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Caned By Cop


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Caned by cop...Saturday 9:00pm

Alongside the chonburi expressway down on the access road going into bangkok right before srinakarin road, by the maxxis warehouse.

A group of 5 plain clothes cops, with one cop in uniform (6 total) hiding behind the footbridge which crosses over the expressway.

Flagged down by a 'plain clothes', so wasnt going to stop in a dark area with no one around, especially by someone dressed as a civilian...if it was a cop yeah i wouldve stopped, i was cruising at 60-80kph...wasnt speeding.

Right before this 'weird' roadblock, there was a police truck parked about 300 meters beforehand or afterwards, depending which way youre going...so they had to be working with each other...unmistakeably

Not sure but i think it was a drug shake down, this is the area i go to tune the bike (wide open roads no houses, but small shacks), and often run into smelling clouds of burning meth around here in random places.

The dude flagged me down and was waving a bamboo cane about 1.5 meters in length, hel_l no im not stopping, so i slowed down to creep mode ready to evade,just incase he decided to smack me or stick it in the front wheel...

He did, right down the middle of my back, was about to get off the bike before i saw the rest of the pigs walking towards me, thats when i had the sense to get the hel_l out of there...If i was strapped, it wouldve been ON, man...i was pissed off.

Yes,i thought about standing my ground , but that wouldve been the stupid thing to do especially when its 6 to 1, with 5 of those 'plain clothes' cops...and 1 cop in uniform hiding, not a very trustworthy scenario i tells ya!

They had already made their judgement before i even stopped.

So if you run into a mad pack of dogs waving a cane with a 'REAL' cop standing in the shadows, take the hit...it doesnt hurt and just feels like a thud, well until i woke up this morning...feels like someone punched me in the back.

im not going to report this incident, that would be useless...who am i going to tell, the cops???LOL...its obvious something dirty was going on here.

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Your story makes me want to buy one of those retractable steel batons that are sold on Sukhumvit.

I had one 'cop' take a swing at me as I ran a police checkpoint on Ratchadapisek, opposite the lake just past Sukhumvit one Sunday morning. I was going too fast to stop as he rushed out into my lane. He didn't make contact so I'm guessing it was just bluster.

Edited by RusticCharm
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... i didnt think he was going to make contact either, but by the time i saw the cane, i knew i was in position for a good hit...kinda like when a ball is coming at you , and you know its the perfect velocity and angle for a good kick.

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Thats a nasty thing, I just had a thai friend tell me about another very strange and alarming vehicle stop by the cops.......sounds like these guys were doing some unpaid overtime, just like in my friends story. You can never be too careful!

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I wonder if they were really cops. I know quite a few thais that are paid by the cops to act as 'backup' in situations where they.... well, where they need that sort of 'backup'. Consider just the caning a lucky get away.

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Recently read of a Thai rider who when he didnt stop at the officers demand the loss of face made the cop pull his gun and shot him.. Was hit in the leg..

The police then went round with the superior officer to the hospital to tell the lad to take 4k compo for being shot or what would happen to him !!

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"If I was strapped it would have been ON" ... eeek another Rambo!
In his defence, haven't we all at one time seen the red mist while riding and some <deleted> does something outrageous?

Have we all wished that we were gun toting rambos waiting for a chance to start shooting police? No

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jdinasia, i notice you hail from prawet district, same place im in... :o

if i was strapped, it doesnt mean id have to bust a cap in his ass...but i could slap him around without fear of his boys jumping in...get it?

edit: oops forgot they were cops...nevermind, i wouldnt have been slapping anyone around. lol

Edited by Vato
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"If I was strapped it would have been ON" ... eeek another Rambo!
In his defence, haven't we all at one time seen the red mist while riding and some <deleted> does something outrageous?

Yes, I have. However, shooting a cop--even a plain clothes one--is bad and will get you into serious trouble. In the U.S. they would plant enough evidence on you to make sure you do time. In Thailand, they won't bother. They probably would never find your body to begin with.

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Incredible indeed,

You showed good situational awareness and a cool head as something was not right,

Exercising restraint and being alert, make that wary, can keep a bad situation from turning into a terrible one.


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Whatever you say Rambo! You did mention shooting a cop ... and in the ass. But you do make me very happy that it is not legal in most instances for foreigners to own guns here!

i wouldnt mind shooting you right now. (with my middle finger, since i cant own a gun)

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edit: oops forgot they were cops...nevermind, i wouldnt have been slapping anyone around. lol

The rules that you learn about cops in the West do not apply in Thailand. One does not fuc_k with cops in the West, and one certainly does not fuc_k with the cops here. Thai cops do not care about rules. Cops in the West don't aks for bribes. In Thailand they do. Cops in the West don't shoot people without some ruckus being caused. Cops in Thailand will shoot you and hide your body. Furthermore, you are a Falang, which means that your life is especially worthless. Did you read about any of the posts on Thaivisa about extrajudicial killings? Where suspected drug dealers were rounded up and shot. No one found the bodies, and a whole bunch of people are listed as 'missing'. If you got away with a caning, consider yourself lucky. The other alternative endings are not as pleasant.

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I just returned from Taipei and while I was there I came upon a roadblock where the two policemen were looking for the usual motorcyclists without helmets. One cop was standing at a cone positioned in one lane as he was either motioning for traffic to pass in the open lane or motioning for them to pullover to the other cop who appeared to be writing tickets. Well just before our vehicle a young man who was not wearing a helmet came upon the cop in the middle of the closed lane. This young man, who was going to be motioned off to the side of the road to the awaiting cop for a ticket decided he wanted no part of the offense and tried to speed it up past the cop in the road in the open lane. Needless to say he didn't get too far. The cop grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket, yanked him viciously off his motorcycle while it slammed into the concrete median wall as one of his sandals went flying over the wall into oncoming traffic. It was kind of humorous to watch as the young man was being pinned to the road, face down with a knee in the middle of his back. And just to think, all for not having a helmet. I can just envision this occurring in LOS while four or five are on the scooter.... :o

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Your story makes me want to buy one of those retractable steel batons that are sold on Sukhumvit.

I had one 'cop' take a swing at me as I ran a police checkpoint on Ratchadapisek, opposite the lake just past Sukhumvit one Sunday morning. I was going too fast to stop as he rushed out into my lane. He didn't make contact so I'm guessing it was just bluster.

Get one of them! They cost about 300 baht or so and they are a brilliant defense against dogs and mad men etc. They are light and solid enough to bust heads man!

I'm not so sure I'd want to make an enemy of the cops though, that would mean you'd be pretty much self-exiled from a city for years before you could show your face again.

Vato, you sound like a fellow biking dude man.

All this jazz about the cops, jeez people make them out to be demi-gods or something. Too many folk on here act like sheep in Thailand sometimes. You ARE allowed to defend yourself you know!

It doesn't mean you have to act like Rambo, more like Capt Smith against the local natives :o

Edited by JimsKnight
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I just returned from Taipei and while I was there I came upon a roadblock where the two policemen were looking for the usual motorcyclists without helmets. One cop was standing at a cone positioned in one lane as he was either motioning for traffic to pass in the open lane or motioning for them to pullover to the other cop who appeared to be writing tickets. Well just before our vehicle a young man who was not wearing a helmet came upon the cop in the middle of the closed lane. This young man, who was going to be motioned off to the side of the road to the awaiting cop for a ticket decided he wanted no part of the offense and tried to speed it up past the cop in the road in the open lane. Needless to say he didn't get too far. The cop grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket, yanked him viciously off his motorcycle while it slammed into the concrete median wall as one of his sandals went flying over the wall into oncoming traffic. It was kind of humorous to watch as the young man was being pinned to the road, face down with a knee in the middle of his back. And just to think, all for not having a helmet. I can just envision this occurring in LOS while four or five are on the scooter.... :D

ahh the ole coathanger trick :o

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All this jazz about the cops, jeez people make them out to be demi-gods or something. Too many folk on here act like sheep in Thailand sometimes. You ARE allowed to defend yourself you know!

It doesn't mean you have to act like Rambo, more like Capt Smith against the local natives :o

Do you remember a shooting in Pai? Where a Canadian man was shot by a cop after arguing with his Canadian GF who was pregnant by a Thai man? You ever heard of the other stories where the cops just went out and shot someone? TIT.

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Wife and I were stopped twice last week. On the way up to Pai and on the way back. Nice polite guys really. They asked to see my license. I reach for my wallet and handed him my valid California license and all was well. I did have on board my insurance and proper motorbike license. I just need to do the right thing and get my Thai license.

No caining for us but I am sorry this happened to you. Not fun I am sure. Kind of on the strange side.

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The problem I see for the OP is that he was in riding in a dangerous area to begin with. If this is the streets of downtown Pattaya, or on Silom, you won't have that problem. If you go into a seedy area with a known meth problem to test out your bike, you may be aksing for problems with the cops. I stay in the main areas, and I have never heard nor seen any incidents of cops swiping bikers with canes. I was stopped off of the highway (I was riding where the cars are, not on the side streets). Cop just asked where i was going and let me off (didn't even need to show ID). I spoke English to him and I think he just let me off rather than dealing in speaking in English.

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