretty much the same, well, you should know you are from there,no?

factual? like I said, I can send the dutch law...

I'm sorry, I'm totally -lost-legally assault people...sorry guy's,, you mean you were in the police/army? so were/are my bf's.It not called legal assualt its called necessary force in UK

one my boyfriend explained it me, like murder=illegal taking of a life - and homicide= not necessary illegal

but I'am still lost neverdie, sorry

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dont be lost bangers, you got it right or your boyfriend did.

How many boyfriends do you have?

Is this got something to do with your nic name "Bangers"?

Do you need another boyfriend, can you send pics thru??

xx neverdie :D

Jeez,you crack me up!!! :o

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so you like testicles huh :D ....don't be sorry bangers afterall some of your points are valid & I am sure its all important stuff to you.

i dont understand why you wanted to know about swinging? Is this something that Jehovahs do?

Nope,only New zealanders...From trees. :o

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so you like testicles huh :D ....don't be sorry bangers afterall some of your points are valid & I am sure its all important stuff to you.

i dont understand why you wanted to know about swinging? Is this something that Jehovahs do?

Nope,only New zealanders...From trees. :o

HEY, you've seen those banjo playing kiwis too!

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dont be lost bangers, you got it right or your boyfriend did.

How many boyfriends do you have?

Is this got something to do with your nic name "Bangers"?

Do you need another boyfriend, can you send pics thru??

xx neverdie :o

I've lost count...actually yes,

we were wondering when someone , how to, hold on... twig it, is that right?

I love swinging and when I was younger GB'ing.

I've always been a free spirit...my pic's are, or were on the adultfriendfinder website, with my eyes covered of course, I look far more western than Asian, but I am sure you'll agree neverdie, still gorgeous...(and modest)

but due to last night everyone is taking their pic's down..

last night friends of mine got busted holding a swing party I nearly went to

wish I was there because I am sure daddy would of stepped in and made that national disgrace of those pathetic policeman look the real fool's they are

as if there wasn't enough real crooks out there

God I hate this...no wonder the whole world still laughs at this country

no wonder we never progress

this is no cause for pride- only shame

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dont be lost bangers, you got it right or your boyfriend did.

How many boyfriends do you have?

Is this got something to do with your nic name "Bangers"?

Do you need another boyfriend, can you send pics thru??

xx neverdie :D

I've lost count...actually yes,

we were wondering when someone , how to, hold on... twig it, is that right?

I love swinging and when I was younger GB'ing.

I've always been a free spirit...my pic's are, or were on the adultfriendfinder website, with my eyes covered of course, I look far more western than Asian, but I am sure you'll agree neverdie, still gorgeous...(and modest)

but due to last night everyone is taking their pic's down..

last night friends of mine got busted holding a swing party I nearly went to

wish I was there because I am sure daddy would of stepped in and made that national disgrace of those pathetic policeman look the real fool's they are

as if there wasn't enough real crooks out there

God I hate this...no wonder the whole world still laughs at this country

no wonder we never progress

this is no cause for pride- only shame

No no,don't take your pics down,you have me so curious now,but what is GB'ing?Forgive my ignorance,i am not up on the party scene these days(Married and all) and Neverdie really needs some loving... :o

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you havent been to a gbing partaay.

its gangbanging. :o Not a swear word, but nothing to do with Jehovahs...OR maybe it has?

Once again bangers, you need to start up a new topic or keep it on the JW, thred....sorry for leading you down the dirt path again...but it seems you've been down there so many times :D

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you havent been to a gbing partaay.

its gangbanging. :o Not a swear word, but nothing to do with Jehovahs...OR maybe it has?

Once again bangers, you need to start up a new topic or keep it on the JW, thred....sorry for leading you down the dirt path again...but it seems you've been down there so many times :D

Thank god for that,i thought it was GOAT F%$#ING for a minute there. :D

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Trix, naa thats a different mob that are called the goat riders (FREEMASONS), theres actually another posted topic here about them.

Im fearing mod action here, really bangers lets try and pull this post back online, its about Jehovahs, okay?

On the good side, we've kept it pleasant in here, no flaming, so its all good. :o

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I personally learnt a lot about Jehovas witnesses on this thread,and we had a good laugh at the same time,where would we all be without people like ourmaninbangers and neverdie?We'd be out eating,i'm starving. :o

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dont be lost bangers, you got it right or your boyfriend did.

How many boyfriends do you have?

Is this got something to do with your nic name "Bangers"?

Do you need another boyfriend, can you send pics thru??

xx neverdie :D

:o Neverdie, sounds like you're revving up for February the 14th. Hope you're gonna send Bangers a nice boquet of flowers.

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^^^ :D:D:D I was waiting for you to join us MrToad. :D:wai::P

I was going to break from the traditional roses and send some heroin or something illicit :burp: Perhaps some free tickets to Bangawang Prison :burp:

You know me, im always thinking :o


I suppose you could get high and go swinging with Bangers and the JW's, could be a lot of fun.

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^^^Honestly, its seriously funny but not my scene. Maybe youd be a better man for the job?

I'm actually scared of Bangers & some of the stuff she gets up to, im a timid you know :o

PLUS experience tells me to be very careful when some shiela on the net tells you that shes a little cutie.....I'm picturing a big hairy man....maybe a SumoKatoey :D

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^^^Honestly, its seriously funny but not my scene. Maybe youd be a better man for the job?I'm actually scared of Bangers & some of the stuff she gets up to, im a timid you know :o

PLUS experience tells me to be very careful when some shiela on the net tells you that shes a little cutie.....I'm picturing a big hairy man....maybe a SumoKatoey :D

I wouldn't want to step on your toes there neverdie, :D afterall, you've done all the groundwork. :D

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^^ geeze thanks toadie, ur a real sport :o

neverdie...hairy??? so you English can be so cruel and mean..... you actually had my check under my arms and run my hands over my leg's,please...call me anything you like....but I do think I am still gorgeous and spend far to much trying to keep that belief ( and yet I sometimes rant about self honesty!)

all nicely waxed and shaved thank you ( including the mustache and other places!)

and there one thing at least that I can prove quite easily-

my sex, but then we'd have to meet!

My God, this started off about JW's and now include's my sexual habits , my overinflated ego, and my recently shaved body parts....is'nt this mad life great???

I'm going to do all you boys a big favour now by shutting up,at least for the weekend or until some other scumbag gets busted doing something stupid and I decide that there a 0.01% chance this loser is either not guilty or should be afforded some human rights, honestly though I do sometime ask myself why I bother....and what if anything have I really acheived ( part from upseting some people who I can sympathize with)

the world is still such a darn mess

I will leave you with a quote

'there is enough religon in the world to make us hate,

but not enough to make us love one another"

love you all

jonathon swift ( thoughts on various subjects)


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Hey bangers there has been another scum bag locked up with drugs, hes a brit this time, there a topic about it, ive already begged you in there NOT to comment. :o

right..off to rescue..but I cannot find the post-poor little lamb no doubt is innocent/set up/was abused as a child/is part welsh/ or any other of the many reason to try and exuse whatever he did,

can you suggest any good excuse I can use ( the best thing I heard recently was from the mother of English man in jail here- she did insist that her son was the set up and the drugs were planted on him, I had to gently explain that the drugs had been cloth tape wrapped around his body several times- so maybe this wasn't the case!)

please to tell me is it on the new posts? what heading?

prepare for another diatribe..


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Straightforward question, are they present in Thailand?

I'm only asking as earlier on, I popped out with the Wife for a take away, whilst we were waiting to be served a large group of them headed by to do their thing at the Kingdom Hall. The Wife asked me who they were & where they were going at that time. When I told her, she'd never heard of them, I was a little surprised as bad news usually travels everywhere.

Fire away.

Yep they are present in about 230 lands and there are over 7 million of them around the world of which only about 2,600 are in thailand

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Many many years ago they used to call at my home. My mother was a high school teacher and in her day teachers also had to teach bible studies and they had training and education for this purpose. Mum knew bible very well.

Mum never let them in the house, and was never actually rude to them.

She would let them ramble on about a certain paragraph and ask them to deeply clarify their interpretation of the words. Then she would say; 'Yes but in another paragraph (and she would quote which part of the bible and quickly find the page) it says ........... which would conflict with or disprove their original claim.

Their visits soon tapered off.

In term of Thailand, perhaps about 18 years ago there were many complaints about them visiting inexpensive apartment blocks in the Lad Prao area, and when the door was opened they would rush inside and wouldn't leave. And as already mentioned they can usually speak and read Thai at an advanced level.

I can recall it made newspaper headlines when the local police chief had then rounded up and taken to his station, and gave them a final warning 'any more complaints and I'll have you all rounded up and instantly deported'.

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