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Under 50 With Kids Not Officially Married Extension Approved

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Just to report.

After 3 under consideration stamps and 5 trips to the immigration (not including the 90 check ins), 4 months later my non-o extension, originally submitted under the child support visa, was approved. Of course since I had to come back every month for 4 months, the visa has only an 8 month period left on it, but it does total one year. I understand the hold up (their on purpose) because I remember the immigration officer complaining about the piles of copies and 1 and 1/2 hours spent on doing my paper work and application, while saying in Thai out the side of her mouth, that this is going to take up to 6 months of coming back repeatedly to become final. Well only 4, she fibbed. But what she was telling me in a non direct way, is to forget about the support visa and get officially married, and the hold up was her way of schooling me in an indirect way.

I have to thank them for giving me the visa, I really am happy and appreciative of it, and now I will be moving towards the way they prefer. i can take a hint and not a problem!

Also there is a sign saying that all people need to respectively go to their immigration office nearest their home only, and that the extensioins are for married and retirement only. No mention of child support and this is dates January 15, 2009.

Sums it up. Yes, maybe the child support clause is back into effect, but they don't want to touch the paper work invloved with it, and it looks like they are refusing to even acknowledge it at all.

Anyone else trying, good luck. Tis not easy, but can be done...


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It was at CM Immigration. Also 4 months ago the immigration officer had also mentioned that the the documents we get from the Ampur office stating that this/they is/are really our kid(s) is/are not acceptable anymore and that a court mandated paper is now the norm for acceptance. How could this be I thought, being that an official Ampur Thailand office decree document intact with an official Ampur stamp is not acceptable leaves me a lot to think about while scatching my head. To get that paper at the Ampur is not easy because they take your kid behind the lines, make him/her write their name, and then ask the kid personal family relationship questions pertaining to the Dad, Dad's life, and life with Dad, and then the final 99 milion dollar question, where is your Dad, point to him..

Yes, I do believe that if I went back next year and pushed for the same extension I would get it because I have gotten it many many times before, but in my thinking I most certainly would hear a little fussing come to me an my unofficial wife's ears again too.


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Based on posts I have seen on this subject some immigration offices accept the child’s written confirmation if the child is at least seven years old. For a younger child, they want the court document. This is not in the published rules but may be part of internal guidelines.



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i find this , is in holland but i think can be do it also in clinic in bangkok:


179 euro the test of DNA i think is more easy and more chip...if they accept...no, if they know what is the dna test.

do you think is possible in thailand?

Yes DNA test are available in Thailand.

If your name is on the birth certificate you should not need it to get your extension Bangkok. They have been reported to issue parent extensions with no problems. Just show up with all your paperwork your childs mother and your child. Show them that you are living as a family.

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i find this , is in holland but i think can be do it also in clinic in bangkok:


179 euro the test of DNA i think is more easy and more chip...if they accept...no, if they know what is the dna test.

do you think is possible in thailand?

Yes DNA test are available in Thailand.

If your name is on the birth certificate you should not need it to get your extension Bangkok. They have been reported to issue parent extensions with no problems. Just show up with all your paperwork your childs mother and your child. Show them that you are living as a family.

when i called Bangkok , to see if i could obtain this visa there ,they told me i had to apply for it in mylocal office in Surin .

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i find this , is in holland but i think can be do it also in clinic in bangkok:


179 euro the test of DNA i think is more easy and more chip...if they accept...no, if they know what is the dna test.

do you think is possible in thailand?

Yes DNA test are available in Thailand.

If your name is on the birth certificate you should not need it to get your extension Bangkok. They have been reported to issue parent extensions with no problems. Just show up with all your paperwork your childs mother and your child. Show them that you are living as a family.

when i called Bangkok , to see if i could obtain this visa there ,they told me i had to apply for it in mylocal office in Surin .

Oceano does live in Bangkok.

Bangkok only accepts applications for any extension (immigration does not issue visas) from residents of Bangkok.

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