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Why So Much Intolerance?


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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way).

One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from.

What’s going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way).

One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from.

What’s going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

I suspect it's the stress associated with the current economic climate and people feeling a need to vent their anger and frustration. The alternative answer of course is that we are now in the alcohol fueled peak season in Thailand and you observe a seasonal trend.

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i am not a shrink GH but possess some basic knowledge and long years of experience how humans react when they are not happy with their own situation or outright frustrated. in these cases quite often latent or openly prevailing inferiority complexes surface and the frustration is vented by pointing out and drawing attention to others who (in their view) are inferior. that makes them feel superior and better.

do you think there are any other reasons why threads are opened (frustration and/or envy disguised as questions) such as

-why is it that Pakistanis stink?

-why are there so many blacks in Soi XYZ, Bangkok? ...must be criminals.

-do these indian tailors have work permits?

-why did the Nigerians check in that much luggage? ...perhaps hidden drugs or other contraband?

-why do Thais poke their nose in public although their cars are not paid for?

-isn't it time that our armed forces stop the Chinese to extend their influence in South East Asia?

i rest my case.

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Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way).

One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from.

What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

probably cos its a forumn where no one sees you or knows who you are,also the written word can be taken in many different ways where as if you are talking face to face peoples expressions would come into play to defuse what might otherwise be construed as somewhat an inflammatory statement.
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Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa. You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond

...and then comes the time when some of them realise that in this pond they have the right of a tadpole among kois :o

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Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

nothing wrong with having strong opinions,and your last sentence is just plain stupid.........there hows that for an opinion!

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Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

Oooo, controversial! It does seem to me that having strong opinions about a range of things in life does not necessarily go hand in hand with a decision to live in Thailand, perhaps you can explain.

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Its also Human Nature. Some of us are more tolerant than others but we all have our intolerances but we don't all vent them in the same way.

If the Forum gets too PC it looses something also. I certainly miss some of the characters who have been banned for venting some non PC Views.

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Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

nothing wrong with having strong opinions,and your last sentence is just plain stupid.........there hows that for an opinion!

are strong opinions justified when e.g. they are clearly racist or unjustified derogatory? please read again what GuestHouse and i listed as examples. are these strong opinions?

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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way). One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from. What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

Why get upset? Just ignore it.

To me it's just free speech if people want to vent (so long as they're not threatening anybody individually).

Welcome to the world...

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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way).

One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from.

What’s going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

Because it's like the show Fantasy Island...for the right price we will make you believe what you want to believe. Then reality will come crashing down.

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What’s going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

I think in the case on ThaiVisa, we are so limited as to what we can discuss, the same topics are repeated over and over again ad nauseum.

This in turn breeds an intolerant bunch who state " Use the search function fool, we've had 1000 threads on the same subject in the last 2 years ! ", I dunno, bloody newbies....moan moan moan.......grumble grumble grumble.....etc etc. :o

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What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

Have you ever considered that the attraction to Thailand is that they're p_ssed off with things in their home countries. What might that be? Let's start a list & I'll go first, so here's two for starters:

1) Political Correctness

2) Liberals & Do-Gooders

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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way).

One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from.

What’s going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?

its just the bubbling of the human soup , and long may it continue bubbling. life would be a dull place if we were polite , tolerant and respectful all the time.

the venting of strongly held views should be encouraged , as should the arguments against those views.

let people speak , whatever they have to say , its better to speak it than to let it fester , its good to know what people are thinking , and a distasteful opinion can be criticised and ridiculed by those who find it distateful and ridiculous.

common sense and decency usually wins in the end

admittedly , some recent thread have shown some bizarre reasoning , but then again , what else can be expected from expats in thailand.

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Intolerance is fueled by anonimity. Add to this some very opinionated people and you have Thai Visa.

You have a lot of people living in Thailand because they couldn't make it in their own country. They feel like a big fish in a small pond.

nothing wrong with having strong opinions,and your last sentence is just plain stupid.........there hows that for an opinion!

are strong opinions justified when e.g. they are clearly racist or unjustified derogatory? please read again what GuestHouse and i listed as examples. are these strong opinions?

it takes all sorts to make up a forum,some placid,calm,and reasonable,others not so.GH's question was why so much intolerance on TV 'what is the reason?i gave my reply to GH if you are interested.

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are strong opinions justified when e.g. they are clearly racist or unjustified derogatory? please read again what GuestHouse and i listed as examples. are these strong opinions?

What's racist & derogatory to one isn't to another.

May I introduce you to Charlie Williams - from a time before the politically correct crap kicked in. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Williams_(comedian)

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John Suler (Ph.D.) has a number of articles about the social psychology of online groups. He says every group goes through the same cycle:

1. Initial enthusiasm (people introduce themselves, and gush a lot about how wonderful it is to find kindred souls).

2. Evangelism (people moan about how few folks are posting to the list, and brainstorm recruitment strategies).

3. Growth (more and more people join, more and more lengthy threads develop, occasional off-topic threads pop up).

4. Community (lots of threads, some more relevant than others; lots of information and advice is exchanged; experts help other experts as well as less experienced colleagues; friendships develop; people tease each other; newcomers are welcomed with generosity and patience; everyone -- newbie and expert alike -- feels comfortable asking questions, suggesting answers, and sharing opinions).

5. Discomfort with diversity (the number of messages increases dramatically; not every thread is fascinating to every reader; people start complaining about the signal-to-noise ratio; person 1 threatens to quit if *other* people don't limit discussion to person 1's pet topic; person 2 agrees with person 1; person 3 tells 1 & 2 to lighten up; more bandwidth is wasted complaining about off-topic threads than is used for the threads themselves; everyone gets annoyed).

6a. Smug complacency and stagnation (the purists flame everyone who asks an 'old' question or responds with humor to a serious post; newbies are rebuffed; traffic drops to a doze-producing level of a few minor issues; all interesting discussions happen by private email and are limited to a few participants; the purists spend lots of time self-righteously congratulating each other on keeping off-topic threads off the list).


6b. Maturity (a few people quit in a huff; the rest of the participants stay near stage 4, with stage 5 popping up briefly every few weeks; many people wear out their second or third 'delete' key, but the list lives contentedly ever after).

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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way). One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from. What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?
its just the bubbling of the human soup , and long may it continue bubbling. life would be a dull place if we were polite , tolerant and respectful all the time. the venting of strongly held views should be encouraged , as should the arguments against those views. let people speak , whatever they have to say , its better to speak it than to let it fester , its good to know what people are thinking , and a distasteful opinion can be criticised and ridiculed by those who find it distateful and ridiculous. common sense and decency usually wins in the end admittedly , some recent thread have shown some bizarre reasoning , but then again , what else can be expected from expats in thailand.

But, of course, we all know you're the exception, taxebille.


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It seems hardly a day goes by without the mods having to step in and clean-up or close threads in which TV members are spouting venom at one group or another (and a job well done by the way). One day its people of faith another day people of particular nationalities, western women, backpackers, beggars or the old favorite, immigrants back in the country where the ranting TV member emigrated from. What's going on here, what is it about Thailand or even TV that it attracts so very many intolerant people?
its just the bubbling of the human soup , and long may it continue bubbling. life would be a dull place if we were polite , tolerant and respectful all the time. the venting of strongly held views should be encouraged , as should the arguments against those views. let people speak , whatever they have to say , its better to speak it than to let it fester , its good to know what people are thinking , and a distasteful opinion can be criticised and ridiculed by those who find it distateful and ridiculous. common sense and decency usually wins in the end admittedly , some recent thread have shown some bizarre reasoning , but then again , what else can be expected from expats in thailand.

But, of course, we all know you're the exception, taxebille.


its what's called "a throwaway line"

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are strong opinions justified when e.g. they are clearly racist or unjustified derogatory? please read again what GuestHouse and i listed as examples. are these strong opinions?

What's racist & derogatory to one isn't to another.

May I introduce you to Charlie...

your posting (Nigerians and their luggage) hardly qualifies that one takes you serious. and no, you may not introduce anybody to me.

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